Unresponsive buttons in GWT - gwt

I have a GWT application, with some buttons. These buttons seem to be unresponsive sometimes, i.e., clicking on them does nothing. Has anyone faced this problem before ? is it to do with the browser compatibility ?
PS: I am running the GWT development mode on MAC OS if that is relevant at all.

I encountered this in the past when an element in the widget hierarchy was added via getElement().appendChild() instead of .add()
See http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.org.google.gwt/78360 for a related thread.


Loading icon on IndicatingAjaxButton and IndicatingAjaxLink not showing

I am having issues with the loading icon on the IndicatingAjaxButton and
IndicatingAjaxLink. Previously I was on Wicket 9.0.0-M4 and the icons were working
fine. But after upgrading to Wicket 9.0.0-M5 (or later versions), I'm not
able to see the loading icon any longer.
I checked and found that the AjaxIndicatorAppender now has the
hidden attribute instead of the style=display:none. However, when I click
the IndicatingAjaxButton, it will still append the style=display:inline as
before (with the hidden attribute still present).
I've not done any changes to the dependency, only upgrade the Wicket versions. Is there anything that I would need for the upgrade for the button to work?
Please advise. Thank you.

One click, event called twice

I have developed a mobile application. Most of the functions are inside, but I have some very strange behaviour inside the app on iOs (not tested on android yet).
When I click on an item: the event after the click is called twice. This isn't happening the whole time, but happens now and then. This is a problem for when I try to go to the next slide (he things he should move twice to a next slide), but also when I try to open the gallery for selecting photos, he opens the gallery twice, login for facebook happens twice etc... The strange thing is, that this isn't the whole time the case.
I have normal buttons like
<button ion-button color="black" class="skip-button"
(click)="nextStep()" [hidden]="lastSlide">Next</button>
so I don't think that the coding is wrong (or is it wrong).
I use this version:
ionic --version
In the beginning of the development I hadn't this issue. I think that I was using an older version of ionic2 then. Is there a way to go back perhaps?
I was in the meantime working on another project without having this issue (in that project). My last try was to copy the other project and copy pages and providers from the project with the error. The error is now gone, but still no clue why there was such an error.

roundslider UI is malfunction due to ionic.bundles.js file in ionic android app

I searched alot about this topic but couldnt find any answer. I am ionic to build a android app. I used roundslider component from www.roundsliderui.com. Though whole roundslider fully works but the text input right in middle of roundslider does not work in ionic. I figured out that ionic.bundles.js script in ionic app is causing problem. If I remove this script, roundslider works fine.
Any advice why this script causing problem?
I had the same issue. You have to disable the tap functionality.
"In some cases, third-party libraries may also be working with touch events which can interfere with the tap system. For example, mapping libraries like Google or Leaflet Maps often implement a touch detection system which conflicts with Ionic’s tap system."
<div data-tap-disabled="true">
//Your Round Slider here...
I hope it helps.
there is a conflict between files of roundsliderui and ionic
read this article thats will help you
The problem is that the modal is not fully loaded at the time the circular-slider is rendered. This article states correctly that the offsetPosition is null if the document (in this case, the modal) is not finished loading

JToolBarHelper won't work on IE8 and IE9 Browsers?

I'm working on joomla 1.5 and I have this form and it has a Save and Close button but it is not working on IE browsers. The conflict on MooTools.js and jQuery.js is resolved but still the buttons don't work. What is the possible cause of this?
Steps to trace the bug.
1. form name should be "adminForm"
all hidden variable present in the form like option, task, view, controller. whatever you are using in your component.

RCP opening monitor

I just completed the export of my RCP application for Windows and I noticed some strange behavior when testing the app on computer with 2 monitors.
The first time the application is launched, the splash screen and the main apllication windows are displayed on the primary monitor => it's ok !!!
Then I move my application on the second monitor and close it. Relaunch the app displays the splash screen on the second monitor, it's perfect, but it then brings the application window on the first monitor => it's boring and not the expected behavior ...
My Eclipse SDK doesn't have this problem, it simply opens at the last location. I guess I am missing something in my RCP in order to have the same behavior.
Any idea on the subject will be really helpful for me because after many "googling" I was not able to solve my issue.
Thanks in advance for your help
Did you try some kind of workbench customization, using the IWorkbenchConfigurer like in this example?
// in preWindowOpen(IWorkbenchWindowConfigurer configurer)
Dimension dim = java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
configurer.setInitialSize(new Point((int)dim.getWidth(),
if you use configurer.setSaveAndRestore(true); in your initialize() then the rcp re-opens in the last used size.
Since it only set the size, it may not be enough in your (double-screen) case though.