How to STOP iOS Safari web page from loading cached pages after adding to home screen? - iphone

I have added a website to the iOS home screen. If a load open the website from the iOS home screen, it seem to be always loading a cached page. Even if I updated the page or delete the page entirely, it still load the original version.
It will load the updated page if I open the site directly from iOS Safari instead of clicking the icon on the home screen.
The site is hosted on Apache running Ubuntu 11.10.
I have added following inside
and added
in attempt to force it to load the updated page.
I have also tried clear the cache and cookie and history from iOS Safari setting and also rebooted the ipad and nothing seem to work.
Please help~!

This should do it, though it will result in double-loading of your page in instances where it is not initially loaded from a cached copy.
var url = window.location.href;
if (url.indexOf('rnd=') == -1) {
url = (url.indexOf("?") == -1 ? url + "?rnd=" : url + "&rnd=") + Math.random();
window.location.href = url;
So basically you would add to the iOS home screen, and then whenever the page is loaded in the browser it will redirect to, effectively preventing it from being cached.


How to hide div in in-app browser or android webview

I have asked a question in Hide div in a Custom Tab opened from a Trusted Web Activity
Let me explain a little bit more.
My twa website is
In the above site there is a link to external site which is when clicking this link in twa app, this link opens in in-app browser. In that in-app browser(website: there is a button floats left side with link
I want to hide that link(button) when user using twa(in-app browser). According to your suggestion in the stackoverflow site, I added the external link as
And added a code in external site as
var url_string = window.location.href; //window.location.href
var url = new URL(url_string);
if(url.searchParams.get("hideDiv")) {
} else {
document.write('<div id="play_button"><a class="btn_openinapp" data-attr="btn_openinapp" href="" style="left: 0px;"><i class="fab fa-google-play"></i></a></div>');
Now what happens is during the first visit from twa(which has hideDive=true) the button disappears. But when I continue to surf external site by going to another page in that external site button shows again. Maybe I didn't understand you correctly. Can you please explain a little bit more with codes. I am new to coding. My twa app is
Below is the screenshot of external link marked.
The solution is to save the hideDiv information into the sessionStorage, so you can load the information from there when navigating to other pages.
The code would look something like this:
// Set `hideDiv` to `true` on sessionStorage when we receive the `hideDiv` parameter.
const url = new URL(window.location.href);
if(url.searchParams.get('hideDiv')) {
sessionStorage.setItem('hideDiv', true);
// sessionStorage is persisted across page loads, but cleared if the tab is closed and
// a new navigation session starts. We check if it's been set to `true` in this session.
if(sessionStorage.getItem('hideDiv')) {
} else {
document.write('<div id="play_button"><a class="btn_openinapp" data-attr="btn_openinapp" href="" style="left: 0px;"><i class="fab fa-google-play"></i></a></div>');

How to open url in Safari and the get back to the app under UITests in Xcode 7?

This is my custom view where "LondonStreet" is a button.
When I tap that button I get url and open it in Safari (it works). Then I can go back, using "Back to Wishlist" button (it also works).
The problem is when I try to test this under UITests.
itemsTable.cells.elementBoundByIndex(0).buttons["addressButton"].tap() //press the button to open link in Safari
Along with this line:
app.statusBars.buttons["Back to Wishlist"].tap() //go back, doesn't work, although it was recorded by Xcode itself.
is an error:
UI Testing Failure - Failed to get screenshot within 5s.
And also in issue Navigator
UI Testing failure - Unable to update application state promptly.
Starting in iOS 11 you can interact with other applications using the XCUIApplication(bundleIdentifier:) initializer.
To get back to your app you'd do something like:
let myApp = XCUIApplication(bundleIdentifier: "")
let safari = XCUIApplication(bundleIdentifier: "")
// Perform action in your app that opens Safari
safari.wait(for: .runningForeground, timeout: 30)
myApp.activate() // <--- Go back to your app
UI Testing cannot interact with anything outside of your application. In your scenario, the framework can no longer do anything once your app opens Safari.
To verify this, try printing out the app's hierarchy once Safari opens. You will notice that nothing in Safari nor the navigation bar will show up - you will only see your app's information.
To open specific url in Safari on iOS 15:

