Read-Write lock with GCD - iphone

My application makes heavy use of GCD, and almost everything is split up in small tasks handled by dispatches. However, the underlying data model is mostly read and only occasionally written.
I currently use locks to prevent changes to the critical data structures while reading. But after looking into locks some more today, I found NSConditionLock and some page about read-write locks. The latter is exactly what I need.
I found this implementation: . My question is, will this implementation work with GCD, seeing that it uses PThreads?

It will still work. pthreads is the threading API which underlies all of the other thread-using APIs on Mac OS X. (Under that there's Mach thread activations, but that's SPI, not API.) Anyway, the pthreads locks don't really require that you use pthreads threads.
However, GCD offers a better alternative as of iOS 5: dispatch_barrier_async(). Basically, you have a private concurrent queue. You submit all read operations to it in the normal fashion. You submit write operations to it using the barrier routines. Ta-da! Read-write locking.
You can learn more about this if you have access to the WWDC 2011 session video for Session 210 - Mastering Grand Central Dispatch.

You might also want to consider maintaining a serial queue for all read/write operations. You can then dispatch_sync() writes to that queue to ensure that changes to the data model are applied promptly and dispatch_async() all the reads to make sure you maintain nice performance in the app.
Since you have a single serial queue on which all the reads and writes take place you ensure that no reads can happen during a write. This is far less costly than a lock but it means you cannot execute multiple 'read' operations simultaneously. This is unlikely to cause a problem for most applications.
Using dispatch_barrier_async() might mean that writes you make take an arbitrary amount of time to actually be committed since all the pre-existing tasks in the queue have to be completed before your barrier block executes.


The reason(s)/benefit(s) to use realtime operating system instead of while-loop on MCU

I'm working on a wheeled-robot platform. My team is implementing some algorithms on MCU to
keep getting sensors reading (sonar array, IR array, motor encoders, IMU)
receive user command (via a serial port connected to a tablet)
control actuators (motors) to execute user commands.
keep sending sensor readings to the tablet for more complicated algorithms.
We currently implement everything inside a global while-loop, while I know most of the other use-cases do the very same things with a real-time operating system.
Please tell me the benefits and reasons to use a real-time os instead of a simple while-loop.
The RTOS will provide priority based preemption. If your code is off parsing a serial command and executing it, it can't respond to anything else until it returns to your beastly loop. An RTOS will provide the abstractions needed for an instant context switch based on an interrupt event. Otherwise the worst-case latency of an event response is going to be that of the longest possible excursion out of the main loop, and sometimes you really do need long-running processes. Such as, for example, to update an LCD panel or respond to USB device enumeration. Preemption permits you to go off and do these things safe in the knowledge that a 16-bit timer running at the CPU clock isn't going to roll over several times before it's done. While for simple control jobs a loop is sufficient, the problem starting with it is when you get into something like USB device enumeration it's no longer practical and will need a full rewrite. By starting with a preemptive framework like an RTOS provides, you have a lot more future flexibility. But there's definitely a bit more up-front work, and definitely a learning curve.
"Real Time" OS ensures your task periodicity. If you want to read sensors data precisely at every 100msec, simple while loop will not guarantee that. On other hand, RTOS can easily take care of that.
RTOS gives you predictibility. An operation will be executed at given time and it will not be missed.
RTOS gives you Semaphores/Mutex so that your memory will not be corrupted or multiple sources will not access buffers.
RTOS provides message queues which can be useful for communication between tasks.
Yes, you can implement all these features in While loop, but then that's the advantage! You get everything ready and tested.
If your while loop works (i.e. it fulfills the real-time requirements of your system), and it's robust, maintainable, and somewhat extensible, then there probably is no benefit to using a real-time operating system.
But if your while-loop can't fulfill the real-time requirements or is overly complex or over-extended (i.e., any change requires further tuning and tweaking to restore real-time performance), then you should consider another architecture.
An RTOS architecture is one popular next step beyond the super-loop. An RTOS is basically a tool for managing software complexity. It allows you to divide a complex set of software requirements into multiple threads of execution. When done properly, each individual thread has a relatively simple set of requirements and becomes easier to implement. And thread prioritization can make it easier to fulfill the real-time requirements of the application. These are basically the benefits of employing an RTOS.
An RTOS is not a panacea, however. An RTOS increases the overall system complexity and opens you up to new types of bugs (such as deadlocks). It requires knowledge and experience to design and implement an RTOS based program effectively. Consider alternatives such as Multi-Rate Main Loop Tasking or an event-based state machine architecture (such as QP). These alternatives might be simpler, easier to understand, or more compatible with your way of designing software.
There are a couple huge advantage that a RTOS multitasker has:
Very good I/O performance: an RTOS can set a waiting thread ready as soon as an I/O action that it requested has completed, so latency in handling reads/writes/whatever can be low. A looped, polled design cannot respond to I/O completions until it gets round to checking the I/O status, (either directly or my polling some volatile flag set by an interrupt-handler).
Indpendent functionality: The ease of implementing isolated subsystems for serial comms, actuators etc. may well be one for you, as suggested in the other answers. It's very reassuring to know that any extra delay in, say some serial exchange, will not adversely affect timing elsewhere. You need to wait a second? No problem: sleep(1000) and you're done - no effect on the other subsystems:) It's the difference between 'no, I cannot add a network server, it would change all the timing and I would have to retest everything' and 'sure, there's plenty of CPU free, I already have the code from another job and I just need another thread to run it'.
There ae other advanatges that help offset the added annoyance of having to program a preemptive multitasker with its critical sections, semaphores and condvars.
Obviously, if your hardware has multiple cores, the RTOS helps - it is designed to share out available CPU execution cycles just like any other resource, and adding cores means more cycles.
In the end, though, it's the I/O performance and functional isolation that's the big win.
Some of the suggestions in other answers may help, either instead of, or together with, an RTOS. When controlling multiple I/O hardware, eg. sensors and actuators, an event-driven state-machine is a very good idea indeed. I often implement that by queueing all events into one thread, (producer-consumer queue), that has sole access to the state data and implements the state-machine, so serializing actions.
Whether the advantages are worth the candle is between you and your requirements:)
RTOS is not instead of while loop - it is while loop + tools which organize your tasks. How do they organize your tasks? Assign priorities to them, decide how much time each one have for a job and/or at what time it should start/end. RTOS also layers your software, i.e harwdare related stuff, application tasks, etc. Aside of that gives you data structures, containers, ready to use interfaces to handle common tasks so you don't have to implement your own i.e allocate some memory for you, lock access for some resources and so on.

