adding a static UITableView to a regular custom view - iphone

I have a custom view controller that has a view on the bottom half.
I would like to add a static UITableView on the top half.
So I dragged a UITableView on the view controller but apparently that is not allowed since static table views only are only embeddable in UIViewControllers.
I went to my code and made my controller extend UITableView but that doesn't fix the issue.
How do I add my static UITableView as a second view in my custom controller?
EDIT: Perhaps having a table view not taking up the whole screen is not very well supported in iOS storyboards. Maybe I will just use regular tables on a view since i just need 3 static rows.

You should be able to do something simple like this:
UITableViewController *tbv = [[UITableViewController alloc] initWithFrame:[CGRect whateverSize/Location]];
[self.view addSubview:tbv];
Be sure when doing this to also write needed delegate functions such as numberOfRowsInSection: , numberOfSections: , cellForRowAtIndexPath:, tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath:
Be sure to check out the UITableView Class Reference

I solved this issue by making my second view controller a simple UIViewController that implements the delegate and datasource, dragging a dynamic table on it and setting the rows and sections "statically" in code. Now I have my two views correctly cohabiting in a large view.


ToolBar between UINavigationBar and UITableView?

I have a UITableViewController embedded on a UINavigationController. This tableView is an instance of NSFetchedResultsController.
I need to add a Toolbar between the NavigationController's top bar and the TableViewController, but I can't figure out how to do it (I don't even know if it's possible).
I want to do something like Apple did with their WWDC App (except that they don't have the TableViewController embedded in the NavigationController).
I need to have some controls on the bar to drive the NSFetchedResultsController.
Some people suggested to people with similar problems to use a UITableView instead of a TVC, but I do need to have a TVC as an instance of NSFetchedResultsController.
Any ideas on how to accomplish this?
Would I have to do it programmatically? If so, how?
Btw, I'm targeting iOS6+ with storyboards and ARC.
The approach I prefer is to use a UIViewController at the outer level, containing your toolbar and a container view that holds the table. Then build your table in a separate UITableViewController and wire it into the container view using an embed segue. Overall, I think this makes the code more modular and easier to follow because the high-level structure is laid out in the storyboard.
The steps to use an embed segue are as follows:
Control-drag from the container view to the view controller you want to embed and select the "Embed" option.
Give the embed segue an identifier in the attributes inspector.
Configure the table view controller in the parent's prepareForSegue method, checking for your segue's identifier.
There is an example of this in my VCollectionViewGridLayout library. Take a look at the Sort & Filter example project.
Technical Note TN2154: UIScrollView And Autolayout provides another solution:
Note that you can make a subview of the scroll view appear to float (not scroll) over the other scrolling content by creating constraints between the view and a view outside the scroll view’s subtree, such as the scroll view’s superview.
That is, even if a scroll view (such as a table view) modifies the subview's frame, the auto layout engine will reset it on the next layout pass.
you need use UIViewController, then add tool bar and tableView instance of NSFetchedResultsController class inside it in storyboard
You can make a topBar of any UIView and then pass it as the tableHeaderView.
It may help you.
Use UIViewController instead of just UITableViewController where you can easily place other controls apart from just a UITableView.
Hope this helps.
You can use the UITableViewController (keep the niceties such as UIRefreshControl support and keyboard avoidance). You just have to embed your toolbar in a plain view and place that in your tableHeaderView. Then implement this scroll view delegate method to lock.
#pragma mark - UIScrollViewDelegate
- (void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView
CGRect rect = self.toolbarContainerView.frame;
rect.origin.y = MIN(0,scrollView.contentOffset.y +;
self.toolbarContainerView.frame = rect;
Note that if you also use section header you will have to send those views behind your tableHeaderView otherwise they will float over the tableHeaderView.

UITableViewController without subclassing

Is it possible to create and display a UITableView controller which allows the user to select an item and fire back a message to the delegate without subclassing it?
The reason is I just want to display a list of items in a popovercontroller and it seems a waste to have to create a subclass just for this
In the view controller that presents the popover you could implement UITableViewDataSource and UITableViewDelegate - then set the popover's tableview to use the parent controller as its source and delegate before presenting it.
If you are using iOS 5 SDK then you can make static cells.
Otherwise the only option is to create a subclass and provide a DataSource array.
Either ways you might want to have a View Controller that prepares the view controller loaded on the touch action?

