Passing GPUArray to feval - matlab

I have the following kernel
__global__ void func( float * arr, int N ) {
int rtid = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
if( rtid < N )
float* row = (float*)((char*)arr + rtid*N*sizeof(float) );
for (int c = 1; c < N; ++c)
When I call the kernel from MATLAB using
gtm= parallel.gpu.GPUArray(ones(a,b,'double'));
OR gtm= parallel.gpu.GPUArray(ones(1,b,'double'));
it is giving the following error:
Error using ==> feval
parallel.gpu.GPUArray must match the exact input type as specified on the kernel
Error in ==> sameInit at 65 gtm=k.feval(gtm,b);
Can someone please tell me where am I going wrong.
Thanking You,
Viharri P L V.

The kernel object "k" that is being created in MATLAB have the following structure:
MaxNumLHSArguments: 1
NumRHSArguments: 2
ArgumentTypes: {'inout single' 'in int32 scalar'}
with the above mentioned CUDA kernel prototype i.e.,
__global__ void func( float * arr, int N )
So, there was an mismatch error. We need to either change the prototype of the CUDA kernel to
__global__ void func( double * arr, int N )
or create the MATLAB array with 'single' type.
gtm= parallel.gpu.GPUArray(ones(a,b,'single'));


How to emulate *really simple* variable bit shifts with SSE?

I have two variable bit-shifting code fragments that I want to SSE-vectorize by some means:
1) a = 1 << b (where b = 0..7 exactly), i.e. 0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7 -> 1/2/4/8/16/32/64/128/256
2) a = 1 << (8 * b) (where b = 0..7 exactly), i.e. 0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7 -> 1/0x100/0x10000/etc
OK, I know that AMD's XOP VPSHLQ would do this, as would AVX2's VPSHLQ. But my challenge here is whether this can be achieved on 'normal' (i.e. up to SSE4.2) SSE.
So, is there some funky SSE-family opcode sequence that will achieve the effect of either of these code fragments? These only need yield the listed output values for the specific input values (0-7).
Update: here's my attempt at 1), based on Peter Cordes' suggestion of using the floating point exponent to do simple variable bitshifting:
#include <stdint.h>
typedef union
int32_t i;
float f;
} uSpec;
void do_pow2(uint64_t *in_array, uint64_t *out_array, int num_loops)
uSpec u;
for (int i=0; i<num_loops; i++)
int32_t x = *(int32_t *)&in_array[i];
u.i = (127 + x) << 23;
int32_t r = (int32_t) u.f;
out_array[i] = r;

QR factorization from lapack subroutine dgeqrf not working in C

I want to find diagonal elements of R matrix obtained from QR-decomposition of A matrix as A=QR using lapack. I tried lapack dgeqrf subroutine but it is giving back the same matrix A i.e. input and output matrices are same. How to find R matrix and its diagonals ? I can't figure out what is going wrong with this code. I am programming in C.
void dgeqrf_(int *rows, int *cols, double *matA, int *LDA, double *TAU, double *WORK, int *LWORK, int *INFO);
int main()
int rows=3;
int cols=3;
double *matA=malloc(sizeof(double)*rows*cols);
for(int i=0; i<rows*cols; i++)
printf("%f ",matA[i]);
int LDA=rows;
int INFO;
double *WORK=malloc(sizeof(double)*2);
int LWORK=-1;
int rowcolmin=rows;
double *TAU=malloc(sizeof(double)*rowcolmin);
dgeqrf_(&rows, &cols, matA, &LDA, TAU, WORK, &LWORK, &INFO);
for(int i=0; i<rows*cols; i++)
printf("%f ",matA[i]);
return 0;
The matrix matA is not modified because LAPACK's dgeqrf() is called using a value of -1 for the argument LWORK. This correspond to a workspace query:
If LWORK = -1, then a workspace query is assumed; the routine
only calculates the optimal size of the WORK array, returns
this value as the first entry of the WORK array, and no error
message related to LWORK is issued by XERBLA.
Indeed, the usual way to use dgeqrf() and many other routines from LAPACK is to call them twice: once for the workspace query and once for the actual computation of the result. For instance, the C interface to LAPACK wraps dgeqrf() in lapacke__dgeqrf(), which calls lapacke__dgeqrf_work() twice for this very reason.
Here is how your code could be modified:
void dgeqrf_(int *rows, int *cols, double *matA, int *LDA, double *TAU, double *WORK, int *LWORK, int *INFO);
int main()
int i;
int rows=3;
int cols=3;
double *matA=malloc(sizeof(double)*rows*cols);
for(i=0; i<rows*cols; i++)
printf("%f ",matA[i]);
int LDA=rows;
int INFO;
int rowcolmin=rows;
double *TAU=malloc(sizeof(double)*rowcolmin);
int LWORK=-1;
// since the value of LWORK is -1, this is a workspace query.
// it only return the optimum size of work in work[0].
double lwork2;
dgeqrf_(&rows, &cols, matA, &LDA, TAU, &lwork2, &LWORK, &INFO);
// allocate work using the optimal size
int lwork3=(int)lwork2;
double *WORK=malloc(sizeof(double)*lwork3);
// perform the QR factorization
dgeqrf_(&rows, &cols, matA, &LDA, TAU, WORK, &lwork3, &INFO);
if(INFO !=0){fprintf(stderr,"QR factorization failed, error code %d\n",INFO);exit(1);}
for(i=0; i<rows*cols; i++)
printf("%f ",matA[i]);
// for instance, the determinant is...
// det of R
double det=1;
for (i=0;i<cols;i++){
// det of Q, Householder algorithm
printf("det is %g\n",det);
return 0;
It is compiled by gcc main.c -o main -llapack -lblas -lm.
Given the question you asked, entitled compute determinant from LU decomposition in lapack , the computation of the determinant is added at the end of the code. The matrix matA is now a Vandermonde matrix, so as to easily check the correctness of the result.

