What is SaltKey in t-sql? - tsql

What is the purpose of saltkey in the t-sql. For example in aspdotnetstorefront databse there is a table name customer, we encrypt/decrypt password then there is another field called SaltKey, what is the purpose of it?

Your question is vague, but I think you are looking for information about a salt, which is a cryptographic concept and not a relational database one. From Wikipedia:
The benefit provided by using a salted password is making a lookup
table assisted dictionary attack against the stored values
impractical, provided the salt is large enough. That is, an attacker
would not be able to create a precomputed lookup table (i.e. a rainbow
table) of hashed values (password + salt), because it would take too
much space. A simple dictionary attack is still very possible,
although much slower since it cannot be precomputed.

See here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salt_%28cryptography%29 it has to do with encryption and not T-SQL

better look http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salt_%28cryptography%29

see here http://crackstation.net/hashing-security.html
this will help you out to find what is salt..


SALT Hash Passwords in Visual Studio

I know there are many questions on SALT and hashing passwords, but I have yet to find a tutorial to walk me through this in VS using the MVC pattern.
I currently have a DB created with a user table containing three columns:
userID(PK, int, not null)
password(varchar(45), not null)
loginID(varchar(8), null)
The password is saved as a visible string in the DB. After researching the issue, I assume password is easiest as binary instead of varchar. Does anyone know of a good tutorial to implement hashing and SALT into my program? One that clearly defines this in terms of the MVC pattern is preferred.
MVC doesn't have anything to do with salting your passwords, although someone might point to the proper libraries that might be used with your tech stack.
Salting involves using a specific sequence, and appending that to the end of user passwords, and then hashing that data.
The reason this is done is because a hash algorithm applies on a well known string is easily reversible. A person could, for example, use well known hash algorithms against a whole dictionary, and compare to user passwords to determine what it was hashed from. While a good hash function is a one way function (aka can't find the input based on the output), if you had a dictionary to map you could easily do it for well known strings/ string combinations.
For example, the password password has a well known hash. When you attach a random sequence to the end (or start) and then hash that, it's a significantly less common hash as a result, and then it's significantly harder to reverse.
Sorry for not having the specific technologies related, but I wanted to communicate the general higher level concept of it since the over-focus on the technologies loses the bigger picture.

Best Practices for Encryption

I have some sensitive information in a MongoDB collection which needs to be encrypted and decrypted. Only one section needs to be encrypted, so I could use the other values as a form of entropy. I have two ideas:
Generate a pseudorandom key from the other keys in the document, and have each document use a different key
Use one key for all the databases
I feel like the former would be more secure, but what would be a good way of making the pseudorandom generator?
If the first is a poor idea, what would be the best way to store the key for the databases?

How to search an encrypted attribute?

