Domain Driven Design issue regarding repository - zend-framework

I am trying to implement the DDD so I have created the following classes
- User [the domain model]
- UserRepository [a central factory to manage the object(s)]
- UserMapper + UserDbTable [A Mapper to map application functionality and provide the CRUD implementation]
My first question is that when a model needs to communicate with the persistent layer should it contact the Repository or the mapper? Personally I am thinking that it should ask the repository which will contact the mapper and provide the required functionality.
Now my second concern is that there should be only one repository for all the objects of same class, so that means I will be creating a singleton. But if my application has lots of domain models (lets say 20), then there will be 20 singletons. And it don't feel right. The other option is to use DI (dependency injection) but the framework I am using (Zend Framework 1.11) has no support for DIC.
My third

UserRepository [a central factory to manage the object(s)]
In DDD Repository is not a Factory. Repository is responsible for middle and end of life of the domain object. Factory is responsible for beginning. Conceptually, persisting and restoring happens to the domain object in its middle life.
UserMapper + UserDbTable [A Mapper to map application functionality and provide the CRUD implementation]
These classes do not belong to a domain layer, this is data access. They would all be encapsulated by repository implementation (or would not exist at all if you use ORM).
My first question is that when a model needs to communicate with the
persistent layer should it contact the Repository or the mapper?
Personally I am thinking that it should ask the repository which will
contact the mapper and provide the required functionality.
Model does not need to communicate with persistence layer. In fact you should try to make your model as persistence-agnostic as possible. From the perspective of your domain model, Repository is just an interface. The implementation of this interface belongs to a different layer - data access. The implementation is injected later, somewhere in your Application layer. Application layer is aware of persistence and transactions. This is where you can implement Unit Of Work pattern (that also does not belong to domain layer).
Now my second concern is that there should be only one repository for all the objects of same class, so that means I will be creating a singleton. But if my application has lots of domain models (lets say 20), then there will be 20 singletons.
First of all you can have more than one Repository for a given domain object. This is what happens most of the time anyway because you want to avoid 'method explosion' on your Repository interface. Secondly singleton Repository is a bad idea because it would couple all consumers to a single implementation which, among other things, would make unit testing hard. Thirdly, there is nothing wrong with having 20 or more Repositories, in fact the more focused classes you have the better, see SRP.
I think that you are confusing regular Factory pattern and DDD Factory. In DDD terms, when the object is restored from the database it already exists conceptually (even though it is a new object in memory). So it is a responsibility of the Repository to persist and restore it. DDD Factory comes into play when the complex domain object begins its life - whether it would be a long lived object (saved in db) or not.

Answering your second question. The ZF1 way would be to create a singleton per object class. You could have a factory/registry that creates these for you and returns the previously created one when you ask for an already created one. Alternatively, if you are using PHP 5.3, use a DI container such as Pimple or Zend\Di.


