Batch file for copying files - command-line

I'm looking to do some massive copy's during a server migration and I need to better understand the copy commands in Windows Server. I've been toying with xcopy, but I really am having a difficult time understanding it fully. Is there some good literature out there or can anyone help me with this? Is there any other software or commands I could use?
I'm looking to do this to a full array of 37 servers, so I'm looking for guidance on creating a script I can input multiple directories into so that I can leave this running for as long as it takes.
So far this is what I've been doing:
xcopy C:\Directory\*.* \\Server\Directory\*.* /S /V
It's working, but when I get an error it stops... and I'm not really sure the direction I should go for starting up a batch file for this project. Should I use variables? Should I prompt for the directories? What's the "best" way?
Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advanced!

Now on to actually solving what you're asking.
I have run into a similar problem at my work as well. I've actually developed some code that can take 3 copies at a time (either roboCopy or xCopy) and will create the script for later use.
Try this out and let me know if it works!
TITLE product_X Migration Copy Tool
echo.This script should always be run FROM the Source Machine
choice /C:RX /N /M "(R)RoboCopy or (X)Xcopy:"
IF '%ERRORLEVEL%'=='1' set copyMode=Robo
IF '%ERRORLEVEL%'=='2' set copyMode=X
echo.Are you using UNC paths?
choice /C:YN /N /M "(Y)Yes or (N)No"
IF '%UNC%'=='UNC' GOTO regEdit
IF '%ERRORLEVEL%'=='2' set UNC=drive
IF '%UNC%'=='drive' GOTO SourceDrive1
IF /I '%source1Error%'=='T' echo.Location does not exist, try again...
IF /I '%source1Error%'=='T' echo.
set source1Error=F
echo._.-*Set your FIRST copy source/destination*-._
set SourceDrive1=
set /p SourceDrive1=What is the Local folder you want to copy from?:
IF NOT DEFINED SourceDrive1 set source1Error=T
IF /I '%source1Error%'=='T' GOTO SourceDrive1
echo.What is the %UNC% location you want to copy %sourceDrive1% to?
set dest1Error=F
set destDrive1=
IF '%UNC%'=='UNC' echo.(Make sure you include the '\\' before your location)
set /p destDrive1=:
IF NOT DEFINED destDrive1 set dest1Error=T
IF /I '%dest1Error%'=='T' echo.Location does not exist, try again...
IF /I '%dest1Error%'=='T' GOTO destDrive1
verify >nul
echo.You will perform a %copyMode%Copy on %SourceDrive1%\*.* to %destDrive1%\*.*
echo.Is this correct?
echo.(If you choose (Z)Done you will move on to start %copyMode%Copying)
choice /C:YNXZ /N /M "(Y)Yes, (N)No, (X)Back or (Z)Done:"
IF '%ERRORLEVEL%'=='1' GOTO SourceDrive2
IF '%ERRORLEVEL%'=='2' GOTO destDrive1
IF '%ERRORLEVEL%'=='3' GOTO SourceDrive1
IF '%ERRORLEVEL%'=='4' set allDone=1
IF '%ERRORLEVEL%'=='4' GOTO finalWarning
IF /I '%source2Error%'=='T' echo.Location does not exist, try again...
IF /I '%source2Error%'=='T' echo.
set source2Error=F
echo._.-*Set your SECOND copy source/destination*-._
set SourceDrive2=
set /p SourceDrive2=What is the next Local folder you want to copy from?:
IF NOT DEFINED SourceDrive2 set source2Error=T
IF /I '%source2Error%'=='T' GOTO SourceDrive2
echo.What is the %UNC% location you want to copy %SourceDrive2% to?
set dest2Error=F
set destDrive2=
IF '%UNC%'=='UNC' echo.(Make sure you include the '\\' before your location)
set /p destDrive2=:
IF NOT DEFINED destDrive2 set dest2Error=T
