iOS: Posting a photo to Facebook and small html as caption - iphone

Is it possible to upload an image to photo album and include a small html code as caption with it?
I would like to use the new Graph API to do this.
The following code works, but when I set my text variable to an html code, the caption appears as plain text with all the html tags visible.
Also, in the following code, the its.title is completely ignored when item.text is not null.
if (item.shareType == SHKShareTypeImage && item.image)
if (item.title)
NSLog(#"title = %#", item.title);
[params setObject:item.title forKey:#"caption"];
if (item.text) {
NSString *mytext = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#\n\nCreated by iPhone app FaceMod: %#", item.text,appURL];
[params setObject:mytext forKey:#"message"];
[params setObject:item.image forKey:#"picture"];
// There does not appear to be a way to add the photo
// via the dialog option:
[[SHKFacebook facebook] requestWithGraphPath:#"me/photos"
[self retain]; //must retain, because FBConnect does not retain its delegates. Released in callback.
return YES;
My understanding is that the way to post html is to using the "action" key:
NSString *actions = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"{\"name\":\"%# %#\",\"link\":\"%#\"}",
SHKLocalizedString(#"Get"), SHKCONFIG(appName), SHKCONFIG(appURL)];
[params setObject:actions forKey:#"actions"];
But this does not work either and the "action" html code is ignored and does not appear of Facebook.
Thanks for the help.

No. You can't inject HTML into the caption field: Facebook doesn't let you set HTML for values that are displayed in multiple places. Any HTML you submit will be treated as plain text to prevent any HTML injection attacks or visual style changes.


Display RSS Feed in iPhone`

I have a list of RSS feeds and I need to display the detail of each feed in iPhone. I got all RSS feeds from the server which I'm displaying in tableview. Now on selecting a row I need to display the discription of RSS Feed which is coming from Server in HTML content like:-
<img border=\"0\" hspace=\"10\" align=\"left\" style=\"margin-top:3px;margin-right:5px;\" src=\"\" />Cadila Pharmaceutical will seek the govt's nod in two days for initiating clinical trials for a vaccine against swine flu.<img width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/><div class='mf-viral'><table border='0'><tr><td valign='middle'><img src=\"\" border=\"0\" /></td><td valign='middle'><img src=\"\" border=\"0\" /></td></tr></table></div><br/><br/><img src=\"\" border=\"0\"/><img width=\"1\" height=\"1\" src=\"\" border=\"0\"/>
How do I display this HTML Content in our iPhone UI, as this will contain text,hyperlink and images.
Is it proper way to use UIWebview in this case, as UIWebView is heavy weight.
Please read this blog :,
It is useful for you.
you can do something like below.
first of all
descLbl.text=[self flattenHTML:descLbl.text];//descLbl.text is a text in which you are getting that HTML description...
now in flattenHTML method write like below...
- (NSString *)flattenHTML:(NSString *)html {
NSScanner *thescanner;
NSString *text = nil;
thescanner = [NSScanner scannerWithString:html];
while ([thescanner isAtEnd] == NO) {
[thescanner scanUpToString:#"<" intoString:NULL];
// find end of tag
[thescanner scanUpToString:#">" intoString:&text];
html = [html stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"\n"] withString:#" "];
// replace the found tag with a space
//(you can filter multi-spaces out later if you wish)
html = [html stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#>", text] withString:#" "];
} // while //
return html;
let me know it is working or not..
Happy coding!!!!
If you are planning to show HTML entities as it is, i would suggest to go with UIWebView. You can pass this HTML as a string in method loadHTMLString:
If you want the user to view the content as a web page, then loading the url in UIWebView is the best and easiest way.
Like this:
UIWebView *webView = [[UIWebView alloc] init];
NSURL *pageurl = [NSURL URLWithString:];
NSURLRequest *request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:pageurl];
[webView loadRequest:request];
You can simply use RSSKit library.

Upload image to form in webview, without displaying image picker

I am trying to fill up a web form and submit data without letting the user see the web form itself. I have tried using AFNetworking to do HTTP POST in the background, but I bumped into a problem which I couldn't solve and decided to try something else.
This time, I have a UIWebView which is hidden in the background. I then edit the text in the respective fields using Javascript in the webViewDidFinishLoad:webView as follows:
NSMutableDictionary *params = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[params setObject:nameField.text forKey:#"name"];
[params setObject:emailField.text forKey:#"email"];
[params setObject:titleField.text forKey:#"title"];
[params setObject:dateString forKey:#"link"];
[params setObject:descriptionTV.text forKey:#"content"];
[params setObject:tag forKey:#"tags"];
[params enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(id key, id object, BOOL *stop) {
NSLog(#"%# = %#", key, object);
NSString *javascriptString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"document.getElementById('%#').value = '%#'",key,object];
[webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:javascriptString];
Is there any way I could do the same, but for uploading images/files?
You should use an NSHTTPRequest to POST the image to the form directly. There is no need to use a UIWebView, hidden or otherwise. See this answer for an example of how to implement this. Here is another example of this.

How to parse HTML page data in iphone app?

