How to get a list of all structs where struct.somearray contains an element from a query array - matlab

As input to a function, I am getting an array of target elements, T, and an array of structs S where each one has a .elems field, which is a list of integers (elements).
I'm sure there's a simple way to do this in Matlab. How do I get the indices i of all structs where a specific element t of T is in S(i).elems contains t?

So I think you'll need to do this with an arrayfun. I did:
S = ... (1-by-N array of structs);
T = ... (1-by-K array of numbers);
indices = find(arrayfun(#(i)any(ismember(T, S(i).elems)), 1:numel(S)));
any(ismember(T, S(i)elems)) tests is any of the things in T are in S(i).elems. The arrayfun repeats this for each struct in S. find extracts indices from the logical array that is returned by the arrayfun.


length of a just one array dimension in minizinc

If I define my array like this:
array[_, 1..2] of J: A;
where J is a enum, what function can I use to get the length of the first dimension of A? The length function returns 14 (and states that it doesn't work for multiple dimensions). I had it hard-coded like so in my testing, but it won't always be 13:
constraint forall(row in 1..13)(S[A[row, 2]] >= C[A[row, 1]]);
The length function is really only meant for getting the number of elements. When you want the retrieve indexes of an array, you should instead use the index_set function. This returns the actual index set, which you can iterate over: i in index_set(A)
For multidimensional arrays there are specific functions for each index set of the array. For example, to get the first index set from a two-dimensional array (as in your code fragment) you can use the function index_set_1of2

MATLAB: removing non-unique numbers from a field within a structure

I have a structure in Matlab, each field contains elements with varying numbers of variables. I would like to remove duplicates of numbers that appear within the same field: I know the unique() function and know how to use it to scan through fields one at a time but not an entire field.
I think I want something like:
and get
field=[1,2,3] [1,4,5] [2,5,8]
to turn into
field=[1,2,3] [4,5] [8]
Maybe a complicated for loop similar to below (isn't working) which would grab the values from the first element in the field, search through each additional element, and if that value is present set it equal to =[];, and iterate through that way?
for n=1:length(RESULTS)
for m=1:length(RESULTS(n).Volumes)
for l=1:length(RESULTS)
for o=1:length(RESULTS(l).Volumes)
if RESULTS(n).Volumes(m)==RESULTS(l).Volumes(o)
This is a quick-and-dirty attempt, but you might be able to improve on it. Assume your struct array and field are sa(:).v. I'm also assuming that the field contains a 1xn array of numbers, as in your example. First, make a "joint" array with the concatenation of all field values and filter the non-unique values:
joint = cell2mat({sa.v});
[uniqJoint,~,backIdx] = unique(joint);
The "uniqJoint" array has also been sorted, but the "backIdx" array contains the indices that, if applied to uniqJoint, will rebuild the original "joint" array. We need to somehow connect those to the original indices (i,j) into the struct array and within the field value sa(i).v(j). To do that, I tried creating an array of the same size as "joint" that contains the indices of the struct that originally had the corresponding element in the "joint" array:
saIdx = cell2mat(arrayfun(#(i) i * ones(1,length(sa(i).v)), ...
1:length(sa), 'UniformOutput', false));
Then you can edit (or, in my case, copy and modify the copy of) the struct array to set the field to the values that have not appeared before. To do that, I keep a logical array to mark the indices of "backIdx" as "already used", in which case I skip those values when rebuilding the fields of each struct:
sb = sa;
used = false(length(backIdx));
for i = 1:length(sa)
origInd = find(saIdx == i); % Which indices into backIdx correspond to this struct?
newInd = []; % Which indices will be used?
for curI = backIdx(origInd)
if ~used(curI)
% Mark as used and add to the "to copy" list
used(curI) = true;
newInd(end+1) = curI;
% Rewrite the field with only the indices that were not used before
sb(i).v = uniqJoint(newInd);
In the end, the data in sb(i).v contains the same numbers as sa(i).v without repeats, and removing those that appeared in any previous elements of the struct.

Scala create array of empty arrays

I am trying to create an array where each element is an empty array.
I have tried this:
var result = Array.fill[Array[Int]](Array.empty[Int])
After looking here How to create and use a multi-dimensional array in Scala?, I also tried this:
var result = Array.ofDim[Array[Int]](Array.empty[Int])
However, none of these work.
How can I create an array of empty arrays?
You are misunderstanding Array.ofDim here. It creates a multidimensional array given the dimensions and the type of value to hold.
To create an array of 100 arrays, each of which is empty (0 elements) and would hold Ints, you need only to specify those dimensions as parameters to the ofDim function.
val result = Array.ofDim[Int](100, 0)
Array.fill takes two params: The first is the length, the second the value to fill the array with, more precisely the second parameter is an element computation that will be invoked multiple times to obtain the array elements (Thanks to #alexey-romanov for pointing this out). However, in your case it results always in the same value, the empty array.
Consider also Array.tabulate as follows,
val result = Array.tabulate(100)(_ => Array[Int]())
where the lambda function is applied 100 times and for each it delivers an empty array.

select items from a struct array matlab- based on condition

I have a struct array named Lst. Every struct has the following form:
Point (x,y)
Type (1-6)
I want get the separate array of points for each type. How can I get it?
won't work since Type is not a field of Lst but of Lst(i).
In addition, is there a way to save the indexes of each item or an alternative way to then combine them again to the original order?
L1 = Lst([Lst.Type]==1); will give you the subset L1 of Lst where Type == 1.
Likewise, you can use idx1 = find([Lst.Type]==1) to memorize your indexes.
EDIT: the above uses the [] operator to aggregate the field elements Type of Lst into an array. To your comment/question, you could use the exact same operator also to obtain an array of specific field elements X of a subset of the structured array, as in
X1 = [Lst([Lst.Type]==1).X];

assigning values to a field of an structure array in MATLAB

I want to replace the value of the fields in a structure array. For example, I want to replace all 1's with 3's in the following construction.
a(1).b = 1;
a(2).b = 2;
a(3).b = 1;
a([a.b] == 1).b = 3; % This doesn't work and spits out:
% "Insufficient outputs from right hand side to satisfy comma separated
% list expansion on left hand side. Missing [] are the most likely cause."
Is there an easy syntax for this? I want to avoid ugly for loops for such simple operation.
Credits go to #Slayton, but you actually can do the same thing for assigning values too, using deal:
So breakdown:
retrieves all b fields of the array a and puts this comma-separated-list in an array.
uses logical indexing to index only the elements of a that satisfy the constraint. Subsequently the full command above assigns the value 3 to all elements of the resulting comma-separated-list according to this.
You can retrieve that the value of a field for each struct in an array using cell notation.
bVals = {a.b};
bVals = cell2mat( bVals );
AFAIK, you can't do the same thing for inserting values into an array of structs. You'll have to use a loop.