Populate a sharer link for facebook - facebook

Im using this URL to share my website without having to add any facebook code:
And I was wondering, is there any way to populate the description field, like another URL parameter?
EDIT: Seems like sharer its deprecated in favour of the like button, but i dont want to use the ugly look of the like button. is there a way to replace it? Im trying to achieve an effect like this in twitter:
<a href='http://twitter.com/home?status=My_message' <img src='mytwittericon.png' /></a>"

The facebook "sharer" has been deprecated and is no longer supported as it states here:
The Share button has been deprecated in favor of the Like button, and
will no longer be supported. Please use the Like button whenever
possible to drive maximum traffic to your apps.
And here:
What happened to the old Share button?
We deprecated the Share Button when we launched the Like button,
because the Like button improves clickthrough rates by allowing users
to connect with one click, and by allowing them to see which of their
friends have already connected.

I actually find Sharer more useful than Like button.
Try this code:
<img src="http://yourdefaultsharebutton.png">
Or just set proper OG tags.


Facebook Open Graph: URL to use for sharing?

I am creating a customised Facebook share button. The idea is upon clicking on the Facebook share button, it will pick up the meta tags on the page and prefill the share information with a title, description and image that have been curated.
What URL should I be using for the button?
There is https://www.facebook.com/dialog/share
and https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php
I heard the latter has been deprecated? And you can append a whole bunch of information to the URL as well?
I can't quite figure that out.
sharer.php is not deprecated. It was, for some months, but you can definitely use it. The benefit of using sharer.php is that you don´t need to create an App. It´s the easiest way to implement sharing.
Keep in mind that sharer.php ONLY takes the URL as parameter, everything else will get loaded from the Open Graph tags.
For example:

Facebook Like Button API - Like different URL to page button is on?

I have a large image gallery web page. I want to have a Facebook 'Like' button per image, so I set the API URL for each like button to be something like:
<div class="fb-like" data-href="http://mysite.com/gallery/photo1.jpg" data-send="true" data-width="300" data-show-faces="false"></div>
However, the Facebook API seems to not like this. The console says there is a mismatch between domains.
I am assuming this is because the actual 'Like' button is on one URL, eg: mysite.com/gallery whilst the URL it is told to like is diffent, eg: mysite.com/gallery/photo1.jpg as once I set them both to the same URL it is fine.
Does anyone know of a work around for this? Have a Facebook Like button on one page, but the page to like on another, separate page?
Yes, you can definitively add a like button for a content on another domain.
For the moment, there's a bug on Facebook Like buttons' callbacks, and likes are often not taken into account.
The issue should be solved soon : https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/457950334238629
Get the link you want to like working in the Facebook debugger and it should work:
Update: I don't know if the question changed or I was just zoned out, but you cannot like a JPG file.

Choice to Post to Facebook After Clicking Like Button

I noticed at 9gag.com/fast that if you click the Like button, a small option opens up to share that link on the user's wall.
I believe this is not a default option because I have implemented the Like button on my site and it doesn't work that way.
How to get this functionality...
Use FB.Event.subscribe('edge.create') as described here with the JS SDK to catch the event when a user likes your page.
You don't need to subscribe to the like event. The behavior you describe in that link is default. Go to the link generator here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/ to play around with it. Any time you click on like a little comment box will popup.

Is it possible to Facebook LIKE URL without knowing OBJECT_ID and without the facebook API?

Basicly I want to do the same what Facebook API does but without the API. Any ideas?
If all you want s to add a facebook like button to your website, then you can use the "like button generator" here http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/
Use the "get code" button at the bottom.
If you need to like different pages, then it's easy to grab the code (as per above) and just programmatically substitute in your URL for the one you put in the code above.
If you need anything more than this, you will need to provide us more information. Starting with what language you use, what you've already tried and what form you'd like the "LIKE URL" to be in when you're done.

Is the Facebook "Share" button being deprecated?

I have a business requirement to add a Share on Facebook button to a site. There are a lot of links on the web that point to this page but that just points to the page about the like button. Considering there really isn't any talk of a Share button on that page, makes me think it's going away.
This blog post from 2009 talks about the Share button. I didn't see, when I searched, any mention about the Share button being phased out.
I'm unclear on whether I should implement this with sharer.php or whether I should tell the business that "Share" is on the way out and we should just implement "Like".
I have seen some blog posts that suggest Share is deprecated, but nothing official from Facebook.
It is not deprecated per se, but we do want developers to move the Like button.
Official word from Facebook on the sharer.php being deprecated and not supported: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/share/
The Share button has been deprecated in favor of the Like button, and will no longer be supported. Please use the Like button whenever possible to drive maximum traffic to your apps.
2014: The sharer.php has been well..undeprecated. It figures, as this method has been used on millions of sites and was still being used even when the docs were previously saying that it was deprecated. Links in the old format will use the new share button functionality:
This new Share Button works with a new version of our web-based Share Dialog. When using the sharer.php method of invoking the Share Dialog, this dialog will also display the new version without any changes required.
Can I use the Share Dialog without using the Share Button?
Yes, although we recommend using the Share button to offer the
simplest and most consistent experience for people using your site,
you can invoke the Share Dialog using a link:
I believe it has been deprecated in favor of an improved Like button that has similar functionality. The language can be tweaked to 'Recommend', but I found these articles when doing similar research.
Hope it helps.
I don't know of any plans to deprecate the share bookmarklet (which is sharer.php). The deprecation I think you're thinking of is the deprecation of the <fb:share> tag, an XFBML tag which basically did the same thing as <fb:like> before <fb:like> came into existence. Now, they're redundant, so I think <fb:share> is gradually being phased out.
Using the Like button is probably the right way to go in most cases, but if you don't want to make an app id and want a simple quick method, just do this:
Share on Facebook
You can replace the Share on Facebook with an image or whatever you want. Facebook docs reference: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/share-links/