CRM 2011 Async Post Update Plugin - plugins

I have an Aynchronous Post-Operation plugin runs on an Update step. Now my challange is to find original values for the fields that the user is updating. Since it is post-operation step, is it possible to find the previous value fields that were updated?

Yes. Register a preimage snapshot of your entity against the step in your plugin.
Pre and Post Entity Images


How to clear RadDataForm or individual fields in RadDataForm in NativeScript

I am attempting to clear or update the RadDataForm fields in NativeScript after having submitted the form contents to a backend server. Unfortunately, I do not see a straightforward way to do this in the documentation or from different questions that people have asked on this site.
I have attempted to:
1) update the referenced object contents
2) update the referenced object contents and call the reload() method
3) access the EntityProperty value and modify it directly
but have had no success.
How can this be done?
Updating form by modifying the source property is still a open feature request. The workaround is to replace the source object with updated values as discussed in the same issue.

CRM 2016-Plugin Registring New Step

I am very new to MSCRM, so requesting for help. I am using Office365, i.e. MSCRM online organisation.
Here, I have written a plugin which should be fired when, in an Account entity, user uploads his image, the plugin stores the image as an attachment, in notes.
The plugin works fine, when I tested it by writing a console application.
I have registered the plugin and believe it will work fine here too. The only problem is I am unable to register the plugin new step.
The problem is in Filtering Attributes , I am unable to get entityimage attribute, even if i select/check All attributes.
Please suggest how should I proceed.
In this scenario you can write plugin on "Create" message of "Annotation" entity. And create message does not have any filtered attributes.
As you wrote and tested using Console Application, while converting it to plugin make sure that you are checking created note contains data into "FileName" and "DocumentBody" attribute. Along with you can also check whether this note is created against "Account" entity. This two conditions will narrow your scope, limited to notes created against account having some attachment. In plugin execution context you'll get above mentioned attributes.

Opshub migration failures

I'm migrating a large amount of projects from a on premise tfs2010 to vso, nearly all of them was able to migrate without any problems, but a few are creating errors. I am using Opshub Integration Manager Framework-OVSMU-V1.2.0.000.
OH-TFS-Connector-0054: Test Step Id cannot be empty and It must be a valid number. Please check the Mapping and add valid mapping for the Test Step Id.
The most common error. This error is also described in opshub-visual-studio-online-migration-utility-test-cases-failing, but has yet to receive an accepted answer. As mentioned in this post the cause if the problem might be Shared Steps, so I tried removing one from a test case, and that made it pass in the migration utility. Unfortunately I need those test cases and it is not feasible for me to just delete them.
OH-TFS-Connector-0051: Operation failed getCollectionMetaData. Server Error : TF201063: Adding a Test Case link to work item 18374 would result in a circular relationship. To create this link, evaluate the existing links, and remove one of the other links in the cycle.
After inspecting the Work Items that causes the error and concluding that there is no links, and no clear circular reference, not even a Shared Step linking to work item 18374. Upon further inspection I noticed that work item 18374 doesn't even exist.
Any help would be much appreciated.
OH-TFS-Connector-0054: Test Step Id cannot be empty and It must be a valid number. Please check the Mapping and add valid mapping for the Test Step Id.
This issue is addressed in latest release of OVSMU ( You can download from
OH-TFS-Connector-0051: Operation failed getCollectionMetaData. Server Error : TF201063: Adding a Test Case link to work item 18374 would result in a circular relationship.
This issue is scheduled for next release which will be out shortly. Check Visual Studio Gallery for further updates.

Entity Framework - Update database manually

I am new to entity framework and using EF 6.1.1... using code first approach i have generated the database..
When i run my application from Visual Studio in my local machine..
and update a record from my application.. it immediately reflects in ui immediately..
but if i update the records in database manually.. then the changes are not reflected immediately in ui.. i need to rebuild the solution to and run it again to bring the updated data to ui..
Just need to know if this is how entity framework works?? if yes, is there a way to make the ui to sync with database even for manual updates without rebuilding the solution..
Please let me know if you need any other information..

doctrine2: explicitly fetching without cache

I use doctrine2.2.2 with Zend Framework1 and am currently working on an editing tool.
A user clicks a link to move someting "up" in the list, my action does its work, changes are made to teh database, i redirect but then the result, newly fetched from the database is still the old version.
I would figure it has to do with cache since i am not temporarily storing the object in the session or anything.
So the Question is: Is there a way to fetch something and tell Doctrine, not to use the cache for this specific request? Or is there a possibility to delete certain cache entries?
Yep, take a look at .
There is a query api to enable, disable, ... result cache for example, individuallty on each query; or globally.