I have a sensitive attribute that must be encrypted at all times except during display (not my rule and I think it's overkill, but I must follow this rule). Additionally, the secret used to encrypt/decrypt this data must not be on or accessible through the database. So currently I have a session for the user that stores their encrypted password and decrypts this data when needed. However, now I need to find records by the encrypted attribute. I currently utilize ActiveSupport::MessageEncryptor for encryption/decryption of the attribute. Here's the direction I think I should go to accomplish this:
decryptor = ActiveSupport::MessageEncryptor.new(encrypted_password)
Family.where("decryptor.decrypt_and_verify(name) == ?", some_search_name)
Obviously the first side of that condition does not work as-is, but I need some way to do that. Any ideas?
Quick Primer to Passwords in the DB
This goes to show that encryption in the database is hard, and that you shouldn't do it unless you have thought carefully through your threat model and understand what all the tradeoffs are. To be honest, I have serious doubts that an ORM can ever give you the security you need where you need encryption (for important knowledge reasons), and on PostgreSQL, it is particularly hard because of the possibility of key disclosure in the log files. In general you really need to properly protect both encrypted and plain text with regard to passwords, so you really don't want a relational interface here but a functional one, with a query running under a totally different set of permissions.
Now, I can't tell in your example whether you are trying to protect passwords, but if you are, that's entirely the wrong way to go about it. My example below is going to use MD5. Now I am aware that MD5 is frowned upon by the crypto community because of the relatively short output, but it has the advantage in this case of not requiring pg_crypto to support and being likely stronger than attacking the password directly (in the context of short password strings, it is likely "good enough" particularly when combined with other measures).
Now what you want to do is this: you want to salt the password, then hash it, and then search the hashed value. The most performant way to do this would be to have a users table which does not include the password, but does include the salt, and a shadow table which includes the hashed password but not the user-accessible data. The shadow table would be restricted to its owner and that owner would have access to the user table too.
Then you could write a function like this:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_userid_by_password(in_username text, in_password text)
SELECT user_id
FROM shadow
JOIN users ON users.id = shadow.user_id
WHERE users.username = $1 AND shadow.hashed_password = md5(users.salt || $2);
ALTER FUNCTION get_userid_by_password(text, text) OWNER TO shadow_owner;
You would then have to drop to SQL to run this function (don't go through your ORM). However you could index shadow.hashed_password and have it work with an index here (because the matching hash could be generated before scanning the table), and you are reasonably protected against SQL injections giving away the password hashes. You still have to make sure that logging will not be generally enabled of these queries and there are a host of other things to consider, but it gives you an idea of how best to manage passwords per se. Alternatively in your ORM you could do something that would have a resulting SQL query like:
SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = get_userid_by_password($username, $password)
(The above is pseudocode and intended only for illustration purposes. If you use a raw query like that assembled as a text string you are asking for SQL injection.)
What if it isn't a password?
If you need reversible encryption, then you need to go further. Note that in the example above, the index could be used because I was searching merely for an equality on the encrypted data. Searching for an unencrypted data means that indexes are not usable. If you index the unencrypted data then why are you encrypting it in the first place? Also decryption does place burdens on the processor so it will be slow.
In all cases you need to carefully think through your threat model and ask how other vulnerabilities could make your passwords less secure.

Using a hash of data as a salt

I was wondering - is there any disadvantages in using the hash of something as a salt of itself?
E.g. hashAlgorithm(data + hashAlgorithm(data))
This prevents the usage of lookup tables, and does not require the storage of a salt in the database. If the attacker does not have access to the source code, he would not be able to obtain the algorithm, which would make brute-forcing significantly harder.
Thoughts? (I have a gut feeling that this is bad - but I wanted to check if it really is, and if so, why.)
If the attacker does not have access to the source code
This is called "security through obscurity", which is always considered bad. An inherently safe method is always better, even if the only difference lies in the fact that you don't feel save "because they don't know how". Someone can and will always find the algorithm -- through careful analysis, trial-and-error, or because they found the source by SSH-ing to your shared hosting service, or any of a hundred other methods.
Using a hash of the data as salt for the data is not secure.
The purpose of salt is to produce unpredictable results from inputs that are otherwise the same. For example, even if many users select the same input (as a password, for example), after applying a good salt, you (or an attacker) won't be able to tell.
When the salt is a function of the data, an attacker can pre-compute a lookup table, because the salt for every password is predictable.
The best salts are chosen from a cryptographic pseudo-random number generator initialized with a random seed. If you really cannot store an extra salt, consider using something that varies per user (like a user name), together with something application specific (like a domain name). This isn't as good as a random salt, but it isn't fatally flawed.
Remember, a salt doesn't need to be secret, but it cannot be a function of the data being salted.
This offers no improvement over just hashing. Use a randomly generated salt.
The point of salting is to make it so two chronologically distinct values' hashes differ, and by so doing breaks pre-calculated lookup tables.
data = "test"
hash = hash("test"+hash("test"))
Hash will be constant whenever data = "test". Thus, if the attacker has the algorithm (and the attacker always has the algorithm) they can pre-calculate hash values for a dictionary of data entries.
This is not salt - you have just modified the hash function. Instead of using lookup table for the original hashAlgorithm, attacker can just get the table for your modified one; this does not prevent the usage of lookup tables.
It is always better to use true random data as salt. Imagine an implementation where the username ist taken as salt value. This would lead to reduced security for common names like "root" or "admin".
I you don't want to create and manage a salt value for each hash, you could use a strong application wide salt. In most cases this would be absolutely sufficient and many other things would be more vulnerable than the hashes.