IF /I '%dest2Error%'=='T' echo.Location does not exist, try again...
IF /I '%dest2Error%'=='T GOTO destDrive2
verify >nul
echo.You will perform a %copyMode%Copy on %SourceDrive2%\*.* to %destDrive2%\*.*
echo.Is this correct?
echo.(If you choose (Z)Done you will move on to start %copyMode%Copying)
choice /C:YNXZ /N /M "(Y)Yes, (N)No, (X)Back or (Z)Done:"
IF '%ERRORLEVEL%'=='1' GOTO SourceDrive3
IF '%ERRORLEVEL%'=='2' GOTO destDrive2
IF '%ERRORLEVEL%'=='3' GOTO SourceDrive1
IF '%ERRORLEVEL%'=='4' set allDone=2
IF '%ERRORLEVEL%'=='4' GOTO finalWarning
IF /I '%source3Error%'=='T' echo.Location does not exist, try again...
IF /I '%source3Error%'=='T' echo.
set source3Error=F
echo._.-*Set your SECOND copy source/destination*-._
set SourceDrive3=
set /p SourceDrive3=What is the last Local folder you want to copy from?:
IF NOT DEFINED SourceDrive3 set source3Error=T
IF /I '%source3Error%'=='T' GOTO SourceDrive3
echo.What is the %UNC% location you want to copy %SourceDrive3% to?
set dest3Error=F
set destDrive3=
IF '%UNC%'=='UNC' echo.(Make sure you include the '\\' before your location)
set /p destDrive3=:
IF NOT DEFINED destDrive3 set dest3Error=T
IF /I '%dest3Error%'=='T' echo.Location does not exist, try again...
IF /I '%dest3Error%'=='T' GOTO destDrive3
verify >nul
echo.You will perform a %copyMode%Copy on %SourceDrive3%\*.* to %destDrive3%\*.*
echo.Is this correct?
choice /C:YNX /N /M "(Y)Yes, (N)No or (X)Back"
IF '%ERRORLEVEL%'=='1' GOTO finalWarning
IF '%ERRORLEVEL%'=='2' GOTO destDrive3
IF '%ERRORLEVEL%'=='3' GOTO SourceDrive2
echo. * * * WARNING * * *
echo.This will execute with the following variables
echo.%SourceDrive1%\*.* to %destDrive1%\*.*
IF '%allDone%'=='1' GOTO questionWarning
echo.%SourceDrive2%\*.* to %destDrive2%\*.*
IF '%allDone%'=='2' GOTO questionWarning
echo.%SourceDrive3%\*.* to %destDrive3%\*.*
echo.Do you want to SAVE your config to use later?
echo.Select Yes to start, No to go to the beginning or Back to go back one step
choice /C:YNX /N /M "(Y)Yes, (N)No or (X)Back"
IF '%ERRORLEVEL%'=='1' set copyConfig=Y
IF '%ERRORLEVEL%'=='2' set copyConfig=N
IF '%ERRORLEVEL%'=='3' GOTO SourceDrive3
IF /I '%copyConfig%'=='Y' goto saveConfig
IF /I '%copyConfig%'=='N' goto SourceDrive1
FOR /F %%A IN ('TIME/T') DO SET time=%%A
FOR /F "tokens=1-4 delims=/ " %%B IN ('DATE /t') DO SET date=%%C/%%D/%%E
echo.Do you want to start %copyMode%Copying?
echo.Select Yes to start, No to go to the beginning or Back to go back one step
choice /C:YNX /N /M "(Y)Yes, (N)No or (X)Back"
IF '%ERRORLEVEL%'=='1' GOTO start
IF '%ERRORLEVEL%'=='2' GOTO SourceDrive1
IF '%ERRORLEVEL%'=='3' GOTO questionWarning
echo.%date% -%time% - %copyMode%Copy Started>>C:\TEMP\product_X\TEMP\product_X_Migration_%copyMode%Copy.txt
IF /I '%copyConfig%'=='Y' explorer.exe C:\TEMP\product_X\Data_Migration\%copyMode%Copy_Saves\
IF /I '%copyMode%'=='robo' goto roboCopy
IF /I '%copyMode%'=='X' goto xCopy
REM xcopy Source Destination /TRIGGERS
IF NOT EXIST %destDrive1% MD %destDrive1%
echo.%date% -%time% - %SourceDrive1%\*.* - to - %destDrive1%\*.*>>C:\TEMP\product_X\TEMP\product_X_Migration_%copyMode%Copy.txt
xcopy %SourceDrive1%\*.* %destDrive1%\*.* /d /e /c /r /y
IF '%allDone%'=='1' GOTO end
IF NOT EXIST %destDrive2% MD %destDrive2%
echo.%date% -%time% - %SourceDrive2%\*.* - to - %destDrive2%\*.*>>C:\TEMP\product_X\TEMP\product_X_Migration_%copyMode%Copy.txt
