Googles Places API - iphone

We are developing an application that utilizes several of the supported place types in the Google Places API. But, we have noticed that the supported type, restaurant code, is different from the restaurant info you would find at the bottom page of a Google page on a smart phone. Example; the restaurant info given from a smart phone provides restaurant details and location. The one listed in Google Places API does not show the same info. Please inform us how we can obtain the codes for the same info that’s provided on the Google page from a smart phone. Is it free or part of a premium deal with Google? Thanks, and I hope this is clear.

The Google Places database is different from Google Maps.
I'd imagine that at some point, Google would unite the two.
You could match by lat/long & name. This would probably work for at least half the time. The other half means the name & lat/long from both databased maybe a little different.


Google Places API, type for party venues?

I am working on the mobile app to find nearby venues for different kinds of gatherings, for instance, weddings, baptisms, graduation parties, welcome parties, and so on, for rent. I could not find any types in places API which represent such establishments. Here's, the list of places types offered by places api. If you just use type=establishments with NearbySearch API then it'll show everything. I would appreciate the advice, thanks.

Webservice standards and DTDs

While brainstorming about six years ago, I had what I thought was a great idea: in the future there could be webservice standards and DTDs that effectively turn the web into a decentralized knowledgebase. I listed several areas where I thought this could be applied, one of which was:
For making data avail. directly from a business's website: open hours, locations, and contact phone numbers. Suggest a web service standard by which businesses have a standard URL extended off the main (base) URL for there website, at which is located a webservice. That webservice as well has a standardized set of services for downloading a list of their locations, contact telephone numbers, and business hours.
It's interesting looking back at these notes now since this is not how things have evolved. Instead of businesses putting this information on only their website then letting any search engine or other data aggregator to crawl it, they are updating it separately on their website, their Facebook page, and Google Maps. Facebook and Google Maps, due to their popularity, have become the solution to the problem I though my idea would solve.
Is the way things are better than the way I thought they could be? If so then why doesn't my idea fit the reality? If not then what's holding my idea back from being realized?
A lot of this information is available via APIs, that doesn't mean that it doesn't get put other places as well, through a variety of means. For example, a company may expose information via an API, and their Facebook app might use that API to populate a Facebook page.
Also, various microformats are in use that encapsulate some of this information.
The biggest obstacle is agreeing on what meta-information should be exposed, how it should be exposed, and how it should be accessed.

Showing nearby specific business offices in table view cells using iphone GPS

There are lots of similar questions but my question is different in that sense i got coordinates of my current location in my application.
But now i want to show specific business offices in table view around that coordinates. I know ReverseGeoConding is answer to that but i cant find suitable tutorial or advice on this. How can i implement it.
Please suggest .
Reverse Geocoding will provide you with address information for the coordinates provided. In order to get businesses around those coordinates, you may want to look into external APIs. I believe Facebook has a Places API and Foursquare has an API as well. These may be able to provide you with local business information.

How to find Location using Zipcode?

I am new iphone developer,please help to can i find particular shops list in particular Zip Code.. that means i need to place pins in Some shops by searching Zipcode
Thanks in advance
I'm not sure there's a definitive "Right Way" to do what you're asking, but if it were me...
I would probably use Google's Places API to get a list of so-called Places (I gather this includes a fairly comprehensive list of businesses, as well as other points of interest) near the user. The API requires lat/long coordinates to resolve the list, you could either get that data from the user's iOS device (I don't develop for this platform so I can't give specifics) using Apple's location API, or if you really want to do a lookup by zipcode you might want to look at Google's Geocoding API. Keep in mind that Google's services are by no means the only game in town, and there are certainly other ways to do what you ask. But if it was me, this seems like the simplest solution

Geolocation APIs: SimpleGeo vs CityGrid vs PublicEarth vs Twitter vs Foursquare vs Loopt vs Fwix. How to retrieve venue/location information?

We need to display meta information (e.g, address, name) on our site for various venues like bars, restaurants, and theaters.
Ideally, users would type in the name of a venue, along with zip code, and we present the closest matches.
Which APIs have people used for similar geolocation purposes? What are the pros and cons of each?
Our basic research yielded a few options (listed in title and below). We're curious to hear how others have deployed these APIs and which ones are ultimately in use.
Fwix API:
Does Facebook plan on offering a Places API eventually that could accomplish this?
Facebook Places is based on Factual. You can use Factual's API which is pretty good (and still free, I think?)
You can also use unauthenticated Foursquare as a straight places database. The data is of uneven quality since it's crowdsourced, but I find it generally good. It's free to a certain API limit, but I think the paid tier is negotiated.
I briefly looked at Google Places but didn't like it because of all the restrictions on how you have to display results (Google wants their ad revenue).
It's been a long time since this question was asked but a quick update on answers for other people.
This post, right now at least, will not go into great detail about each service but merely lists them:
They each have their pros and cons (i.e. Google Places only allows 20 results per query, Foursquare and Facebook Places have semi-unreliable results) which can be explained a bit more in detail, although not entirely, in the following link.
For my own project I ended up deciding to go with Factual's API since there are no restrictions on what you do with the data (one of the only ToS' that I've read in its entirety). Factual has a pretty reliable API, which as a user of the API you may update, modify, or flag rows of the data. Facebook Places bases their data on Factual's, just another fact to shed some perspective.
Hope I can be of help to any future searchers.
This is not a complete answer, because I havn't compared the given geolocation API, but there is also the Google Places API, which solves a similiar problem like the other APIs.
One thing about SimpleGeo: The Location API of SimpleGeo supports mainly US (and Canada?) based locations. The last time I checked, my home country Germany doesn't has many known locations.
Comparison between places data APIs is tough to keep up to date, with the fast past of the space, and with acquisitions like SimpleGeo and HyperPublic changing the landscape quickly.
So I'll just throw in CityGrids perspective as of February 2012. CityGrid provides 18M US places, allowing up to 10M requests per month for developers (publishers) at no charge.
You can search using a wide range of "what" and "where" (Cities, Neighborhoods, Zip Codes, Metro Areas, Addresses, Intersections) searches including latlong. We have rich data for each place including images, videos, reviews, offers, etc.
CityGrid also has a developer revenue sharing program where we'll pay you to display some places as well as large mobile and web advertising network.
You can also query Places via the CityGrid API using Factual, Foursquare and other places providers places and venue IDs. We aggregate data from several places data providers through our system.