Matlab calling C function using mex

First of all, I never tried to call C code in a Matlab program - so it might just be a stupid mistake which I just can't figure out.
The C function is the following one and can be found on here, it is called durlevML.c and is part of the ARFIMA(p,d,q) estimator suite:
#include "mex.h"
#include "matrix.h"
#define square(p) ((p)*(p))
#define inv(q) (1/(q))
/* Durbin-Levinson algorithm for linear stationary AR(FI)MA(p,d,q) processes
Slightly altered for the maximum likelihood estimation
(C) György Inzelt 2011 */
void levinson_recur1(double* v,double* L, int N, double* gammas,int step)
int i,k;
*(v + step) = *(gammas + step);
*(L + step) = 1;
for(k = step+1;k < N;++k)
*(L + k) = 0;
else if(step > 0 && step < N)
*(L + step*N ) = (-1.00)* *(gammas + step);
if(step > 1)
for(i = 1;i < step ;++i)
*(L + step*N) -= *(L + (step-1)*N + (step -1) - i ) * *(gammas + step - i) ;
*(L +step*N) *= inv( *(v + step-1) );
*(v + step) = *(v + step-1)*(1- square( *(L + step*N) ));
for(i =1; i < step; ++i)
*(L + step*N + step - i) = *(L + (step-1)*N + (step -1) - i) + *(L + step*N ) * *(L + (step-1)*N + i -1 ) ;
//filling L with zeros and ones
*(L + step*N + step ) = 1;
if(step != N-1)
for(k = step*N +step+1 ;k < step*N + N ;++k)
*(L + k) =0;
if(step < N-1)
/* The gateway function */
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
int step=0;
int N;
double *gammas,*v,*L;
// getting the autocovariances
gammas = mxGetPr(prhs[0]);
N = mxGetM(prhs[0]);
// v
plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0,0,mxREAL);
mxSetData(plhs[0], mxMalloc(sizeof(double)*N*1));
// L
plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0,0,mxREAL);
mxSetData(plhs[1], mxMalloc(sizeof(double)*square(N)*1));
v = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);
L = mxGetPr(plhs[1]);
levinson_recur1(v, L, N,gammas,step);
I have two problems now, the first one I already solved:
I got the following warning
Warning: You are using gcc version "4.6.3-1ubuntu5)". The version
currently supported with MEX is "4.4.6".
For a list of currently supported compilers see:
mex: durlevML.c not a normal file or does not exist.
but following the solution by changing the corresponding entries and installing the gcc-4.4 the warning disappeared, but the second actual problem still persists, although I don't get any warning any longer I still get the error
mex: durlevML.c not a normal file or does not exist.
What can be the possible reason for this?
I am using
ubuntu 12.04
Matlab 2012b
gcc-4.6 but was able to bring Matlab to use gcc-4.4
The problem occurred while running the function arfima_test.m which calls the durlevML.c function, the relevant (I guess) part of this is
% compiling the C/MEX file
c = input('Would you like to compile the MEX source? (1/0)');
switch c
mex durlevML.c
My thanks go to Ander Biguri due to his the comment!
The solution was indeed very easy, the problem was that the C file durlevML.c was not properly linked, so the compiler couldn't find anything. So I had to add some information in arfima_test.m in the following way
mex durlevML.c <---------------- needs to be linked /home/....
The C code itself was alright with one smaller issue. My compiler - I used gcc-4.4 due to Matlab incompatibilities with newer ones - didn't recognize the comments // and always produced errors, so I had to change them to the long comment format /**/ which finally worked.
Besides this everything worked, as far as I can tell!

cula use of culaSgels - wrong argument?

