iOS app won't run until device reboot after ad hoc install - iphone

Every time I install my app to an iDevice using the ad hoc distribution method (e.g. archive, create an .ipa file and let my testers download it), the app will not run until the device is rebooted. Much like the second link posted below, I did not have this problem before upgrading to iOS 5 and XCode 4.3.1 -- currently running iOS 5.1 / XCode 4.3.2 and still having the same problem. If I connect the iPhone / iPad using USB (and run directly from xcode), the app installs normally and runs fine.
Currently, when installing ad hoc, one of two things happens:
1: The app installs "normally" and the icon is visible -- but pressing it brings up the launch image, then the app fails to black screen -- then back to springboard. App never gets any further.
• or •
2: App installation seems to proceed normally, then when the "Installing..." phase is complete, the app icon simply vanishes. Reboot the iPhone and the app icon is exactly where it is supposed to be.
In either case, after a reboot of the iPhone it runs fine.
Any suggestions??
This is the closest issue I could find, but I have this problem on iOS 5.0 / 5.1 and even when installing my app to devices for the first time:
iPhone app fails to launch after install on iOS 4, works after device reboot
I also found this article, so I checked my Entitlements setting (in Targets) -- Not enabled: ad hoc app failed to install on real iPad

I've had this exact problem before when I have a different 'Bundle Identifier' set in the Info.plist to the App Id you set up in the provisioning portal.
If that doesn't work, you might try checking the log of your device when attempting to install the ad hoc ipa.
XCode -> Window -> Organizer -> Devices -> Your device -> Console


ios: Ad Hoc app installs to iPads but not iPhones

I built an app, and I'm distributing it for testing OTA. It is targeted for iOS 5.0 and above and is configured to be universal (so should work on both phones and tablets). It has been running just fine on both kinds of devices. Today I put out a new version. It installs just fine on tablets. However it won't install on phones running any version of the os from 5.0 up. They just get the message 'This app cannot be downloaded.' All of these users are verified provisioned. I'm not sure what I could have done between versions to keep this app from being installed on phones now. What should I be looking for as a possible issue?
It runs fine in the iPhone simulator
If you have access to any of the iPhones the app won't install on, you can connect it to xcode and view the device logs for why the installation failed.
That'll give you the most definitive answer.
If you can't access the iPhones, I would say you should regenerate your IPA file and make sure the target you're building the IPA for has the right configs (universal app, iOS version, provisioning profile assignments etc.)
Not sure why this helped, but I decided to export the ipa with a new file name this time. I didn't modify any settings in the package anywhere other than giving the .ipa file a new name. Doing that fixed it. Now everyone can download it again.

Installing a TestFlight app on iOS iPhone Simulator - Registration Failed

I'm attempting to install a TestFlight app on XCode's iOS simulator using the iPhone simulator. The link to the TestFlight app takes me to a page that says "This device will need to be registered before it can install betas."
There is a friendly Register button. When I click the register button, it says "Registering Device" and then it takes me to the iPhone's General settings page. If I navigate back to the TestFlight page, it says "Registration Failed."
Does anyone know of a way to install a TestFlight app on the iPhone Simulator? Thanks.
The app you are trying to install is an app compiled for arm architecture, which is different from the simulator (the simulator is not an emulator). The simulator only runs x86 apps compiled for it. You will need to contact the developer of the application to send you the x86 binaries, and add them directly to the application directory of the iOS simulator. The directory (on Xcode 4.5 beta 4) is /Applications/ Note that the simulator's sdk version has to match the version of iOS you are trying to use the simulator with.
If you need test your Release application
you can run your on a release build go to
->Product->Scheme -> Edit scheme-> in Run change debug to Release
in this you can check your release build in simulator
If I had to guess, I would presume that since the Simulator is not a valid device, it is not able to install the TestFlight Profiles onto the device, and therefore failing registration process (when you are directed to the iPhone's Settings, it tries to install a profile on your device).
May I ask why you are trying to install the app via the iPhone Simulator? If the app's code exists on GitHub, you can use the GitHub for Mac app to checkout the code, and XCode to compile the project and build it to the iOS Simulator. There should not really be any reason to have to install TestFlight on the iOS Simulator.

App builds & runs in iPhone Simulator, but doesn't deploy to iPhone

The app I'm working on builds & runs just fine in the iPhone Simulator, but, when I try to test it on an iPhone 4S, XCode says, "Finished running ..." immediately after I click "Run", and, when I look at the iPhone, there's no icon for the app at all. It's as though XCode doesn't detect that XCode isn't deploying the app to the device.
I've got a signed certificate, a developer profile, and a valid provisioning profile (XCode's Organizer says so). The provisioning profile is present on the iPhone.
I've tried restoring the iPhone, and I still get the same error.
How do I successfully deploy my app to the iPhone?
It's deep in the comments of the below answer, but the problem was that I had a misspelled within Info.plist's required Required device capabilities section. I solved it by deleting that row.
few things to check:
clean your build folders and rebuild. In Xcode project navigator, under products folder, is your app present?
open iTunes and try dragging this app into iTunes. Will it show up in iTunes or do you get an error? if it shows up, can you install it to iPhone via iTunes?
Is you iPhone iOS version and Xcode version and build settings all in sync? I know some version of Xcode 4.x have issues build and running apps on iOS 4.x.

Xcode iPhone project no longer debugs on my iPhone

My Xcode iPhone project no longer debugs on my iPhone.
When I run it from Xcode, it builds, downloads to iPhone, and then shows: "GDB: Running..." for half a minute, and then Xcode shows:
"Error from Debugger: The program being debugged is not being run."
..and the iPhone shows springboard.
If I click the app's icon, the app runs ok.
You're propably building with an ad hoc provisioning profile. Make sure you're building using your team development provisioning profile and that you allow debugging in your Entitlements.plist.

Verizon iPhone Provisioning Problems

I upgraded to XCode 4 and a Verizon iPhone 4. After installing I am unable to sign and run anything on device. Yes I HAVE added it to the portal (using organizer and on the website). I've downloaded the certificates, and everything checks out.
I get the message: XCode cannot run using the selected device. No provisioned iOS devices are available. Connect an iOS device or choose an iOS simulator as the destination.
Could this be due to the Verizon iphone being 4.2.8 and not 4.3?
EDIT: Also, my ipad runs fine on it. Both devices show up in organizer, have the team provisioning certificates, and show up in the portal, etc...
The fact that the iPhone is from Verizon has absolutely nothing to do with provisioning.
Try removing all of the certificates that are installed on the device currently, and try again. If the device is included in the certificates, then you should be good to go. Also ensure that you are running a supported iOS version on the device as set in your Xcode project.
The foremost thing you'll want to do is make sure your app's deployment target isn't iOS 4.3 and is instead something lower. (Base SDK should remain as Latest iOS.)