iOS: Decompose UIImageView image into shapes and change their colors - iphone

I have been making an iPhone App where I need to identify and decompose different shapes(e.g Wall, Chair, Book, etc..) in UIImageView's image and change their color. So far I have implemented code to allow user to select color and apply it to selected area (pixel base) using gesture recogniser but what I am looking for is far more than what I have done!
Is it posible to detect the different shapes available in given image and change their color?

whatever algorithm you use, you should place it on top of one of the best frameworks for computer Vision, open CV for iOS
then you might check other projects in other languages that do this image segmentation using open cv, and with the theory may be roll your own solution ;)
good luck

Object recognition and detection is a very wide topic in computer science and, as far as I know, is not supported by UIImage's public methods. I think you have a long way to go in order to achieve your goal. Try and look up any open source iOS projects that handle object detection or maybe even look into non-native libraries that have iOS wrappers, such as openCV. Good luck, don't give up.


Copy face from Image

I'm a noob to this forum, but wanted to give it a try.
I'm currently learning Objective-C and Cocoa; trying to build my first iPhone app.
One thing I'm working on is allowing the user to cut his/her face from an image they have taken and paste it into another image. (The idea is cut from one image and paste into another image with a spot for a face to go.)
How can this be done? I am thinking I would allow the user to just touch and drag over their face, in the shape of a rectangle, and then allow them to copy.
Thanks for the help.
Ok, nevertheless your bit arrogant style of asking, here are some guidelines about how to start: generic obj-c/iOS development (start from hello world); UIImage class; camera API; image processing algorithms, face detection algorithms. Go on gradually and do not wish to resolve all problems at once. Write first an application that simple loads an arbitrary photo and shows it to the user. Then modify it that you can crop a specified rectangular area from the image and save it into the new file. Then write an app that switches on the camera that you can take an image and save it to the disk. Then unite what you wrote that you save only a cropped area of the captured image.
When you arrive to this point, you will know much more about software development image handling. AFTER THIS you can start looking for image processing algorithms. Start also here with something simple like a trivial blur filter or similar implemented by you. If you know already a bit of image processing, search for face detection algorithms on the net. It is even possible that you will find some ready framework that includes also these features, or at least you will understand the concepts. You can even come back here to stack overflow and ask for suggestions about a good face detection algorithms, however we still prefer if you have chosen already one and have some concrete issue with it.

Dragging/Resizing a UIImage on the Device

I'd like to allow a user to add a shape (which would just be a UIImage) onto some sort of canvas, then move and resize it on the screen but I'm not sure how to go about this. Ideally I'd like the basics of a drawing app which can use images from a user's device. Each shape would have an associated position, size and z-index.
The only thing I'm unsure of is how I'd create a bounding box (the one with four blue dots to allow resizing/moving). I have experience with UIKit, and would prefer to keep the majority of the app in this for the time being, but I get the feeling this type of thing might be better suited to Cocos2D or a similar framework.
If anyone has any pointers/open source code I can dig through it would be hugely appreciated.
I think you should look into CALayer, or even CAShapeLayer. I'm just starting to play with them, but I'm pretty sure you can easily get the functionality you want with either. Draw the border in the layer's drawLayer:inContext:. Check out the Quartz2d Guide path drawing section for the functions you need.

Coding a photoshoped GUI for iOS devices

well... I have searched for a while on topics of coding given GUI elements by designer in photoshop format. But I have a really hard time getting it together. Just for an example. When I would like to make an app with only a simple LCD-Display with a timer, counting down, how would I start there..... Don't get me wrong, I am aware of doing the code behind the scenes to make the timer count etc.
But what about setting up a nice looking gui with glossy display effect? What is a "correct way" to implement such a gui? Taking a Photoshop file showing a glossy display and setting a UILabel on that? or coding the gloss effect programmatically?
This is just one example... hm... I do not find good ressources for getting a start on such a topic. I would be really gladful if you could give me a helping hand for a start.
In the typical app development cycle, you would have the graphics people delivering graphics to the programming people, in the form of PNG files.
However, it is very well possible to render all kinds of things on the fly on the device. The blue shade on the tab bar icons in any app using UITabBarController is a clear example: the programmer puts in a PNG with just the alpha channel, and the system renders the blue shading.
Using Quartz Core (look for CGContext in the documentation) you can draw lines and text, and apply all kinds of transformations, gradients, clipping paths, etc. Using this you can create your own styled subclasses of UIView and such.
The PNG approach is generally the easier way.

How to draw an image according to the pixels of another image?

HI all ,what i want is to map the images.Suppose i have two images of persons,one is of fat person and another is of weak person,Now i want to match their faces ,eyes.I want to increase or decrease the face size eye size of one image according to another.As you can see in adobe photoshop you can make the face fat,make it squueze.I want to do the image manuplation in this.These types of operations i want to implement.I don't know from where to start.
Pleas guide and help me.Can i perform all this with core graphics if so then how
Any reference,tutorial address ,sample code ........appreciated.
You are probably going to have to deal with some sort of edge detection and face recognition algorithms, at the very least, if this is to be accomplished automatically. Otherwise, if the user is going to be resizing one image to match the other, this will require simple resizing operations driven by perhaps user pinch & gestures.
For manual resizing:
Download the source code for the great book Cool iPhone Projects. One of the projects is called 'Touching'. This project contains code that accomplishes what you need: pinch and zoom functionality.

How to morphing of two images in iphone programming

how to do morphing of two images in iphone programming.?
Your question is not iphone related.. the kind of algorithm you are looking for is language-agnostic since it just work with images.
By the way it's quite complex to morph two images, usually you have to
embed a grid of points over the two images that links characteristics that should be morphed. For example if you have two faces you would use a grid that connects eyes, the mouth, ears, the nose, the edge of the face and so on: these two grid tells the morpher how to "translate" a point into another one while blending the two images
the previous step can be done automatically (with specific software) or by hand. more points you place better will be your results
then you can do the real morphing sequence: basically you do an interpolation between the two images (in which the parameter that you use will decide how much will be the final risult similar to the first or the second image)
you should also apply some blending effect to actually create a believable result, always using a parametric function according to the morphing position
You can use UIView animation to transition from one UIView to another. This should provide some sort of lame morphing.
You can use XMRM, which is written in C++:
There is no image morphing API in the iOS SDK.
No, there isn't an API for it. You'll have to do it yourself.
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