I have n sensors. For every round 1 to N I am going to see how many sensors are alive and draw it as a bar or box. the height of the bar will be the number of sensors.
From the n sensor x will be correct y different by 10 values and z wrong. Can we display that by % of the bar colored according to x y z (green blue red for example)?
in addition if the mean value is correct i want the contour of the bar to be blue else to be red.
solution was to save the data in array and then plot
I have a 1738x6 matrix (stock2), from which I plotted the 6th column (y-axis) and the 5th column (x-axis). I divided values from the 6th column to three categories; top 100 (red dots), bottom 100 (blue dots) and the rest (green dots). I have extracted these high and low values, they are called high100 and low100 in the code below.
I understand that I have only one y-value in the plot and that it contains the three different categories. But I can't find a way to create a legend for the plot so that it would show only red dots and blue dots from inside my y-value. All attempts either fail or show a green dot and the first label of the legend. Could someone kindly show how to create the desired legend? And as an extra question: why is there a [] in the scatter plot when using a color map?
% color map
c = zeros(size(stock2,1),3);
middle = stock2;
[~,j] = sort(stock2(:,6),'ascend');
remove = j([1:100 end-99:end],:);
% other points are green so blue and red can be easily distinguished
% blue didn't seem to stand out from the default black dots
for i=1:d
% red
for i=a:aa
% blue
for i=b:bb
scatter(stock2(:,5),[middle(:,6); stock2(high100,6); stock2(low100,6)],[],c,'.')
xlabel('Closing Price')
legend('100 highest volume days','100 lowest volume days')
I simulated your idea on random data. You could check out documentation on hold, scatter and legend.
The brackets is in the place for size parameter, likely the default value were used then.
xlabel('Closing Price')
legend([h(1),h(3)],{'100 highest volume days','100 lowest volume days'}, ...
I have a matrix, A, that contains 50 rows and 4 columns, and the entries are filled with integers. My interest is to construct a stacked 3D bar plot from this data. However, using bar3(A,'stacked') creates a row of 50 bars, whereas I want the bars to be plotted at the coordinates of a grid of size 5 (vertical) x 10 (horizontal). So the first bar in the row would be at location (1,1), second bar at (1,2), 11th bar at (2,1) and so on until the 50th bar which would be at (5,10). I can't seem to find a way to do this in Matlab, is this possible at all?
Thank you in advance!
I agree with #cris, there are better ways to represent your data. However, something like this would work if you still want to do use a 3D bar plot:
hold on
for i = 1:5
Ai = A(10*(i-1)+1:10*i,:);
h = bar3(1:10,Ai,'stacked');
for ih = 1 :length(h)
x = get(h(ih), 'Xdata');
set(h(ih), 'Xdata', x+i-1);
My x-axis is latitudes, y-axis is longitudes, and z-axis is the hist3 of the two. It is given by: z=hist3(location(:,1:2),[180,360]), where location(:,1) is the latitude column, and location(:,2) is the longitude column.
What I now want is, instead of plotting on a self-created XY plane, I want to plot the same on a worldmap. And instead of representing the frequency of each latitude-longitude pair with the height of the bars of hist3, I want to represent the frequency of each location by a heat map on top of the world map, corresponding to each latitude-longitude pair's frequency on the dataset. I have been searching a lot for this, but have not found much help. How to do this? I could only plot the skeleton of the worldmap like this:
worldmap world
load geoid
geoshow(geoid, geoidrefvec, 'DisplayType', 'texturemap');
load coast
geoshow(lat, long)
I don't know what the colour is being produced based on.
Additionally, if possible, I would also like to know how to plot the hist3 on a 3D map of the world (or globe), where each bar of the hist3 would correspond to the frequency of each location (i.e., each latitude-longitude pair). Thank you.
The hist3 documentation, which you can find here hist3, says:
Color the bars based on the frequency of the observations, i.e. according to the height of the bars. set(get(gca,'child'),'FaceColor','interp','CDataMode','auto');
If that's not what you need, you might wanna try it with colormap. More info about it here colormap. I haven't tried using colormap on histograms directly, so If colormap doesn't help, then you can try creating a new matrix manually which will have values in colors instead of the Z values the histogram originally had.
To do that, you need to first calculate the maximum Z value with:
Then, you need to calculate how much of the colors should overlap. For example, if you use RGB system and you assign Blue for the lowest values of the histogram, then Green for the middle and Red for the High, and the green starts after the Blue with no overlap, than it will look artificial. So, if you decide that you will have, for example overlapping of 10 values, than, having in mind that every R, G and B component of the RGB color images have 255 values (8 bits) and 10 of each overlap with the former, that means that you will have 255 values (from the Blue) + 245 values (From the Green, which is 255 - 10 since 10 of the Green overlap with those of the Blue) + 245 (From the Red, with the same comment as for the Green), which is total amount of 745 values that you can assign to the new colored Histogram.