I don't know how to parse HTML page content in iPhone SDK?
I have an iPhone app, in this app I need to show the image and data from the HTML page. I have an HTML page URL, I need to get data from the HTML page URL. Can anyone please guide me to parse HTML content from HTML page and show in iPhone app?
Can you please help me?
I have an website in HTML format like this page. I want to develop a native iPhone app for this website. My client wont give the response in XML feed so i need to use this site and parse the HTML contents. This page having many images, live data and tables. Till now i didn't parsed HTML page/content in iPhone SDK. So i need your help to do this? Can you please help me? I hope it is clear comparing with old question. Thanks in advance.
You can add the the image url to the NSMutableArray as code below..
NSMutableArray *array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSString *response = [[NSString alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:#"index1" ofType:#"html"] encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil];
// NSLog(#"response == %#", response);
NSString *regexStr = #"<a href=\"([^>]*)\">";
//NSString *regexStr = #"<A HREF=\"([^>]*)\">";
NSError *error;
NSInteger i =0;
// NSInteger length =0;
while (i<[response length]) {
NSRegularExpression *testRegex = [NSRegularExpression regularExpressionWithPattern:regexStr options:NSRegularExpressionCaseInsensitive error:&error];
if( testRegex == nil ) NSLog( #"Error making regex: %#", error );
NSTextCheckingResult *result = [testRegex firstMatchInString:response options:0 range:NSMakeRange(i, [response length]-i)];
// NSLog(#"result == %#",result);
NSRange range = [result rangeAtIndex:1];
if (range.location == 0) {
NSString * imageUrl = [response substringWithRange:range];
if ([imageUrl hasSuffix:#".jpg"] || [imageUrl hasSuffix:#".gif"] || [imageUrl hasSuffix:#".tiff"] || [imageUrl hasSuffix:#".JPG"] || [imageUrl hasSuffix:#".JPEG"] || [imageUrl hasSuffix:#".png"] || [imageUrl hasSuffix:#".PNG"] || [imageUrl hasSuffix:#".GIF"] || [imageUrl hasSuffix:#".TIFF"]) {
// NSLog(#"%#",imageUrl);
// imageUrl = [imageUrl stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"/syneye_Portfolio/" withString:#""];
[array addObject:imageUrl];
//[array retain];
i= range.location;
You should get the HTML thanks to a networking framework (AFNetworking for instance) and parse it with one of the following options:
custom code
some HTML parsing framework (i don't know any)
loading the HTML in a hidden UIWebView and doing some Javascript inside with stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:
I still don't understand exactly what you want, but this is what's possible with urls and html pages:
1) The page can be loaded into Safari. Of course a user can do this if the user has the url. But also a native app can launch Safari and supply Safari with the url of the page to load. A native app cannot however launch Safari and give it the actual html page to load, it must the url.
2) A native app can use UIWebView to either a) download and display a html page given a url or: b) If the html exists on the device, then the html page is given to UIWebView then the UIWebView will display it directly.
3) If the intention is to just extract a bit of text or an image or two from the html and then display it,then search for a few postings/tutorials then you can a) load the html page in a hidden UIWebView and use Javascript to access the dom elements or b) if its xhmlt use an xml parser to extract the html tags you are looking for or c) see if there are html parsing frameworks available for html or d) do a hack and string seach for the html tokens in the html directly.
4) Parse the full HTML and display all its contents yourself. Unless this is a very very simple html, without a full set of features and can't handle javascript etc. etc. Do you have a large team and years free in which to write what would effectively be your own browser.
You still keep talking about parsing as if parsing is the same thing as displaying it.
If you just want to display the http page at the url use UIWebView. The UIWebView will parse it AND display it. There's no need for you to parse it yourself. Or launch Safari from you app (but you won't be able to return to your app afterwards).
You say you can't use UIWebView? Why not?
To actually try and parse and display the HTML page yourself would be madness.

Facebook graph api with native iPhone application

I want to use the Facebook Graph API in a NATIVE iPhone Application. Has anybody been able to find a way to post images/message on a user's feed?
I have tried all possible ways to post a ‘picture’ (not a URL but a UIImage) on the feed and have been working on this for 2 weeks now.
If you go to you can upload a picture from your computer on to the wall. I am using ASIHTTPRequest to work on facebook graph API.
This is the nearest I have gone to posting a picture on the feed. So if I have a ASIFormDataRequest *request = [ASIFormDataRequest requestWithURL:url];
The url is
Now to post a picture I do the following:
[request setPostValue:#"My Message" forKey:#"message"];
[request setPostValue:#"somepic.png" forKey:#"picture"];
[request setPostValue:#"Some Name" forKey:#"name"];
[request setPostValue:#"Some description" forKey:#"description];
[request startAsynchronous];
If you try this then everything works fine other than the picture being posted. A blank placeholder for the picture is though show on the feed.
I created a method to help me do this. Hope this is of some help.
Please read the tutorial on how to set up the Facebook SDK.
-(void) updateStatusWithText:(NSString *) fbTitle //Status title
andStoryURL:(NSString *) fbURL //URL for the story
andStory:(NSString *) fbStory //The story
andImage:(NSString *) imageURL //Image to be displayed.
andPrompt:(NSString *) promptString{
NSString *attachmentText =[NSString stringWithFormat:#"{\"name\":\"%#\","
"\"properties\":{\"Uploaded from an iPhone\":{\"text\":\"AFL Fan\",\"href\":\"Your itunes apstore URL\"}}}", fbTitle, fbURL, fbStory,imageURL,fbURL];
NSMutableDictionary* params = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
promptString, #"user_message_prompt",
// actionLinksStr, #"properties",
attachmentText, #"attachment",
NSLog (#"attachmentText : %#", attachmentText);
[facebook dialog:#"stream.publish"

FBConnect (IPHONE) , custom publish dialog

is possible custominzing the FBdialog??, i have already modify the attachment on the dialog when the user wants to publish a post; but i need to make hidden the textfield that the dialog presents...there is a way to access to this property or it's just a webView that load a page from facebook's server?
sorry for my bad english!
thanks in advance
Yes, this is possible. just design your own UI and pass the message to a method containing this code:
NSString *message = #"test message here";
NSMutableDictionary *params = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
[params setObject:message forKey:#"message"];
[params setObject:toID forKey:#"target_id"];
[[FBRequest requestWithDelegate:self] call:#"facebook.Stream.publish" params:params];