I manage to do the selection with more selects and a loop. 4 tables ( the last one was just for collecting all the data )
But now i'm thinking of a way to select all the fields i need with just one select statement. Here is the huge select :)
SELECT vbak~vbeln vbak~audat
vbap~posnr vbap~matnr vbap~kwmeng vbap~vrkme
lips~vbeln lips~posnr lips~werks lips~lfimg
FROM vbak JOIN vbap ON vbak~vbeln = vbap~vbeln
JOIN tvakt ON vbak~auart = tvakt~auart
LEFT JOIN vbfa ON vbfa~vbelv = vbak~vbeln AND vbfa~posnv = vbap~posnr
JOIN lips ON vbfa~vbeln = lips~vbeln AND vbfa~posnn = lips~posnr
INTO TABLE gt_salord
WHERE tvakt~spras = 'EN' AND
vbak~vbeln IN s_vbeln AND
vbak~audat IN s_audat.
The problem is this doesn't work. When i try to activate it throws this error: " Unable to compare with "VBAP~POSNR". A table can be joined with a maximum of one other table using LEFT OUTER JOIN "
If i don't use LEFT JOIN and only JOIN it works but i don't get all what i want. I need to get all the SALES ORDERS even if they don't have a DELIVERY ORDER assigned. Is there a way to do that, or do i really have to split my select?
I have noticed in SAP that it's more efficient to simplify select statements and proceed with LOOP and SELECT SINGLE for table that do not participate in data selection.
In your case data from table VBFA could be fetch after data selection (it is not restricting the amount of data fetched from the DB).
Of course it depends on indexes, application server buffering... but, even though it might be counter-intuitive for SQL experts, keeping select statements not too complex in SAP is best.
Can you try the following selection:
SELECT vbak~vbeln vbak~audat
vbap~posnr vbap~matnr vbap~kwmeng vbap~vrkme
lips~vbeln lips~posnr lips~werks lips~lfimg
FROM vbak JOIN vbap ON vbak~vbeln = vbap~vbeln
JOIN tvakt ON vbak~auart = tvakt~auart
LEFT JOIN vbfa ON vbfa~vbelv = vbap~vbeln AND vbfa~posnv = vbap~posnr
JOIN lips ON vbfa~vbeln = lips~vbeln AND vbfa~posnn = lips~posnr
INTO TABLE gt_salord
WHERE tvakt~spras = 'EN' AND
vbak~vbeln IN s_vbeln AND
vbak~audat IN s_audat.
I can't test the result, but the syntax check say: ok.
There is only one tiny difference:
x---- difference
LEFT JOIN vbfa ON vbfa~vbelv = vbap~vbeln AND vbfa~posnv = vbap~posnr
LEFT JOIN vbfa ON vbfa~vbelv = vbak~vbeln AND vbfa~posnv = vbap~posnr
You compared vbfa~vbelv with vbak~vbeln, I do it with vbap~vbeln. Both have the same value, but in the on-clause you use again vbap.
I dont know about SAP Abap . But from SQL point of view you can use derived query if it is supported in SAP.
here is some approach :
select * from
select * from
table1 inner join table2 on table1.key=table2.key
inner join table3 on table1.key=table3.key
) a left outer join table4 b
on a.key=b.key
Posting this as the question is tagged as SQL. Hope it works
Try to change the order of table fields in the on clause of left join. Put vbap~vbeln = vbfa~vbelv
I have a requirement to pick up data that is in more than one place and I have some form of recognition if using the coalesce function. Basically I am looking to coalesce the join itself but looking online its seems as if i can only do this on the fields.
So we have a Products and Suppliers table, we also have these as a temp table so in total 4 tables (products, tempproducts, suppliers, tempsuppliers). In the suppliers and products table is where we store our products and suppliers and their temptables we store any new suppliers/products. We also have a tempsupplierproduct which joins new suppliers to new products. However we can end in a situation where a new supplier has an existing product so the new supplier will be in the tempsuppliers table and its product is in the products table NOT the tempproducts as it is not new, we will also have a new tempsupplierproduct to join the two up.
So i want a query which looks in the tempsupplierproducts table and then gets basic information about the supplier and products. To do this i am using a coalesce.