If 745 > maxZ there is no logic for you to map the new Z with more than maxZ values. Then you can calculate the number of overlaping values in this manner:
if 745 > maxZ
overlap=floor(255- (maxZ-255)/2)
At this point you have 10 overlapping values (or more if you still think that it doesn't looks good) if the maximum value of the Z is bigger than the total amount of values you are trying to assign to the new Z, or overlap overlapping values, if the maximum of Z is smaller.
When you have this two numbers (i.e. 745 and maxZ), you can write the following code so you can create the newZ.
First you need to specify that newZ is of the same size as Z. You can achieve that by creating a zero matrix with the same size as Z, but having in mind that in order to be in color, it has to have an additional dimension, which will specify the three color components (if you are working with RGB).
This can be achieved in the following manner:
The number 3 is here, as I said, so you would be able to give color to the new histogram.
Now you need to calculate the step (this is needed only if maxZ > The number of colors you wish to assign). The step can be calculated as:
If maxZ is, for example 2000 and Total_Number_of_Colors is (With 10 overlaping colours) 745, then stepZ=2.6845637583892617449664429530201. You will also need a counter so you would know what color you would assign to the new matrix. You can initialize it here:
Now, finally the assignment is as follows:
For i=1:stepZ:maxZ
If count>245
elseif count>245 && count<256
elseif count>255
elseif count>500 && count<511
At this point you have colored your histogram. Note that you can manually color it in different colors than red, green and blue (even if you are working in RGB), but it would be a bit harder, so if you don't like the colors you can experiment with the last bit of code (the one with the for loops), or check the internet of some other automatic way to color your newZ matrix.
Now, how do you think to superimpose this matrix (histogram) over your map? Do you want only the black lines to be shown over the colored histogram? If that's the case, than it can be achieved by resampling the NewZ matrix (the colored histogram) with the same precision as the map. For example, if the map is of size MxN, then the histogram needs to be adjusted to that size. If, on the other hand, their sizes are the same, then you can directly continue to the next part.
Your job is to find all pixels that have black in the map. Since the map is not binary (blacks and whites), it will be a bit more harder, but still achievable. You need to find a satisfactory threshold for the three components. All the lines under this threshold should be the black lines that are shown on the map. You can test these values with imshow(worldmap) and checking the values of the black lines you wish to preserve (borders and land edges, for example) by pointing the cross tool on the top of the figure, in the tools bar on every pixel which is of interest.
You don't need to test all black lines that you wish to preserve. You just need to have some basic info about what values the threshold should have. Then you continue with the rest of the code and if you don't like the result so much, you just adjust the threshold in some trial and error manner. When you have figured that this threshold is, for example, (40, 30, 60) for all of the RGB values of the map that you wish to preserve (have in mind that only values that are between (0,0,0) and (40,30,60) will be kept this way, all others will be erased), then you can add the black lines with the following few commands:
for i = 1:size(worldmap,1)
for j = 1:size(worldmap,2)
if worldmap(i,j,1)<40 && worldmap(i,j,2)<30 && worldmap(i,j,3)<60
I want to note that I haven't tested this code, since I don't have Matlab near me atm, so It can have few errors, but those should be easily debugable.
Hopes this is what you need,
So I have a bar chart with y-axis value
y = [0:20:40:60:100]
as set by bar chart by default. Now I need to mark the mean y value of my bars, so suppose it is 54.5.
I need 54.5 on my axis.
I don't want (0, 54.5) to be marked with some sign,
I need (0, 54.5) to show the value 54.5, so that I can numerically identify the mean.
Any advicein this regard will be helpful.
%random example data
%create bar plot
%insert mean
%draw mean line
%add mean to yticks to show on axis.
I am having a big problem in Matlab, because it seems that I want to do something that is not so usual.
Basically I am trying to implement a way of group distribution together called Vincentizing.In order to do that I am following the instruction of a paper (Ratcliff 1979 - Group Reaction Time Distributions and an Analysis of Distribution Statistics). Everything is fine until I have to plot the actual graph. I have an array that contains the quantiles of my dataset. The tutorial I am following says:
distribution histograms can be constructed by plotting quantiles on the abscissa and then constructing rectangles between adjacent quantiles such that all the rectangles have equal areas, as in Figure 2 (link of the image below)
Once I calculate the quantiles, I can set the area to some value, let's say 10, and I can therefore calculate the height of each bar. The width of each bar is the distance between two adjacent quantiles, and of course I can calculate that as well. I have all the information I need, but I don't know how to plot a graph. How can, in matlab, plot I graph like the one in figure?
(it seems that I can plot histogram of different width, but with the hist function I cannot actually specify the height. With the bar function, however, I can specify the height but it seems I cannot change the width..)
Every help is appreciated.
The simplest solution is to use rectangle:
% sample data: set the start of each bar, the bottom (here 0), the width and the height
x = [0.5 0.6 0.9 1 1.2]; % start of bar
y = zeros(length(x),1);
dx = diff([x 1.8]); % width of bar
dy = [1 3 2 .5 .1];
figure, hold on
for ii=1:length(x)
rectangle('position',[x(ii) y(ii) dx(ii) dy(ii)])
axis([0.5 2 0 4.1])
ylabel('Prob density')