ExtJS 4 working with itemclick function in grid.Panel - dom

I'm using
itemclick: function(grid, record, item, index, e)
in my
Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {..
I'm googling almost 2 hours and I find more and more ways to select one thing, or do another.Like for example
you get something but where I can find all the methods availabale and how to connect one with another to get the effect I want. I just feel lost here and don't know from where to start. I guess it's the ExtJS way to navigate in DOM but is there a place where all the methods are described and what are they used for and after all what's the way to navigate through all this - just smoe standart JavaScript that I've missed or something ExtJS specific ...

Hopefully you found this by now, but the API doc are here. Each of the ExtJS objects are listed under the tab with a gear looking icon. Clicking on one will open a tab for that object with all of its config options, properties and methods.


Display System Categories in TYPO3-FE

I am trying to build my first own extension with the Extension Builder. Up to now everything worked really well, but now I've got a problem and am not able to find a solution:
My extension looks like this: You can add new Entries in the backend under List (the entry on the right panel). These entries are then shown in the frontend.
While adding new entries there is the possibility in the horizontal navigation bar to link this entry to specific categories. I've already done this with every entry.
But how can I display this category in the fronted. It should be just one <div> like Linked Categories: CATEGORY.
It seems like there is no ViewHelper which can display all linked categories.
I've already googled a lot, but this just confused me more: It seems like its not possible with a simple ViewHelper. There was a solution, where one had to edit the controller. But I did not like this because then I can not continue working with the Extension Builder or it becomes overwritten.
I also looked in the code of tx_news. It seems like all categories are in a variable there, which can be looped. But in my extension <f:debug>{categories} was always NULL.
Is there no ViewHelper which can display the categories, or anything else? Maybe a good tutorial (I am good in PHP, but new to TYPO3).
Thank you very much in advance,
P.S: I am using TYPO3 CMS 7.6.9
the Extension Builder is just a 'kickstarter' that helps you define your models and actions, relations etc ... It will not do more then that. So once you created your extension draft, it's best to forget about the extension builder and try to understand the structure of an extbase extension (the MVC, TCA, localconfig, typoscript,...). If you need to add a new property, do it manually. You will learn a lot more about your extension and how it works.
Having this said, you will have to adjust your extansion yourself to add categories. There are a few ways to do it: you can add your own category system by adding your own category Model, or use the TYPO3 category API
There is also no plug&play category viewhelper. If you like to be able to list your entries by category, you will need to adjust your controller.
You can add some functionality to an existing on, for ex. your listAction so that it reads arguments send to this action (a list of categories you like to filter on) or create a new one called for example categoryAction.
extbase reference :
stackoverflow question about categories in a controller:
Controllers and Template (how to filter results correctly or give arguments via backend?)
bottom line:
- skip extension builder
- learn how to adjust the MVC yourself
you can always join the TYPO3 slack channel :
it's free and people are very helpfull
good lcuk

SAPUI5 - Basic info - how to manage UI elements in view.js?

These are two very basic connected questions.
I'm studying SAPUI5 and I cannot find means to position my UI elements on the screen.
In my view.js file I create, let's say, a button, a datepicker and a text field.
If I do something like:
<Define the button - oButton>
<Define the datepicker - oDatePicker>
<Define the text field - oText>
return aControls;
then I get all three elements positioned in a row one right after another.
I cannot use css, because I pass all those objects in one array and all of them are placed into a common div on index.html.
How do I position these? A link to any good tutorial/examples is very welcome.
Also, how do I refresh UI elements?
For example, I have situation, when on button press I make a call to the server, get response and put it into a using something like:
The button is created in the view.js and the call is processed in controller.js.
The response is added every time I press the button and I have no idea how to replace the old response with the new one.
A good link is very welcome.
There are a lot of layout controls of SAPUI5 you can use: Grid, HorizontalLayout, VerticalLayout, MatrixLayout,etc. You can check the examples and see how you need to layout your views.
You are currently doing UI5 JS view which implements createContent method to define views, this is one approach. Another common approach is to use XML views, it is declarative and more straightforward, also needs less code. See this simple example in JSBin of defining XML view and controller to refresh UI.
SAP UI5 is all about Model(JSONModel/ODataModel)-View(JSView/XMLView)-Controller. You are highly recommend to read this MVC example, though it is based on SAP UI5 mobile, the content is relevant to SAP UI5 desktop as well.
Hope you will get some hints.

In Fiddler, how can I edit the session context menu?

What I am wondering is, how can I edit an already existent item in the context menu that opens up when a session that has been selected is right clicked? Specifically speaking, I am looking to change the text for the item "Unlock For Editing" through the Fiddler2 Script Editor. This seems quite simple, but I when looking through FiddlerApplication.UI, the only thing I can find relating to a context menu strip is FiddlerApplication.UI.ContextMenuStrip and I don't see any items within the direct members. Maybe I am looking over something, but all I know is that I can't find the item for which text should be "Unlock For Editing". Also, if somebody does know what I am talking about, I have yet one more question; how can I make something happen upon the event of the context menu being opened, and without overriding the original code for the opening event method? Thank you for any help!
Update to the earlier post:
I have found the direct member to the ContextMenu that I was looking for.
The ContextMenu member for the session list was inside of the SessionListView data member for the list of sessions, which member is named FiddlerApplication.UI.lvSessions.
You didn't say why you hope to do this?
Changing existing menu items isn't a supported action and while it's not hard to do so in a "hacky" way, that hack is very likely to break in a future update to Fiddler.
In contrast, adding new items to the context menu is supported and is accomplished by adding a ContextAction attribute on a method in your FiddlerScript.

How would one implement a sliding 2 button menu like this from Lift?

Can't post the image on the site but there it is.
I have been trying to find if this is a template or a separate nib file ala the page turn animation. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
That is called a UIActionSheet. It is created entirely in code, so it's limited to some pretty simple stuff (i.e. a few buttons, one of which is the cancel button, and one of which can be marked "destructive"). Just consult the documentation for the UIActionSheet class; it tells you all there is to know about it.
Also, here's the discussion in my book:

bada - Tab bar control

I am new to bada programming and I am facing some problems. I am currently creating an app that consists of 6 tab bar item, each of which have a different form and have different controls in each form. I have tried following the example on http://www.badadev.com/forms-management-in-bada-part-3-managing-forms/ , however, I have set up all the controls in the form, but it does not respond and does not AppLog when I clicked on the button. Can someone please help me on this???
It is very hard to solve your problem that way(without seeing your code). Take look on a XmlParserApp example. It is using FormMgr and maybe you can get some good ideas. Or it is important that you have base class tabsForm that all the forms inherit?