How to change a launching image to landscape? - iphone

How to change a launching image to landscape?
I want to set different launching image when device was landscape mode.
so, I made a PNG file (file name : default-LandscapeLeft#2x~iphone.png)
and dragged it in supporting files folder.
and then building and running in device landscape mode.
but I have seen only black screen.
I can't know reason..
I doubt if .plist file was needed to modify..
Please help from advanced guy....

If you are on an iPhone or iPod, and if your app supports both portrait and landscape mode, then iOS always launches it in portrait mode. After it is launched, if the device is in landscape mode, then iOS tells your app to autorotate to landscape mode. This is explained in iOS App Programming Guide: Launching in Landscape Mode.


Ipad in landscape mode and iphone in portrait mode

I need to set Portrait mode when my application is running in a iPhone and in Landscape mode when running in iPad.
I have change in info.plist but i can't set it for iPad or iPhone.
In your project target, go to General, then in the Development Info section follow the attached images:
1-Make sure that your app is set to Universal for the supported devices
2-Chose iPhone and check Portrait.
3-Chose iPad and check Landscape.
In Xcode 9.2 have no option for selecting the orientation for ipad and iphone
but we can able to change it in by info.plist whatever orientation we should need.. its much easy too.
Reference : iPhone portrait-only app starts as landscape on iPad
Check here for iPad:
and here for iPhone:
how to support landscape/Portrait orientation only for one UIView
Just a quick google..

Can't set SplashScreen for Landscape orientation in my iPhone app

I have image size of 480*320. I want to set it as Default splash for my application.
I read all blogs, I did everything they said, but I failed to launch my app with landscape mode splash.
I succeed to launch the application in landscape mode but splash is still appearing in Portrait mode.
Help me with This.
Thank you in advance.
Just rotate your image in an external editor. Just because you perceive it as landscape doesn't mean it's actually not "rotated portrait".
In short, draw your splash screens as if they are portrait, but draw them sideways!
File in Finder Image On Simulator
File in Finder Image On Simulator
Images reproduced with kind permission from

Xcode Launch images screens for landscape app

I'm developing universal app (game) which working only in landscape modes. Can I do not specify Launch images for portrait mode for saving size?
Yes, adding "Default-Landscape.png" will be enough, if you need so.
"Universal apps must provide launch images for both the iPhone and iPad idioms".. BUT.. launch images for the iPhone are only accepted in portrait mode (link).
so.. for Default.png or Default-iphone.png .. to provide a landscape launch image you must create the image and rotate it 90 degrees in an image editor

landscape splash screen for iphone apps?

i am developing an app which supports all orientations. i need to launch the splash screen (launching image) in all orientation types. but the project summary have only one field (portrait) to set the Default.png. how will i launch the landscape splash screen on my iphone app.
ipad have some features to setup both the orientations. is their anything like that in iphone,
thank you in advance
iPhone splash screen is only Portrait. iPad has landscape too because iPad home screen auto rotates unlike iPhone's.
In order to achieve such a behavior you can make your first screen identical to the splash screen ( add the same image on the background) . So it will look like a landscaped splash screen while you are loading the resources needed for your app but you can't start the app in landscape mode.
Hope this helps.
Nope, according to HIG, iPhone's default orientation is portrait and launch will do only portrait mode.
Let me quote a special behaviour
From Technical Note TN2244 Launching your iPhone Application in Landscape
Except for launch images used by the iPhone 6 Plus, asset catalogs assume that all iPhone launch images are for the portrait orientation.
Launch images for iPhone apps are always sized to match the dimensions of the screen in portrait orientation. For applications that launch into landscape orientation, you should use your preferred graphics editing software to rotate the content of the launch image while keeping the image's size consistent with a portrait launch image (height > width).
if you don't do things correctly, you can end up with a blank/white screen
The result is a blank screen during launch as the system cannot find an appropriate launch image.
Unfortunately, the document was last updated 2 years ago.
2015-05-26 Updated for Xcode 6 and iOS 8.

Portrait vs Landscape Launch Images

An iPad app can support inclusion of launch images in both orientations; presumably, if your app supports auto-rotation, then this would suggest to me that if the user launches an app while the device is in Landscape mode, then the Landscape launch image is used.
But in all the apps I've built and released, this has never been the case. Never once has the Landscape launch image appeared, only the Portrait. After loading, the app will auto-rotate to whatever orientation the device is in, but at launch, it assumes you are in Portrait. Always.
I have seen many other apps in the store that behave this way, but then there are some seem to always automatically know immediately at first launch, from that first launch image, that you are in Landscape, if that's the case.
How is this done?
iPhone supports only portrait images (
Apps that don't support portrait orientations, provide the same portrait oriented image. For example, Angry birds on iPhone has the same portrait oriented image but the guys painted rotated graphics on it.
As it would turn out, the issue was due to leaving out the supported orientations in the plist file for the app. You can add these manually or just select them in the Target page. More details here:
How to get a landscape launch image to actually appear when launched?