I am trying to use the culaSgels function in order to solve Ax=B.
I modified the systemSolve example of the cula package.
void culaFloatExample()
int N=2;
int NRHS = 2;
int i,j;
double cula_time,start_time,end_time;
culaStatus status;
culaFloat* A = NULL;
culaFloat* B = NULL;
culaFloat* X = NULL;
culaFloat one = 1.0f;
culaFloat thresh = 1e-6f;
culaFloat diff;
printf("Allocating Matrices\n");
A = (culaFloat*)malloc(N*N*sizeof(culaFloat));
B = (culaFloat*)malloc(N*N*sizeof(culaFloat));
X = (culaFloat*)malloc(N*N*sizeof(culaFloat));
if(!A || !B )
printf("Initializing CULA\n");
status = culaInitialize();
// Set A
// Set B
printf("Calling culaSgels\n");
// Run CULA's version
start_time = getHighResolutionTime();
status = culaSgels('N',N,N, NRHS, A, N, A, N);
end_time = getHighResolutionTime();
cula_time = end_time - start_time;
printf("Verifying Result\n");
for(i = 0; i < N; ++i){
for (j=0;j<N;j++)
diff = X[i+j*N] - B[i+j*N];
if(diff < 0.0f)
diff = -diff;
if(diff > thresh)
printf("\nResult check failed: X[%d]=%f B[%d]=%f\n", i, X[i+j*N],i, B[i+j*N]);
printf("\nResults:X= %f \t B= %f:\n",X[i+j*N],B[i+j*N]);
printf("Shutting down CULA\n\n");
I am using culaSgels('N',N,N, NRHS, A, N, A, N); to solve the system but :
1) The results show me that every element of X=0 , but B is right.
Also , it shows me the
Result check failed message
2) Studying the reference manual ,it says that one argument before the last argument (the A I have) ,should be the matrix B stored columnwised,but if I use "B" instead of "A" as parameter ,then I am not getting the correct B matrix.
Ok,code needs 3 things to work.
1) Change A to B ,so culaSgels('N',N,N, NRHS, A, N, B, N);
(I misunderstood that at exit B contains the solution)
2) Because CULA uses column major change A,B matrices accordingly.
3) Change to :
B = (culaFloat*)malloc(N*NRHS*sizeof(culaFloat));
X = (culaFloat*)malloc(N*NRHS*sizeof(culaFloat));
(use NHRS and not N which is the same in this example)