SELECT DISTINCT SP.*, COALESCE(P.Product, PD.Product) 'Product', COALESCE(S.Supplier, SU.Supplier) 'Supplier'
FROM tempsupplierproduct SP
LEFT JOIN tempProduct P ON SP.ProductCode = P.Code
LEFT JOIN Products PD ON SP.ProductCode = PD.Code
LEFT JOIN tempSupplier S ON SP.SupplierCode = S.Code
LEFT JOIN Suppliers SU ON SP.SupplierCode = SU.Code
Now while this works, something at the back of my head tells me it is not entirely right, ideally i want if data is not in table A then join to table B. I have seen maybe coalescing inside the join itself but I am unsure how to do this
LEFT JOIN Suppliers Su ON SP.SupplierCode = COALESCE(S.Code, SU.Code)
maybe away, but I am confused by this, all it is saying is use code in temptable if not there then use supplier code. So what would this mean if we have a code in the temptable, will this try to join on it, if so then this is incorrect also.
Any help is appreciated
You can union the two suppliers tables together and then join them in one go like this. I'm assuming that there are no duplicates between the two tables in this case but with a bit of extra work that could be resolved as well.
WITH AllSuppliers AS
SELECT Code, Supplier FROM Suppliers
SELECT Code, Supplier FROM tempSupplier
SELECT DISTINCT SP.*, COALESCE(P.Product, PD.Product) 'Product', S.Supplier
FROM tempsupplierproduct SP
LEFT JOIN tempProduct P ON SP.ProductCode = P.Code
LEFT JOIN Products PD ON SP.ProductCode = PD.Code
LEFT JOIN AllSuppliers S ON SP.SupplierCode = S.Code
If you need to handle duplicates in the two suppliers tables then an approach like this should work, essentially we rank the duplicates and then pick the highest ranked result. For two tables you could use a full outer join between the two but this approach will scale to any number of tables.
WITH AllSuppliers AS
SELECT Code, Supplier, 1 AS TablePriority FROM Suppliers
SELECT Code, Supplier, 2 AS TablePriority FROM tempSupplier
SuppliersRanked AS
SELECT Code, Supplier,
FROM AllSuppliers
SELECT DISTINCT SP.*, COALESCE(P.Product, PD.Product) 'Product', S.Supplier
FROM tempsupplierproduct SP
LEFT JOIN tempProduct P ON SP.ProductCode = P.Code
LEFT JOIN Products PD ON SP.ProductCode = PD.Code
LEFT JOIN SuppliersRanked S ON SP.SupplierCode = S.Code
AND RowPriority = 1
You can absolutely join on a coalesced field. Here is a snippet from one of my production views:
LEFT JOIN [Portal].tblHelpdeskresource supplier ON PO.fld_str_SupplierID = supplier.fld_str_SupplierID
-- Job type a
LEFT JOIN [Portal].tblHelpDeskFault HDF ON PO.fld_int_HelpdeskFaultID = HDF.fld_int_ID
-- Job Type b
LEFT JOIN [Portal].tblProjectHeader PH ON PO.fld_int_ProjectHeaderID = PH.fld_int_ID
LEFT JOIN [Portal].tblPPMScheduleLine PSL ON PH.fld_int_PPMScheduleRef = PSL.fld_int_ID
-- Managers (used to be separate for a & b type, now converged)
LEFT JOIN [Portal].uvw_HelpDeskSiteManagers PSM ON COALESCE(PSL.fld_int_StoreID,HDF.fld_int_StoreID) = PSM.PortalSiteId
LEFT JOIN [Portal].tblHelpdeskResource PHDR ON PSM.PortalResourceId = PHDR.fld_int_ID
My query is working but it takes time to display the data. Can you help me to make it quick.
$sql="SELECT allinvty3.*, stock_transfer_tb.* from stock_transfer_tb
INNER JOIN allinvty3 on stock_transfer_tb.in_code = allinvty3.in_code
where stock_transfer_tb.in_code NOT IN (SELECT barcode.itemcode from barcode where stock_transfer_tb.refnumber = barcode.refitem)";
I would recommend using the following query:
FROM stock_transfer_tb s
INNER JOIN allinvty3 a
ON s.in_code = a.in_code
WHERE s.refnumber = b.refitem AND s.in_code = b.itemcode);
If this still doesn't give you the performance you want, then you should look into adding indices on all columns involved in the join and where clause.
This query was taken from a Rails application log...I'm trying to edit a massive postgresql statement I didn't write....If I don't add a distinct keyword after the SELECT, 2 duplicate rows appear for each braintree account. Why is this and is there another way to avoid having to use the distinct to avoid duplicates?
EDIT: I understand what distinct is supposed to do, the reason I'm asking is that it doesn't generate duplicates for other toy lines. By other toy lines, this query is building a "table" for a particular toy id (this specific example toys.id = 12). How do I figure out where the duplicate rows are being generated?
