What should Add Data to Profile URL point to? Where will it be shown to the users? - facebook

Two questions about the "Add Data to Profile URL" configuration option in the new enhanced auth dialog already exist, but sadly they do not have complete answers. Here are the questions for reference :
Open Graph Beta: Add Data to Profile URL
How to configure 'Add Data to Profile URL' in Auth Dialog?
I have a website which allows users to login with FB credentials. I intend to use open graph publish_actions feature for some of the user actions on my website. I am configuring the new enhanced auth dialog and am unable to understand the configuration option Add Data to Profile URL.
My Questions :
What should this URL point to? -- Is it a page on my website? Is it a special App page that Facebook makes available? Will Facebook ever fetch this page and parse the contents to be displayed somewhere? The documentation on this is very vague -- It says "The new user flow URL for your app. This URL should point to a URL that expedites for engagement and action publishing. See the Add Data to Profile section below.". I do not understand what this new user flow URL is.. ! The section below doesn't say much more either
Where will this URL be shown to users - both user already using my app and their friends who are not yet using my app? Will this be displayed in the news_feed stories or the Timeline? If so will authenticated referrals kick in when the user clicks on this link?
The documentation says that if this configuration option is set then the app will get a Perforated Unit and Add to My Timeline Link -- Where will these two things appear -- in the aggregations shown on timelines of users of my app? Will I get these if I set the option to any value (like my website homepage) or should it point to a page with specific <og:xxx> tags?. The screen shots are isolated ones and I do not understand where they will appear on the user's profile/timeline.
I have been reading the documentation repeatedly but I do not understand this specific section. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you.


Facebook App Review Page Public Content got rejected due to bad screencast

I want to create a website where users can like one-another's Facebook page posts and get points. After getting points, they can use these points to add their own Facebook page post. When users want to add their post from their page, they select their page and all their posts are displayed so that they can easily choose which post to add. For this purpose, I made use of the Page Public Content Access feature. However, when I submit my app for review I am getting the following:
Not Approved
Your screencast doesn't show how the use of this permission directly improves the user experience in your app. Unfortunately, we also weren't able to determine this from testing your app manually.
All permissions data must be visibly used within your app. We do not accept permission requests for data that you may decide to use later.
Please see our Examples page to learn more about making and submitting a successful screencast.
Learn more about testing permissions prior to approval.
but I can't find what is wrong with my submission. I would be glad if you can help. This is how my submission looks like:
Tell us how you're using this permission or feature
My app is for new starters who want their Facebook page to address greater audience. In this app, users can earn points liking posts of one-another's Facebook pages and use these points to advertise posts of their Facebook Pages. I use Page Public Content Access to help people choose post from all posts that they shared in their Facebook Page. They choose post that they want to display in my website and in this way this post addresses greater audience. First, user chooses his or her Facebook page which the post belongs to, then, all the posts of this Facebook Page are displayed using Page Public Content Access, so that they can choose easily. They choose the post that they want to add to website.
Demonstrate how your selected platforms will use this permission or feature
1.Click Login in Home page
2.Click Facebook and Login your Facebook
3.Confirm your Username
4.Click Facebook in navbar and Choose "Add Post"
5. Choose your page in which you shared the post
6. Click "Choose Post" which will display your posts where you can select the post which you want to add to the website
7. Choose 10 Points and click Add Post
EDIT: I am using page access token:

Can facebook API do this?

On my site I want members to be able to click a link import your Facebook photo then a Facebook popup opens and asks user to confirm that he/she wants to share their profile picture with my website.
Can this be done? What are the steps? I am looking at the Facebook graph API but I am unsure if this is the right thing, I have huge problems understanding their samples and "help" files.
I was able to easily do this with Gmail and Yahoo, uses can get a browser popup from them in order to confirm sharing contacts with my website, I assumed Facebook works the same to import the profile picture but I am spinning in circles.
Within Facebook Terms for users it states that your name and picture are publicly available so one does not need permission to request it.
The naitik call is an example of data that is publicly available without asking for permission.
When you are requesting the current user, that is, you don't know the id or name beforehand, then you use a basic login flow which will then present one of the following dialogs.

What type of application to choose

I want to create facebook application that will allow to insert some data from my site to user's profile. User can choose to set up application. The users enters his ID on my site and when user's profile is viewed there is block of data loaded from my site (specified to the ID).
Is this possible to create such application with facebook ? If no the what type of application is closest to this? My site users want to display their profiles from my site inside their facebook profiles , so facebook friends can see this.
If I understand you correctly you want to add some additional data on the users Facebook profile, something like if Stackoverflow would add their flair on the Facebook profile.
I don't think this is possible, but you have a few alternatives:
Make the user post out a link to his profile on your site to his Facebook Wall, more details here.
Integrate your site to the new Open Graph Objects. Open Graph Objects will create a box on the users profile for your application which shows the users activity in your application. You should check out the demos and documentation for more information about this.
The users enters his ID on my site and when user's profile is viewed there is block of data loaded from my site
You can't do anything like this, you will need to use the authentication flow provided by Facebook in order to get access to the Facebook user data and then tie up the Facebook user to "your user", see documentation.
When it comes to what type of app you should create, there is basically only one type of app with some different options. But you should focus on the "Facebook for websites" documentation.

Request permissions to fetch user data AND publish to Timeline in same dialog

Has anyone figured this out yet?
The question with more fancy details:
You've got a Facebook application that on one side fetches and analyzes the user's data, and on the other side posts fancy posts to the user's timeline using the new OG features launched yesterday. When the user begins using your application, is it required to first show the standard dialog requesting permissions to fetch and post data to Facebook, and then in a separate dialog request permission to publish to the user's timeline? To be even more specific with my question, is it possible to combine these two dialogs into a single request?
Thanks in advance!
Edit: Guess it was easier than I first thought. Here's the new Auth dialog for all people as blind as me: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/beta/authentication/
As you discovered, the new Open Auth dialogue can do multiple permissions although you should review how it handles "extended permissions" beyond email and publish_actions.
Be certain to review your application settings and specifically the auth and advanced tabs as there are new options to fill out for explaining additional permissions as well as an option to enable the new dialogue before the system-wide rollout.

post content to facebook to users' wall?

i've built a survey and at the end i want the users to share their result on their facebook wall but i'm finding it hard to find any examples or reference.
something like;
[ image/graphic ]
"I've just completed survey XXX and got 90%"
<a>post on my wall</a>
any help appreciated - even if its just terminology i can look up!
Start here. Basically, you're creating a website which you want to integrate into Facebook. To do so, your users will need to "login to Facebook" from your site (unless they're already logged in, such as in another browser tab) and allow your site to perform certain actions on Facebook on their behalf.
The Single Sign-On part is where you will initialize your website as a Facebook application (you'll need to create the application on Facebook first) and provide a login button for your users.
Your login button can be set up to ask the user for specific permissions to act on their behalf with Facebook. I think the one you want is publish-stream but I'm only barely familiar with it, play around with the functionality and see what works best for you. Your users will be presented with a pop-up div stating that your website (or application) is requesting these specific permissions and they have the option to allow or deny. An example can be seen here.
Once you have the user's permission, you make use of the cookie (demonstrated using PHP back on the Single Sign-On link) to gain access to information by use of the Graph API, the JavaScript SDK, Social Plugins, etc.
you should use the facebook api.
Get the "publish_stream" right of a user and use the "api" method of the connection object (with parameters like : '/userid/feed', 'post', array of informations about the post).
I can't find the right code and the official document is not always up-to-date.
Just add a facebook "share" button on your page that uses "meta" markups. You should find examples on about 80% of websites.