xcopy %SourceDrive2%\*.* %destDrive2%\*.* /d /e /c /r /y
IF '%allDone%'=='2' GOTO end
IF NOT EXIST %destDrive3% MD %destDrive3%
echo.%date% -%time% - %SourceDrive3%\*.* - to - %destDrive3%\*.*>>C:\TEMP\product_X\TEMP\product_X_Migration_%copyMode%Copy.txt
xcopy %SourceDrive3%\*.* %destDrive3%\*.* /d /e /c /r /y
IF NOT EXIST %destDrive1% MD %destDrive1%
IF NOT EXIST %destDrive1%\RoboCopy_Logfile MD %destDrive1%\RoboCopy_Logfile
echo.%date% -%time% - %SourceDrive1%\*.* - to - %destDrive1%\*.*>>C:\TEMP\product_X\TEMP\product_X_Migration_%copyMode%Copy.txt
robocopy %SourceDrive1%\*.* %destDrive1%\*.* /R:5 /W:3 /Z /XX /TEE /LOG+:%destDrive1%\RoboCopy_Logfile\%destDrive1%_Log.txt
IF '%allDone%'=='1' GOTO end
IF NOT EXIST %destDrive2% MD %destDrive2%
IF NOT EXIST %destDrive2%\RoboCopy_Logfile MD %destDrive2%\RoboCopy_Logfile
echo.%date% -%time% - %SourceDrive2%\*.* - to - %destDrive2%\*.*>>C:\TEMP\product_X\TEMP\product_X_Migration_%copyMode%Copy.txt
robocopy %SourceDrive2%\*.* %destDrive2%\*.* /R:5 /W:3 /Z /XX /TEE /LOG+:%destDrive2%\RoboCopy_Logfile\%destDrive2%_Log.txt
IF '%allDone%'=='2' GOTO end
IF NOT EXIST %destDrive3% MD %destDrive3%
IF NOT EXIST %destDrive3%\RoboCopy_Logfile MD %destDrive3%\RoboCopy_Logfile
echo.%date% -%time% - %SourceDrive3%\*.* - to - %destDrive3%\*.*>>C:\TEMP\product_X\TEMP\product_X_Migration_%copyMode%Copy.txt
robocopy %SourceDrive3%\*.* %destDrive3%\*.* /R:5 /W:3 /Z /XX /TEE /LOG+:%destDrive3%\RoboCopy_Logfile\%destDrive3%_Log.txt
GOTO end
IF NOT EXIST C:\TEMP\product_X MD C:\TEMP\product_X
echo.Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00> C:\TEMP\product_X\DisableUNCCheck.reg
echo.;>> C:\TEMP\product_X\DisableUNCCheck.reg
echo.[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Command Processor]>> C:\TEMP\product_X\DisableUNCCheck.reg
echo."DisableUNCCheck"=dword:00000001>> C:\TEMP\product_X\DisableUNCCheck.reg
regedit /s C:\TEMP\product_X\DisableUNCCheck.reg
GOTO SourceDrive1
echo.%copyMode%Copy Completed
echo.%date% -%time% - %copyMode%Copy Ended>>C:\TEMP\product_X\TEMP\product_X_Migration_%copyMode%Copy.txt
FOR /F "tokens=1-2 delims=: " %%B IN ('TIME /t') DO SET time=%%B%%C
FOR /F "tokens=1-4 delims=/ " %%B IN ('DATE /t') DO SET date=%%C%%D%%E
IF /I '%copyMode%'=='robo' goto roboCopySave
IF /I '%copyMode%'=='X' goto xCopySave
IF NOT EXIST C:\TEMP\product_X\Data_Migration\%copyMode%Copy_Saves MD C:\TEMP\product_X\Data_Migration\%copyMode%Copy_Saves
echo.IF NOT EXIST %destDrive1% MD %destDrive1%>>C:\TEMP\product_X\Data_Migration\%copyMode%Copy_Saves\%date%_%time%_%copyMode%Copy.bat
echo.Saving file: C:\TEMP\product_X\Data_Migration\%copyMode%Copy_Saves\%date%_%time%_%copyMode%Copy.bat
echo.echo.%%date%% - %%time%% - %SourceDrive1%\*.* - to - %destDrive1%\*.*^>^>C:\TEMP\product_X\TEMP\product_X_Migration_%copyMode%Copy.txt>>C:\TEMP\product_X\Data_Migration\%copyMode%Copy_Saves\%date%_%time%_%copyMode%Copy.bat
echo.xcopy %SourceDrive1%\*.* %destDrive1%\*.* /d /e /c /r /y>>C:\TEMP\product_X\Data_Migration\%copyMode%Copy_Saves\%date%_%time%_%copyMode%Copy.bat
IF '%allDone%'=='1' GOTO preStart
echo.echo.IF NOT EXIST %destDrive2% MD %destDrive2%>>C:\TEMP\product_X\Data_Migration\%copyMode%Copy_Saves\%date%_%time%_%copyMode%Copy.bat
echo.echo.%%date%% - %%time%% - %SourceDrive2%\*.* - to - %destDrive2%\*.*^>^>C:\TEMP\product_X\TEMP\product_X_Migration_%copyMode%Copy.txt>>C:\TEMP\product_X\Data_Migration\%copyMode%Copy_Saves\%date%_%time%_%copyMode%Copy.bat
