How to call classes in GWT - gwt

I am new in GWT. I am facing following problem.
When ever I calling my UserDAO class into GWt main (entry point) it is giving me the following error that Plugin fail to connect to Development mode server. Please help me.

This links will help you more
Debugging a GWT application in a remote environment


SOAP Web Service Client conflcts with xfire

I generated wsdl using wsimport from JDK 1.6. I then wrote a client to invoke the web service I got the following error.
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not initialize Service.
at org.codehaus.xfire.jaxws.ServiceDelegate.<init>(
at org.codehaus.xfire.jaxws.Provider.createServiceDelegate(
Then I removed xfire-all 1.2.6 jar used in my
application and found it working but only if the class was invoked from command line and not from application functionality which is the real need as removing xfire jar is not an option for me..Please help I read numberyyy of posts but did not get any fruitful solution yet.
Thanks in advance

Create GAE eclipse project

I have installed Eclipse Java EE Luna Release (4.4.0) and App Engine SDK 1.9.10
I have created a new Google - Web Application Project and selected the Generate Project Sample Code option. I changed nothing about the project.
The generated project successfully deploys and runs locally. However when I deploy this to AppSpot I get an error message "Remote Procedure Call - Failure" when clicking on the "Send" button on the sample form.
Are there other steps I need to perform in order for the generated project to be successfully deployed to AppSpot?
My goal is to have a starting application that deploys so I can start learning to use Objectify and GWT to build applications. If there is a better way to go about this please suggest it.
Kind regards
I think seem to remember that sample code for the GWT builds a RPC-based HelloWorld or greeting example. In the auto-generated sample interface you type a name, a RPC call is made to server side and you get "Hello"+yourName or similar as a callback.
Check this link:
This is a more advanced app, StockWatcher, from the GWT tutorials which is also RPC based and adapted for the GAE. You could start here: to build this app (is really easy) and follow to the link above to deploy StockWatcher on the GAE, or check directly the steps on the first link and try to deploy the GWT "Greetings" example.
If you have already tried this or you do and there's still a problem, please provide the full stack trace, or the code you think might be causing the problem, so we have a better insight of the problem.

ComponentActivator: could not instantiate Repository","ExceptionType":" Castle.MicroKernel.ComponentActivator.ComponentActivatorException

I am using Windsor Castle in MVC5 application. After deploying the web service to IIS, I am getting the following error
{"$id":"1","Message":"An error has occurred.","ExceptionMessage":"ComponentActivator: could not instantiate XXXRepository","ExceptionType":" Castle.MicroKernel.ComponentActivator.ComponentActivatorException"
If I run the above using VS inbuilt server, its working fine.
Any suggestions/ pointers will be highly appreciated.
The above problem is solved by adding EntityFramework.SQLServer.dll file

Error with GWT Stockwatcher tutorial

I am working through the GWT tutorial. I get through step 3 and when I go to run it I get an error with the web browser that says, "Plugin failed to connect to host mode server at"
In the eclipse development mode there are two errors one with finding entry point classes that says,"unable to find type ''" And another error that says, "failed to load module stockwatcher from user agent.
Any ideas? Help is greatly appreciated.
Maybe this can help.
I hope so.

How to solve error in GWT Project

I created a web application project. It ran successfully, but shows one message.
i.e. GWT Module needs to BE (re)compiled message displayed. How to solve this error/warning?
"GWT Module need to BE (re)compiled" - that means, you should call the app with the gwt.codesvr parameter, for example:
This message must be coming If you are running GWT in Development mode? check if you have installed the GWT browser plugin properly, check if there are any errors shown in the development mode tab(in eclipse).