DDD, CQRS, onion architecture, ef core for enterprise level app

Recently I have found that following approach works great for many projects that I have worked on.
The issue however is, that I read that ef core DbContext is a UoW by itself, and I should NOT create my own UoW and repositories. But in such case, I am unable to abstract my persistance layer from my application logic layer.
TL;DR question is:
Is it possible to NOT to have own repositories nor own UoW and still follow the mentioned architecture with DbContext as UoW?
My architecture is like follows:
Layer 1 (most inner):
Aggregates, Entities, POCO domain classes, Value Objects
Layer 2:
Domain services
Layer 3:
Application services (CQRS commands, queries, handlers) and Repository Interfaces
Layer 4A: (persistance layer)
Repositories implementation (DbContext injected here)
EF Core mappings (ORM mappings)
Layer 4B:
Asp MVC API (DI registered here)
Controllers of API just issues commands and queries (via MediatR).
The advantage of above approach is that the app core (layers 1, 2 and 3) are completely abstracted from persistance.
The disadvantage is that you really have to write your own Repositories.
Is it correct approach? Or am I missing something?
Why is a DbContext is a unit of work?
The DbContext captures all changes that you are making within one single transaction via one single commit (SaveChanges).
Why shouldn't you create your own?
Ideally, you should only be committing to one single data store via one single transaction. If you are either saving to multiple data stores in multiple transactions or saving to the same data store in several transactions, then you face the likely possibility of data corruption. If you are using a distributed transaction across multiple data stores, well then God help you.
SaveChanges should therefore be sufficient, so why create your own?
But what about abstraction?
If SaveChanges is sufficient, then how do we abstract out our dependency on EF? You can introduce an IUnitOfWork interface with a single method, Commit, which you can implement by calling DbContext.SaveChanges.
And repositories?
I am not sure I understand not creating Repositories as a hard rule. As part of abstracting out your persistence layer, it is helpful to have a layer such as IRepository to provide that separation. That said, you should not be creating a repository per table. A repository per Aggregate is more appropriate. Each repository will load the entire Aggregate to ensure consistency within the boundary of the Aggregate.
In general, I would caution against following advice that speaks in absolutes if you don't understand the reasoning behind that advice. You should be able to formulate the same conclusion given the same starting information for yourself. Otherwise, you are just applying rote memorization to a pattern that does not always benefit from that approach.

Exposed domain model in Java microservice architecture

I'm aware that copying entity classes and properties into DTOs is considered anti-pattern, so by Exposed domain model pattern the same #Entity can be used as both database entity class, and DTO for service and MVC layer. (see here
But suppose we have microservice architecture where the same set of properties is used as entity in one project with persistence, and as DTO in another project which uses the first one as a service. What's the proposed pattern in such a situation?
Because the second project doesn't need #Entity related functionality, and if we put that class in shared library, it will be tied unnecessary to JPA specific APIs and libraries. And the alternative is to again use separate DTO classes anti-pattern.
When your requirements for a DTO model exactly match your entity model you are either in a very early stage of the project or very lucky that you just have a simple model. If your model is very simple, then DTOs won't give you many immediate benefits.
At some point, the requirements for the DTO model and the entity model will diverge though. Imagine you add some audit aspects, statistics or denormalization to your entity/persistence model. That kind of data is usually never exposed via DTOs directly, so you will need to split the models. It is also often the case that the main driver for DTOs is the fact that you don't need all the data all the time. If you display objects in e.g. a dropdown you only need a label and the object id, so why would you load the whole entity state for such a use case?
The fact that you have annotations on your DTO models shouldn't bother you that much, what is the alternative? An XML-like mapping? Manual object wiring?
If your model is used by third parties directly, you could use a subclassing i.e. keep the main model free of annotations and have annotated subclasses in your project that extend the main model.
Since implementing a DTO approach correctly, I created Blaze-Persistence Entity Views which will not only simplify the way you define DTOs, but it will also improve the performance of your queries.
If you are interested, I even have an example for an external model that uses entity view subclasses to keep the main model clean.
Thank you for the answers, but emphasize in the question is on microservice (MS) architecture and reusing defined entity POJOs from one MS in another as POJOs. From what I've read on microservices it's closely related to another question - should MSs share any common functionality and classes at all, or be completely independent? It seems there is no definite agreement on it, and also no definite answer, or widely accepted pattern, to this.
From my recent experience here is what I adopted, and it works well so far.
Have common functionality across MSs - yes, in form of a commons project added as dependency to all MSs, with its dependencies set as optional. Share entity classes (expose them in commons) - no.
The main reason is that entity classes are closely related to data store for particular MS. And as the established rule is that MSs shouldn't share data stores, then it makes sense not to share entity classes for those data stores. It helps MSs to be more independent, and freedom to manage their data store in their own way. It means some more typing to add additional DTO classes and conversion between them, but it's a trade-off worth taking to retain MS independence. Reasons Christian Beikov and Maksim Gumerov mentioned apply as well.
What we do share (put in commons) are some common functionality and helper classes (for cloud, discovery, error handling, rest and json configuration...), and pure DTOs, where T is transfer between MSs (rest entities or message payloads).

