TSQL: execute procedure with a parameter that can have two values - tsql

Hello all,
I want to execute the following procedure:
The status can be single, divorced or married.
I need to execute the procedure having all the males that are single and divorced.
Ho can I do that?
Thanks a lot

The best way to do this would be to change your stored procedure over to a table-value function. Then you could call it twice and UNION ALL the results to get one resultset. The other way to do it would be to just call the stored procedure twice and add the results together yourself.
Unless you are fine with getting two resultsets back (by executing the statement twice), you will need to make some sort of modification to your SQL statement.

That's just not possible unless you rewrite the procedure

This is not possible without changing the Procedure.
One option would be to set the value as singledivorced and have the following WHERE clause:
WHERE [status]=#status
OR (#status='singledivorced' AND ([status]='single' or [status]='divorced'))


Can i generate DDL for procedure in db2?

I want to check one procedure where it is being called ?
Is there any way for his ?
i have tried to generate using db2look but it didnt work .
You can use the sqlpltrc and the SQL profiler utilities. There are few articles about that, but they can help to have stack call of your procedures.
Another way to that, is to look in the TEXT column of the SYSCAT.PROCEDURES view, looking for the name of your procedures. However, if there is dynamic SQL, this could eventually not help. Also, if any function or trigger calls you SP, you need to look for the name in the corresponding tables.

Using Entity Framework -Is there a way to pass a string of commands to be executed in a manner similar to a stored procedure?

I want something that achieves a simmilar effect to passing the text of a stored proc to SQL Server and then executing it?
For example to set identity_insert and then insert a value
You mean something like this?
context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("INSERT INTO....");
This can take multiple commands if you wish.

Is it possible to EXEC a T-SQL stored procedure that has an ouput parameter while ignoring SELECT statement?

I am calling one stored procedure from another, and the procedure I am calling has an output parameter. I am then piping the output value into a local variable. That's all well and good, but the problem is that this procedure also has a select statement in it, so when I exec, the results of the procedure are being returned in the final results set.
Is there a way to simply get the value of the output parameter, and ignore everything else?
While technically yes, you shouldn't do it. The engine consumes resources to produce the result set you ignore. You may also produce unnecessary contention. If you don't need the result set, you need another procedure that should only produce the output you desire.
I'm sure there are some tricks for doing this - but the obvious solution that springs to mind is:
INSERT INTO #my_rubbish_temp_table_that_i_CREATEd_earlier
EXEC dbo.mySproc #a, #b, #c OUTPUT
...as per Remus' response, this is a waste of CPU, I/O, etc.
If you can add an additional parameter to your stored procedure that allows the suppression of the resultset, that'd be grand.

What is a "batch", and why is GO used?

I have read and read over MSDN, etc. Ok, so it signals the end of a batch.
What defines a batch? I don't see why I need go when I'm pasting in a bunch of scripts to be run all at the same time.
I've never understood GO. Can anyone explain this better and when I need to use it (after how many or what type of transactions)?
For example why would I need GO after each update here:
UPDATE [Country]
SET [CountryCode] = 'IL'
WHERE code = 'IL'
UPDATE [Country]
SET [CountryCode] = 'PT'
WHERE code = 'PT'
GO is not properly a TSQL command.
Instead it's a command to the specific client program which connects to an SQL server (Sybase or Microsoft's - not sure about what Oracle does), signalling to the client program that the set of commands that were input into it up till the "go" need to be sent to the server to be executed.
Why/when do you need it?
GO in MS SQL server has a "count" parameter - so you can use it as a "repeat N times" shortcut.
Extremely large updates might fill up the SQL server's log. To avoid that, they might need to be separated into smaller batches via go.
In your example, if updating for a set of country codes has such a volume that it will run out of log space, the solution is to separate each country code into a separate transaction - which can be done by separating them on the client with go.
Some SQL statements MUST be separated by GO from the following ones in order to work.
For example, you can't drop a table and re-create the same-named table in a single transaction, at least in Sybase (ditto for creating procedures/triggers):
> drop table tempdb.guest.x1
> create table tempdb.guest.x1 (a int)
> go
Msg 2714, Level 16, State 1
Server 'SYBDEV', Line 2
There is already an object named 'x1' in the database.
> drop table tempdb.guest.x1
> go
> create table tempdb.guest.x1 (a int)
> go
GO is not a statement, it's a batch separator.
The blocks separated by GO are sent by the client to the server for processing and the client waits for their results.
For instance, if you write
, this will be sent to the server as a single 3-line query.
If you write
, this will be sent to the server as 3 one-line queries.
GO itself does not go to the server (no pun intended). It's a pure client-side reserved word and is only recognized by SSMS and osql.
If you will use a custom query tool to send it over the connection, the server won't even recognize it and issue an error.
Many command need to be in their own batch, like CREATE PROCEDURE
Or, if you add a column to a table, then it should be in its own batch.
If you try to SELECT the new column in the same batch it fails because at parse/compile time the column does not exist.
GO is used by the SQL tools to work this out from one script: it is not a SQL keyword and is not recognised by the engine.
These are 2 concrete examples of day to day usage of batches.
Edit: In your example, you don't need GO...
Edit 2, example. You can't drop, create and permission in one batch... not least, where is the end of the stored procedure?
IF OBJECT_ID ('dbo.uspDoStuff') IS NOT NULL
SELECT Something From ATable
GRANT EXECUTE ON dbo.uspDoStuff TO RoleSomeOne
Sometimes there is a need to execute the same command or set of commands over and over again. This may be to insert or update test data or it may be to put a load on your server for performance testing. Whatever the need the easiest way to do this is to setup a while loop and execute your code, but in SQL 2005 there is an even easier way to do this.
Let's say you want to create a test table and load it with 1000 records. You could issue the following command and it will run the same command 1000 times:
CREATE TABLE dbo.TEST (ID INT IDENTITY (1,1), ROWID uniqueidentifier)
GO 1000
Other than that it marks the "end" of an SQL block (e.g. in a stored procedure)... Meaning you're on a "clean" state again... e.G: Parameters used in the statement before the code are reset (not defined anymore)
As everyone already said, "GO" is not part of T-SQL. "GO" is a batch separator in SSMS, a client application used to submit queries to the database. This means that declared variables and table variables will not persist from code before the "GO" to code following it.
In fact, GO is simply the default word used by SSMS. This can be changed in the options if you want. For a bit of fun, change the option on someone else's system to use "SELECT" as a batch seperator instead of "GO". Forgive my cruel chuckle.
It is used to split logical blocks. Your code is interpreted into sql command line and this indicate next block of code.
But it could be used as recursive statement with specific number.
exec sp_who2
go 2
Some statement have to be delimited by GO:
use DB
create view thisViewCreationWillFail

Execute statements for every record in a table

I have a temporary table (or, say, a function which returns a table of values).
I want to execute some statements for each record in the table.
Can this be done without using cursors?
I'm not opposed to cursors, but would like a more elegant syntax\way of doing it.
Something like this randomly made-up syntax:
for (select A,B from #temp) exec DoSomething A,B
I'm using Sql Server 2005.
I dont think what you want to to is that easy.
What i have found is that you can create a scalar function taking the arguments A and B and then from within the function execute an Extended Stored Procedure. This might achieve what you want to do, but it seems that this might make the code even more complex.
I think for readibility and maintainability, you should stick to the CURSOR implementation.
I would look into changing the stored proc so that it can work against a set of data rather than a single row input.
Would CROSS/OUTER APPLY do what you want if you need RBAR processing.
It's elegant, but depends on what processing you need to do