Asynchronous blocking thread magic

I've been learning play, and I'm getting most of the major concepts, but I'm struggling with what magic the platform is doing to enable all of these things.
In particular, let's say I have a controller that does something time-intensive. Now I understand how using Futures and asynchronous processing I can make these things appear not to block, but if it's something resource intensive, of course in the end it must block somewhere. Per the documentation:
You can’t magically turn synchronous IO into asynchronous by wrapping it in a Future. If you can’t change the application’s architecture to avoid blocking operations, at some point that operation will have to be executed, and that thread is going to block. So in addition to enclosing the operation in a Future, it’s necessary to configure it to run in a separate execution context that has been configured with enough threads to deal with the expected concurrency.
This bit I'm not understanding: if some task that I'm doing via a Future is possibly being handled in a separate thread pool, how/what magic is Scala/Play doing in the framework to coordinate these threads such that whichever thread is listening to the HTTP socket blocks long enough to do all of the complex processing (DB loads, serialization to JSON, etc. etc.) -- in separate threads, and yet somehow returning to the original blocking thread that has to send something back to the client for that request?
Disclaimer: this is a simplified answer for the general problem, I don't want to make this even more complex by going inside Play and Akka internals.
One method is to have a thread listening to the socket, but not writing to it, let's call it A. A spans a Future that contains, on itself, all the data needed for the computation. It is important that you don't confuse the thread that does the processing with the data that is being processed, as the data (memory) is shared by all threads (and sometimes needs explicit synchronization). The future will be processed (eventually), by a thread B.
Now, do I need for A to block until B is done? It could (and in many general cases that might be the right solution), but in this case, we hardly want to stop listening to our socket. So no, we don't, A forgets everything about the message and carries on with its life.
So when B is done, the Future might be mapped or have a listener that sends the proper response. B itself can send it given the information that it has on the original message! You just need to be careful synchronizing access to the socket, to avoid colliding with a possible thread C that might have been processing a previous or later message in parallel.
Things can obviously get more complex by having threads spawning even more threads, queues where some threads write data and other read data, etc. (Play, being based in Akka, certainly includes a lot of message queues). But I hope to have convinced you that while this statement is correct:
You can’t magically turn synchronous IO into asynchronous by wrapping
it in a Future. If you can’t change the application’s architecture to
avoid blocking operations
Such a change in application's architecture is certainly possible in many (most?) cases, and certainly has been done inside Play.

Why does the Scala Actor implementation involve synchronized code?