3-Tier Architecture MVC 4 Project

I am working on a Web Application using ASP.Net MVC 4 3-Tier Architecture and I am stuck at certain points. I know here exist similar threads but none were clear enough. I have already created the needed layers which are UI(MVC4 project), BLL- Business Logic Layer(library class), BOL- Business Object Layer(library class that contains and DAL- Data Access Layer (library class).
Layer dependencies are as follows:
UI depends on BOL and BLL
BLL depends on BOL and DAL
DAL depends on BOL
I want you to correct me if I am wrong in the following. The BOL is the master reference layer which exchanges raw dB records with DAL then sends them to BLL which is responsible for any logical computations then gets the updated records and sends them to the controller in the UI.
Knowing the above,
Where should we place the CRUD functions?
Where and why should we create a class for declaring (plus set and get) the useful database fields?
What exactly should we put in the ViewModel folder; in other words since we have already defined the variables in the previous step and in the Entity then does it add any value to keep the Model folder?
Thank you in advance.
Can't be unambiguously correct answers on these issues, so any answer should be evaluated simply as an opinion. Here are my answers:
Where should we place the CRUD functions? CRUD is a frequent pattern at different levels. Hi-level Repository provides similar methods, as a low-level Table Gateway.
Where and why should we create a class for declaring (plus set and get) the useful database fields? These classes are usually simple Data Transfer Objects (DTO) or slightly more complicated Active Records. In accordance with the Dependency Inversion Principle the interface for these classes should provide the Business Logic Layer, and implementation should provide the Data Access Layer. Since DTO is very simple classes, they can be provided "as is" without interface/implementation separation.
What exactly should we put in the ViewModel folder; in other words since we have already defined the variables in the previous step and in the Entity then does it add any value to keep the Model folder? In theory entities should be our models; but in practice it's often not the case. F.e. in ASP.NET MVC models should provide not only the value of drop-down field, but also all possible values; so it requires the separate model class.
The result may be that you have three or four very similar classes at different levels of the application. Of course, it's not very good, so Aspect Programming may be applied in this case.

