clang plugin ASTConsumer - plugins

Hey I tried to generate call graph of the given .c or .cpp file. I write a clang plugin to generate call graph. I wrote following function.
class CGASTActionConsumer:public ASTConsumer{
CallGraph *CG;
CGASTActionConsumer(CallGraph *inCG):CG(inCG){}
virtual bool HandleTopLevelDecl(DeclGroupDef DG)
for(DeclGroupRef::iterator i=begin(),e=end();i!=e;++i)
if(FunctionDecl *FD = dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(D))
if(/* check function is valid for insertion to graph */)
CG->addToCallGraph(FD,FD->isGlobal()); // add node in call graph
when i try to print the graph from the outside HandleTopLevelDecl function then it will not print any thing. but when I call from print function from HandleTopLevelDecl function it will print the output for each node. Can anyone tell me why this happen?


Flutter & Dart: How to check/know which class has called a function?

I am trying to know which class has called a specific function. I've been looking through the docs for this, but without success. I already know how to get the name of a class, but that is something different of what I'm looking for. I found already something related for java but for dart I haven't. Maybe I'm missing something.
Let's say for example that I have a print function like so:
class A {
void printSomethingAndTellWhereYouDidIt() {
// Here I would also include the class where this function is
// being called. For instance:
print('you called the function at: ...');
//This dot-dot-dot is where maybe should go what I'm looking for.
class B {
A a = A();
void test() {
The output should be something like:
you called the function at: B
Please let me know if there are ways to achieve this. The idea behind is to then use this with a logger, for instance the logging package. Thank you in advance.
You can use StackTrace.current to obtain a stack trace at any time, which is the object that's printed when an exception occurs. This contains the line numbers of the chain of invocations leading up to the call, which should provide the information you need.
class A {
void printSomethingAndTellWhereYouDidIt() {
class B {
A a = A();
void test() {
If you are doing this for debugging purposes, you can also set a breakpoint in printSomethingAndTellWhereYouDidIt to check where it was called from.

NetSuite SuiteScript - Constants And Inclusion

I have a NetSuite SuiteScript file (2.0) in which I want to include a small library of utilities I've built. I can do that fine, and access the functions in the included library. But I can't access the constants I've defined in that library - I have to re-declare them in the main file.
Here's the main file:
define(['N/record', 'N/search', './utils.js'],
function (record, search, utils) {
function pageInit(scriptContext) {
isUserAdmin = isCurrentUserAdmin(contextRecord);
if (isUserAdmin) {
alert('Administrator Role ID is ' + ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE);
// Do something for Admin users
return {
pageInit: pageInit
You can see I include the file ./utils.js in it. Here's utils.js:
function isCurrentUserAdmin(currentRecord) {
return ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE == nlapiGetRole();
That's the entire file - nothing else.
In the main file, the call to the function isCurrentUserAdmin works fine. It correctly tells me whether the current user is an admin. Note that I don't have to preface the call to isCurrentUserAdmin with utils. (utils.isCurrentUserAdmin doesn't work - it gives me the error JS_EXCEPTION TypeError utils is undefined). But when the code gets to the line that uses ADMINSTRATOR_ROLE, I get the error JS_EXCEPTION ReferenceError ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE is not defined. BTW, if I put the constant definition of ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE in the main file instead of utils.js, I get the same error when utils.js tries to use it. The only way I can get it to work is if I have the line defining the constant in both files.
Why does the inclusion work for the function, but not the constant? Am I including the library wrongly? I thought I'd have to use it as utils.isCurrentUserAdmin rather than just isCurrentUserAdmin, but to my surprise that's not the case, as I say above.
If you have utils.js like below, you can use utils.ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE and utils.isCurrentUserAdmin() in your main file.
*#NApiVersion 2.0
define ([],
function() {
function isCurrentUserAdmin() {
// check here
return {
isCurrentUserAdmin: isCurrentUserAdmin
define(['N/record', 'N/search', 'SuiteScripts/utils']
You need to make sure any member you need to access in another module needs to be exported in the source module using the return statement

How to control argument passing policy in pybind11 wrapping of std::function?

I have a class in c++ that I'm wrapping into python with pybind11. That class has a std::function, and I'd like to control how the arguments to that function are dealt with (like return value policies). I just can't find the syntax or examples to do this...
class N {
using CallbackType = std::function<void(const OtherClass*)>;
N(CallbackType callback): callback(callback) { }
CallbackType callback;
void doit() {
OtherClass * o = new OtherClass();
wrapped with
py::class_<OtherClass>(...standard stuff...);
py::class_<N>(m, "N")
I all works: I can do this in python:
def callback(o):
k = N(callback)
, but I'd like to be able to control what happens when callback(o); is called - whether python then will take ownership of the wrapped o variable or not, basically.
I put a printout in the destructor of OtherClass, and as far as I can tell, it never gets called.
OK, I think I figured it out:
Instead of std::function, use a pybind11::function:
using CallbackType = pybind11::function
and then
void doit(const OtherClass &input) {
if (<I want to copy it>) {
callback(pybind11::cast(input, pybind11::return_value_policy::copy));
} else {
callback(pybind11::cast(input, pybind11::return_value_policy::reference));
I see nothing in pybind11/functional that allows you to change the ownership of the parameters at the point of call, as the struct func_wrapper used is function local, so can not be specialized. You could provide another wrapper yourself, but in the code you can't know whether the callback is a Python function or a bound C++ function (well, technically you can if that bound C++ function is bound by pybind11, but you can't know in general). If the function is C++, then changing Python ownership in the wrapper would be the wrong thing to do, as the temporary proxy may destroy the object even as its payload is stored by the C++ callback.
Do you have control over the implementation of class N? The reason is that by using std::shared_ptr all your ownership problems will automagically evaporate, regardless of whether the callback function is C++ or Python and whether it stores the argument or not. Would work like so, expanding on your example above:
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include <pybind11/functional.h>
namespace py = pybind11;
class OtherClass {};
class N {
using CallbackType = std::function<void(const std::shared_ptr<OtherClass>&)>;
N(CallbackType callback): callback(callback) { }
CallbackType callback;
void doit() {
auto o = std::make_shared<OtherClass>();
PYBIND11_MODULE(example, m) {
py::class_<OtherClass, std::shared_ptr<OtherClass>>(m, "OtherClass");
py::class_<N>(m, "N")
.def(py::init<N::CallbackType>(), py::arg("callback"))
.def("doit", &N::doit);

