Batch file to clean Unity directory of junk files - unity3d

Unity creates a bunch of junk binary files. From what I understand a lot of those files are temporary and are unnecessary. Is there a batch script already written which can delete these files? If not, which files are safe to delete and which files are critical to the integrity of the scene files?

This is here for anyone who wants now working batch file.
Unity produces a lot of junk files within your save, and I strongly suggest you run this script every time you save a backup of your project.
Copy and paste code into batch file.
put batch file inside your unity project file
run the file, read instructions, press enter a few times, wait, and all done! you just saved 30-50 mb of disk space!
#echo off
echo %cd%
echo "this will delete some files within the directory above! Make sure unity is not running!"
echo "are you sure you would like to do this?"
rd /s /q Library
rd /s /q Temp
del /s /q /f *.csproj
del /s /q /f *.pidb
del /s /q /f *.unityproj
del /s /q /f *.DS_Store
del /s /q /f *.sln
del /s /q /f *.userprefs
echo "done."

You can ignore these file extensions for unity
and anything under
just make sure they dont conflict with non unity projects ;)
Keep your meta files if your using it for Version control.
Instead of making a batch file to delete them if you just dont want other Perforce users in your group to get them simply add these sorts of lines to your workspace (swapping out the paths and CLIENT for the right one)
-//depot/foo/*.csproj //CLIENT/foo/*.csproj
-//depot/foo/.../*.pidb //CLIENT/foo/.../*.pidb

If you want to clean up files by file extension (say all .tmp files in a directory strucutre) you can achieve this with find on osx and linux.
find . -name "*.tmp" -exec rm {} \;
If you know the extensions (or names) of the files that are temporarly generated you can remove them in this way.


Copying files from similar multiple folders into each of their child folders

I would like to use a batch file to copy files in a folder to a backup folder (OLD) within, on a Windows server. And I want to do this for multiple folders.
So for example, I have multiple folders, named like this:
I will nickname them here as A##.
Each folder has hundreds of files.
Then each year before updating them, I copy those files into a backup folder called OLD, for each A##, so I have a backup of last year's files. Then I copy in new files into C:\A##, in another manual process, individually.
So there will be folders like:
When I do the copy, to the OLD folder, I keep the most recent version of each file. But then the files that I later manually copy in will overwrite in the C:\A## folder and be this year's files, while C:\A##\OLD will contain last year's files.
How can I script this so it will copy all the files for each C:\A## folder into their respective \OLD folder?
I assume I would use a variable for the path I want to copy from and to.
I could use Robocopy or Xcopy.
in a script file
#echo off
cd c:\
for /f "usebackq delims=:" %%a IN (`dir /AD /B ^| FINDSTR /I /R "A[0-9]*"`) DO (
#mkdir "%%a\OLD"
xcopy "%%a\*.*" "%%a\OLD\" /ECIFHRY /D
it copy only the updated files (/D) to the OLD subfolder.
if you want to mantain ACLs of the files, use /ECIFHRKOXY
I suggest you to test it in a test folder, that you can generate with this commands directly in the shell
#mkdir c:\test76
cd c:\test76
For /L %a IN (1,1,10) DO #mkdir A%a && echo "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog">A%a\file.txt

How to Copy files that are in a directory to another directory recursively in Windows?

