Facebook connect - How To - facebook

I have a website and I want users to register and login via Facebook connect. What I can't find out is how to FORCE a registration before logging in. I need all users in my database but it's possible to click the Facebook Login button without registering... I just don't get it, how do I FORCE a registration? Is there any good example on this?
Thanks for your help.

When you say you need all users in your database, what exactly do you mean?
With the facebook login button, you can still supply a redirect url after they authenticate for the first time and you can then capture their user_id, or potentially forward them to another page that has your own registration form. You could then have a flag in your database that indicates if they are a confirmed user (much like when you send email confirmations) that only gets set to true once they have submitted your extra form.
Check this flag on page load and forward them to your form if they haven't entered those details. Then control access to your site based on that flag.
Or are you saying you're trying to use the registration plugin https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/registration/ but that isn't working correctly?


Facebook Registration versus Facebook Login, issue with username and saving user photo

I have a web app that has its own user registration, with a handful of users. The only mandatory fields are email, password and username, which must be unique. In the long run, I will still want to have our own registration system.
I would like to integrate Facebook, but I'm trying to figure out if I should integrate Facebook Registration or Facebook Login. I have these questions:
I've already started integrating Facebook Login and it works well. With this, not only can I enable Facebook users to login, but I can get all the information I need to register the user, if he is signing in for the first time via Facebook and has not registered via our site yet. I do not prompt the user for a password, to simplify the registration, however this means that if the user tries to sign in directly into our site, I tell the user that he must sign in via Facebook Login. Therefore, I question the need for Facebook Registration, which seems to be more complicated to integrate than Facebook Login. Can anyone tell me why I should integrate Facebook Registration instead?
The drawback I see with integrating Facebook Login or Facebook Registration into our existing user registration, is the username. I currently copy the user's Facebook username into our database. However, there is the possibility that the user's Facebook username is missing or is a duplicate of an username from one of our existing users, in which case I will have to prompt the user to change it. Then what happens if in the future, the user changes his username on Facebook? Should I change the user's username on our site when he logs in next via Facebook? What is best practices here? Am I correct to assume that if I don't bother changing the user's username on our site, it won't be an issue?
Then there is the possibility that the user's Facebook username is not valid by our requirements. Currently, we require the username to be alphanumeric and underscores only, using this reg expression: /^[\w]*$/ However, Facebook allows periods, but not consecutive special characters and possibly other criteria that I did not detect. This means that I should use the same validity check as Facebook uses. Does anyone know Facebook's reg expression for their usernames?
I am able to show the Facebook user's profile photo with an IMG tag and src= http://graph.facebook.com/facebook.id/picture. Does anyone know how to save the photo onto our server? We use Javascript and PHP.
Thanks for your help!
Hey I'll try to address your points 1 by 1
Facebook Login is merely a means to sign a user in to your site by them connecting via Facebook, as you state, they don't have a password as Facebook handles the auth. However you could redirect them to a specific page after using facebook login and get them to enter a password to use their account without being connected to facebook. The facebook registration plugin is more a tool to get users to register on your registration system (although it does support being your only registration system). It provides convenience by pre-populating a number of fields you might commonly ask for such as name etc. if a user is already logged in to Facebook. You can customise though to ask for additional info. It also means you can supply 1 registration form for your users whether or not they use facebook.
The facebook username should not be missing. Their 'name' field should be the users first and last name which I believe they have to supply. I don't think it can be empty. What I would actually suggest doing, is what I mentioned in point 1. Allow users to connect via facebook, but then prompt them to enter a username either as part of the login flow or after. You can then check this for uniqueness against your current database. To begin with you could assign them a username that is first_last_timestamp or something similar. This would more likely encourage them to change their username to something they want. If you used the registration plugin, you could easily enter your own "username" field into this. Then it doesn't matter if the user changes their name on facebook as they would still have a unique username to your site.
Facebook's usernames should just be a users first and last name (though obviously people do enter random things). The 'name' field is an combination of these so there will most likely be a space between them. You could always replace any invalid characters using your own regex, replace whitespace with underscores etc.
I'm not sure if there are any platform policies that would restrict you from saving the users picture to your own server/DB. What I would ask though is why you would want to? In my experience this is more likely to change then their name is. As such groups of friends using your site are probably more likely to recognise the profile pic that their friends use on facebook.
I would finally say, that the best bit about connecting their Facebook account either way means you can provide a smooth login experience so that a user doesn't have to sign in everytime. My own personal experience is that facebook login (with your own integration code on the success page) is better than the registration plugin. There are fewer steps for a user to connect to your app this way and they don't have to fill out a form. The success callback also means you can still perform the custom username code/flow I mentioned above and then prompt them to change their username if they desire. Just remember it is best to ask for as little info as possible at sign-up as users are more likely to join this way.
Hope this helps!

