Multiple iOS Developer Accounts [closed] - iphone

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Closed 10 years ago.
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If I and another individual want to publish an application, we would have to somehow create a joint account, and I understand this. However, in the future, if we were to independently publish applications, that would require us to create another developer account each and thus spend another $99 yearly. So my question is: Is there any way where we can both have individual accounts and somehow jointly publish the joint application onto the market?
So essentially, is there any way to avoid having to create seperate accounts for our individual publishing ventures and a joint account simply for publishing one application?
Sorry, I am new to iPhone Development so I may have missed something.

Your developer ID is a separate thing from your iOS developer program subscription, and your ID can be a member of several different developer program subscriptions. However, if you want to have more than just one account on your developer program subscription, you'll have to sign up as a company rather than as an individual. If you do that, you can add both your ID's to the shared program subscription. (However, you'll have to actually have a company to sign up with.)
Having three separate individual subscriptions is probably the easiest, cheapest way to go. If the $99 is really an obstacle, you're probably not all that serious about building a product in the first place. And conversely, if you build a solid product that people want to buy, the $99 subscription fee shouldn't be a problem.

For iOS Standard Developer enrollments, you have a choice between individual accounts and company accounts. The only way to get an account that is legally under both your names will be to incorporate and enroll in a company account under the legal corporation name (which could include both your names).


Ad Hoc Test builds for other companies in the iOS Developer Enterprise Program [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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My company is enrolled in Apple's Enterprise Program. We're doing demo/test builds for employees of other companies. According to Apple, we can't use the enterprise program for deploying apps to the employees of other companies. But does that include sending of Ad Hoc test builds to testers at other companies?
This question addresses a very similar, but not identical, question. We're not wanting to use Enterprise Program to get around any 100 device limit - we're not having issues with that.
It seems to be a bit of a grey area. TestFlight works with builds we send, created with the Enterprise Program, as long as the appropriate UDIDs of tester devices are in the provisioning profile. But isn't that technically still 'illegal' according to Apple, if we're sending the test build to an employee in a different company (even with UDID in the profile)?
My current take on the situation is that we should be signed up to the regular developer program too, and use the regular program to sign Ad Hoc builds that go to testers at other companies. Correct?
I'm pretty certain Jonathan's answer is correct.
My understanding is that the Enterprise Program allows for both internal distribution as well as a 100 device Ad-Hoc for testing. I think the crucial thing here is that you don't distribute an application signed for internal use to external "testers" because this will violate the agreement rather make sure you use the ad-hoc method.
Best Jon

Submitting apps automatically to app store [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm planning to crate a service that among other things creates an iPhone app based on a template and submits it to the AppStore almost without human intervention.
Is that allowed by apple?
Some similar startups now require users to use their own developers account (which costs $100 and will not be paid by my users).
In principle I don't see why not, as regular developers are allowed to submit their customer's apps. Am I missing something?
It is definitely not allowed by apple. As that would be using a single developer account to submit apps, from someone different that the person that purchased the account (you in this case).
Besides if they can submit anything, if someone submits something inappropriate under your name, it will be your problem not theirs.
Furthermore I am pretty sure your clients, would want their name in the AppStore for their app and not yours.
This is definitely not allowed by Apple. Even if it was, the apps would be under your name so any in app purchase would be put into your bank account (cha-ching $$$)

Registering other company on iOS developer program [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I am working as iOS freelance developer for one non-IT company and now my application is almost finished so I need to create iOS developer program account for their company.
Problem is that I am not employed in that company, I am just working app for them and they want me as their subcontractor to register their company on their name for iOS developer program.
So is it possible that I fill and create iOS company developer program for their company, so that they need only fax documentation and speak to Apple if they called them?
Can I be their admin, and how do I do that so they have access to financial i sales report?
Please help
You can create an Apple developer account for that company. You will have to specify a contact person and the position inside the company and some company documentation that you will have to fax later.
When they verify everything the company account will be created and you/they can check financial and sales reports by log in in the iTunes connect portal.
I recommend you use some generic company email address during the creation process like, so they can have track of everything going on.
You can just enroll them into this program and give them the id and password and guide them about the usage of it so that they can manage it themselves. But then that's only an option.
If you ant to know how to enroll and how to go about with this. then here's a guide.

sell ebooks in app [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I will be making an iPhone app that will sell ebooks. we have a website version of this and we want to have mobile version also. So, my question is what is the best approach(approved by Apple) for this kind of model? In our website version, we do payment by paypal. In my understanding, selling digital goods via paypal that is integrated within the app is not allowed(correct me if I'm wrong). Also, we have like 5000+ books on the website, so adding all books in iTunes(if it can be done) is no cake work I think. :D So help me out guys, this is my first app that involves buying and paying. After a successful payment, this book can now be read from within the app. Thanks!
Your correct, Apple does not allow any payment method for in app content that circumvents the IAP model.
You have two real options. One is to use IAP (In app purchase). This will give users the best native experience and will allow you to use apples framework BUT there are two downsides:
- Apple takes a 30% cut of all IAP revenue
- There is a chance that patent trolls Lodsys will come after you for unauthorized use of IAP (its not actually unauthorized, but they will try and argue that it is and sue you for it, google 'IAP Lodsys' for more info)
The other option that gives you more control over the payment system and gives you full revenue it to allow users to purchase books for their app on your website (The way kindle works). Not the best experience for users, but definitely best for your wallets.
Unfortunately I am not aware of any other payment methods, would be interesting to hear of some if anyone has any.
Hope that helps :)

Multiple bank accounts for different apps in iTunes connect [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.
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As we are developing an iPhone app for a customer and he wants to charge for that app, we are wondering if it is possible to have multiple bank accounts in iTunes connect to have the revenues directly on the customers bank account. Whats the best practise for that?
Many thanks in advance
It sounds like you want to distribute the app yourself on the store, rather than having the customer do it. As someone who does this kind of work himself, I can tell you that this is just silliness. Your customer should be sending you the certificates for you to sign the app, you send him the app for submission, etc. Never put this up under your account, really.
EDIT: You should tell your customer that he needs his own developer account, then guide him through getting you the certificates you need.
You need to set up another developer account in that case.
I'm not sure if you mean multiple accounts for the customer to be charged at or multiple accounts for your developer to receive their payments at.
If it is the former that sounds impossible to me (your payment is through Apple as a mediator, you should have no knowledge of customer payment methods).
If it is the latter, couldn't you either a) make a different account per app or b) talk to Apple support about this as it is a billing question?