I have to create an script to copy files from a folder structure to other.
My source folder structure is similar to this:
/*Here are the files to copy*/
/*Here are the files to copy*/
I want to copy the files that are in the "ToCopy" folders, into another folder, with this structure:
Destination folder structure:
//Here the files that were in the ToCopy folder inside the SubParentsFolder1
//Here the files that were in the ToCopy folder inside the OtherSubParentFolder
Notice that I use the name of the "ToCopy" parent folder in the destination subfolders.
I know how I would do this with code (like C#), but I am at a lost on how to achieve it with a Batch file. Is it even possible? Or I would need to use something like powershell?
How can I copy my files following the structure I described?
I think, this should work...
$Folder= gci -path "d:\pstest" -recurse -Filter "ToCopy" | where { $_.psiscontainer }
Foreach ($Foldername in $Folder) {
copy-item $Foldername.fullname -Destination "d:\Outputfolder\$Destinationfolder" -recurse
Hi to follow is a script I hacked away (via help from stack overflow), that reads the files from a txt document, then requests destination folder input and also src folder name it then just goes and recursively copies all the files to the new folder without keeping the old subfolder structure.
I will update this in future with the link to the person that I got the base template from for the admin area, but to keep in mind once you click that Batch can run as though it was a php script then everything makes sense. Took me whole day to research every command and alternative on
Major thing to note is the pushd "%~dp0" this I use to make sure batch always uses my current directory as root.
As said I will do a proper write up on this and further stream lining since I am using it actively for moving files during a woocommerce shop update. P.S. the text file name should be entered without the .txt extention and every file name should start on a new line. Also if the destination directory does not exist it will create it. Use excel maybe to list the names then for renaming could output to new column and compile the batch rename command copy to new batch run first batch to fetch files and second batch to rename to preferred title, I do it in steps to keep my sanity.
Sorry was just a example of how I use it, but yes go ahead and enjoy hope this works for you.
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
REM Changes root path to relative of current bat folder
pushd "%~dp0"
REM finds files in provided .txt file and copies them to destination directory
COPY /b/y NUL %WINDIR%\06CF2EB6-94E6-4a60-91D8-AB945AE8CF38 >NUL 2>&1
DEL %WINDIR%\06CF2EB6-94E6-4a60-91D8-AB945AE8CF38 >NUL 2>&1
ECHO Please wait...
set /p DEST_DIR="Copy files to:"%=%
set /p SEARCH_DIR="Copy files from:"%=%
#echo Please check folder name for accuracy.
#echo Copy files to: %DEST_DIR%
#echo Copy files from: %SEARCH_DIR%
set /p CORRECT_FOLDERS="Are these correct? (please check spelling) y/n:"
#echo you answered yes
if not exist %DEST_DIR% md %DEST_DIR%&GOTO:READ_DATA
#echo you answered no
set /p TRY_AGAIN="Try again? y/n:"
#echo "So Sorry"
set /p GET_FILENAMES="What is the name of the text file your filenames are stored in?"%=%
if exist %GET_FILENAMES%.txt #echo We will now read and copy the files for you, have some coffee might take awhile & GOTO:WRITE_DATA
if not exist %GET_FILENAMES%.txt #echo Filename does not match, please type only the name without .txt extention & GOTO:READ_DATA
#echo reading file name...
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%a in ("%GET_FILENAMES%.txt") do (
for /r "%SEARCH_DIR%" %%b in ("%%a*") do (
#echo Copy Started...
copy "%%b" "%DEST_DIR%\%%~nxb"
#echo Copy finished, please review actions. Lekker Man.

Using Windows commandline, how can I completely replace one folder with another?

So far I have it to where I can copy all the files from c:\Users\John\Folder1 to c:\Users\John\Folder2.
But I am looking to completely swap the folders.
e.g. Replace c:\Users\John\Folder1 with c:\Users\John\SomeFolder\Folder1.
I have this right now: xcopy c:\Users\John\SomeFolder\* c:\Users\John\Folder1 /s /i
This just copies all the files from the c:\Users\John\SomeFolder\Folder1 to c:\Users\John\Folder1 but leaves the files that had been there prior. I want the entire folder to be replaced. If the new folder I am copying no longer has those files, I want them deleted.
Sorry if this is confusing - any help is greatly appreciated.
I think you can create a batch file to do this.
The pseudo-code:
Erase contents of directory 1
Copy the contents from directory 1 to directory 2
The code:
Create a file called swapFiles.bat in your notepad, and enter the following code:
rd /s %1
mkdir %1
xcopy /s /i %2\* %1
How to use it:
swapFiles c:\Users\directory1 c:\Users\directory2
directory1 is the old directory (i.e. the one that will be wiped out)
Hope this helps you
Maybe I'm completely missing your point, but would this not do the job? (example):
rename Folder1 transit
rename Folder2 Folder1
rename transit Folder2
This will mirror the first folder to the second.
Be very careful that the paths are correct.
#echo off
robocopy "c:\Users\John\SomeFolder\Folder1" "c:\Users\John\Folder1" /mir
Do you want to delete this folder c:\Users\John\SomeFolder before copying the folder1 if it is so this code may wok for you
#echo off
robocopy /s c:\Users\John\Folder1 c:\Users\John\SomeFolder\Folder1
rmdir /s /q c:\Users\John\Folder1

Having XCopy copy a file and not overwrite the previous one if it exists (without prompting)

