CGAL mesh optimization - triangulation

I have been trying to "clean" a triangulation that I pre-generate.
Essentially I want to input my points on CGAL and generate a mesh from there, then use refine_mesh_3 to remove slivers and improve its quality.
Is there any easy technique to do so?


Rectificated images doesn't complain epipolar geometry

I am trying to obtain a disparity map from a homemade stereo camera setup. The baseline is 125mm and both cameras are fixed to a 3D-printed support. I've previously calibrated the cameras with 15 images of a checkboard pattern of 80mm square size using MatLab's calibration tool.
Using the intrinsics an extrinsics given by MatLab calibration tool, I rectified the images and build the disparity map on a MatLab script. However, the disparity is not good enough for my application. Do you think the calibration is not good or could be due to other problems?
Here are the results:
As you see through the lines I draw, the rectification of the images is not well done, since the epipolar constraint doesn't apply.
As you can see I used one of the calibration images to check. However, it happens the same on other images. I'm particularly concerned about the ground, as it contains a lot of noise and invalid points, which is not good enough for my algorithms, so I need to improve it.

Detect low-quality circles/rings in image with MATLAB

I'm trying to find all the cylindrical objects in an image which represents a map. Only their edges can be seen on the map and they can be very poor.
The aim is to find their centrum. All the object are circles with a constant radius in the real world. But their are not perfectly represented in the map.
Here is an example of image that I have to process :
I'm using MATLAB 2009b.
Hough transform can be used to detect the shape of objects. You can use Matlab or OpenCv. Consider using the relevant GPU OpenCV if you are familiarized with gpu libs.
Good luck.

List of point into smooth curve (airfoil shape)

I have a list of 200 points I garnered from a graph digitization software I would like to transform into a smooth curve and then into Solidworks.
My points form an ellipse (airfoil shape to be more precise), so the commands I've tried in Matlab didn't have a circular curve.
My issues are:
* Obtaining a smooth curve that doesn't necessarily pass through all points, smooth being motus operandi.
* Being able to have a elliptical curve
* Somehow being able to export this curve into Solidwords
If anyone knows the right software, command line or anything that could get me started, I would be extremely thankful.
I've used Solid Works before. It's a very powerful tool. There should be some way to draw a curved spline through these points, such as a cubic spline.
If you are using a standard(ish) airfoil, then you can use a variety of tools to plot the points without having to use a graph digitization software.
Javafoil, for instance, is one of those. Even if you know the characteristics of your airfoil, you can use this to give you a smooth set of points.
Again, if your airfoil is a naca 4-series, then these are governed by a set of equations.
But I take it that the airfoil you want a more complicated one. Let me know if I can help anymore.

Heat map generator of a floor plan image

I want to generate a heat map image of a floor. I have the following things:
A black & white .png image of the floor
A three column array stored in Matlab.
-- The first two columns indicate the X & Y coordinates of the floorpan image
-- The third coordinate denotes the "temperature" of that particular coordinate
I want to generate a heat map of the floor that will show the "temperature" strength in those coordinates. However, I want to display the heat map on top of the floor plan so that the viewers can see which rooms lead to which "temperatures".
Is there any software that does this job? Can I use Matlab or Python to do this?
One way to do this would be:
1) Load in the floor plan image with Matlab or NumPy/matplotlib.
2) Use some built-in edge detection to locate the edge pixels in the floor plan.
3) Form a big list of (x,y) locations where an edge is found in the floor plan.
4) Plot your heat map
5) Scatterplot the points of the floor plan as an overlay.
It sounds like you know how to do each of these steps individually, so all you'll need to do is look up some stuff on how to overlay plots onto the same axis, which is pretty easy in both Matlab and matplotlib.
If you're unfamiliar, the right commands look at are things like meshgrid and surf, possibly contour and their Python equivalents. I think Matlab has a built-in for Canny edge detection. I believe this was more difficult in Python, but if you use the PIL library, the Mahotas library, the scikits.image library, and a few others tailored for image manipulation, it's not too bad. SciPy may actually have an edge filter by now though, so check there first.
The only sticking point will be if your (x,y) data for the temperature are not going to line up with the (x,y) pixel locations in the image. In that case, you'll have to play around with some x-scale factor and y-scale factor to transform your heat map's coordinates into pixel coordinates first, and then plot the heat map, and then the overlay should work.
This is a fairly low-tech way to do it; I assume you just need a quick and dirty plot to illustrate how something's working. This method does have the advantage that you can change the style of the floorplan points easily, making them larger, thicker, thinner, different colors, or transparent, depending on how you want it to interact with the heat map. However, to do this for real, use GIMP, Inkscape, or Photoshop and overlay the heatmap onto the image after the fact.
I would take a look at using Python with a module called Polygon
Polygon will allow you to draw up the room using geometric shapes and I believe you can just do the borders of a room as an overlay on your black and white image. While I haven't used to a whole lot at this point, I do know that you only need a single (x,y) coordinate pair to be able to "hit test" against the given shape and then use that "hit test" to know the shape who's color you'd want to change.
Ultimately I think polygon would make your like a heck of a lot easier when it comes to creating the room shapes, especially when they aren't nice rectangles =)
A final little note though. Make sure to read through all of the documentation that Jorg has with his project. I haven't used it in the Python 3.x environment yet, but it was a little painstaking to get it up an running in 2.7.
Just my two cents, enjoy!