SELECT accounts.braintree_account_id as braintree_account_id,
accounts.braintree_account_id as braintree_account_id, format('%s %s', addresses.first_name,
addresses.last_name) as shipping_address_full_name,
users.email as email, addresses.line_1 as shipping_address_line_1,
addresses.line_2 as shipping_address_line_2, addresses.city as
shipping_address_city, addresses.state as shipping_address_state,
addresses.zip as shipping_address_zip_code, addresses.country
as shipping_address_country, CASE WHEN xy_shirt IS NULL THEN '' ELSE xy_shirt END, plans.name as plan_name, toys.sku as sku, to_char(accounts.created_at, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MM:SS') as
to_char(accounts.next_assessment_at, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MM:SS') as account_next_assessment_at,
accounts.account_status as account_status FROM \"accounts\" INNER JOIN \"addresses\" ON
\"addresses\".\"id\" = \"accounts\".\"shipping_address_id\" AND \"addresses\".\"type\" IN
('ShippingAddress') LEFT OUTER JOIN shipping_methods ON
shipping_methods.account_id = accounts.id LEFT OUTER JOIN plans ON
accounts.plan_id = plans.id
accounts.user_id = users.id LEFT OUTER JOIN toys ON plans.toy_id = toys.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN account_variations ON accounts.id =
account_variations.account_id LEFT OUTER JOIN variations ON
account_variations.variation_id = variations.id
choice_value_variations ON variations.id =
LEFT OUTER JOIN choice_values ON
choice_value_variations.choice_value_id = choice_values.id LEFT OUTER
JOIN choice_types ON choice_values.choice_type_id = choice_types.id
OUTER JOIN choice_type_toys ON choice_type_toys.toy_id = toys.id
AND choice_type_toys.choice_type_id = choice_types.id
(SELECT * FROM crosstab('SELECT accounts.id, choice_types.id,
choice_values.presentation FROM accounts\n
LEFT JOIN account_variations ON
LEFT JOIN variations ON account_variations.variation_id=variations.id\n
LEFT JOIN choice_value_variations ON
LEFT JOIN choice_values ON
LEFT JOIN choice_types ON choice_values.choice_type_id=choice_types.id
ORDER BY 1,2',\n 'select distinct choice_types.id
from choice_types JOIN choice_values ON choice_values.choice_type_id =
choice_types.id JOIN choice_value_variations ON
choice_value_variations.choice_value_id = choice_values.id JOIN
variations ON choice_value_variations.variation_id = variations.id JOIN choice_type_toys ON choice_type_toys.choice_type_id = choice_types.id JOIN toys ON toys.id = choice_type_toys.toy_id
where toys.id=12 ORDER
BY choice_types.id ASC')\n
AS (account_id int, xy_shirt
VARCHAR)) account_variation_view\n ON
accounts.id=account_variation_view.account_id WHERE
\"accounts\".\"account_status\" = 'active' AND
\"addresses\".\"flagged_invalid_at\" IS NULL AND \"toys\".\"id\" = 12
AND (NOT EXISTS (SELECT \"account_skipped_months\".* FROM
\"account_skipped_months\" WHERE
\"account_skipped_months\".\"month_year\" = 'JUL2016' AND
(account_skipped_months.account_id = accounts.id)))"
The purpose of using DISTINCT in a SELECT statement is to eliminate duplicate rows.
In SQL Server, I know for sure that the following query;
SELECT things.*
FROM things
SELECT thingreadings.thingid, reading
FROM thingreadings
INNER JOIN things on thingreadings.thingid = things.id
ORDER BY reading DESC LIMIT 1) AS readings
ON things.id = readings.thingid
WHERE things.id = '1'
Would join against thingreadings only once the WHERE id = 1 had restricted the record set down. It left joins against just one row. However in order for performance to be acceptable in postgres, I have to add the WHERE id= 1 to the INNER JOIN things on thingreadings.thingid = things.id line too.
This isn't ideal; is it possible to force postgres to know that what I am joining against is only one row without explicitly adding the WHERE clauses everywhere?
An example of this problem can be seen here;
I am trying to recreate the following query in a more efficient way;
SELECT things.id, things.name,
(SELECT thingreadings.id FROM thingreadings WHERE thingid = things.id ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1),
(SELECT thingreadings.reading FROM thingreadings WHERE thingid = things.id ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1)
FROM things
WHERE id IN (1,2)
Not really sure why you did all that work. Isn't the inner query enough?
