How to deploy test app on iPhone? - iphone

I want to know how to deploy test app on iPhone 4.3.2. with XCode 4.3 but without buying a licence.
I have jailbreak on it and installed AppSync4.0+
The reason why I ask this is because I am porting an app from Qt and I want to see it how it behaves under iOS.
I have been using Qt4iOS and got everything build when using simulator.
Now I want to see it on my device.
When I try it I got some key chain error.
Provide me with some links or ideas.

... everything is possible. It's about the effort needed. And the effort for this can be very low. Especially because your device is are already jailbroken.
You'll need to change Xcode's code signing for building for an device. Instructions can be found here:
(better save copies of the original files). Since Xcode 4.3 doesn't use the /Developer folder any more you'll have to edit the files inside the (./
Build your app for the device. Make sure the target isn't a fat binary (instead just build an ARMv6 executable) or it won't work on your device if pseudo-signed with ldid.
Find the .app bundle for your app
Copy the .app bundle to /Applications/ (not /var/mobile/Applications!!!) (for example via ssh). Make sure the permissions of your executable are set to 755. Reboot or respring and if you did everything correctly you'll be able to launch and test your app.
Have fun!

I have had the same issue.
No matter how hard we try to apply any trick in order to test the app on real device without license, the bottom line is that you can't do it.
You must register with apple by paying $99 and thereafter you can set the device to your real device within XCode before running the app.
Note that it's quite a task to create *.api file even after you are registered with Apple.

Simple: Spend $99 for the iOS developer program.
I'm sure it is much more expensive to waste your time trying to find another way around.


How can I test my signed app on an unjailbroken iOS device

As part of our software development life cycle, we want to make sure that the binary we test in house before pushing to iTunes, is the same as the binary that we push to iTunes. I know that sounds really silly, but it's a matter of checks and balances in a mid size company, so that the testers can be sure the coders didn't add in anything after testing occurred.
So is there a way to run a signed/certed app on a device that's not jail broken? Or is there a way to verify that an IPW is the exact identical code in the zip that gets pushed to iTunes?
Or possibly a way to accomplish my goals with a different way?
We have a valid developer account and around 15 different devices that are not jail broken. Would prefer to test with them left stock and not jail broken.
If you compile your app for distribution using an ad-hoc profile you can later take that archive and resign it with the appstore profile and upload it.
You can't however upload an application that was compiled with an development certificate.
A binary signed to go to the App Store cannot be run on devices via the normal ways. You can test the code by having the developers create an Ad Hoc build. This will have the same functionality as the App Store version, but you can test it.
Unfortunately, when the app is recompiled for the App Store, more code can be added.
Do you not have access to the code to test? If you must, you can have them create an adhoc in front of you, test it, and then recompile for the app store all in front of you. Seems a bit overkill, however.
There is with another trick:
first test you code for functionality's, buggs in normal way.
Than push the code to AppStore, but set the release date farther with 3 weeks, while your testers are validating it is that what they tested last time or not. Somewhere here, I have read that possibility forgot where. Never tried!

how to make IPJSUA become a .IPA file?

I just compile the IPJSUA and build using xCode 4.3.2, and also run on simulator. But still can't call/send IM.
I'm thinking about limitation for simulator, now I want to deploy into .IPA file and test it using my phone. But I got an error.
If I'm using iPhone Developer Certificate, I got a lot of error like this pic.
If I'm using iPhone Distribution Certificates, I got a error message like this.
No unexpired provisioning profiles found that contain any of the keychain's signing certificates
Anybody ever try how to make IPJSUA into .IPA files?
What different between iPhone Developer Certificate and iPhone Distribution Certificate?
Here is the picture, I already linked the library, the architectures, and the search path.
I already can make the .IPA file, but still can't make a call or send IM. can you make a call with IPJSUA using your devices/simulator?
UPDATE: Already can call/send IM/add buddy. I will Refer to the new question that I will answer by myself. The step by step of using PJSIP on xCode. Thanks.
If you're just testing it on your own phone, and your phone is registered in the developer portal then there is no need to generate a .IPA file. You can just plug your device into the computer and build it directly onto the device. If however you want to distribute to multiple devices that aren't registered yet(such as friend's devices), i would suggest looking into testflight which simplifies this process, and gives a step by step instruction here on how to create and upload your IPA.
It took me days to get ipjsua running on devices. A couple things I ran into:
Are you linking to all the proper binaries? There's about 20 or so you need to link to, you can check their ipjsua sample app for reference.
Did you add the armv7 and armv6 architectures in your build settings? We had to add both (this was probably back in September of last year when we were building it, for reference)
Are your Library Search Paths and Header Search Paths in build settings correct? For headers we have pjsip/include, pjlib/include, pjlib-util/include, pjnath/include, and pjmedia/include. For Library paths we have all the same (with /lib instead of /include of course)

Building An IPA Using Apple's Tools & Certificate For Jailbroken Devices

How do I crack my own IPA file for jailbroken distribution?
Or alternatively how do I build an IPA that will work on a jailbroken phone?
I purchased an apple certificate and am able to build an Xcode 4 ipa file that works on my device as well as devices of official beta testers. However, I would like to have an "open beta" for everyone since the application is essentially free.
So I would like to build a version of the IPA that works on jailbroken devices, essentially crack my own application... I found this which seems ridiculously hard and there is this answer which answers a slightly different question. I want this process to be automated by my build server so I hope its relatively reasonable.
I've tried manually building zips, building for the app store etc. and it all failed on the jailbroken device that I have. It might be a fluke with this particular device but I find it hard to find information for this particular use case, so maybe one of the things I did is "the right thing" and its just by bad lack that it didn't work (hopefully someone can confirm what "needs doing").
I was able to install a build of the application using debug credentials on the jailbroken device. I'm guessing the beta tester who used the device just did something wrong with a previous install attempt.
Im pretty sure this would break Apple's EULA.
The point of the IPA is to ensure that it will only run on selected devices, i would recommend against this, and stick with closed beta until release time.

Not loading all content of ipa file into device while using itunes

i developed an app which is meant to read books(pdf book reader).i loaded 25 books(total size of 320MB) into the app using absolute path.all the books are been seen in the simulator and also i can load all the books into my device through xcode(build and run).
my requirement:
when i loaded the above obtained ipa file into the same device or other device which are in ad-hoc distribution using itunes , it is strange that only few books are being seen in the device.
note: i made sure that all the books are present in the .ipa file,i deleted old app in the device which i run via xcode. the device is in ad-hoc distribution.
while code signing i used the iphone developer certificate.
is it necessary to use distribution certificate instead iphone developer certificate which i feel that might be one reason for my problem?
plz anyone suggest me with exact solution to the scenario.
tnx in advance
I know I have seen problems going from simulator to live device. The simulator is not case sensitive, but the device is. Recheck all your actual files in bundle vs what you are requesting when you open the file. They need to match exactly for device, but not so much for simulator.
I would also try seting the apps-Info.plst to have "Application supports iTunes file sharing" on so you could see what is in the documents folder (this is if your moving files in that area).
One problem might be as RAZ suggested that iPhone is case sensitive, but there could be other problems.
For starters I would check the that ipa does contain everything you think should be there. Take the ipa, change the extension to zip and open it. You'll get a folder containing you're app. Right click the .app and choose show package. You'll now see all the files/resources included in your app. If the files that won't load in the app are there then you'll need to provide more information about the problem.
If they're not you need to make sure xCode knows to copy them to the app resources.
You might have resources that you haven't copied into the project, and you're only referencing the files on your hard disk. Then when you make the .ipa file it's not included. Try re-importing all your resources and select "copy to project".

iOS Question. Can I distribute the Xcode simulator versions of my app?

I would like to send someone the Xcode simulator version - not the device version - of my iPad app. I have located the .app file in the Finder. Do I just zip it up and send it off or is it more complicated than that?
Chrisbtoo got the answer on this one however he left of some critical bits for those of you trying this at home:
Path to Xcode simulator (the simulator can be run standalone.):
Path to app that appears in the home screen of the simulator:
/Users/turner/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/3.2/Applications/{GUID}
It is instructive to watch what happens in the app simulator directory as you build for simulation, delete apps from the simulator desktop and generally use the simulator as an actual device.
Bottom line: This is a viable approach for sharing apps in a "simulated" ad hoc manner without the mind numbing, soul sucking process of true ad hoc app sharing.
Assuming the other person already has the simulator installed, you can just zip up the stuff under ~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/3.2/Applications/{GUID} (includes both the .app and any data directories needed) and send it to them - they'll need to unzip it under that same directory. What I've done in the past was to rename the {GUID} part to a more friendly name - the sim will still pick it up.
If they don't already have the simulator, they will need to sign up for a free iphone dev account and download Xcode, etc.
We just put up a little tool that will help you with this. It manages both what you need on the dev side and also the tester.
Here it is
It basically creates a little zip that you can pass to the tester and it'll install the app in the right directory and also open it up for the user with the right device selected.
I would think you want to send the entire project folder to the other person- presumably you are expecting them to open it in their XCode- and presumably they have the sdk for the app.
You have to distribute via AdHoc or App Store for beta testing.
Become a developer and then look into how to do this.
You need to have a provisioning profile, and then select the UDID's for the device you want to beta test to.
Go to the iPhone Provisioning Portal
and here is a document with more detail