GWT ValueListBox, Renderer and ProvidesKey - gwt

How to implement a GWT ValueListBox inside an Editor with a specific list of objects, my code:
#UiField(provided = true)
ValueListBox<Country> countries = new ValueListBox<Country>(
new Renderer<Country>() {
public String render(Country object) {
return object.getCountryName();
public void render(Country object, Appendable appendable)
throws IOException {
new ProvidesKey<Country>() {
public Object getKey(Country item) {
return item.getCountryCode();
The Country class
public class Country {
private String countryName;
private String countryCode;
But, during the GWT compilation I'm getting this error:
Type mismatch: cannot convert from String to Country

The problem is that you are trying to edit the address.countryCode (looking at the path annotation) with editor for Country.
To make this work, you should change the path to and do the assignment of the address.countryCode after editorDriver.flash(). Something like:
Address address = editorDriver.flush();
To support this, the Address class should have the Country object as property.
You may have assumed that the ValueListBox will work like classical select where the key is assigned to the property. Here the whole object is assigned. So in your case Country object can not be assigned to address.countryCode and vice-versa.
Btw. you can correct the renderer (like the code below) and take care of null objects as arguments in the Renderer and Key Provider.
new Renderer<Country>() {
public void render(Country object, Appendable appendable)
throws IOException {


Custom Renderer in GWT

I'm trying to create a widget that will render its associated value in a format that is not the same as the native value. For example, if the value (in the database) is "abcde" I want to show "" on the screen, and if the user types "abcde" I would also want to show "". If the user types "" then I would want to store just "abcde" in the database. I am doing this within the GWT editor framework. I have attempted to use the advice from this answer: Converting String to BigDecimal in GWT, but I can't get it to work. Here's what I have in the UiBinder file:
<g:TextBox ui:field='myTextBox' width='300px'/>
And in the associated Java unit:
TextBox myTextBox;
new MyValueBox(myTextBox);
And here's the definition of the MyValueBox widget:
public class MyValueBox extends ValueBox<String> {
public static class MyRenderer extends AbstractRenderer<String> {
private static MyRenderer _instance;
private static MyRenderer instance() {
if (_instance == null) {
_instance = new MyRenderer();
return _instance;
public String render(final String text) {
// validation is required before doing this!
return text.substring(0, 2) + "." + text.substring(2, 4) + "."
+ text.substring(4);
public static class MyParser implements Parser<String> {
private static MyParser _instance;
private static MyParser instance() {
if (_instance == null) {
_instance = new MyParser();
return _instance;
public String parse(final CharSequence text) throws ParseException {
return "parsed string";
public MyValueBox(final TextBox valueBox) {
super(valueBox.getElement(), MyRenderer.instance(), MyParser.instance());
As you can see, I'm trying to wrap the TextBox that was created using UiBinder, but I don't see any effect from this. I know that I'm missing something very simple, and that there is a much easier way to accomplish this, but I'm stumped. Thank you for any suggestions!
I eventually decided to use a CellWidget, which had the added advantage that I can use this code in a cell widget (e.g., a DataGrid), in addition to using it on a panel. I have documented my solution here: GWT: A Custom Cell Example
You are missing to declare your custom Widget in the UIBinder. You need to tie the package to the xml declaration, adding yours to the standard one (called 'g'):
<ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui='' xmlns:g='' xmlns:myurn='urn:import:mypackage'>
Then you should use your declared urn, and the name of your class when declaring your TextBox in the UIBinder:
<myurn:MyValueBox ui:field='myTextBox' width='300px'/>
You should extend ValueBoxBase instead of wrapping TextBox, that way you will get control over the Renderer and the Parser as you intend, now you will be able to use your custom box as a widget from within the UIBinder:
public class CustomText extends ValueBoxBase<String>
public CustomText() {
private static class CustomRenderer extends AbstractRenderer<String>
private static CustomRenderer INSTANCE;
public static CustomRenderer instance() {
if (INSTANCE == null) {
INSTANCE = new CustomRenderer();
return INSTANCE;
public String render(String text)
return "rendered string";
private static class CustomParser implements Parser<String>
private static CustomParser INSTANCE;
public static CustomParser instance() {
if (INSTANCE == null) {
INSTANCE = new CustomParser();
return INSTANCE;
public String parse(CharSequence text) throws ParseException
return "parsed string";