UISearchDisplayController with UITableViewController

I have a UITableViewController, in which I added a UISearchBar as the tableHeaderView using Interface Builder. Then I added a UISearchDisplayController in the nib, and set up all the connections (delegate, searchResultsDelegate, searchContentsController, searchResultsDataSource, all connected to the UITableViewController).
I then implemented all the delegate and data source methods in my code.
It works like a charm, except for a weird bug: sometimes the search results table view won't scroll, and I can see the flash indicator of the main table view behind it. I NSLog'd the searchResultsTableView and apparently it's a subview of the main tableview, and I guess that's the reason behind the touch problems I described earlier.
What's my mistake? Is it possible to use a UITableViewController with UISearchDisplayController at all? If so, how do I set up it in such a way that the results table view doesn't get added as a subview of my main table view?
Update: I found this sample which uses UISearchDisplayController with UITableViewController and apparently the search table view gets added to the main table view in there as well. So now I don't think that's my problem.
The thing is that I can't find any substantial difference between what I'm doing and what that sample is doing. I'm just adding an UISearchBar as a UITableView header in a UITableViewController and adding a UISearchDisplayController to it... It's like iOS is confused between the main table and the search table when I try to scroll. Do you have any ideas?
Update: Added a 200 rep bounty. Please answer only if you know what you're talking about.
It was an extra self.tableView.scrollEnabled = YES which was called as soon as the search data request was finished. Hope it helps anyone with the same problem in the future.
A search display controller manages display of a search bar and a table view that displays the results of a search of data managed by another view controller.
Here the searchDisplaycontroller combines the searchbar and tabelview which showing the result data in the tableview so it won't required separate tableview.
While when you using UISerarchBar then it need to have atleast one UITableView, which can show results in the view. And here you can see the result without even adding the SearchDisplayController to view.
I think you might want to try adding a UISearchDisplayController IBOutlet to your class and connect that to your SearchdDisplayController in the nib file. I am amusing that that searchdisplay controller in your nib automatically connected it self to the default serachdisaplaycontreoller outlet in the inspector.
The search bar controller uses its own table view that is added on top of your own. If you set the delegate and dataSource of the UISearchDisplayController to your UITableViewController, then the table view controller has to make a distinction between the two table views in its delegate methods. If you don't do that properly, this may be causing your bug.
In other words:
- (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section
if (tableView == self.tableView) {
return number of rows in data model;
} else {
perform the search query;
return number of rows in search query;
You do something similar for all of the delegate and dataSource methods.
I'm not 100% sure that this is what's causing your problem, but without seeing more source it's hard to say.

UItableView + UItabbar

UItableView style not changing. I have a tableView controller as one of the tabs of my tab bar controller. I am not able to change the style of UItableView to grouped.
Please help,
You must specify the Tableview's style upon creation. Either in IB or by using the method
tableView = [[UITableView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,0,320,416) style:UITableViewStyleGrouped];
I would create a new tableViewController and make sure to enable the "also create xib"-like option when giving the tableviewcontroller a name. Copy paste all youre old tablviewcontroller code to the new one and add the xib to the tab window..
You can probably do that in your UITableViewControllers -viewDidLoad method. = UITableViewStyleGrouped;
It seems the style property is actually read only, so the above won't work.
It looks like the table view controller has to be created with -initWithStyle:, but I don't know how to do that from Interface Builder. I'm not at my Mac right now, but will have a look later.
Edit 2:
Here's what I did in Interface Builder:
Add an instance of UITableView and set it up as required, including the style
Hook up your UITableViewController as the delegate and data source of the UITableView
Connect the UITableView with the view outlet of the UITableViewController. I'm not sure if there is a tableView outlet - if there is, then probably connect it with that one instead.
So, basically, instead of letting the UITableViewController create its own table view, you provide one in the xib and set up the required connections (delegate, data source, outlet) manually.

Does UITableViewController allow the table to be in a UIView?

UITableViewController seems to always hijack the View link in IB. So, if I put UITableView in a UIView and link up the View to that UIView, it still doesn't work. Only the UITableView is shown.
What I'd like to do is use a UITableViewController and put some labels on top of the uiTableView that can be hidden.. Like loading.. and No results found.
The only solution I have come up with is to resort to using UIViewController and then adding a UITableView link to the class and link it up in IB.
Am I missing something here?
It's fine to use a UIViewController, make it implement the table view datasource and delegate protocols, and then hook a UITableView up to it. It's also fine to have the controller's main view be a container UIView, and have a UITableView as a subview of that.
And yes, this is probably the best way to add some kind of overlay view, such as a message label. So I think you're on the right track.
You should also be able to do this using a UITableViewController, instead of a UIViewController that explicitly implements the table view protocols. I've had success with this. I'm not sure what you mean when you say that UITableViewController "hijacks" the view outlet in IB.
It really isn't a big deal either way. UITableViewController doesn't do much other than implement those protocols, provide a different default loadView method, and call [tableView reloadData] by default on viewWillAppear:. If you do those things yourself, you'll be fine.