My understanding is that the queue based approach to concurrency can be implemented without locking. But I see lots of synchronized keywords in the Actor.scala file (looking at 2.8.1). Is it synchronized, is it necessary, would it make a difference if there was an implementation that was not synchronized?
Apparently the question wasn't clear enough: my understanding is that this can be implemented with a non-blocking queue. Why was it not done so? Why use the synchronized keyword anywhere in here? There may be a very good reason, or it might be just because that's the way it was done and it's not necessary. I was just curious which.
The point is that the reactions, which you write in the "act" method, do not need to concern themselves with synchronization. Also, assuming that you do not expose the actor's state, your program will be fully thread safe.
That is not to say that there is no sync at all: synchronization is absolutely necessary [1] to implement read/write access to the actor's mailbox (i.e. the sending and receiving of messages) and also to ensure the actor's private state is consistent across any subsequent reacts.
This is achieved by the library itself and you, the user, need not concern yourself with how it is done. Your state is safe (you don't even need to use volatile fields) because of the JMM's happens before guarantees. That is, if a main-memory write happens before a sync point, then any read occurring after a sync will observe the main memory state left by the write.
[1] - by "synchronization", I mean some mechanism to guarantee a happens-before relationship in the Java Memory Model. This includes the synchronized keyword, the volatile modifier and/or the java.util.concurrent locking primitives

Are nonblocking I/O operations in Perl limited to one thread? Good design?

I am attempting to develop a service that contains numerous client and server sockets (a server service as well as clients that connect out to managed components and persist) that are synchronously polled through IO::Select. The idea was to handle the I/O and/or request processing needs that arise through pools of worker threads.
The shared keyword that makes data shareable across threads in Perl (threads::shared) has its limits--handle references are not among the primitives that can be made shared.
Before I figured out that handles and/or handle references cannot be shared, the plan was to have a select() thread that takes care of the polling, and then puts the relevant handles in certain ThreadQueues spread across a thread pool to actually do the reading and writing. (I was, of course, designing this so that modification to the actual descriptor sets used by select would be thread-safe and take place in one thread only--the same one that runs select(), and therefore never while it's running, obviously.)
That doesn't seem like it's going to happen now because the handles themselves can't be shared, so the polling as well as the reading and writing is all going to need to happen from one thread. Is there any workaround for this? I am referring to the decomposition of the actual system calls across threads; clearly, there are ways to use queues and buffers to have data produced in other threads and actually sent in others.
One problem that arises from this situation is that I have to give select() a timeout, and expect that it'll be high enough to not cause any issues with polling a rather large set of descriptors while low enough not to introduce too much latency into my timing event loop - although, I do understand that if there is actual I/O set membership detected in the polling process, select() will return early, which partly mitigates the problem. I'd rather have some way of waking select() up from another thread, but since handles can't be shared, I cannot easily think of a way of doing that nor see the value in doing so; what is the other thread going to know about when it's appropriate to wake select() anyway?
If no workaround, what is a good design pattern for this type of service in Perl? I have a requirement for a rather high amount of scalability and concurrent I/O, and for that reason went the nonblocking route rather than just spawning threads for each listening socket and/or client and/or server process, as many folks using higher-level languages these days are wont to do when dealing with sockets - it seems to be kind of a standard practice in Java land, and nobody seems to care about java.nio.* outside the narrow realm of systems-oriented programming. Maybe that's just my impression. Anyway, I don't want to do it that way.
So, from the point of view of an experienced Perl systems programmer, how should this stuff be organised? Monolithic I/O thread + pure worker (non-I/O) threads + lots of queues? Some sort of clever hack? Any thread safety gotchas to look out for beyond what I have already enumerated? Is there a Better Way? I have extensive experience architecting this sort of program in C, but not with Perl idioms or runtime characteristics.
EDIT: P.S. It has definitely occurred to me that perhaps a program with these performance requirements and this design should simply not be written in Perl. But I see an awful lot of very sophisticated services produced in Perl, so I am not sure about that.
Bracketing out your several, larger design questions, I can offer a few approaches to sharing filehandles across perl threads.
One may pass $client to a thread start routine or simply reference it in a new thread:
$client = $server_socket->accept();
threads->new(\&handle_client, $client);
async { handle_client($client) };
# $client will be closed only when all threads' references
# to it pass out of scope.
For a Thread::Queue design, one may enqueue() the underlying fd:
$q->enqueue( POSIX::dup(fileno $client) );
# we dup(2) so that $client may safely go out of scope,
# closing its underlying fd but not the duplicate thereof
async {
my $client = IO::Handle->new_from_fd( $q->dequeue, "r+" );
Or one may just use fds exclusively, and the bit vector form of Perl's select.

