post clickable link on Facebook -- with Send button or Send dialog? - facebook

We need to allow the user of our site to post a clickable link to Facebook. More precisely --
we need to pre-fill one of the Facebook plug-ins with a clickable link on behalf of the user.
We cannot rely on the user to type in this link themselves.
We researched this and the Share functionality seemed to offer that but FB has deprecated Share:
We successfully implemented the Send button (see here:
The Send button though does not allow us to post a clickable link. While the user of our site
can click 'Send' on our site, and the Send dialog then pops up -- we cannot 'pre-fill' the Send dialog box
with a click-able link.
Is there a way to post a clickable link to Facebook (other than the now-deprecated Share) ?

Just an idea,
Instead, why wouldn't you implement send message using Send Dialog
Some thing like this(fiddle)
Hope this is helps


How send a DM in Instagram with React?

I want to add an Instagram button that allow a user to share a link directly inside a direct message: when they click the button, they will be redirected to their friend list and choose the receiver, then click the send button (the input field should include the URL).
I'm unable to find something like the WhatsApp API (like or Facebook send dialog.
I found instagram-private-api but I'm looking to use a Facebook API or dialog for that instead.
Is there any useful link or suggestion for that?

Facebook dialog share

We have an app that when our users click share we then forward the user to to share our link.
I need to add this to email and I'm trying to test. Is there a way to test and see the actual post without having to post to my FB account? I want to post the message and link and then test clicking the link on the post without having to post to my personal FB account

Track completion through Facebook Share dialog Url

I am using the share dialog url to share a page from both my website and emails. But I'm not sure how to track completion of the share dialog popup.
Here is the link i am using, unfortunately this doesn't provide feedback on if they complete the share. I also tried adding the #traveshoot to the quote parameter to link to the facebook business page, but it just comes through as plain text. I even tried adding the Hashtag to the post, but that doesn't come up in the facebook business page notifications tab.
Because i am sharing in email I am limited to non-scripted solutions.
Does anyone know how i can change the url to allow completion tracking or any other method that will work? Is this even possible?

Notify user who liked my website

I have a website that have a like button with url pointing to the website's url. The like button works, but I can't seems to figure out how to send notification to users who like the button. I understand that the admin button for a like button is no longer possible and the migration window is already closed. I should change the URL to a facebook page. But if I change it to a facebook page, then when the user share the link, they will open the facebook page, not my website. So how do I make it possible for the user to share my website, but still be able to notify them of any news.

Get FB User when authenticating to Facebook via Send Button

I've done quite a search on SO and this doesn't seem possible. But I'll ask the question, just in-case someone does know if this is possible.
With the standard like/send buttons. If an unauthenticated FB user clicks send and via the FB dialog window then authenticates. Is there a way of finding out the FB id of this user?
Edit: To clarify, this question is not about clicking the like button. I know you can't get any information from clicking it. This is about clicking the send button and then post auth with FB.
This is not possible, as already seen in
How to know who clicked the Facebook "Like" button on my site?
How can I get user's facebook ID who clicked like button?
You can only track users that allowed an app made by you to access their information.