Facebook Connect error: 1000 - facebook

I get this following error when I am trying to integrate the fbconnect to my app.
I tried everything possible, but the error still continues.
Can anyone help me, thanks in advance.
2012-04-05 19:46:05.805 YBGreetings[12264:17603] yes granted
2012-04-05 19:46:17.035 YBGreetings[12264:17603] received response
2012-04-05 19:46:17.036 YBGreetings[12264:17603] Err message: (null)
2012-04-05 19:46:17.037 YBGreetings[12264:17603] Err code: 10000
2012-04-05 19:46:17.038 YBGreetings[12264:17603] Error Domain=facebookErrDomain Code=10000 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (facebookErrDomain error 10000.)" UserInfo=0x9131c90 {error={type = mutable dict, count = 3,
entries =>
2 : {contents = "type"} = {contents = "OAuthException"}
3 : {contents = "message"} = {contents = "An active access token must be used to query information about the current user."}
6 : {contents = "code"} = 2500

Extract from error log:
An active access token must be used to query information about the current use
So while doing query, consider to include access token


Firebase Authentication with phoneNumber failed with Internal error

I want to use Firebase SMS Authentication with phone number.
I have already enabled push notification in my app setting and registered Firebase Apns authentication key as google document says.
However, after I sent phone number with country code, Xcode says,
Failed to receive remote notification to verify app identity within 5
Error says as below:
error: Error Domain=FIRAuthErrorDomain Code=17999 "An internal error has occurred, print and inspect the error details for more information." UserInfo={error_name=ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR, NSLocalizedDescription=An internal error has occurred, print and inspect the error details for more information., NSUnderlyingError=0x28329c8a0 {Error Domain=FIRAuthInternalErrorDomain Code=3 "(null)" UserInfo={FIRAuthErrorUserInfoDeserializedResponseKey={
code = 500;
errors = (
domain = global;
message = "Internal error encountered.";
reason = backendError;
message = "Internal error encountered.";
status = INTERNAL;
My code:
PhoneAuthProvider.provider().verifyPhoneNumber(phoneNumber, uiDelegate: nil) { verificationId, error in
if let error = error {
print("error: \(error)")
print("verificationId: \(verificationId!)")
UserDefaults.standard.set(verificationId, forKey: "authVerificationID")
Any idea??

Getting lots of CloudKit errors (500) all of a sudden

Nearly everything my app does in CloudKit now returns this error:
<CKError 0x14ecff70: "Server Rejected Request" (15/2001); "Request failed with http status code 500">
(lldb) po [error userInfo]
CKDHTTPHeaders = {
Connection = close;
"Content-Length" = 0;
"X-Apple-Request-UUID" = "F8E4C91A-5F72-4792-9F13-BB5FBB10BA8E";
"X-Responding-Instance" = "ckdatabaseservice:32400203:mr11p24ic-ztbu11100101:8103:15B153:16274";
CKHTTPStatus = 500;
NSDebugDescription = "CKInternalErrorDomain: 2001";
NSLocalizedDescription = "Request failed with http status code 500";
NSUnderlyingError = "<CKError 0x14d5af70: \"Unknown Error\" (2001)>";
Any ideas why this could be happening? I'm tempted to blame it on temporary CloudKit server issues (which is how I would want to interpret an error 500)...but I don't know if that's appropriate.
This is a bug on the iCloud server that's affecting your container. I've grabbed logs from that request and the server team will clean up your container soon. In the meantime you can use a different container name for testing.
If you'd like to file a radar for this we can let you know when the container gets cleaned up.

post comment on facebook error: An unexpected error has occurred. Please retry your request later

I get an error when I post a comment in my post:
code Koala:
Koala.config.api_version = "v2.0"
#graph = Koala::Facebook::API.new(access_token)
comment = #graph.put_comment(params[:comment][:id_ref_facebook], params[:comment][:content])
code FB_graph:
post = FbGraph::Post.new(params[:comment][:id_ref_facebook])
bool = post.comment!(
:access_token => access_token,
:message => params[:comment][:content]
I get this error:
message: An unexpected error has occurred. Please retry your request later. [HTTP 500]
The comment is posted in facebook, but the unique ID of the comment is not returned.

"(#200) Requires extended permission: publish_checkins" while permission is granted

I'm trying to make checkin with facebook sdk from iOS app and getting the following error.
Something wrong with the error description because user granted my app with the extended "publish_checkins" permission and it is mentioned in current session variable below:
Error Domain=com.facebook.sdk Code=5 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (com.facebook.sdk error 5.)" UserInfo=0x1cd94430 {com.facebook.sdk:HTTPStatusCode=403, com.facebook.sdk:ParsedJSONResponseKey={
body = {
error = {
code = 200;
message = "(#200) Requires extended permission: publish_checkins";
type = OAuthException;
code = 403;
}, com.facebook.sdk:ErrorSessionKey=<FBSession: 0x1e05f9c0, state: FBSessionStateOpenTokenExtended, loginHandler: 0x0, appID: 592414770811425, urlSchemeSuffix: , tokenCachingStrategy:<FBSessionTokenCachingStrategy: 0x1e05fa80>, expirationDate: 4001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000, refreshDate: 2013-08-09 00:21:49 +0000, attemptedRefreshDate: 0001-12-30 00:00:00 +0000, permissions:(
Please advice,
It is turned out that "publish_checkins" permission is not supported now. I wasn't even able to add this permission at Facebook application configuration page (App Settings -> Permissions)
Now I post to timeline with place id and it works just fine (you have to ask for "publish_stream" instead of "publish_checkins" permission).

Facebook SDK wont post on wall

After reading almost every question and answer, still can't get it to work.
Why do I keep getting this error when trying to post on my facebook wall?
2012-09-19 11:57:17.389 projectQuantity[5131:f803] received response
2012-09-19 11:57:17.390 projectQuantity[5131:f803] The operation couldn’t be completed. (facebookErrDomain error 10000.)
2012-09-19 11:57:17.391 projectQuantity[5131:f803] Err details: Error Domain=facebookErrDomain Code=10000 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (facebookErrDomain error 10000.)" UserInfo=0x6a9c100 {error=<CFBasicHash 0x6a9b140 [0x1743b48]>{type = mutable dict, count = 3,
entries =>
2 : <CFString 0x6a9b420 [0x1743b48]>{contents = "type"} = <CFString 0x6a9b5b0 [0x1743b48]>{contents = "OAuthException"}
3 : <CFString 0x6a9b550 [0x1743b48]>{contents = "message"} = <CFString 0x6a9b4b0 [0x1743b48]>{contents = "An active access token must be used to query information about the current user."}
6 : <CFString 0x6a9be30 [0x1743b48]>{contents = "code"} = 2500
Why is that happening? thanks everyone.
This is an old question using the very old Facebook SDK, but now, with the new Facebook SDK it's easier than ever.
Already solved. Thanks everybody.
Download it here and follow the guide: http://developers.facebook.com/ios/