Show CVS annotations by default in Eclipse - eclipse

In Eclipse you can show CVS annotations (which user changed which line in which commit) for a file by choosing Team->Show annotations... from it's context menu. However, I want to enable this for all files in my CVS projects by default. Is there a way to do so?

Found the same problem in svn in eclipse. To avoid clicking, which is slow, I set a hotkey for show annotations. It is not the full solution but faster than clicking every time, you want to use show annotations function.

Short answer: no. Unfortunately not. This is not a preference.


Undo “Remember my decision” in Eclipse for QuickDiff

When choosing "Show annotation" in Eclipse I was asked if I want to use the QuickDiff feature and I said "no". Moreover, I checked "Remember my decision", and now I profoundly regret it. Now Eclipse goes to the "SVN Repository Exploring" perspective, instead of staying in the Java perspective and just show me the changes in the left vertical bar (the one with the line numbers).
Does anybody know how to re-enable QuickDiff? I went to the QuickDiff preferences page and tried to do it, but in vain.
I have an Eclipse EE Mars.2 Release (4.5.2).
If you type "diff" into the filter box of the Preferences dialog, you'll find it. In this case you also want to change the reference source to whatever version control system you are using.
Finally, a colleague helped me to find the right option. See the image.

How to change the eclipse window colour based on the workspace?

If I'm working on live branch as well as development branch at almost same time,
naturally the code in both the branches is similar,
my two eclipse instances are open at the same time,
I keep swapping between them and tend to commit mistake by adding code in the wrong workspace.
To distinguish between the two instances of eclipse if I could have different themes (colours), it could have been good fool proofing measure.
I would like different theme for the eclipse window than the code font or file background.
I use same eclipse (Helios) .exe for different workspaces.
Any simpler advice could also be helpful.
Thanks in advance.
You can also add a name for each workspace. Open Preferences>General>Workspace and enter a Workspace name. It will be shown at the beginning of the title in the shell and the task bar.
That's how I differentiate my 4.2 and 3.8 workspaces, since I often need them both open to compare behaviour.
You may right mouse click in the background of one of your files > Preferences > Text Editor and change background color.

Automatic bookmarking of recently edited parts of a file

I'd like to quickly see "hot" positions of the file I have been recently edited, so I can quickly jump between them without inserting manual bookmarks.
Does Aptana offer this kind of feature?
Are there any Eclipse plug-ins doing this?
Eclipse does it (I am running 3.7.1):
Window->Prefs->General->Editors->Text Editors->Quick Diff
(or just type quick diff into the preference page search)
Enable quick diff, show differences in rulers - you can change the colours to make it more visible.
Another possibility is utilizing Mylyn. Just activate a task and a context will automatically be created that tracks changes on a method level, even highlighting important changes in bold. You can switch off the "focusing" (i.e. only showing the active and edited classes / ressources) in the project / explorer view if that annoys you. But Mylyn is a little more intensive, it only shows its full potential with a little bit of familiarisation.

In Eclipse, how do I refresh the icon decorators (per-file 1+ warning, 1+ error) in my Project Explorer?

In Eclipse, in the Project Explorer pane, each Java file will have an icon decorator, indicating whether that file has 1+ compilation errors, or 1+ compilation warnings.
I often find that these icon decorators are out of date with my latest file changes.
How can I force them to be up to date?
I try right-clicking on the project's top-level directory and selecting Refresh, but that doesn't help. Neither does restarting Eclipse.
I realize that one alternative is to use the Markers pane, but that gets me the entire list of all warnings/errors across all files. I'd rather know, see visually, which files have problems and which are clean.
You haven't said which language you are using and whether autobuilds are on or off.
In general, problem markers are only added and removed by your project's builder. If you are using Java, for example, that language has full automatic incremental build support, so the markers update whenever you save a file. Not all languages enjoy this; you may need to explicitly rebuild your project(s) to force an update.
If you believe a marker is out-of-date, or just want to hide it, it's usually safe to delete it from the Markers view; the relevant builder will reinstate it if necessary next time it runs.

How to programmatically reload a text editor in Eclipse?

In Eclipse, if I change a file programmatically, and it is open in a text editor, it doesn't always reload, not even when refreshing the resource programmatically. How can I forcibly reload the text editor from code so that it show the changed file contents?
In your project explorer or navigator, you can right-click on the file that's currently open and select refresh. This has always worked for me, even when editing files with several programs. Make sure to click the file itself, not parent objects like packages or folders or projects.
Refreshing programmatically? I would look into an Eclipse scripting tool:
I guess there was another one called Monkey, but it doesn't appear to be maintained.
I don't know of any possibility to programmatically reload the file.
Some editors (e.g. GMF editors) look for changes in the underlying files, and refresh themselves, but this is not required at all.
I don't think that a forced reload is an option implemented globally, as in some cases there could be some merging steps involved that can be quite erroneous.
My ideas to solve this:
Have a specific editor that refreshes its content when the used resource changes (this can be timeconsuming);
Or close the editors of the file and reopen them (this is ugly in the eye of the user).
Since the Luna release of eclipse there's no need to reload files with F5/manual Refresh.
Really nice, especially as there was a bug with the F5 key binding.