echo.xcopy %SourceDrive2%\*.* %destDrive2%\*.* /d /e /c /r /y>>C:\TEMP\product_X\Data_Migration\%copyMode%Copy_Saves\%date%_%time%_%copyMode%Copy.bat
IF '%allDone%'=='2' GOTO preStart
echo.echo.IF NOT EXIST %destDrive3% MD %destDrive3%>>C:\TEMP\product_X\Data_Migration\%copyMode%Copy_Saves\%date%_%time%_%copyMode%Copy.bat
echo.echo.%%date%% - %%time%% - %SourceDrive3%\*.* - to - %destDrive3%\*.*^>^>C:\TEMP\product_X\TEMP\product_X_Migration_%copyMode%Copy.txt>>C:\TEMP\product_X\Data_Migration\%copyMode%Copy_Saves\%date%_%time%_%copyMode%Copy.bat
echo.xcopy %SourceDrive3%\*.* %destDrive3%\*.* /d /e /c /r /y>>C:\TEMP\product_X\Data_Migration\%copyMode%Copy_Saves\%date%_%time%_%copyMode%Copy.bat
GOTO preStart
IF NOT EXIST C:\TEMP\product_X\%copyMode%Copy_Saves MD C:\TEMP\product_X\%copyMode%Copy_Saves
echo.IF NOT EXIST %destDrive1% MD %destDrive1%>>C:\TEMP\product_X\Data_Migration\%copyMode%Copy_Saves\%date%_%time%_%copyMode%Copy.bat
echo.Saving file: C:\TEMP\product_X\Data_Migration\%copyMode%Copy_Saves\%date%_%time%_%copyMode%Copy.bat
echo.IF NOT EXIST %destDrive1%\RoboCopy_Logfile MD %destDrive1%\RoboCopy_Logfile>>C:\TEMP\product_X\Data_Migration\%copyMode%Copy_Saves\%date%_%time%_%copyMode%Copy.bat
echo.echo.%%date%% - %%time%% - %SourceDrive1%\*.* - to - %destDrive1%\*.*^>^>C:\TEMP\product_X\TEMP\product_X_Migration_%copyMode%Copy.txt>>C:\TEMP\product_X\Data_Migration\%copyMode%Copy_Saves\%date%_%time%_%copyMode%Copy.bat
echo.robocopy %SourceDrive1%\*.* %destDrive1%\*.* /R:5 /W:3 /Z /XX /TEE /LOG+:%destDrive1%\RoboCopy_Logfile\%destDrive1%_Log.txt>>C:\TEMP\product_X\Data_Migration\%copyMode%Copy_Saves\%date%_%time%_%copyMode%Copy.bat
IF '%allDone%'=='1' GOTO preStart
echo.IF NOT EXIST %destDrive2% MD %destDrive2%>>C:\TEMP\product_X\Data_Migration\%copyMode%Copy_Saves\%date%_%time%_%copyMode%Copy.bat
echo.IF NOT EXIST %destDrive2%\RoboCopy_Logfile MD %destDrive2%\RoboCopy_Logfile>>C:\TEMP\product_X\Data_Migration\%copyMode%Copy_Saves\%date%_%time%_%copyMode%Copy.bat
echo.echo.%%date%% - %%time%% - %SourceDrive2%\*.* - to - %destDrive2%\*.*^>^>C:\TEMP\product_X\TEMP\product_X_Migration_%copyMode%Copy.txt>>C:\TEMP\product_X\Data_Migration\%copyMode%Copy_Saves\%date%_%time%_%copyMode%Copy.bat
echo.robocopy %SourceDrive2%\*.* %destDrive2%\*.* /R:5 /W:3 /Z /XX /TEE /LOG+:%destDrive2%\RoboCopy_Logfile\%destDrive2%_Log.txt>>C:\TEMP\product_X\Data_Migration\%copyMode%Copy_Saves\%date%_%time%_%copyMode%Copy.bat
IF '%allDone%'=='2' GOTO preStart
echo.IF NOT EXIST %destDrive3% MD %destDrive3%>>C:\TEMP\product_X\Data_Migration\%copyMode%Copy_Saves\%date%_%time%_%copyMode%Copy.bat
echo.IF NOT EXIST %destDrive3%\RoboCopy_Logfile MD %destDrive3%\RoboCopy_Logfile>>C:\TEMP\product_X\Data_Migration\%copyMode%Copy_Saves\%date%_%time%_%copyMode%Copy.bat
echo.echo.%%date%% - %%time%% - %SourceDrive3%\*.* - to - %destDrive3%\*.*^>^>C:\TEMP\product_X\TEMP\product_X_Migration_%copyMode%Copy.txt>>C:\TEMP\product_X\Data_Migration\%copyMode%Copy_Saves\%date%_%time%_%copyMode%Copy.bat
echo.robocopy %SourceDrive3%\*.* %destDrive3%\*.* /R:5 /W:3 /Z /XX /TEE /LOG+:%destDrive3%\RoboCopy_Logfile\%destDrive3%_Log.txt>>C:\TEMP\product_X\Data_Migration\%copyMode%Copy_Saves\%date%_%time%_%copyMode%Copy.bat
GOTO preStart
REM product_X Install Batch Script
REM Created by Trevor Giannetti
REM An unpublished work
REM (March 2012)