Morphia converter calling other converters

I want to convert Optional<BigDecimal> in morphia. I created BigDecimalConverter, and it works fine. Now I want to create OptionalConverter.
Optional can hold any object type. In my OptionalConverter.encode method I can extract underlying object, and I'd like to pass it to default mongo conversion. So that if there is string, I'll just get string, if there is one of my entities, I'll get encoded entity. How can I do it?
There are two questions:
1. How to call other converters?
2. How to create a converter for a generic class whose type parameters are not statically known?
The first one is possible by creating the MappingMongoConveter and the custom converter together:
public class CustomConfig extends AbstractMongoConfiguration {
protected String getDatabaseName() {
// ...
public Mongo mongo() throws Exception {
// ...
public MappingMongoConverter mappingMongoConverter() throws Exception {
MappingMongoConverter mmc = new MappingMongoConverter(
mongoDbFactory(), mongoMappingContext());
mmc.setCustomConversions(new CustomConversions(CustomConverters
return mmc;
public class FooConverter implements Converter<Foo, DBObject> {
private MappingMongoConverter mmc;
public FooConverter(MappingMongoConverter mmc) {
this.mmc = mmc;
public DBObject convert(Foo foo) {
// ...
public class CustomConverters {
public static List<?> create(MappingMongoConverter mmc) {
List<?> list = new ArrayList<>();
list.add(new FooConverter(mmc));
return list;
The second one is much more difficult due to type erasure. I've tried to create a converter for Scala's Map but haven't found a way. Unable to get the exact type information for the source Map when writing, or for the target Map when reading.
For very simple cases, e.g. if you don't need to handle all possible parameter types, and there is no ambiguity while reading, it may be possible though.

Spring List Binding

Thanks in advance for any help.
I have the following object association in my model:
public class Contract {
private Integer id;
private String name;
public class User {
private List<Contract> contracts;
public String getUser(#PathVariable Integer userId, Model model) {
model.addAttribute("contractsList", contractDao.findAllContracts());
public String processUser(#ModelAttribute User user, Model model) {
//Create a copy of the user to update...
User userToUpdate = userDao.findUser(user.getId);
//set other properties...
return "someSuccessView";
protected void initBinder(HttpServletRequest request, ServletRequestDataBinder binder) throws Exception {
binder.registerCustomEditor(Contract.class, new UserContractsPropertyEditor());
My PropertyEditor:
public class UserContractsPropertyEditor extends PropertyEditorSupport {
#Inject ContractDao contractDao;
public void setAsText(String text) throws IllegalArgumentException {
System.out.println("matching value: " + text);
if (text != "") {
Integer contractId = new Integer(text);
My JSP form:
<form:form commandName="user">
<%-- Other fields... --%>
<form:checkboxes items="${contractsList}"
itemLabel="name" />
The form renders correctly. That is, the checkbox list of Contracts is generated and the correct ones are "checked." The problem is when I submit I get:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: 'items' must not be null
at org.springframework.util.Assert.notNull(
at org.springframework.web.servlet.tags.form.AbstractMultiCheckedElementTag.setItems(
at org.apache.jsp.WEB_002dINF.jsp._005fn.forms.user_jsp._jspx_meth_form_005fcheckboxes_005f0(
The custom property editor seems to be doing its job and there are no null/empty strings being passed.
If the form and controller makes the conversion when viewing the form, why is it having trouble when processing the form? What am I missing here?
You need to ensure that a call to getContract() returns a List instance:
public List<Contract> getContracts() {
if (contracts == null) contracts = new ArrayList<Contract>();
return contracts;
Thanks for your response. I guess a fresh set of eyes first thing in the morning does the trick again.
Apparently, my custom property editor had no clue what to do with the id value I was passing in since it couldn't access my DAO/service. So, I had to change the constructor:
public class UserContractsPropertyEditor extends PropertyEditorSupport {
private ContractDao contractDao;
public UserContractsPropertyEditor(ContractDao contractDao) {
this.contractDao = contractDao;
public void setAsText(String text) throws IllegalArgumentException {
Integer contractId = new Integer(text);
Contract contract = contractDao.findContract(contractId);
Then, modified the initBinder in my controller:
#Inject ContractDao contractDao;
protected void initBinder(HttpServletRequest request, ServletRequestDataBinder binder) throws Exception {
binder.registerCustomEditor(Contract.class, new UserContractsPropertyEditor(this.contractDao));
Maybe this will help someone else.