Relationship between a kernel and a user thread

Is there a relationship between a kernel and a user thread?
Some operating system textbooks said that "maps one (many) user thread to one (many) kernel thread". What does map means here?
When they say map, they mean that each kernel thread is assigned to a certain number of user mode threads.
Kernel threads are used to provide privileged services to applications (such as system calls ). They are also used by the kernel to keep track of what all is running on the system, how much of which resources are allocated to what process, and to schedule them.
If your applications make heavy use of system calls, more user threads per kernel thread, and your applications will run slower. This is because the kernel thread will become a bottleneck, since all system calls will pass through it.
On the flip side though, if your programs rarely use system calls (or other kernel services), you can assign a large number of user threads to a kernel thread without much performance penalty, other than overhead.
You can increase the number of kernel threads, but this adds overhead to the kernel in general, so while individual threads will be more responsive with respect to system calls, the system as a whole will become slower.
That is why it is important to find a good balance between the number of kernel threads and the number of user threads per kernel thread.
Implementing Threads in User Space
There are two main ways to implement a threads package: in user space and in the kernel. The choice is moderately controversial, and a hybrid implementation is also possible. We will now describe these methods, along with their advantages and disadvantages.
The first method is to put the threads package entirely in user space. The kernel knows nothing about them. As far as the kernel is concerned, it is managing ordinary, single-threaded processes. The first, and most obvious, advantage is that a user-level threads package can be implemented on an operating system that does not support threads. All operating systems used to fall into this category, and even now some still do.
All of these implementations have the same general structure, which is illustrated in Fig. 2-8(a). The threads run on top of a run-time system, which is a collection of procedures that manage threads. We have seen four of these already: thread_create, thread_exit, thread_wait, and thread_yield, but usually there are more.
When threads are managed in user space, each process needs its own private thread table to keep track of the threads in that process. This table is analogous to the kernel's process table, except that it keeps track only of the per-thread properties such the each thread's program counter, stack pointer, registers, state, etc. The thread table is managed by the run-time system. When a thread is moved to ready state or blocked state, the information needed to restart it is stored in the thread table, exactly the same way as the kernel stores information about processes in the process table.
When a thread does something that may cause it to become blocked locally, for example, waiting for another thread in its process to complete some work, it calls a run-time system procedure. This procedure checks to see if the thread must be put into blocked state. If so, it stores the thread's registers (i.e., its own) in the thread table, looks in the table for a ready thread to run, and reloads the machine registers with the new thread's saved values. As soon as the stack pointer and program counter have been switched, the new thread comes to life again automatically. If the machine has an instruction to store all the registers and another one to load them all, the entire thread switch can be done in a handful of instructions. Doing thread switching like this is at least an order of magnitude faster than trapping to the kernel and is a strong argument in favor of user-level threads packages.
However, there is one key difference with processes. When a thread is finished running for the moment, for example, when it calls thread_yield, the code of thread_yield can save the thread's information in the thread table itself. Furthermore, it can then call the thread scheduler to pick another thread to run. The procedure that saves the thread's state and the scheduler are just local procedures, so invoking them is much more efficient than making a kernel call. Among other issues, no trap is needed, no context switch is needed, the memory cache need not be flushed, and so on. This makes thread scheduling very fast.
User-level threads also have other advantages. They allow each process to have its own customized scheduling algorithm. For some applications, for example, those with a garbage collector thread, not having to worry about a thread being stopped at an inconvenient moment is a plus. They also scale better, since kernel threads invariably require some table space and stack space in the kernel, which can be a problem if there are a very large number of threads.
Despite their better performance, user-level threads packages have some major problems. First among these is the problem of how blocking system calls are implemented. Suppose that a thread reads from the keyboard before any keys have been hit. Letting the thread actually make the system call is unacceptable, since this will stop all the threads. One of the main goals of having threads in the first place was to allow each one to use blocking calls, but to prevent one blocked thread from affecting the others. With blocking system calls, it is hard to see how this goal can be achieved readily.
The system calls could all be changed to be nonblocking (e.g., a read on the keyboard would just return 0 bytes if no characters were already buffered), but requiring changes to the operating system is unattractive. Besides, one of the arguments for user-level threads was precisely that they could run with existing operating systems. In addition, changing the semantics of read will require changes to many user programs.