Persistence ignorance and DDD reality

I'm trying to implement fully valid persistence ignorance with little effort. I have many questions though:
The simplest option
It's really straightforward - is it okay to have Entities annotated with Spring Data annotations just like in SOA (but make them really do the logic)? What are the consequences other than having to use persistance annotation in the Entities, which doesn't really follow PI principle? I mean is it really the case with Spring Data - it provides nice repositories which do what repositories in DDD should do. The problem is with Entities themself then...
The harder option
In order to make an Entity unaware of where the data it operates on came from it is natural to inject that data as an interface through constructor. Another advantage is that we always could perform lazy loading - which we have by default in Neo4j graph database for instance. The drawback is that Aggregates (which compose of Entities) will be totally aware of all data even if they don't use them - possibly it could led to debugging difficulties as data is totally exposed (DAO's would be hierarchical just like Aggregates). This would also force us to use some adapters for the repositories as they doesn't store real Entities anymore... And any translation is ugly... Another thing is that we cannot instantiate an Entity without such DAO - though there could be in-memory implementations in domain... again, more layers. Some say that injecting DAOs does break PI too.
The hardest option
The Entity could be wrapped around a lazy-loader which decides where data should come from. It could be both in-memory and in-database, and it could handle any operations which need transactions and so on. Complex layer though, but might be generic to some extent perhaps...? Have a read about it here
Do you know any other solution? Or maybe I'm missing something in mentioned ones. Please share your thoughts!
I achieve persistence ignorance (almost) for free, as a side effect of proper domain modeling.
In particular:
if you correctly define each context's boundary, you will obtain small entities without any need for lazy loading (that, actually becomes an antipattern/code smell in a DDD project)
if you can't simply use SQL into your repository, map a set of DTO to your db schema, and use them into factories to initialize entity classes.
In DDD projects, persistence ignorance is relevant for the domain model itself, not for repositories, factories and other applicative code. Indeed you are very unlikely to change the ORM and/or the DB in the future.
The only (but very strong) rational behind persistence ignorance of the domain model is separation of concerns: in the domain model you should express business invariants only! Persistence is an infrastructural concern!
For example without persistence ignorance (and with lazy loading) the domain model should handle possible exceptions from the db, it's complexity grows and business rules are buried under technological details.
Personally I find it near impossible to achieve a clean domain model when trying to use the same entities as the ORM.
My solution is to model my domain entities as I see fit and ensure that any ORM entities don't leak outside of the repositories. This means that my repositories accept and return domain entities.
This means you lose "most of your ORM goodness" and end up "using your ORM for simple CRUD operations".
Both of these trade-offs are fine for me, I would rather have a clean domain model that I can use, rather than one polluted with artefacts from my DB or ORM. It also cuts down the amount of time I spend "wrestling with my ORM" to zero.
As a side-note, I find document databases a much better fit for DDD.
Once you will provide persistence mapping in you domain model:
your code depends on framework. If you decided to change this framework, you want to change persistence layer and model layer source code - more work, more changes, more merging of code etc.
your domain model jar file depends on spring/nhibernate jars etc.
your classes become larger and larger how business code and persistence related code grows
I've to admit that I dont understand harder and hardest option.
We used separated interfaces and implementations for domain entities. Provide separated mapping files using Hibernate along with repositories.
Entities are created using factory (or repository later), identifier is generated within persistence layer, entity does not need it until it's being persisted.
Lazy loading is provided by special implementation of List once:
mapping of an entity contains it
entity/aggregate is fetched from persistence layer
The only issue is related to transaction as when you use lazy-loaded collection out of transaction scope, it fails.
I would follow the simplest option unless I ran into a stone wall. There are also pitfalls such as this when you adopt pi principle.
Somtimes some compromises are acceptable.
public class Order {
private String status;//my orm does not support enum
public Status status() {
return Status.of(this.status);
public is(Status status) {
return status() == status;//use status() instead of getStatus() in domain model

Domain driven design: overriding virtual methods in Domain classes

My application is broken down into several assemblies.
The MyProject.Infrastructure assembly contains all of the Domain objects such as Person and Sale as well as interfaces repositories such as IPersonRepository and ISaleRepository.
The MyProject.Data assembly contains concrete implementations of these repositories.
The repositories pull data from a database and instantiate new domain classes. For example, IPersonRepository.GetPersonByNumber(customerNumber) will read a customer from the data source, create a new Person class, populate it and return to the caller.
I'm now starting to see cases where adding some methods to my Domain classes might make sense, such as Person.UpdateAddress(address).
Is it ok to put this method on my Person class as a virtual method, and then create derived classes inside my Data layer which override those methods to provide the desired functionality?
I want to make sure I'm not going breaking any DDD conventions.
I know I also have the option of putting these methods on the repository - e.g. IPersonRepository.UpdatePersonAddress(person, address).
Person.UpdateAddress should definitely be in your domain, not in your Repository. UpdateAddress is logic and you should try to avoid logic inside your repository. If you're working with Entity framework there is no need for 'data classes'.
Most ORMs have change trackers which will persist related entities automatically when you persist the main one (provided you declared the right relations in the mapping configuration), so you don't need UpdatePersonAddress() on your Repository. Just do whatever you want to do at the object level in Person.UpdateAddress(address) without thinking about persistence, this is not the place for that.
What you need though is an object that will be called in execution context-aware code to flush changes to the persistent store when you think it's time to save these changes. It might be a Unit of Work that contains the Entity Framework DbContext, for instance.