How to detect curves in a binary image?

I have a binary image, i want to detect/trace curves in that image. I don't know any thing (coordinates, angle etc). Can any one guide me how should i start? suppose i have this image
I want to separate out curves and other lines. I am only interested in curved lines and their parameters. I want to store information of curves (in array) to use afterward.
It really depends on what you mean by "curve".
If you want to simply identify each discrete collection of pixels as a "curve", you could use a connected-components algorithm. Each component would correspond to a collection of pixels. You could then apply some test to determine linearity or some other feature of the component.
If you're looking for straight lines, circular curves, or any other parametric curve you could use the Hough transform to detect the elements from the image.
The best approach is really going to depend on which curves you're looking for, and what information you need about the curves.
reference links:
Circular Hough Transform Demo
A Brief Description of the Application of the Hough
Transform for Detecting Circles in Computer Images
A method for detection of circular arcs based on the Hough transform
Google goodness
Since you already seem to have a good binary image, it might be easiest to just separate the different connected components of the image and then calculate their parameters.
First, you can do the separation by scanning through the image, and when you encounter a black pixel you can apply a standard flood-fill algorithm to find out all the pixels in your shape. If you have matlab image toolbox, you can find use bwconncomp and bwselect procedures for this. If your shapes are not fully connected, you might apply a morphological closing operation to your image to connect the shapes.
After you have segmented out the different shapes, you can filter out the curves by testing how much they deviate from a line. You can do this simply by picking up the endpoints of the curve, and calculating how far the other points are from the line defined by the endpoints. If this value exceeds some maximum, you have a curve instead of a line.
Another approach would be to measure the ratio of the distance of the endpoints and length of the object. This ratio would be near 1 for lines and larger for curves and wiggly shapes.
If your images have angles, which you wish to separate from curves, you might inspect the directional gradient of your curves. Segment the shape, pick set of equidistant points from it and for each point, calculate the angle to the previous point and to the next point. If the difference of the angle is too high, you do not have a smooth curve, but some angled shape.
Possible difficulties in implementation include thick lines, which you can solve by skeleton transformation. For matlab implementation of skeleton and finding curve endpoints, see matlab image processing toolkit documentation
1) Read a book on Image Analysis
2) Scan for a black pixel, when found look for neighbouring pixels that are also black, store their location then make them white. This gets the points in one object and removes it from the image. Just keep repeating this till there are no remaining black pixels.
If you want to separate the curves from the straight lines try line fitting and then getting the coefficient of correlation. Similar algorithms are available for curves and the correlation tells you the closeness of the point to the idealised shape.
There is also another solution possible with the use of chain codes.
Understanding Freeman chain codes for OCR
The chain code basically assigns a value between 1-8(or 0 to 7) for each pixel saying at which pixel location in a 8-connected neighbourhood does your connected predecessor lie. Thus like mention in Hackworths suggestions one performs connected component labeling and then calculates the chain codes for each component curve. Look at the distribution and the gradient of the chain codes, one can distinguish easily between lines and curves. The problem with the method though is when we have osciallating curves, in which case the gradient is less useful and one depends on the clustering of the chain codes!
Im no computer vision expert, but i think that you could detect lines/curves in binary images relatively easy using some basic edge-detection algorithms (e.g. sobel filter).