pyrocms social module: how to register new user with facebook connect

I'm still new to CI and PyroCMS, and am trying to implement a Facebook login using the Social module in a custom module, which looks like it does everything I want, but I'm clearly missing some basics (I can't find any documentation other than the brief readme)!
So far, I've watched the intro video, and have enabled Facebook successfully. I can connect via FB and see FB listed in /social/linked, but some confusion exists in my mind between the two user groups I've got: admin and user.
The flow I'm trying to construct is:
user arrives at the site and is presented with a survey
user fills in the survey, then is asked to signup (I understand that this is unconventional)
/signup has a facebook connect button, supplied by the social module
user clicks the connect button, and grants permission in facebook's popup window
user should be directed back to /signup, (or maybe redirected to /user/registration) with some details filled in from facebook (eg. email, name)
on submit, user should be added to the users table, as a member of the 'users' group (not admin) with no email activation required
an email is sent, thanks page is displayed
on returning to the site, the user should access their on-site profile using facebook connect.
I've read a bunch of threads on the subject, which have shaped these expectations...
Here's where I'm at:
user arrives, fills in survey, clicks the connect button
user is redirected to the homepage, which displays a standard page (not handled by my module). I need to return to /signup!
Based on this, I've tried setting:
$this->session->set_userdata('redirect_to', '/signup');
in what I believe is the correct controller method (checks to see if the user is logged in before sending the email, then calls template build to display the social buttons), to no avail.
(edit: I now see that the code above relates to the user module, not the social module.. maybe i can transplant some changes...)
My questions:
am i on the right track, or going about this the wrong way?!
am i right in thinking that the FB account will be matched with an existing user if the email addresss exists in the system?
I have only one FB account, which I is authorised for the app, and I'm using to connect with as a user - will this work, or do I need a separate FB account to test as user?
Other notes:
I am testing the site in Chrome, logged in as admin in Firefox.
Facebook is my testcase, I'm looking at supporting FB, LinkedIn, google and Twitter eventually.
Phew! Grateful for any feedback, Tim
I will try to answer some of your questions since i'm currently experimenting with the exact same social module as well and with some addons to it.
am i right in thinking that the FB account will be matched with an
existing user if the email addresss exists in the system?
Yes you are. I checked it myself while troubleshooting the fact that my google (gmail address) could'nt connect while my hotmail (registered email) could. You will have to sync your emails in all your social sites, change the loginsystem (allowing username login for example) or manually connect multiple emails in your account settings..
I have only one FB account, which I is authorised for the app, and I'm using to connect with as a user - will this work, or do I need a separate FB account to test as user?
I suggest u let someone with another FB account test the system (better save then sorry) but in my case I didn't have any troubles using other (normal) accounts to log in.
am i on the right track, or going about this the wrong way?!
This was your first question, but I'll answer this as the last on since I didn't test is myself:
The Facebook App has a setting called "Site URL". This is the url to which will be redirected. Simply change it to the page you wish it to be. You can also try to change the following lines in social/controllers/social.php:
Line 245 (redirect: user is logged in after FB connect)
redirect($this->input->get('success_url') ? $this->input->get('success_url') : 'social/linked');
Line 283 (redirect: user has to fill in some additional fields to complete registration)
Good luck!
The intro video shows off the entire extent of the social module. Frontend registrations, frontend user account linking, and backend account linking for the entire system.
If you wish to integrate custom functionality, custom user flows and other stuff as listed in your question then you will need to do a little custom work with the module. Hack it, extend it, send in some pull requests, whatever, but sadly it cannot do "everything to integrate with everywhere ever" out of the box. :-/

