QxOrm giving "could not be resolved" error - eclipse

I am using the Eclipse IDE and Qt plugin.
I am using QxOrm in my Qt project. I have downloaded the library files and compiled them and when I start using the macros it's giving lots and lots of errors like:
C_str could not be resolved
macro could not be resolved
string could not be resolved
So I tried debugging it and found that, the same errors are also there when I opened the header file in which the macro I was using was defined. What might cause this and how do I fix it?

Have you tried to build all examples from ./test/ directory of QxOrm library package ?
I strongly recommend to test all examples before starting your own project to verify your development environment.
Could you provide please the source code of your persistent class (.hpp and .cpp files) ?
It will be easier to help you with some code...


source_sink `library(lineutils)' does not exist

When I try to compile a prolog file, in eclipse with the prodt plugin it gives me this error:
source_sink `library(lineutils)'does not exist
the project was not created by me, but it is a university project, I don't know where to find this library, which seems to be from YAP. I use SWI Prolog.
Is there a way to solve this problem?
From a quick glance to the library source code, it seems that it's compatible with SWI-Prolog. You can copy the library/lineutils.yap from the YAP distribution to your SWI-Prolog installation and use it from there. If you copy the file to same place where SWI-Prolog keeps its libraries, you can load it using the same directive:
:- use_module(library(lineutils)).
Otherwise, you can copy it to your application directory and then load it using simply:
:- use_module(lineutils).

javacc for eclipse contains multiple errors

Hi I have fairly acceptable knowledge in python and java and I have recently decided that to further progress in my programming would be to creating my own language to use and manipulate when I needed to. I installed javacc plug-in for eclipse and have gone through some tutorials.
My problem is that when I create a new project (file> new > java project) and create a class in the "src" folder, everything I type into my workspace has an error. Eg:
STATIC = false;
"Syntax error on tokens, delete these tokens"
Eclipse does this for everything except my class name, note there are no errors on my javacc template under projects.
Please help me find a solution or if an empty project should be compiled differently. Even an up to date tutorial on the very basics of this topic would be highly appreciated. Thanks
You may want to check the Eclipse Java development user guide, it should cover all the issues you may face at the start.
If it's not, please provide more information on what "javacc plugin" you have installed, and what code you actually try to compile.

Linking error in Eclipse IDE

I followed the instructions to setup Eclipse IDE to work with my Arduino UNO board from here: http://www.chipkin.com/articles/using-eclipse-with-arduino-duemilanove
I successfully compiled the core library except a warning for the tone.h file. When I try to compile a blinky project which uses the arduino library, it is throwing me linking errors. I have spend my last day trying to figure out the problem but with no success. Please help me to resolve this issue.
Edit: Now I successfully created a 'Template' project following instructions from here:
But the problem is when I try to build a project which is a copy 'Template' project, compiler will start throwing linking errors. If I try to compile the same code from 'Template' project, it will compile fine. Please help me to fix this.
Have you checked the references are correct for your workspace? I had some issues using Eclipse templates for Arduino as the compiler threw up a lot of errors/warning due to various path issues.
I've literally just gotten the blink example and arduino core library build working on my Uno. I could zip and link if you want? Might shed some light on where you're going wrong.

QueryDsl Intellisense / Netbeans problems

I have all the QueryDSL jars referenced from the all directory in my libraries. My problem NetBeans is not seeing the "Q"objects. They are generated to the same directory as all the other JPA entity objects with "_". Secondly if I use a "Q" object it does compile, but the editor itself does not see it and thinks it is an error.
Anyone have any ideas? I tried editing the Ant file but I failed at that as well. It does not seem that I need to edit it specifically for generation. The main problem appears to be linking to the NetBeans editor.
BTW I did look at this link and I already did this! How to setup classpath in Netbeans?
Also I have this problem on both Mac OSX and Ubuntu Netbeans.
Help is appreciated!!
Best fix that is consistent is to go to project properties and add the build/generated-sources as a Source package Folder in Sources.
I had the same problem. I did a clean & Build, on the project and that did it for me. I could clearly see the java files being generated, and the class files are not getting in the path. Clean did the trick for me.

JFXtras and Netbeans compiler issue

Would somebody be able to walk me through the proper way of adding the latest JFXtras package to a project in Netbeans? I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong... whether it be importing incorrectly, implementing incorrectly, or just simply downloading the wrong jar files. I'm using JavaFX 1.3 and NetBeans 6.9.
I've been able to get NetBeans to recognize the components in the library (I type XCustomNode, and it prompts me to import from org.​jfxtras.​scene.) Upon trying to build/run, however, I get a compiler error such as the following:
Note: An internal error has occurred in the OpenJFX compiler. Please file a bug at the Openjfx-compiler issues home (https://openjfx-compiler.dev.java.net/Issues) after checking for duplicates. Include in your report:
- the following diagnostics
- file C:\Documents and Settings\me\Local Settings\Temp\javafx_err_4220242024568343160.txt
- and if possible, the source file which triggered this problem. Thank you. C:\Documents and Settings\me\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\project\src\input\NumberWithLabelNode.fx:24: cannot access com.sun.javafx.runtime.location.ObjectVariable class file for com.sun.javafx.runtime.location.ObjectVariable not found public class NumberWithLabelNode extends XCustomNode { 1 error
I don't think I really need to go report this to Openjfx... my gut says I'm missing a file.
Not sure what version of JFXtras you're using, but I've had much better success with version 0.7rc alongside JavaFX 1.3.
In addition to making sure Common and Controls jars in in your library, I've had to add miglayout-3.7.jar and swing-worker-1.2.jar as well, available on the project downloads page
The problem you are facing is incorrect version of library. You are trying to use JFXtras compiled with JavaFX 1.2.* and your project is using JavaFX 1.3.. As you can learn on official site, JavaFX is not backward compatible yet. Get newer library or rebuild sources with JavaFX 1.3.