GWT gen name of class field [closed] - gwt

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I know that in GWT the java reflection tools isn't emulated, but is there a way to get name of class field?

No. Also due too obfuscating is the field name different than the name in the source code, or even due too optimization could the field be optimized away and not appear in the generated JavaScript.


How can I change the data of a table from Python? [closed]

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Closed 6 days ago.
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I want to use an interface to embed my table received from Locker Studio and then change the data of the table by only using my interface to enter a new data.
I searched through APIs but couldn't find what directly solves my problem.

How do I know which properties are under [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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When configuring springboot's, how do I know which properties can be configured under
Spring's documentation is a great place to start.
You'll be interested in the DATA section
If you'd like to know what a specific JPA provider offers, take a look at the concrete provider's documentation, hibernate for example.

What is Swift µframework? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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What is Swift µframework or µframework in general? Apparently Google gives only examples of those frameworks, but doesn't provide any clear explanation of what it is.
In this context, "µframework" is short for "microframework", which really just means a very small framework which adds a specific small piece of functionality.
The canonical example of this is Result, which adds just a single type to the Swift system.
Contrast with frameworks like Alamofire or RxSwift, which add a whole suite of functionality around a particular area.

Net Beans IDE 7.3.1 Problems in Output [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I try to run NetBeans, but there are many errors in OutPut. I'm using also and Cygwin:
It looks like you have multiple definitions of the main method. You should remove one (or comment it out).

Creating Framework in corona [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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how to create a framework for a character in corona so that i can use it in different levels?
eg.I want to make a physics character so that I can use it in different levels.
Create it as a separate Lua module so that you can require("your_character") in other code files (levels).