I have stucked in the facebook server

I have created a website that allow user use facebook login system to regist and login. The system runs good. It can use single sign-on to login the system, so the user does not need to input the username and password --- until yesterday.
One of teammate find that he stucked in the login system, and the single sign-on does not function anymore. The user need to input account detail whatever they have login facebook or not. The most funny thing is, after the user login in facebook login system, it does not redirect the user to the "next" url or redirect them to facebook.com (mostly this means login system setting had eror). It just stuck in the facebook server with empty blank page.
This is the link what I stuck in....
https://www.facebook.com/login.php?login_attempt=1&fbconnect=1&display=page&next=(next url)&req_perms=publish_stream%2Cread_stream%2Cemail%2Cuser_photos&legacy_return=1
without session code, and does not have any reply.
I want to know if I have set something wrong...
Use of legacy_return was deprecated almost a year ago with the migration to OAuth2, and the endpoints were finally shut down today. Please update your integration per https://developers.facebook.com/docs/concepts/login/

One-click Registration - am I missing something here?

I'm trying to implement a 'one-click' Facebook registration process on my site. I'm getting extremely wound up because on other sites with what I want, they just have a 'Register with FB' button which they click and they're instantly given an account.
But if I go to the FB documentation for Registration its talking about displaying an entire form in an iframe with values prefilled (which none of the other websites seem to need?).
I have a FB Login button, which gave me a popup dialog asking to auth permissions and then I added a registration-url to send them to my registration page if they don't have an account (not sure how FB knows this? I guess it means not authorised?). So then how do I authorise the app with one click on the registration page?
All I want to do is initiate a request on my server to make the registration using the FB user's email and user_id. I can store these in MySQL.
Click Register > Authorise app. Whenever you want to log into the system you just click Login (saving you entering an email and password for registering and logging in).
Am I missing something? I can't seem to see this anywhere?
I can't understand what I'm missing here.
use php sdk to access the users info after the dialog. something like below, but probally want to check database for exists.
$sql = 'INSERT INTO mydatabase (`id`, `email`) VALUES (\''.$uid.'\', \''.$email.'\');';
$insert=mysql_query($sql) or die ('Error! in Insert '.$uid.' SQL');

Authenticate to Facebook without Clicking Facebook Connect Button

I have added Facebook Connect to my application via the JavaScript SDK. I'm using Spring Security (this is a grails app) and I have added code that when someone clicks the FB Connection button to login, I manually authenticate them against their user account and everything gets wired up appropriately. I have 2 questions:
When a user first logs in with FB and I don't have an account for them, I create an account for them with their FB info, generate a random password, and use their email for their login name. If the user then uses the regular login form instead of the FB button to sign in, how do I sign them in to FB as well?
Every time the user clicks the FB Connect button, the popup window shows up. If they are already authenticated, it just goes away and then my web site redirects correctly. How do I keep the popup window from showing up in this case?
To you first question, the user might be connect on Facebook when landing on your page after registration. So you can rely on the Javascript SDK to help you out.
See here: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/javascript/FB.getLoginStatus
To your second question, I think you can't, except you might get a work around if you use the Javascript SDK mentioned for the first question!
This is how I did it for moviezine.se and it works just fine, but it might be a little irritating to be logged in without asking for it when you come back a few days later. Then there is the use case of the logout: if you are automatically logged in, are you automatically logged out too; and if not, what if your Facebook session is replaced by your girlfriend's one who is also a user on your site! :)