How does JRE installation work? - deployment

I was working on packaging my software and wondering how does the installation of JRE work. Does it simply copy the binaries on the local system and set the classpath accordingly or any other steps are done by the installer?
For windows the JRE binaries are stored in C:\Program Files\Java\jre7 can I copy this folder into some other machine(with same processor 32bit or 64bit) to make JRE work. If that is so then what are the environment variables that are needed to be set?

can I copy this folder into some other machine(with same processor 32bit or 64bit) to make JRE work
Yes, no problem. Unless you also want to register the .jar extension so that you can double-click them.
In that case check out the ftype and assoc commands. They can do that e.g. from within a batch file or installer.
If that is so then what are the environment variables that are needed to be set?
No need to set any environment variable.
Just make sure you qualify the path to javaw.exe (or java.exe) correctly when starting your application (e.g. through a batch file).

You can put the whole JRE in a sub directory and just reference java.exe based on the sub directory. This is done quite frequently by other products.
You don't need to set any Environmental variables.
If this is a commercial application that is not a JRE toolkit (i.e. something like Maven or Ant) do not rely on the global Environmental variables JAVA_HOME, PATH or CLASSPATH to be set. If you want to create a batch file that when ran, automatically sets that in the context of your application, that'll work fine. But do not rely on them to be set in the System.
All it will take is for someone to change these to use some version of 1.7, or 1.8 beta, or really any sub-version of the JRE to break your application and then you'll get Customer Support calls about your application breaking, when really what they did was change their JAVA_HOME to something absurd because they misread the Ant documentation.
If you are providing a toolset that works in conjunction with the JDK, such as Ant or Maven, you'll probably want to use whatever JRE/JDK they have installed as that is the point of your tools.

If you don't specify any argument, the JRE installer install the needed binary and executable files, but also creates the needed windows registry entries to configure your JRE installation.
You can also install using the "-static" option (see the JRE installer documentation) in which case doesn't do anything else but copying the files to the specified path.
Then you'll need your environment variables manually. For the command-line, the most common ones are: PATH, JAVA_HOME and CLASSPATH.

The short version is, it depends. But for the most part, the constraints of binary compatibility and library paths are sufficient to get the JRE working in shared environments (as we do in some of our machines at work).
Because Java provides a virtual machine to handle requests, and because it can do so fairly independently of some of the other bells and whistles owned by the system, your intuition about its classpath and binary disposition holds true. However, you may run into problems with libraries that expect a well-formed and system-specific set of paths and libraries, which are afforded in some of the OS packages provided by third-party libraries.
In short: if you have the option to, install Java from its installer, because this will guarantee all classpath details, all libraries, all logging facilities, and all system-specific errata are accounted for, though as Andrew Finnell points out, you'll still need to set the environment variables manually. Only a strict subset of these are required for most needs (see the other answers), but it's the corner cases that are most interesting when bounding this class of problem.


IDE with Kconfig support?

Is there any IDE that exports Kconfig files to automatically add include and source folders, as well as setting the actual symbols that are defined there?
I mean, it's next to impossible to have a complete Eclipse environment for Linux Kernel development. Right now I basically have a "Makefile Project" with chosen include and source folders and built in build, but my code is dependent on symbols defined in kernel build.
I just realized that kernel build generates a include/generated/autoconf.h, which is a great help in this and probably enough for most of the developers
There's a KDevelop plugin called kdev-kernel: . It was an improvement over loading the kernel as a "generic makefile project" but isn't a complete solution.
It seemed to ignore some .config options, and it only works with specific versions of KDevelop. I'm not sure which ones, as I use Gentoo and usually compile a -9999 version of KDevelop (in Gentoo, -9999 indicates the head of some revision control branch... so the version depends on when I compiled).
In spite of the drawbacks, it might be worth trying or building upon; I find KDevelop's "intellisense" very useful.

Eclipse Java project build path using variables

I am developing an Eclipse Java project and would like to use "variables" to point to required libraries (.jar files).
Machine 1: Eclipse Juno, OS X, own laptop, libs under /mylibs
Machine 2: Eclipse Juno, Linux, shared machine, libs under /sharedlibs/some/complex/path
Source control: Mercurial
Example of libs I use:
How can I configure the project Build Path to use the same "variable" for the base directory for libraries, pointing to different locations on different machines, but still check in my project description to source control so that when I add a new library, provided I specify its location relative to the libs base, it is found on both machines?
I have found the help file but could use an example, maybe even a screenshot please?
for instance, do I copy this model:
inside "Java > Build Path > Classpath Variables" or elsewhere?
I have done a fair bit of "blind trial and error" already.. like stitching forms like "${env:VAR}" in there..
Oh, and I suppose I should mention that I don't know how to set these Eclipse variables based on environment variables considering that my systems' environment variables are set by Bash's .profile and I doubt Eclipse runs a shell to source that before...
Of course, I use "Configure Build Path > Libraries > Add Variable" and then Extend from there, but still... an example would be worth a 1000 words.. (could it be that defining an Eclipse variable from which to Extend actual .jar references for inclusion in Build Paths just can't be based on a system environment variable, full stop?!)
PS: please don't ask me to just symlink things around, I am not a sysadmin on the shared machine..
From what I understand, extending a path variable would work perfectly for your case as you can define different base paths for each machine and reference libraries on subpaths based on that path. However if you are looking specifically to use environment variables you can try adding them to the build path this way:
Edit your launch configuration.
Go to the Classpath tab.
Click on User Entries and click the Advanced button.
To add a library based on a system environment variable, select Add
Variable String, and in the box type:
${env_var:libs_base}/logging/slf4j.jar. In this case
libs_base is your environment variable and logging/slf4j.jar is
the path to the jar in the subdirectory.

