GWT and ReflectionToStringBuilder.toString() - gwt

I have a problem with the GWT compiler. When I add a next method to my entity class:
public String toString() {
return ReflectionToStringBuilder.toString(this, ToStringStyle.SHORT_PREFIX_STYLE);
the compiler gave me next error:
ERROR: Deferred binding failed for 'com.mvp4g.client.Mvp4gModule'; expect subsequent failures
ERROR: Unable to load module entry point class plaut.wimc.avl.admin.client.Admin (see associated exception for details)
java.lang.RuntimeException: Deferred binding failed for 'com.mvp4g.client.Mvp4gModule' (did you forget to inherit a required module?)
When I remove it, all works fine. I don't understand why gave me compiler such error. This toString method is used in roo IDT's too and there is no such error.

All Java code used in the client side needs to be able to compile to JavaScript. ReflectionToStringBuilder uses reflection which isn't available in JavaScript so this method can't be used in your client side code.
This compile error refers to the fact that all Java code must be accessed by the GWT copmiler via path parameters in GWT module files and must be available in source format. In this case no GWT module file is present, hence the error, because the compiler can't find the sources for the ReflectionToStringBuilder method. Although you can create such a file for this specific case and add the sources, it won't work as reflection won't work.

Looks like the problem is with ReflectionToStringBuilder. Is it a GWT module? If yes, then it needs to be added an inherited module in your project's *.gwt.xml


Error: #inject called with undefined (...)

This is not the first time I work with Inversify, but never had a problem like such. Currently what I have in my project is just a bunch of decorated (properly, constructor injections) services, therefore I assume it's failing on building the metadata.
I'm getting Error: #inject called with undefined this could mean that the class X has a circular dependency problem. You can use a LazyServiceIdentifer to overcome this limitation. whenever I start the application (bear in mind - I don't have a container yet).
Following the "circular dependency problem" part I built a dependency graph using dependency-graph package and it shows no circular dependencies in my project, it also managed to properly generate registration order.
I'm wondering if there's any way to avoid using LazyServiceIdentifier everywhere in the project?
Additionaly I'm trying to understand how is it even possible for this error to occur when using constructor injection (and having no circular dependencies of course)?

GWT Hosted Mode RPC Serialization file with bad class definition causes IncompatibleRemoteServiceException

I have a GWT project in Eclipse that throws a when using hosted mode because the code server RPC file hashcode does not match the server RPC file hashcode.
I've tracked this down to a couple classes that implement These classes appear to be included in the code server generated RPC file incorrectly. Additionally, the class names appear mangled.
For example, instead of com.acme.beans.MyBean the class is referenced as com.acme.beans.BeanModel_com_acme_beans_MyBean.
I suspect this has something to do with the class path for my debug target incorrectly including some jar, src dir, or other project incorrectly, but I don't have good feel for how to debug this further.
GXT 2 (current is 3, 4 should beta soonish) had a feature where it could generate BaseModelData types based on a java bean or pojo, allowing for reflection-like features that GXT 2 used to render templates and grid cells (GXT 3 has compile-time features that work out that property access instead). The BeanModels are not meant to be sent over the wire - instead, you should be sending your original MyBean over the wire.
This generated BeanModel instance is designed to wrap the original MyBean, and is only available to the client code. To pass back to the server again, unwrap the bean - use getBean() to get the underlying pojo.

No source code is available for type in GWT (abstract class)

I have a business object (called Expense) that I am trying to use in my GWT application. I have it imported in the class, but when I compile, I get the following error:
[ERROR] Line 67: No source code is available for type; did you forget to inherit a required module?
Is there anything special that I have to do (addition to gwt.xml?) to use it?
I dont' know how your Expense class looks like, but you can't use either Gson or SimpleDateFormat in GWT code. See the JRE emulation list of the only available types. You have to use both on the server. You can use DateTimeFormat on client/shared sides.
I'm assuming you have already added as a translatable package (i.e., using source-path in your XML module).
Apparently I cannot use the gson library, nor the SimpleDateFormat class with gwt?

How can I use JDT compiler programmatically?

I use JDT to compile my java classes. BatchCompiler returns a string but I need an array of problems/errors with their column and row information. compiler.compile(units); prints the error to its printwriter, compiler.resolve(unit) does exactly what I want but it can compile only one java file.
I created a compiler object in this way:
Compiler compiler = new Compiler(env, DefaultErrorHandlingPolicies.exitAfterAllProblems(), new CompilerOptions(), requestor, new DefaultProblemFactory());
And create CompilationUnits that contains filenames and file contents to the compiler.
CompilationUnit[] units = project.toCompilationUnit();
AFAIK, there are 2 ways to compile, one of them is compile(units) method that returns void and prints errors and problems to its PrintWriter, because it doesn't return column information it's not useful for me. The other way is resolve(unit) method but it can work with only one CompilationUnit.
compiler.resolve(units[index], true, true, true);
Does anyone know how I can use JDT compiler programmatically to compile multiple files?
org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.Compiler is internal API. According to the JavaDoc of its resolve method: Internal API used to resolve a given compilation unit. Can run a subset of the compilation process.
Instead, the official way of compiling Java files and determining the compilation problems is described here. Basically, you create a Java project and invoke Eclipse's builder on it, then query the project's Java problem markers.

GWTTestcase accessing javascript object defined in an external javascript file fails

I have defined a GWT module that includes an external javascript file using tag. I have written a GWTTestCase that returns the above described module's name. When my testcase accesses a javascript object I see the following exception
Caused by: (null): null
Any idea on how to fix this?
Am I right in assuming that the scripts included in the gwt module definition file will be available when executing the GWTTestCase?
I have fixed it myself. Apparently, when accessing such objects it should be referenced using $wnd variable.
Example: test.js defined object test. In order to access it from GWT one should use, $wnd.test
Hope this answers saves somebody else' time.