FROM thingreadings tr
INNER JOIN things t on tr.thingid = t.id AND t.id = '1'
ORDER BY tr.reading DESC
sqlfiddle demo
When you want to select the latest value for each thingID, you can do:
SELECT t.*,a.reading
FROM things t
FROM thingreadings t1
LEFT JOIN thingreadings t2
ON (t1.thingid = t2.thingid AND t1.reading < t2.reading)
WHERE t2.thingid IS NULL
) a ON a.thingid = t.id
sqlfiddle demo
The derived table gets you the record with the most recent reading, then the JOIN gets you the information from things table for that record.
The where clause in SQL applies to the result set you're requesting, NOT to the join.
What your code is NOT saying: "do this join only for the ID of 1"...
What your code IS saying: "do this join, then pull records out of it where the ID is 1"...
This is why you need the inner where clause. Incidentally, I also think Filipe is right about the unnecessary code.
How would I redesign the below query so that it will recursively loop through entire tree to return all descendants from root to leaves? (I'm using SSMS 2008). We have a President at the root. under him are the VPs, then upper management, etc., on down the line. I need to return the names and titles of each. But this query shouldn't be hard-coded; I need to be able to run this for any selected employee, not just the president. This query below is the hard-coded approach.
select P.staff_name [Level1],
P.job_title [Level1 Title],
Q.license_number [License 1],
E.staff_name [Level2],
E.job_title [Level2 Title],
G.staff_name [Level3],
G.job_title [Level3 Title]
from staff_view A
left join staff_site_link_expanded_view P on P.people_id = A.people_id
left join staff_site_link_expanded_view E on E.people_id = C.people_id
left join staff_site_link_expanded_view G on G.people_id = F.people_id
left join facility_view Q on Q.group_profile_id = P.group_profile_id
Thank you, this was most closely matching what I needed. Here is my CTE query below:
with Employee_Hierarchy (staff_name, job_title, id_number, billing_staff_credentials_code, site_name, group_profile_id, license_number, region_description, people_id)
select C.staff_name, C.job_title, C.id_number, C.billing_staff_credentials_code, C.site_name, C.group_profile_id, Q.license_number, R.region_description, A.people_id
from staff_view A
left join staff_site_link_expanded_view C on C.people_id = A.people_id
left join facility_view Q on Q.group_profile_id = C.group_profile_id
left join regions R on R.regions_id = Q.regions_id
where A.last_name = 'kromer'
select C.staff_name, C.job_title, C.id_number, C.billing_staff_credentials_code, C.site_name, C.group_profile_id, Q.license_number, R.region_description, A.people_id
from staff_view A
left join staff_site_link_expanded_view C on C.people_id = A.people_id
left join facility_view Q on Q.group_profile_id = C.group_profile_id
left join regions R on R.regions_id = Q.regions_id
GROUP BY C.STAFF_NAME, C.job_title, C.id_number, C.billing_staff_credentials_code, C.site_name, C.group_profile_id, Q.license_number, R.region_description, A.people_id
But I am wondering what is the purpose of the "Employee_Hierarchy"? When I replaced "staff_view" in the outer query with "Employee_Hierarchy", it only returned one record = "Kromer". So when/where can we use "Employee_Hierarchy"?
SQL Server - Simple example of a recursive CTE
MSDN: Recursive Queries using Common Table Expression
SQL Server recursive CTE (this seems pretty much like exactly what you are working on!)
A proper recursive CTE consist of basically three things:
an anchor SELECT to begin with; that can select e.g. the root level employees (where the Reports_To is NULL), or it can select any arbitrary employee that you define, e.g. by a parameter
a recursive SELECT statement that selects from the same, typically self-referencing table and joins with the recursive CTE being currently built up
This gives you the ability to recursively build up a result set that you can then select from.
If you look at the Northwind sample database, it has a table called Employees which is self-referencing: Employees.ReportsTo --> Employees.EmployeeID defines who reports to whom.
Your CTE would look something like this:
;WITH RecursiveCTE AS
-- anchor query; get the CEO
SELECT EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName, Title, 1 AS 'Level', ReportsTo
FROM dbo.Employees
-- recursive part; select next Employees that have ReportsTo -> cte.EmployeeID
e.EmployeeID, e.FirstName, e.LastName, e.Title,
cte.Level + 1 AS 'Level', e.ReportsTo
dbo.Employees e
RecursiveCTE cte ON e.ReportsTo = cte.EmployeeID
FROM RecursiveCTE
ORDER BY Level, LastName
I don't know if you can translate your sample to a proper recursive CTE - but that's basically the gist of it: anchor query, UNION ALL, recursive query