Channel Block API? - google-tv

Is there an API support which enables to block channels as appears in the following settings link:
Settings -> Privacy & Safety -> Safety -> Settings -> Parentel lock -> Channel Block

Not currently, no. You can request that feature at


Accept download alert message pop up in Katalon Studio

I create automated testing by click on download button to download file (.pdf, .xlsx, .exe, .application) but every download, it showed the pop up dialog to confirm.
So, how to access this pop up or let it download automatically without asking?
I try to add reference in execution and run it by opening browser and click download, but it still show that dialog message.
For Chrome
Log view (chrome)
For Firefox
Log view (firefox)
Or Set Reference by this way (still not working)
You need to set these preferences under Project -> Settings -> Execution -> Default -> WebUI -> Chrome.
Variable prefs has to be created and values below has to be added to array. : Boolean : false
safebrowsing.enabled : Boolean : false
browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk : String :
application/octet-stream, text/csv, application/, application/msexcel, application/x-msexcel, application/excel, application/pdf
safebrowsing-disable-download-protection : Boolean : true
You can read more about Desired Capabilities in Execution settings.
Also struggled a bit. I've got the chrome answer still searching for Firefox answer.
For Chrome add a property with the following:
Name: prefs
Type: Dictionary
Value: {download.prompt_for_download=false}
If you want to specify the download directory you can add the value to the Dictionary: {download.default_directory}
You can also check out this site Capabilities & ChromeOptions for Chrome's capabilities.

How to clear retrieve log in plugin registration tool

I'm using plugin registration tool.
In the section: Debug -> setup tab -> Retrieve log -> 'select profile from CRM' popup, I need to clear all logs from 'select profile from CRM' popup.
How to do that?
This will be stored in CRM entity - Plugin Profiles. Delete the unwanted old records.
You can do Advanced Find for that entity or navigate to Settings - Extensions.

Which caches have impact on /UI2/PAGE_BUILDER_PERS?

I have a tile which is missing on the launchpad.
This URL which is called by the Fiori Launchpad to get the different catalogs and groups is producing different data on the backend /IWFND/GW_CLIENT as from the response in the browser:
In the GW client response I can see the Z* catalog and groups which are part of the missing tile, on the response in the browser I cannot and so I know that this is the cause of the missing tile.
Probably a lot of them are unrelated, but these are the reports/tcodes I have executed to clear the caches without having an effect:
SMICM Menu, Goto -> HTTP Plug-in -> Server Cache -> Invalidate Globally
What am I missing here?

Use soundcloud embed to create embed code from the command line for private sounds

I understand that it's possible to use oembed to get embed code for private files, but I'm running into "403 forbidden" when I try it.
is accessible in a browser, but
curl -iL
yields a HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden error. The same call with a public sound works fine:
curl -iL
Related question: Rendering SoundCloud widget for a private track using PHP API, although that one uses PHP. I'm trying to get this to work on the command line.
It's possible to embed private tracks using a secret token if the track's settings allow embedding.
Embedding is allowed by default, but if you're receiving a 403 with a valid secret token, you've probably disallowed public embedding for the track.
You can enable this through the web UI on your track's edit page under Settings -> Advanced -> Widget Settings -> Click to enable -> For everybody:
Just had this problem myself, and the track/sound settings have changed layout/structure since pje's answer from 30/09/2013.
Currently, under Permissions, you need to make sure that 'Display Embed code' is turned on - despite the fact that you may not want this to happen! Doing so should mean a 200 status code is returned along with the embed metadata.
Essentially what this is doing is allowing the track to be publicly embedded on other sites (despite the track being private in terms of not being listed on the main account page).

Check JIRA REST API version?

How to check, that rest api is enabled in JIRA and it has appropriate version?
I know, that it is possible to request 'api/latest', but if latest installed version isn't compatible with methods, that i call?
To check that it is enabled, (and to disable it if you wish), then you will need to go to the Administration panel of your instance and enable/disable it there. Specifically you need to go to:
Administration > General Configuration > Set Accept remote API calls to either On/Off
To check if REST api is enabled, just go to (change the URL to your own)
and see if the page loads.
I don't think there is a way using the API to get the API version, but you can make the API calls and fallback in case of an error. The coding depends on what you are trying to achieve.
You can find more info about the REST API at:
JIRA REST API Version 2 Tutorial
JIRA REST API documentation
If your stuck on the coding part, search Atlassian answers and SO or ask a question.
Use the /rest/serverInfo endpoint, e.g. /rest/api/2/serverInfo.
This should return a JSON string with JIRA version, e.g.
"version": "8.x.x",
View page source of Jira page and search version.
Sample output:
<meta name="application-name" content="JIRA" data-name="jira" data-version="7.9.2"><meta name="ajs-server-scheme" content="http">