NDepend CQL queries returning N/A for LOC - ndepend

Using the the following CQL query:
I am getting some results that show "N/A" instead of a number for NbLinesOfCode. Anyone know why this is happening and how to resolve it?
Note: I tried changing NbLinesOfCode to NbILInstructions, and none of the result records showed N/A.

There can be two things here:
If both NbLinesOfCode and NbILInstructions shows N/A, it means that the namespace doesnt have any code and contains only types without code (like interfaces, delegates or enumerations)
If only NbLinesOfCode shows N/A but NbILInstructions shows something, then it means NDepend cannot have access to the assemblies PDB. More information in: Understanding NDepend Analysis Inputs


Converting SQL query with FORMAT command to use in entity framework core

I have an SQL query:
FORMAT(datetime_scrapped, 'MMMM-yy') [date],
count(FORMAT(datetime_scrapped, 'MMMM-yy')) as quantity
FROM scrap_log
GROUP BY FORMAT(datetime_scrapped, 'MMMM-yy')
It basically summarises all the entries in the scrap_log table by month/year and counts how many entries are in each month/year. Returns two columns (date and quantity). But I need to execute this in an ASP.NET core API using Entity Framework core. I tried using .fromSqlRaw(), but this expects all columns to be returned and so doesn't work.
I can find plenty of info on EF to implement group by and count etc... But I cannot find anything for the FORMAT(datetime, "MMMM-yy") part. Please could somebody explain to me how to do this?
EDIT: Seems already I appear to be going about this the wrong way in terms of efficiency. I will look into alternative solutions based on comments already made. Thanks for the fast response.

PromQL metric query returning other metrics than what I want

I must just not understand PromQL yet, but everything I read says this query should work fine:
Really simple right? Name of my metric, and I do get them in my result set.
node_cpu{app="prometheus",chart="prometheus-6.2.1",component="node-exporter",cpu="cpu0",heritage="Tiller",instance="",io_cattle_field_appId="prometheus",job="kubernetes-service-endpoints",kubernetes_name="prometheus-node-exporter",kubernetes_namespace="prometheus",mode="guest_nice",release="prometheus"} 0
node_cpu{app="prometheus",chart="prometheus-6.2.1",component="node-exporter",cpu="cpu0",heritage="Tiller",instance="",io_cattle_field_appId="prometheus",job="kubernetes-service-endpoints",kubernetes_name="prometheus-node-exporter",kubernetes_namespace="prometheus",mode="idle",release="prometheus"} 1784679.96
node_cpu{app="prometheus",chart="prometheus-6.2.1",component="node-exporter",cpu="cpu0",heritage="Tiller",instance="",io_cattle_field_appId="prometheus",job="kubernetes-service-endpoints",kubernetes_name="prometheus-node-exporter",kubernetes_namespace="prometheus",mode="iowait",release="prometheus"} 2897.73
But I also get a ton of other, unwanted metrics:
Not sure why they are there, strange. So I figure I'll filter on the label component="node-exporter" since that label only exists in the metrics I want.
node_cpu{component="node-exporter"} yields the same result set.
node_cpu{component=~"node-exporter"} yields same result set.
Why can't I just get all node_cpu metrics and why is the filtering not working? Thanks.
Either this is a bug that was fixed in 2.3.0, or you have a remote_read that's returning undesired results.

BadRequest when adding expandClause for JobStatistics

I want to get some statistics about the job I'm running on my pool, and for that I am trying to use the JobStatistics class, but I have been getting job.Statistics as null in most of my runs except for few where the result was magically not null. I read in a documentation (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/microsoft.azure.batch.cloudjob.statistics?view=azurebatch-6.1.0#Microsoft_Azure_Batch_CloudJob_Statistics) that for the statistics results not to be null, I need to use an expand clause with DetailLevel, but each time I do, I get the error: "operation returned an invalid status code 'badrequest' ". This is what I have for that.
ODATADetailLevel detailExJob = new ODATADetailLevel();
detailExJob.SelectClause = "id,executionInfo,stats";
detailExJob.ExpandClause = "id,executionInfo,stats";
await job.RefreshAsync(detailExJob);
What am I missing here? How can I get job.Statistics not to be null?
I'll try to answer your question, but it looks like you have two separate issues.
Job lifetime statistics may not be immediately available. The Batch service
performs periodic roll-up of statistics. I believe the typical delay is about 30minutes, but this is not documented.
The expand clause currently only supports stats. If you modify your detailExJob.ExpandClause statement to be assigned just "stats", then your job query should work. Moreover, you can simplify your detail level object to omit the expand clause altogether since you specified stats in the select clause.

Wildcard query expansion resulted in too many terms

I am receiving a "wildcard query expansion resulted in too many terms" error when executing a query similar to the following:
FROM table_a
WHERE contains(clob_field, '%a%') > 0;
Does anyone know a workaround/solution to this problem?
According to this, you may need to increase the wildcard_maxterms parameter, or take further steps. See the link for details (I'm not an expert in Oracle Text though).

SQL0100W Error on DB2

I get the following error when running an sqr report on DB2:
SQL0100W - No row was found for FETCH, UPDATE or DELETE; or the result of a query is an empty table. SQLSTATE=02000
The sql in question runs correctly when I paste it into RapidSQL, replacing the parameters. The sql in question is an insert-select. No rows are returned by the select, and this is fine... I expect the report to be blank for my parameters.
Any idea how I can get around this?
DB2 returns always an SQL0100 warning (this is a warning, not an error - errors would have negative values) when no rows are returned. That's the way it is.
I don't know peoplesoft at all - so I can't give you any pointers with that. Back when I was programming for DB2 we ignored those SQL0100 warnings.
If SQR can't gracefully handle a NOT_FOUND SQL0100 return, then code a preliminary query to return a count of the number of rows that satisfy the conditions of the actual query. Check the result of the count in an if-then block in SQR to run the actual query if and only if the row count returned by the preceding query was not zero.
Turns out to be an environment setup issue. Got resolved with no change from me after a couple of builds....
Strange :-/
if you delete delete more than one record using logic operation like delete from tabname where columnnmae=deleterecord and columnnmae=deleterecord then they show this type error.machine an