I'm sending commands to a remote computer in order to have it copy a file.
I want the file to be copied, but not to overwrite the previous file with the same name (if it exists).
I also need the command to run without any prompts (xcopy likes to prompt whether the target name I've specified is file or directory, and it will also prompt about overwriting a file).
I have good results with xcopy /d.
It will copy NEWER files, and since we can assume that existing files have same time-stamp, you will copy only files that don't exist.
just in case anyone else finds this:
robocopy x:\sourcefolder Y:\destfolder /s /e /r:0 /z
much better than xcopy, even gives you a table at the end informing of any failed or skipped files. Doesn't prompt to not overwrite.
Well, there's a certain remedy! It has helped me with saving much of my effort and time on Win10 while writing a setup for our product demo.
Just try to use piping:
#ECHO N|COPY /-Y SourceFiles Destination
As an example I used this piece of code so that I would have a clean gentle quiet and safe copy!
#FOR /D %%F in ("FooPath") DO #(
#ECHO N|COPY /-Y ^"%%~npdxF\*.*^" ^"GooPath^" 3>NUL 2>NUL >NUL
where obviously FooPath is the source and GooPath is the destination.
(main source:
Following command copy files and folder but not override file if already exist.
xcopy "*.*" "C:\test\" /s /y /d
No way to make it NOT overwrite as far as I know. but /Y will make it overwrite. and /I will get rid of the file/dict prompt. See xcopy /? for all options
You can also use the replace command. It has two modes: to add files that don't exist there or replace files that do exist. You want the previous mode:
replace <path1> <path2> /A
I had to copy AND rename files, so I got the prompt about creating a file or a directory.
This is the, rather "hackish" way I did it:
ECHO F | XCOPY /D "C:\install\dummy\dummy.pdf" "C:\Archive\fffc810e-f01a-47e8-a000-5903fc56f0ec.pdf"
XCOPY will use the "F" to indicate it should create the target as a file:
C:\install>ECHO F | XCOPY /D "C:\install\dummy\dummy.html" "C:\Archive\aa77cd6e-1d19-4eb4-b2a8-3f8fe60daf00.html"
Does C:\Archive\aa77cd6e-1d19-4eb4-b2a8-3f8fe60daf00.html specify a file name or directory name on the target
(F = file, D = directory)? F
1 File(s) copied
I've also verified this command leaves existing files alone. (You should too :-)

XCOPY switch to create specified directory if it doesn't exist?

I am using XCOPY in a post-build event to copy compiled DLLs from their output folders to the main app's output folder. The DLLs are being copied to a "Modules" subfolder in the main app output folder, like this:
xcopy "$(TargetPath)" "$(SolutionDir)Prism4Demo.Shell\$(OutDir)Modules\"
The command works fine if the Modules folder exists, but I have discovered during testing that if the folder doesn't exist, XCOPY doesn't create it, and the command fails.
Is there an XCOPY switch that will cause the folder to be created if it doesn't exist? If not, what would I add to my post-build event to create the folder if it doesn't exist? Thanks for your help.
Answer to use "/I" is working but with little trick - in target you must end with character \ to tell xcopy that target is directory and not file!
xcopy "$(TargetDir)$(TargetName).dll" "$(SolutionDir)_DropFolder" /F /R /Y /I
does not work and return code 2, but this one:
xcopy "$(TargetDir)$(TargetName).dll" "$(SolutionDir)_DropFolder\" /F /R /Y /I
Command line arguments used in my sample:
/F - Displays full source & target file names
/R - This will overwrite read-only files
/Y - Suppresses prompting to overwrite an existing file(s)
/I - Assumes that destination is directory (but must ends with \)
I tried this on the command line using
D:\>xcopy myfile.dat xcopytest\test\
and the target directory was properly created.
If not you can create the target dir using the mkdir command with cmd's command extensions enabled like
cmd /x /c mkdir "$(SolutionDir)Prism4Demo.Shell\$(OutDir)Modules\"
('/x' enables command extensions in case they're not enabled by default on your system, I'm not that familiar with cmd)
cmd /?
mkdir /?
xcopy /?
for further information :)
I hate the PostBuild step, it allows for too much stuff to happen outside of the build tool's purview. I believe that its better to let MSBuild manage the copy process, and do the updating. You can edit the .csproj file like this:
<Target Name="AfterBuild" Inputs="$(TargetPath)\**">
<Copy SourceFiles="$(TargetPath)\**" DestinationFiles="$(SolutionDir)Prism4Demo.Shell\$(OutDir)Modules\**" OverwriteReadOnlyFiles="true"></Copy>
Use the /i with xcopy and if the directory doesn't exist it will create the directory
for you.
You could use robocopy:
robocopy "$(TargetPath)" "$(SolutionDir)Prism4Demo.Shell\$(OutDir)Modules" /E
Simple short answer is this:
xcopy /Y /I "$(SolutionDir)<my-src-path>" "$(SolutionDir)<my-dst-path>\"
Simply type in quotes slash delimiter "/" and add to final destination 2 back-slashes "\\"
It's will be create New folders to copy and copy need file(-s).
xcopy ".\myfile" "....folder1/folder2/destination\\"
I tried this on the is working for me.
if "$(OutDir)"=="bin\Debug\"  goto Visual
goto exit
xcopy /y "$(TargetPath)$(TargetName).dll" "$(ProjectDir)..\Demo"
xcopy /y "$(TargetDir)$(TargetName).pdb" "$(ProjectDir)..\Demo"
goto exit
Try /E
To get a full list of options: xcopy /?