How to find out which files my program depend on?

I often run into the problem when I create an installer for my program that I miss out some files it depend on.
On Windows:
I often miss out some DLL's that are installed on my system. I usually test my installation by just moving the executable in a folder alone to see which DLL's it cry for. But it will use the DLL's it find on my system32 folder anyway - those DLL's maybe there in other users' system, maybe not.
Other way I found that I open the EXE in a hex editor and search for the pattern '.DLL'. But dll's can depend on other dlls too.
Is there a (preferably free) tool that can tell me what DLL's my program need? So I won't miss out anything.
On Linux:
Linuxes have a nice package management system. Making an installer in those systems means making a package for them. I can find out what .so (shared object) files my programs need. But how can I determine which package contains that .SO file so I can add that package as dependency when packaging?
On Windows, what you're looking for is a tool called Dependency Walker, which tells you what DLLs an EXE (or another DLL) depends on.
On Linux, see Dependency resolution in Linux

Installing Java libraries

As I'm quite new to Java, I would like to know the proper procedure of installing new libraries (those that are no available in my linux dist repositories).
Where should I place them? and how to install them?
For instance, I downloaded openCsv (, and I have no idea how to install it.
Java libraries don't really need to be 'installed' like other applications. All you need to do is put the jar file in a specific location, and add the jar file to your classpath. How you do that depends on the linux distro you are using. If you are making a web application in eclipse, you can drop the .jar file in the WebRoot/web-inf/lib folder, and it will be bundled in with your project.
Be sure that the path, which you place the libaries at, is set in the $CLASSPATH Environment Variable.
For Eclipse: Project -> Properties -> Java Build Path -> Add JARs...
It's up to you really - I use /opt/javalib, but you might consider a directory in /usr/local as well.
You can store them wherever you wish. You can store them within the JRE distribution directories, but I wouldn't recommend that.
Instead I would store them per-project (so you can have different versions for each project easily - some libraries have different names for each version, some don't) and adopt a standard such as a lib/ directory. That way you can have standard build scripts (Ant etc.) that can operate in the same way (if you're using Maven, then there's a standard place per-project - src/main/resources)
You could use Maven to manage any dependencies to those libraries.
Maven will automatically download all needed JAR files and put them in a local repository (the location is configurable).
This makes upgrading to new versions of various libraries very easy as you just declare the version you want and Maven does the rest.
Beware: Maven is something to get used to and the initial learning curve is steep.
The rewards come if you have everything set up properly and maven takes care of compiling, packaging, distribution, site creation, release management etc. etc. etc.

Controlling catalina_home in liferay eclipse tomcat

I have a development system ( linux-Liferay6-tomcat6-Eclipse Helios) that I have version-controlled in SVN. When I roll it out for a new developer in what amounts to a fresh installation, the paths for the tomcat server are wrong because they were written in various places as absolute paths reflecting my desktop.
It looks to me that I could modify or to fix this problem, or part of it maybe, but I'd rather have a fix that leaves Tomcat unmolested. I could also require developers to set CATALINA_HOME, but that would break any other tomcat installations they might have ( my own situation in fact).
For instance, maybe a custom Ant script that figures out the path and sets CATALINA_HOME just for the shell thats running this particular Tomcat? Is there a way to do this in the Eclipse IDE, I looked but don't quite see it?
John Fisher
If you're using ant and the liferay plugins sdk, you're supposed to create a build.${username}.properties file in the root folder of the plugins sdk. (substitute ${username} with the name you log in to your OS). In this you override the location of your appserver, e.g. tomcat. Take a look at Though you're not supposed to change this file, you can copy the one interesting line (note: it's preconfigured for tomcat) and use it for the appropriate settings.
This way you'll have a per-user setting for the required value.
The server (if you require to start it in eclipse) is to be created in each eclipse instance, independent of each other. The Liferay IDE plugins for eclipse can help you with setting this up.
As I expect the server to be modified by everybody on a frequent basis, I never share the server "project" in version control, but keep it strictly local. It's easily recreated if lost.