Mixing roles into callables

Theoretically, you can mix in a role into an object in runtime. So I am trying to do this with a function:
my &random-f = -> $arg { "Just $arg" };
say random-f("boo");
role Argable {
method argh() {
self.CALL-ME( "argh" );
&random-f does Argable;
say random-f.argh;
Within the role, I use self to refer to the already defined function, and CALL-ME to actually call the function within the role. However, this results in the following error:
Too few positionals passed; expected 1 argument but got 0
in block <unit> at self-call-me.p6 line 5
I really have no idea who's expecting 1 argument. Theoretically, it should be the CALL-ME function, but who knows. Eliminating the self. yields a different error: CALL-ME used at line 11. Adding does Callable to Argable (after putting self back) results in the same error. Can this be done? Any idea of how?
There's two things incorrect in your code:
say random-f.argh; # *call* random-f and then call .argh on the result
You want to call .argh on the Callable so:
say &random-f.argh;
Secondly, you should just be able to call self: you can tweak this in the signature of the .argh method:
method argh(&self:) {
So the final code becomes:
my &random-f = -> $arg { "Just $arg" };
say random-f("boo");
role Argable {
method argh(&self:) {
self( "argh" );
&random-f does Argable;
say &random-f.argh;

Wordpress: Accessing A Plugin's Function From A Theme

I'm trying to add some functionality from a plugin I have made into a Wordpress theme but I am having little joy. The documentation doesn't really help me solve the problem so perhaps someone here can help.
I have a plugin in Wordpress that is activated and working fine. The class for this plugin has a function called generateHtml which I would like to access from a Wordpress Theme. But whatever I try, I cannot seem to access my plugin's code.
Can either give me a summary of what I need to do to get a theme accessing code from a plugin and/or point out there I am going wrong in my code:
/** Usual comments here **/
if (!class_exists("ImageRotator")) {
class ImageRotator {
private $uploadPath = '';
private $pluginPath = '';
private $options;
function __construct() {
$this->uploadPath = dirname(__file__).'\\uploads\\';
// add_shortcode('imagerotator', array(&$this, 'generateHtml'));
// Various functions for plugin
function generateHtml() {
echo '<p>Hello World</p>';
* Create instance of image rotator
$imageRotator = new ImageRotator();
* Create actions & filters for Wordpress
if (isset($imageRotator)) {
// Actions
add_action('admin_menu', array(&$imageRotator, 'createMenu'));
add_action('admin_init', array(&$imageRotator, 'registerSettings'));
add_action('imagerotator_show', array(&$imageRotator, 'generateHtml'));
Portion from theme header page:
<?php if (isset($imageRotator)) {
} else if (isset($ImageRotator)) {
} else {
echo '<p>Nope!</p>';
if (function_exists("imagerotator_show")) {
echo 'Function found';
} else {
echo 'Function NOT found';
Currently all I ever see is "Nope" and "Function NOT found". Thanks for any input.
For starters, "imagerotator_show" is not a function; it's the name of a type of action. When you use the add_action() function, Wordpress just adds your method to the list of functions/methods to call when a particular action is triggered. Thus your second test will always respond with 'Function NOT found'.
The most likely cause of the first problem is failing to declare the method you want to call as a public method. You're also making the code harder than it needs to be.
The best practice I've seen for declaring methods and registering hooks from a class looks something like this:
if ( ! class_exists( 'Foo' ) ):
class Foo {
function __construct() {
add_action( 'hook_name', array( &$this, 'my_hook_implementation' ) );
function my_hook_implementation() {
// does something
public function my_special_method() {
// does something else
if ( class_exists( 'Foo' ) ):
$MyFoo = new Foo();
This allows your class to keep all of its implementation details private. When you need to call my_special_method(), you do it as follows:
#andrew since I can't comment I thought I would answer your ancillary question. See:
Where it is explained that when defining a callback function from an object you have to use the array function. It's basically saying get the function 'my_hook_implementation' from the object $this and use it as the callback parameter to the add action hook. It is because you defined the function within the scope of the object and you have to define the scope in order for PHP to know what function you are talking about. The scope being the object referred to by the variable $this.
You just need to use do_action() function, inside your theme.
If you want the function generateHtml to appears inside your header.php you just need to open the header.php file and paste <?php do_action('imagerotator_show'); ?> where you want and then your function will be called there.