Converting a bean path to a simple string property in Ext GWT grid

I am working on an Ext GWT 3 (beta) application.
I am trying to display a simple value of a dependent bean in a Grid.
My data beans look like this:
public class MyBean {
private String content;
private MyOtherBean otherBean;
// getters and setters here...
public class MyOtherBean {
private String otherBeanContent;
// getter and setter here...
The PropertyAccess looks like this:
interface MyBeanProperties extends PropertyAccess<MyBean> {
ModelKeyProvider<MyBean> key();
ValueProvider<MyBean, String> content();
ValueProvider<MyBean, MyOtherBean> otherBean();
With the corresponding ColumnConfiguration, my grid now displays one column with content of MyBean and one column with MyOtherBean's toString().
But I want to display MyOtherBean.otherBeanContent instead (without changing MyOtherBean's toString()).
I think I need some kind of value converter and register it for the column? Or am I taking the wrong approach here?
This did the trick:
columnConfig.setCell(new PropertyDisplayCell<MyOtherBean>(new PropertyEditor<MyOtherBean>() {
public MyOtherBean parse(CharSequence text) throws ParseException {
return otherBean.setOtherBeanContentFromText(text);
public String render(MyOtherBean otherBean) {
return otherBean == null ? "" : otherBean.getOtherBeanContent();

GWT ValueListBox Editor

I'm puzzled about how to use GWT's ValueListBox with an Editor. I'm getting this ERROR:
The method setValue(String) in the type TakesValueEditor<String>
is not applicable for the arguments (List<String>)
Here's the relevant code.
public class MyBean {
private List<String> dateFormats;
public List<String> getDateFormats() {
return dateFormats;
public void setDateFormats(List<String> dateFormats) {
this.dateFormats = dateFormats;
public interface MyBeanView extends IsWidget, Editor<MyBean> {
IsEditor<TakesValueEditor<String>> getDateFormatEditor();
public class MyBeanViewImpl implements MyBeanView {
#UiField(provided=true) ValueListBox<String> dateFormats;
public MyBeanViewImpl() {
dateFormats = new ValueListBox<String>(PassthroughRenderer.instance(),
new ProvidesKey<String>() {
public Object getKey(String item) {
return item;
dateFormats.setAcceptableValues(Arrays.asList(new String[] {"YYYY"}));
// ... binder.createAndBindUi(this);
public IsEditor<TakesValueEditor<String>> getDateFormatEditor() {
return dateFormats;
Here's what's in ui.xml with xmlns:g=''>
Data Formats: <g:ValueListBox ui:field="dateFormats"> </g:ValueListBox>
I'm surely missing something obvious here. Much thanks.
The problem that you're running into has to do with trying to map the List<String> dateFormats from MyBean onto the ValueListBox<String> dateFormats editor. The datatypes are incompatible, since a ValueListBox<T> doesn't edit a List<T>, but instead a single instance of T chosen from a list provided by setAcceptableValues(). Given the example above, it would make sense for MyBean to have a String getDateFormat() property and rename the editor field to dateFormat.