You have a couple of different questions here, I'm going to try to split them up and answer them.
First: Understanding xCopy and all of it's triggers.
There is some good literature, first of all, in the command prompt itself:
> xcopy /?
This will get you a list of the possible triggers you can use.
Else, there is some good literature on the net: xCopy Wiki
Here you will find examples of what you're trying to do.
After reading that information, I believe you need to include /C in your string to avoid stopping when your xCopy finds an error.
xcopy C:\Directory\*.* \\Server\Directory\*.* /S /V /C
This will continue even if it finds an error.
Also, have you tried roboCopy yet?
> robocopy /?
Again, here you will get a list of possible triggers.
As well as this link: roboCopy Wiki
I hope that you find what you're looking for here.


batch file to copy only newly created or modified folders

I want to create a batch file which will copy only newly created folders.I am using the following code but with this it is picking only files(text file or xml files) not the folder.
xcopy "D:\Splunk\var\lib\splunk\defaultdb\db" "D:\test\Incremental_data_backup\" /m
Please suggest what I am missing
You can use xcopy for that, just need to specify the correct options. Here is which ones are relevant to you:
/H Copy hidden and system files and folders (default=N)
Copy files changed on or after the specified date.
If no date is given, copy only files whose
source date/time is newer than the destination time.
/S Copy folders and subfolders
/E Copy folders and subfolders, including Empty folders.
May be used to modify /T.
So something along the lines of:
xcopy <src> <dest> /HE /D:mm-dd-yyyy
Scripting the date is a bit more complicated:
%date:~4,2% - month
%date:-4% - year
%date:~7,2% - day
So the current date will be:
You can try with this code. I use a parameter to mark as a modified folder
REM set up the TODAY variable
REM -----
for /f "tokens=1-3 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /T') do set year=%%c
for /f "tokens=1-3 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /T') do set month=%%b
for /f "tokens=1-3 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /T') do set day=%%a
set TODAY=%year%%month%%day%
REM -----
:: yesterdays date
#echo off
set day=-1
echo >"%temp%\%~n0.vbs" s=DateAdd("d",%day%,now) : d=weekday(s)
echo>>"%temp%\%~n0.vbs" WScript.Echo year(s)^& right(100+month(s),2)^&
for /f %%a in ('cscript /nologo "%temp%\%~n0.vbs"') do set "result=%%a"
del "%temp%\%~n0.vbs"
set "YY=%result:~2,2%"
set "MM=%result:~4,2%"
set "DD=%result:~6,2%"
set "data=%mm%-%dd%-%yy%"
xcopy D:\YourFolder D:\BAK\BAK_%TODAY% /S /D:%data% /C /R /I /K /Y