Salting Your Password: Best Practices? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I've always been curious... Which is better when salting a password for hashing: prefix, or postfix? Why? Or does it matter, so long as you salt?
To explain: We all (hopefully) know by now that we should salt a password before we hash it for storage in the database [Edit: So you can avoid things like what happened to Jeff Atwood recently]. Typically this is done by concatenating the salt with the password before passing it through the hashing algorithm. But the examples vary... Some examples prepend the salt before the password. Some examples add the salt after the password. I've even seen some that try to put the salt in the middle.
So which is the better method, and why? Is there a method that decreases the chance of a hash collision? My Googling hasn't turned up a decent analysis on the subject.
Edit: Great answers folks! I'm sorry I could only pick one answer. :)
Prefix or suffix is irrelevant, it's only about adding some entropy and length to the password.
You should consider those three things:
The salt has to be different for every password you store. (This is quite a common misunderstanding.)
Use a cryptographically secure random number generator.
Choose a long enough salt. Think about the birthday problem.
There's an excellent answer by Dave Sherohman to another question why you should use randomly generated salts instead of a user's name (or other personal data). If you follow those suggestions, it really doesn't matter where you put your salt in.
I think it's all semantics. Putting it before or after doesn't matter except against a very specific threat model.
The fact that it's there is supposed to defeat rainbow tables.
The threat model I alluded to would be the scenario where the adversary can have rainbow tables of common salts appended/prepended to the password. (Say the NSA) You're guessing they either have it appended or prepended but not both. That's silly, and it's a poor guess.
It'd be better to assume that they have the capacity to store these rainbow tables, but not, say, tables with strange salts interspersed in the middle of the password. In that narrow case, I would conjecture that interspersed would be best.
Like I said. It's semantics. Pick a different salt per password, a long salt, and include odd characters in it like symbols and ASCII codes: ©¤¡
The real answer, which nobody seems to have touched upon, is that both are wrong. If you are implementing your own crypto, no matter how trivial a part you think you're doing, you are going to make mistakes.
HMAC is a better approach, but even then if you're using something like SHA-1, you've already picked an algorithm which is unsuitable for password hashing due to its design for speed. Use something like bcrypt or possibly scrypt and take the problem out of your hands entirely.
Oh, and don't even think about comparing the resulting hashes for equality with with your programming language or database string comparison utilities. Those compare character by character and short-circuit as false if a character differs. So now attackers can use statistical methods to try and work out what the hash is, a character at a time.
It shouldn't make any difference. The hash will be no more easily guessable wherever you put the salt. Hash collisions are both rare and unpredictable, by virtue of being intentionally non-linear. If it made a difference to the security, that would suggest a problem with the hashing, not the salting.
If using a cryptographically secure hash, it shouldn't matter whether you pre- or postfix; a point of hashing is that a single bit change in the source data (no matter where) should produce a different hash.
What is important, though, is using long salts, generating them with a proper cryptographic PRNG, and having per-user salts. Storing the per-user salts in your database is not a security issue, using a site-wide hash is.
First of all, the term "rainbow table" is consistently misused. A "rainbow" table is just a particular kind of lookup table, one that allows a particular kind of data compression on the keys. By trading computation for space, a lookup table that would take 1000 TB can be compressed a thousand times so that it can be stored on a smaller drive drive.
You should be worried about hash to password lookup tables, rainbow or otherwise.
The attacker has 'rainbow tables' consisting not of the hashes of dictionary words, but of the state of the hash computation just before finalising the hash calculation.
It could then be cheaper to brute-force a password file entry with postfix salt than prefix salt: for each dictionary word in turn you would load the state, add the salt bytes into the hash, and then finalise it. With prefixed salt there would be nothing in common between the calculations for each dictionary word.
For a simple hash function that scans linearly through the input string, such as a simple linear congruential generator, this is a practical attack. But a cryptographically secure hash function is deliberately designed to have multiple rounds, each of which uses all the bits of the input string, so that computing the internal state just prior to the addition of the salt is not meaningful after the first round. For example, SHA-1 has 80 rounds.
Moreover password hashing algorithms like PBKDF compose their hash function multiple times (it is recommended to iterate PBKDF-2 a minimum of 1000 times, each iteration applying SHA-1 twice) making this attack doubly impractical.
BCrypt hash if the platform has a provider. I love how you don't worry about creating the salts and you can make them even stronger if you want.
Inserting the salt an arbitrary number of characters into the password is the least expected case, and therefore the most "secure" socially, but it's really not very significant in the general case as long as you're using long, unique-per-password strings for salts.