iPhone SDK - Add a "Add to Home Screen" button in a UIWebView

I have a native iPhone app, which has a UIWebView component to it. I am trying to see if I can replicate the "Add to Home Screen" button that is present in the tab bar options in Safari.
Is this possible inside a UIWebView within a native app?
[I presume your question is about replicating the action associated with add to home screen, rather than replicating the appearance of the button itself (which being pedantic is what you actually wrote).]
As others have said this isn't possible.
What you could do is programatically launch Safari from within your app and give it the URL of a page to load which is your page.
When your page is loaded it has some sort of animation and shows the user where the add to home screen button is and tell them to press it after clicking a link which is displayed in your web page. When the users click on the link it takes them to whatever page it is that you would like saved to the desktop, and you hope they follow your instructions.
If you register your app to handle a proprietary url scheme the users can get back to your app from within Safari by clicking on a link using your app's url scheme.
The web pages that you seed Safari with must however be remote pages, you cannot give Safari a page in your app's bundle or that your app has downloaded as Safari cannot read pages from your app's sandbox.
The short answer is no, you can't. Apple does not let you.
Here's a similar question which may help you come up with other possibilities:
Javascript for "Add to Home Screen" on iPhone?
If I had to think of a work around off the top of my head, you could create an javascript pop-up which instructs them how to. It could say something like tap this button to go to mobile safari then tap action -> add to home screen.
Execute the Javascript with UIWebView's method:
- (NSString *)stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:(NSString *)script
Hope this helps.
You can use UIActivityViewController with your url as the activity items
NSArray *activityItems = #[title, url];
And then you can exclude the activities that you don't want. I think it´s the only way for now.

Detect how non-full screen WebApp was loaded (Home Screen v. Safari)

It's easy to detect how a full-screen WebApp (i.e., WebApps that include <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">) was launched – just check window.navigator.standalone
Is it possible to do the same for a non-full screen WebApp?
I want to show the user a "bookmark this web page" bubble (like on, but I don't want to show it if the web page was launched from the home screen.
I'm pretty sure this is possible since YouTube is a non-full screen WebApp and it doesn't show the "bookmark me!" bubble when its launched from the home screen
I might be missing something in your question, but: window.navigator.standalone is telling if the app is currently in full screen mode or not (if the browser supports this property at all).
That means: if the property is there and it is false, you might want to offer your bookmark button. If it is there and true, don't show it (app is already bein run from home screen). If the property is missing, don't show the bookmark button because the user agent does not support it.
Try to visit for instance. Use Safari and then bookmark it to your home screen and notice the difference.
It also has info about the fullscreen mode (that's where I have learned about it):
Horace, you can study Google's commented javascript source code, which appears they may have used in their YouTube bubble detection scheme, at
if ('standalone' in navigator && !navigator.standalone && (/iphone|ipod|ipad/gi).test(navigator.platform) && (/Safari/i).test(navigator.appVersion)) {
document.write('<link rel="stylesheet" href="add2home.css">');
document.write('<script type="application/javascript" src="add2home.js"><\/s' + 'cript>');
that's a little script that came from seems to get the job done
of course, if you're not using the add2home script then you should change the filenames.
look at the youtube website url opened in the Safari, in the last part of the url, there has a home/?bmb=1, i think that bmb=1 is actually making the difference, when you bookmark this page, the url will include this bmb variable, then when you press the home web button, on the server side you can detect this and know it is from home web button.

How to Bind Load event for Image in jQueryMobile

I have a mobile website running jQuery Mobile 1.0a2 and I'm currently testing in Mobile Safari for Firmware 4.1 via the iPhone Simulator.
I cannot seem to bind to the load event for an image.
I have a simple gallery of thumbnails and a large image. When you click on a thumbnail it changes the src attribute of the main img
The js for that uses the live('click' method to bind and it works just fine.
$('.gallery-navigation img').live('click',function() {
// change source of main image to new
$.mobile.pageLoading(); // show jquerymobile loading message
My problem is that I need feedback on this click, so I wanted to show a loading message (provided by jquerymobile) and then hide it once the image loads.
Where #gallery_image_large is the actual <img> where the src is changing, I tried the following:
$("#gallery_image_large").bind("load", function () {
$.mobile.pageLoading(true); // hide jquerymobile loading message
This works in Safari on my desktop but does not in the iPhone Simulator mentioned above.
For reference:
jQuery Mobile Loading Message Methods
UPDATE: I am experimenting with JQuery Image load fails on MobiOne iPhone simulator, which explains how to implement the .load manually by "checking .complete".
I changed the structure of my jquery and it's seemed to have fixed it!
$('#gallery_image_large').one('load',function() {
try { // a grade
} catch(err) { // low grade
(as you can see, I opt'd for a try { .. } catch { .. } to verify jquerymobile is available.
Although I didn't use the solution (directly) from JQuery Image load fails on MobiOne iPhone simulator, the manual firing of load via .complete is probably a good solution for anyone else out there!