Windows script to delete everything but image file extensions

I want to create a script on Windows 7 to delete everything in a directory that is not a picture.
for all files in directory X
if file y does not have extension in (.png, .gif, .jpeg)
delete y
that's it
how can I find or create such a script
mind you, some pictures are important, so this script has to work correctly :) I don't think I should be experimenting here, and even if I tested my own script on a small directory with experimental files, I am not confident that I should try it.
I have this code as suggested:
::extensions are delimited with space // filename is del_stuff.bat
set "extensions_list=.png .gif .jpeg .bmp .jpg "
pushd "C:\Users\denman\Desktop\xxx\"
for /f "delims=" %%f in ('dir /b ^|findstr /i /e /v "%extensions_list%" ') do (
echo del /q /f "%%~f"
But I get this error:
Using Powershell, you can get the list of files you need with something like this:
Get-ChildItem | where {!$_.PsIsContainer -and !(#(".png",".gif",".jpeg") -contains $_.Extension) }
I left the Delete command to you, make sure the list returns correct results before you do it.
#echo off
::extensions are delimited with space
set "extensions_list=.png .gif .jpeg "
pushd "C:\Directory_with_pictures" && (
for /f "delims=" %%f in ('dir /b /a-d ^|findstr /i /e /v "%extensions_list%" ') do (
echo del /q /f "%%~f"
The 'echo' is to verify the result .remove the echo to activate deletion.And change "C:\Directory_with_pictures" with the actual path.
EDIT testing the script:
#echo off
md test_dir>nul 2>&1
echo #>test_dir\t1.png
echo #>test_dir\t1.txt
echo #>test_dir\t1.tst
echo #>test_dir\t1.jpg
echo #>test_dir\t1.gif
echo #>test_dir\t2.png
echo #>test_dir\t2.txt
echo #>test_dir\t2.tst
echo #>test_dir\t2.jpg
echo #>test_dir\t2.gif
echo -- before deleting--
dir /b .\test_dir\*
::extensions are delimited with space
set "extensions_list=.png .gif .jpeg .jpg"
pushd "test_dir"
for /f "delims=" %%f in ('dir /b ^|findstr /i /e /v "%extensions_list%" ') do (
del /q /f "%%~f"
echo -- after deleting --
dir /b .\test_dir\*
-- before deleting--
-- after deleting --

Batch Script - (Stop services, move log files to other directory, append date once move)