FFTW with MEX and MATLAB argument issues

I wrote the following C/MEX code using the FFTW library to control the number of threads used for a FFT computation from MATLAB. The code works great (complex FFT forward and backward) with the FFTW_ESTIMATE argument in the planner although it is slower than MATLAB. But, when I switch to the FFTW_MEASURE argument to tune up the FFTW planner, it turns out that applying one FFT forward and then one FFT backward does not return the initial image. Instead, the image is scaled by a factor. Using FFTW_PATIENT gives me an even worse result with null matrices.
My code is as follows:
Matlab functions:
FFT forward:
function Y = fftNmx(X,NumCPU)
if nargin < 2
NumCPU = maxNumCompThreads;
disp('Warning: Use the max maxNumCompThreads');
Y = FFTN_mx(X,NumCPU)./numel(X);
FFT backward:
function Y = ifftNmx(X,NumCPU)
if nargin < 2
NumCPU = maxNumCompThreads;
disp('Warning: Use the max maxNumCompThreads');
Y = iFFTN_mx(X,NumCPU);
Mex functions:
FFT forward:
# include <string.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <mex.h>
# include <matrix.h>
# include <math.h>
# include </home/nicolas/Code/C/lib/include/fftw3.h>
char *Wisfile = NULL;
char *Wistemplate = "%s/.fftwis";
#define WISLEN 8
void set_wisfile(void)
char *home;
if (Wisfile) return;
home = getenv("HOME");
Wisfile = (char *)malloc(strlen(home) + WISLEN + 1);
sprintf(Wisfile, Wistemplate, home);
fftw_plan CreatePlan(int NumDims, int N[], double *XReal, double *XImag, double *YReal, double *YImag)
fftw_plan Plan;
fftw_iodim Dim[NumDims];
int k, NumEl;
FILE *wisdom;
for(k = 0, NumEl = 1; k < NumDims; k++)
Dim[NumDims - k - 1].n = N[k];
Dim[NumDims - k - 1].is = Dim[NumDims - k - 1].os = (k == 0) ? 1 : (N[k-1] * Dim[NumDims-k].is);
NumEl *= N[k];
/* Import the wisdom. */
wisdom = fopen(Wisfile, "r");
if (wisdom) {
if(!(Plan = fftw_plan_guru_split_dft(NumDims, Dim, 0, NULL, XReal, XImag, YReal, YImag, FFTW_MEASURE *(or FFTW_ESTIMATE respectively)* )))
mexErrMsgTxt("FFTW3 failed to create plan.");
/* Save the wisdom. */
wisdom = fopen(Wisfile, "w");
if (wisdom) {
return Plan;
void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[] )
#define B_OUT plhs[0]
int k, numCPU, NumDims;
const mwSize *N;
double *pr, *pi, *pr2, *pi2;
static long MatLeng = 0;
fftw_iodim Dim[NumDims];
fftw_plan PlanForward;
int NumEl = 1;
int *N2;
if (nrhs != 2) {
mexErrMsgIdAndTxt( "MATLAB:FFT2mx:invalidNumInputs",
"Two input argument required.");
if (!mxIsDouble(prhs[0])) {
mexErrMsgIdAndTxt( "MATLAB:FFT2mx:invalidNumInputs",
"Array must be double");
numCPU = (int) mxGetScalar(prhs[1]);
if (numCPU > 8) {
mexErrMsgIdAndTxt( "MATLAB:FFT2mx:invalidNumInputs",
"NumOfThreads < 8 requested");
if (!mxIsComplex(prhs[0])) {
mexErrMsgIdAndTxt( "MATLAB:FFT2mx:invalidNumInputs",
"Array must be complex");
NumDims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]);
N = mxGetDimensions(prhs[0]);
N2 = (int*) mxMalloc( sizeof(int) * NumDims);
for(k=0;k<NumDims;k++) {
NumEl *= NumEl * N[k];
N2[k] = N[k];
pr = (double *) mxGetPr(prhs[0]);
pi = (double *) mxGetPi(prhs[0]);
//B_OUT = mxCreateNumericArray(NumDims, N, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxCOMPLEX);
B_OUT = mxCreateNumericMatrix(0, 0, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxCOMPLEX);
mxSetDimensions(B_OUT , N, NumDims);
mxSetData(B_OUT , (double* ) mxMalloc( sizeof(double) * mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[0]) ));
mxSetImagData(B_OUT , (double* ) mxMalloc( sizeof(double) * mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[0]) ));
pr2 = (double* ) mxGetPr(B_OUT);
pi2 = (double* ) mxGetPi(B_OUT);
PlanForward = CreatePlan(NumDims, N2, pr, pi, pr2, pi2);
fftw_execute_split_dft(PlanForward, pr, pi, pr2, pi2);
FFT backward:
This MEX function differs from the above only in switching pointers pr <-> pi, and pr2 <-> pi2 in the CreatePlan function and in the execution of the plan, as suggested in the FFTW documentation.
If I run
A = imread('cameraman.tif');
>> A = double(A) + i*double(A);
>> B = fftNmx(A,8);
>> C = ifftNmx(B,8);
>> figure,imagesc(real(C))
with the FFTW_MEASURE and FFTW_ESTIMATE arguments respectively I get this result.
I wonder if this is due to an error in my code or in the library. I tried different thing around the wisdom, saving not saving. Using the wisdom produce by the FFTW standalone tool to produce wisdom. I haven't seen any improvement. Can anyone suggest why this is happening?
Additional information:
I compile the MEX code using static libraries:
mex FFTN_Meas_mx.cpp /home/nicolas/Code/C/lib/lib/libfftw3.a /home/nicolas/Code/C/lib/lib/libfftw3_threads.a -lm
The FFTW library hasn't been compiled with:
./configure CFLAGS="-fPIC" --prefix=/home/nicolas/Code/C/lib --enable-sse2 --enable-threads --&& make && make install
I tried different flags without success. I am using MATLAB 2011b on a Linux 64-bit station (AMD opteron quad core).
FFTW computes not normalized transform, see here:
Roughly speaking, when you perform direct transform followed by inverse one, you get
back the input (plus round-off errors) multiplied by the length of your data.
When you create a plan using flags other than FFTW_ESTIMATE, your input is overwritten: