I want to ask if anyone know a way or a free driver that I can connect to sql anywhere 10 .db file.
I mean a driver that is as a free license because I just have to make my application add few rows in another application database and since I'm not going to use this other database for anything else I need some kind of driver or some workaround to be able to write in sql anywhere db without buing license.
I'm not trying to break anyone autor rights or anything just most databases have free driver that you can use just for simple tasks that is why I'm asking if I'm missing something.
Thanks for all the help in advance.
You can register for the developer edition download, that comes with the driver, and its free :).
also you should be aware that if you are connecting to an authenticated database you need to authenticate within 30 seconds
"every connection has a thirty second grace period before the restrictions apply"
Edit: so we never obtained the answer, instead we tried it with the server and client on the same PC. This morning I tried logging into the client and it would hang on "authenticating". So I shut everything down and went back to my life for a bit. This evenng I tried again, and now it says account or password incorrect. We tried recreating the accunt and password, same thing. We made a new account and password, same thing. Any help would be appreciated. Both on this new issue and the first one below (because eventually I want us both to be able to play on our own computers). TIA
My son and I have been following the guide. We did fine until we got to the part that says: "Open the acore_auth database and find the realmlist table. You need to edit the address field according to your needs". We have searched through everything in acore_auth in Heidi and we have not been able to find where the realmlist table is, let alone how to edit it. We are using one dedicated computer for the server, and we will join the server via our laptops. Any help would be greatly appreciated. The guide has been very detailed thus far, thank you. My son is almost done with his AS in Computer Programming, with an emphasis on game design, not networking.
Upon further inspection... we discovered our acore_auth database is exmpty. All the Acore_? databases are empty. What did we miss? Any ideas?
You have to edit the table realmlist of the acore_auth database and change the address field with the LAN address of the PC where the server is running:
Reading your question it sounds much that you are trying to run AC on Windows, so I recommend reading the installation guide here https://www.azerothcore.org/wiki/installation#azerothcore-classic-setup
Which also includes installation for macOS and Linux if you happen to use them.
In short to populate your database for the first time you need to run your Authserver and Worldserver applications which will automatically import the base and update files into your database. Then you go to acore_auth.realmlist and specify the address field to LAN IP (192.168.x.x) for the host PC to allow other PCs in your network to connect to it.
We have a PostgreSQL database with PostGIS running and today we ran into the issue that too less connections were available. Mostly we are using QGIS to access the database. We realized that issue because multiple users got the following error:
FATAL: remaining connection slots are reserved for non-replication superuser connections
When checking the number of connections in pgAdmin I realized a thing I saw before, but as I never ran into problems didn't care too much about.
QGIS creates multiple connections to PostgreSQL for the same user to the same database.
Now I am wondering why this is the case and how I can maybe change that behaviour.
Could this happen for example if a person got access rights to a database through different user groups?
One approach might be the issue that some users run into that if you add layers to a QGIS project that was created before might ask you multiple times for your login credentials if those changed. This seem to me that probably different credentials are saved with the project and therefor multiple connections might be used. Can anyone confirm or dispruve this? - Suggestions for a test scenario are also welcome to check this.
Any ideas, hints or soutions are welcome.
By the way: Yes we increase the number of max_connections, but I want to understand why this happens and get closer to the core of the situation.
I have a sample job that successfully extracts data from an Oracle database via the ODBC connector and I will mention that I manually added a column description for one of the columns in the Oracle table (I am also successful in extracting from an SQL Server db). I need to add table definitions, and I am attempting to use Import -> Table Definitions -> Start Connector Import Wizard. I receive a list of connectors to choose from including "ODBC Connector". When I choose it and press Next, it just hangs and eventually times out, displaying not able to connect. This behavior occurs for other connectors as well, i.e. Oracle.
This has worked in the past for us, and it has just started recently with this problem. We have tried using a user with more permissions, to no avail. Please note that the odbc connector is working fine to extract data, just not to import metadata. One of the team members performed a DataStage server restart but the problem persists.
Please advise.
The obvious question you must ask, when something is not longer working that used to work, is "what changed"? (And "nothing" is not the correct answer.) Have any patches been made, either to InfoSphere Information Server or to the operating system, for example? Your description has helped to eliminate certain possibilities, such as the Connector Access Service, it remains to do what Sherlock Holmes advised; eliminate the impossible then anything that remains is possible. Please do examine the logs, especially /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/InfoSphere/logs/server1/SystemOut.log, to determine whether any problem has been logged at the same time as the wizard has been unable to return a list of Connectors. You might also try to create and use a Connection within the InfoSphere Metadata Asset Manager tool.
I started my test of using a Google's CloudSQL instance with a desktop based application, so far I am impressed with a performance, even it is laggy, it does the job, so my next step is to see what simple modifications can do to my application most intended to reduce Access to the database and optimize if there is something more to do.
How can I do log the sql commands send to the database in order to check what queries are being sent. My app uses ODBC drivers in Windows.
What you probably want is to turn on the general log. Unfortunately, that requires SUPER privileges and that was removed some time ago (announcement). We are going to provide a way to tweak parameters like that via the Cloud SQL API. For now, the best solution is to use a setup a local server and use the logging on that one. If you really want it on production ping us on the google-cloud-sql-discuss Google group and we'll enable the SUPER for your instance.
I want to write a C++ administrative app to simplify management of DBs I am in charge of. Currently, when I want to tell if there are users connected to multiple Firebird databases operated by 2 different instances of it, I have to connect to every single DB and check. That's ok, but I don't want to register every new database that is being created when i don't look, I want some way to list databases that are currently open or otherwise in use by the server. Current 2 uses of this functionality I can think of are:
Auto-inclusion in backup procedure
Application update, which require users to log off (one-look and I would be able to tell whom to kick or at least which department to call)
Firebird does not have an API to list all available databases. Technically Firebird simply doesn't know about the existence of a database until you actually connect to it.
You might be able to find all databases that are being connected to using the Trace API or the monitoring tables, but that does not exclude the possibility that other databases exist on your system.