I'm a newbie in batch scripting. How can i add a currentdate on the filename once i move the files to other directory? Can you please check my code below? Thanks!
This is how it works:
-- I need to copy some files to other directory in order to kill the running processes which are (dsst)
-- once the dsst is not running, it should stop the GESWCPAServer and delete the copied files in c:temp
-- Next, copy the logfiles from C:\LOGFILES to C:\LOGFILES\Archive.
-- after the files has been copied. it will now start the services.
#ECHO off
copy D:\fp_swenv\cg_fp\config\*.magik c:\temp
sc stop GESWCPAServer
echo checking for task list
tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq dsst_writer_acp.exe" | find /I "dsst_writer_acp.exe"
rem tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq textpad.exe" | find /I "textpad.exe"
if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 goto sleeploop
goto finish_up
echo Sleeping 10secs
sleep 10
goto loop
del c:\temp\*.magik
sc stop GESWDisptcher51
sc stop GESWCPAClient
sleep 10
set logpath1="C:\LOGFILES"
set arcpath1="C:\LOGFILES\Archive"
cd %logpath1%
FORFILES /D -1 /M *.log /C "cmd /c move #path %arcpath1%"
cd /D %arcpath1%
sc start GESWCPAServer
sleep 10
echo checking for task list
tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq dsst_writer_acp.exe" | find /I "dsst_writer_acp.exe"
rem tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq textpad.exe" | find /I "textpad.exe"
if %ERRORLEVEL% == 1 goto sleeploop
sc start GESWDisptcher51
sc start GESWCPAClient
Please check if this works -
Replace your below code with my code.
set logpath1="C:\LOGFILES"
set arcpath1="C:\LOGFILES\Archive"
cd %logpath1%
FORFILES /D -1 /M *.log /C "cmd /c move #path %arcpath1%"
My Code -
EDIT - Added the zip option as requested by OP in the comment.
#echo OFF
set logpath1=c:\Logfiles
set arcpath1=c:\Logfiles\archive
cd /d %logpath1%
for /f %%x in ('wmic os get localdatetime ^| findstr /b [0-9]') do set TS=%%x
set yyyy=%TS:~0,4%
set mm=%TS:~4,2%
set dd=%TS:~6,2%
set hh=%TS:~8,2%
set min=%TS:~10,2%
set timestamp=%dd%-%mm%-%yyyy%_%hh%-%min%
for /f %%i in ('dir /b *.log') do call :moveandrename "%%i"
goto :jump
set filename=%~n1
set fileextn=%~x1
move /y %filename%%fileextn% %arcpath1%\%filename%-%timestamp%%fileextn% >nul 2>&1
goto :eof
cd %arcpath1%
C:\Program Files\WinZip\wzzip.exe -a *.log
if not %errorlevel% EQU 0 echo.Zip operation failed on %timestamp% >>zipresult.txt & goto :eof
del *.log
Cheers, G

How can i list all hidden files inside all subdirectories using batch scripting for windows XP?

dir /S /aH doesnt work as it wont delve any deeper inside of unhidden folders.
EDIT: turns out it WAS dir /S /aH just there wasnt any hidden or system files or folders within the non hidden files or folders i was testing on.
This is problematic and the only way I know to solve it is ugly and will give you the result in a "function":
#echo off
goto main
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN ('dir /B /S /A:-D-H "%~1" 2^>nul') DO call :%2 "%%~A"
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN ('dir /B /S /A:-DH "%~1" 2^>nul') DO call :%2 "%%~A"
goto :EOF
echo file=%~1
goto :EOF
call :EnumAllFiles "c:\someDirToSearch" mycallback
(This does not tell the mycallback function about folders since you said you wanted files)
Edit: It seems like dir /B /S /a-D also works

Batch File XCopy Command

I have a batch file which loops through a content of a text file and copies a specific file using xcopy command.
here's the snippet.
for /f %%a in (FilesToCopy.txt) do (
xcopy ..\..\Common\%%a Common\%%a /i /d /c /v /s /y /f
xcopy Common\%%a ..\..\Common\%%a /i /d /C /v /s /y /f
%%a contains values like
so when xcopy is executed it would look like
xcopy ..\..\Common\Images\image1.jpg Common\Images\image1.jpg /i /d /c /v /s /y
upon execute it would then prompt this message
Does Common\Images\image1.png specify a file name
or directory name on the target
(F = file, D = directory)?
it seems that the /i command doesn' work or i am missing something here to suppress the message above.
Well, you left out the second statement the help gives about /I:
/I If destination does not exist and copying more than one file,
assumes that destination must be a directory.
You are only ever copying one file at a time, so /I doesn't apply.
You can probably hack-solving this by piping F into the command and suppressing output:
echo F|xcopy ..\..\Common\%%a Common\%%a /i /d /c /v /s /y /f >nul
(Won't work on non-English versions of Windows; but probably that's the least of your problems, given that the batch already fails for file names with spaces :-))
You could try building a single long list of file names to copy:
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion enableextensions
set LIST=
for /f %%a in (FilesToCopy.txt) do set LIST=!LIST! "..\..\Common\%%a"
xcopy %LIST% Common /i /d /c /v /s /y /f
This requires two passes over the initial file, though. And it fails when the list of file names gets longer than 8190 characters.
The destination should be a path, then it won't ask:
xcopy ..\..\Common\Images\image1.jpg Common\Images\ /i /d /c /v /s /y
In your case, you can use path extraction with %~p on the destination since you may want to preserve that:
xcopy ..\..\Common\%%a Common\%%~pa /i /d /c /v /s /y