Category subcategory recursion - fuelphp

I hope if someone can help me with example for fuelphp unlimited nesting by using ORM or CRUD to create categories and sub categories

You can use my nested sets package to create nested set tree structures in a table.


Yii2: Am I able to use multiple models in a search model?

In Yii2, am I able to include two models (active records) in one search model and display them in a gridview?
For example, I have two tables, "customers", and "customer_contacts".
In my search model I am using Customers as my main model, while I wish to "left join" to CustomerContacts, and eventually display the and CustomerContacts.phoneNumber in the gridview (in dataProvider).
Can someone please guide me on this.
Option 1:
In the customer model add this function:
Public function getCustomerContact(){
Return $this-> hasOne( CustomerContact::className,[customer_id,id]);
Then in your grid view you can easily reference the contact as follows:
Note that this will only work if there is a one to one relationship between the tables
Option 2: (faster but more challenges)
In the data provider, use a query rather than a model ie $query = new \yii\db\Query();
You can then do all joins etc in the data provider. It is much faster but it requires a little more know-how
you can do this by applying left-join in searchModel as following
$query = Customers::find();
And also make hasOne relation with CustomerContact in Customer.php

can I perform a query inside of JPA entity to get back a single column

I have a dumb question. It would be great if this could be done, but I am not holding my breath.
I need a single column from a table linked to my JPA entity to be a collection in said JPA entity. Is there any way, that I can just get back that column alone that is related to that entity, instead of having to get back an entire table (which could be very costly?)
Can I perform a query inside that JPA entity that will be performed and loaded eagerly into a collection?
I am trying to avoid having to make several calls to the database by just executing a couple of queries.
What are your thoughts on this?
private List<Long> distListIDs;
The ElementCollection attribute is what I was looking for. It seems to work pretty well in addition to that.
Thanks for the help and inspiration guys.
Suppose a Category has many products:
select from Category c inner join c.products product where ...
If that's not what you want, please show an example in your question.

Sort order in Core Data with a multi-multi relationship

Say I'm modeling a school, so I have 2 Entities: Student and Class. For whatever reason, I want each class roster to have a custom sort order. In a simple relationship, this would mean giving Student a sortOrder attribute and just sorting the list by this number. Issue is, a Student might be order 3 in one Class and order 6 in another. How would I store these orderings in Core Data in a way that I can easily access them and sort my lists properly?
Student Class
classes <<--------->> students
^ ^
| |
unordered ordered
This diagram might help explain what I'm trying to do. The students "roster" I would want to be fetched in a specific order stored somewhere, which could be any ordering. Storing this ordering is what I'm not sure how to do in a way that's the most efficient. Creating a bunch of Order objects and trying to manage the links sounds like a lot of overhead, and it feels like there must be a better way.
If the ordering of students can be described by one or more NSSortDescriptors, you could create a fetched property on the Class entity that fetches the students and applies the sort descriptor. Alternatively, it may be easier (depending on your use case) to apply the sort descriptor(s) to the NSFetchedResultsController that you're using to deal with the class' students collection.
If you can't use an NSSortDescriptor, then you'll need an index attribute (or name of your choice) on the Student entity if there's only one ordering or a collection of Order entities describing the index in each ordering for each Student. You'll be responsible for maintaing these index values. Unfortunately, there's no easy way to do this in Core Data. It's just a lot of work.
Student <<->> StudentClass <<->> Class
Then you can select as necessary.
For example, you have a student. Fetch all StudentClass where StudentID is student.studentID. You then have the order, as well as access to the Class.
You'll likely want to add some business logic to make your life easier. Also, if you're not already using it, take a peek at MOGenerator:
EDIT: I'd really like to know why this is getting voted down. Comments would be much appreciated.

Can't insert entries of a many-to-many relationship in Entity Framework in a specific order

I have a many-to-many relationship between 2 entities in Entity Framework, like here . So, Employees and Projects. At one point, I would like to insert some Projects to a Employees entity in a specific order. By conserving the order I would like to know which was the first preference of the Employees for a Projects entity. The thing is that although I order the Student.Projectslist in the way I like before the insert, when selecting Employees.Projects.FirstOrDefault(), the entities are ordered after the ProjectsId and I don't get the first element I inserted. How can I conserve the order I want?
O course, I could make a new field PreferredProjects and save the other Projects in a random order, since only the preferred one is important for me. But this is not an option, being given the context of the current project's software design.
Thank you in advance...
It sounds like you simply want to have sorted child collection results when you do a query, rather than take full control of the insert order.
You can achieve that using the techniques described in Tip 1 of my tips series.
Hope this helps.
Program Manager Entity Framework Team.
Unfortunately, there is no easy solution. I have the same problem. The only solution is to save after adding each child item (project). This is the only way to save the order without using a new field column to sort input.
Try Employees.Projects.OrderBy(x => x).FirstOrDefault()

ASP.NET Dynamic Data : How to Specify Sort Order of Items in Dropdown List

I am using ASP.NET dynamic data for the data adminstration tasks for a Silverlight app that I built. It saved a ton of time not having to write all of the admin screens you typically have to create for end users to manage the data.
One thing I cannot figure out how to sort the items in the drop downs that appear on the screens - either the filter dropdowns on the list views or on the data entry screens.
Do I specify that somewhere in the EDM partial classes or in the ASP.NET DD field templates? or somewhere else?
All I need to do is sort alphabetically by the display value- they appear to be in random order.
Use the DisplayColumn Attribute in the System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations Namespace.
[DisplayColumn("LastName", "LastName")]
public partial class Employee
The answer to your question can be found here, about halfway down the page:
In the FilterControl and Cascade_Edit.ascx.cs FieldTemplate you will find a method GetChildListFilteredByParent. This returns the values for the filtered DropDownList, but as you will see this list is an unordered list. To add sorting to this list we need to add a Linq OrderBy clause.