Another alternative is possible in the event that it is possible to tell in advance if a call will block. In some versions of UNIX, a system call, select, exists, which allows the caller to tell whether a prospective read will block. When this call is present, the library procedure read can be replaced with a new one that first does a select call and then only does the read call if it is safe (i.e., will not block). If the read call will block, the call is not made. Instead, another thread is run. The next time the run-time system gets control, it can check again to see if the read is now safe. This approach requires rewriting parts of the system call library, is inefficient and inelegant, but there is little choice. The code placed around the system call to do the checking is called a jacket or wrapper.
Somewhat analogous to the problem of blocking system calls is the problem of page faults. We will study these in Chap. 4. For the moment, it is sufficient to say that computers can be set up in such a way that not all of the program is in main memory at once. If the program calls or jumps to an instruction that is not in memory, a page fault occurs and the operating system will go and get the missing instruction (and its neighbors) from disk. This is called a page fault. The process is blocked while the necessary instruction is being located and read in. If a thread causes a page fault, the kernel, not even knowing about the existence of threads, naturally blocks the entire process until the disk I/O is complete, even though other threads might be runnable.
Another problem with user-level thread packages is that if a thread starts running, no other thread in that process will ever run unless the first thread voluntarily gives up the CPU. Within a single process, there are no clock interrupts, making it impossible to schedule processes round-robin fashion (taking turns). Unless a thread enters the run-time system of its own free will, the scheduler will never get a chance.
One possible solution to the problem of threads running forever is to have the run-time system request a clock signal (interrupt) once a second to give it control, but this, too, is crude and messy to program. Periodic clock interrupts at a higher frequency are not always possible, and even if they are, the total overhead may be substantial. Furthermore, a thread might also need a clock interrupt, interfering with the run-time system's use of the clock.
Another, and probably the most devastating argument against user-level threads, is that programmers generally want threads precisely in applications where the threads block often, as, for example, in a multithreaded Web server. These threads are constantly making system calls. Once a trap has occurred to the kernel to carry out the system call, it is hardly any more work for the kernel to switch threads if the old one has blocked, and having the kernel do this eliminates the need for constantly making select system calls that check to see if read system calls are safe. For applications that are essentially entirely CPU bound and rarely block, what is the point of having threads at all? No one would seriously propose computing the first n prime numbers or playing chess using threads because there is nothing to be gained by doing it that way.
User threads are managed in userspace - that means scheduling, switching, etc. are not from the kernel.
Since, ultimately, the OS kernel is responsible for context switching between "execution units" - your user threads must be associated (ie., "map") to a kernel schedulable object - a kernel thread†1.
So, given N user threads - you could use N kernel threads (a 1:1 map). That allows you to take advantage of the kernel's hardware multi-processing (running on multiple CPUs) and be a pretty simplistic library - basically just deferring most of the work to the kernel. It does, however, make your app portable between OS's as you're not directly calling the kernel thread functions. I believe that POSIX Threads (PThreads) is the preferred *nix implementation, and that it follows the 1:1 map (making it virtually equivalent to a kernel thread). That, however, is not guaranteed as it'd be implementation dependent (a main reason for using PThreads would be portability between kernels).
Or, you could use only 1 kernel thread. That'd allow you to run on non multitasking OS's, or be completely in charge of scheduling. Windows' User Mode Scheduling is an example of this N:1 map.
Or, you could map to an arbitrary number of kernel threads - a N:M map. Windows has Fibers, which would allow you to map N fibers to M kernel threads and cooperatively schedule them. A threadpool could also be an example of this - N workitems for M threads.
†1: A process has at least 1 kernel thread, which is the actual execution unit. Also, a kernel thread must be contained in a process. OS's must schedule the thread to run - not the process.
This is a question about thread library implement.
In Linux, a thread (or task) could be in user space or in kernel space. The process enter kernel space when it ask kernel to do something by syscall(read, write or ioctl).
There is also a so-called kernel-thread that runs always in kernel space and does not represent any user process.
According to Wikipedia and Oracle, user-level threads are actually in a layer mounted on the kernel threads; not that kernel threads execute alongside user-level threads but that, generally speaking, the only entities that are actually executed by the processor/OS are kernel threads.
For example, assume that we have a program with 2 user-level threads, both mapped to (i.e. assigned) the same kernel thread. Sometimes, the kernel thread runs the first user-level thread (and it is said that currently this kernel thread is mapped to the first user-level thread) and some other times the kernel thread runs the second user-level thread. So we say that we have two user-level threads mapped to the same kernel thread.
As a clarification:
The core of an OS is called its kernel, so the threads at the kernel level (i.e. the threads that the kernel knows of and manages) are called kernel threads, the calls to the OS core for services can be called kernel calls, and ... . The only definite relation between kernel things is that they are strongly related to the OS core, nothing more.