MSXML.DOMDocument.4.0 loadXML with Chinese Unicode characters - unicode

Currently, I'm trying to use the MSXML loadXML method in ASP to load XML string which may contain Unicode Chinese characters like
𠮢 (U+20BA2) 4bytes
and the xml string looks like
So, in my code, I could see the xml string comes in right, but the loadXML returns an an error message like
Invalid unicode characters, & #55362;&#57250
Can someone please tell me what I can do to resolve this issue?
The code looks like this
Set objDoc = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
objDoc.async = false
objDoc.setProperty "SelectionLanguage", "XPath"
objDoc.validateOnParse = false

I suggest posting the exact code, XML source and error message you are getting. I cannot reproduce an error by parsing <element>𠮢</element> in MSXML 4.0 SP3; this works fine.
I certainly do get a parseError with reason "Invalid unicode character" by trying to parse <element>𠮢</element>, because that's not well-formed XML. If you do have this in your markup then you need to fix the serialiser that produced it because neither MSXML nor any standards-compliant XML parser will load it.
If 𠮢 is turned into a character reference it must be 𠮢 (or 𠮢). Code units 55362 and 57250 are 'surrogates', reserved for encoding astral plane characters in UTF-16. They can't be included in an XML document.

𠮢 is the entity encoded form of 0xD842 0xDFA2, which is the UTF-16 encoded form of the Unicode 𠮢 character. Make sure that the XML is completely UTF-16 encoded, not mixed single-byte ASCII and multi-byte UTF-16.


What does this decode to, and is it UTF? Игорќ

I have received this in a name field (so it should be a person's name)
What could that decode to? Is it UTF-8? What language does that translate to? Russian?
If you can give me a hint or maybe links to websites that explain what meaningful letters I should get out of that would be helpful, thank you :)
This typically is UTF-8 interpreted as some single-byte Windows encoding.
String s = "Игорќ"; // Source encoding UTF-8
byte[] b = s.getBytes("Cp1252");
System.out.println("" + new String(b, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
// Игорќ
The data might easily get corrupted. Above I got some results with Windows-1252 (MS Windows Latin-1). The java source must be compiled with encoding UTF-8 to accept those chars.
Since you already pasted the original code into a UTF-8 encoded site as Stack Overflow your code is now corrupt data perfectly encoded as UTF-8. If you want to ask yourself anything about the data encoding you need to use an hexadecimal editor or a similar tool on the original raw bytes.
In any case, if you do this:
Open a text file in some single-byte encoding (possibly the ANSI code page used by your copy of Windows, I used Windows-1252)
Paste the Игорќ gibberish and save the file
Reload the file as UTF-8
... you get this:
So it's probably valid UTF-8 incorrectly decoded.

addPortalMessage requires decode('utf-8')

Currently it seems that in order for UTF-8 characters to display in a portal message you need to decode them first.
Here is a snippet from my code:
self.context.plone_utils.addPortalMessage(_(u'This document (%s) has already been uploaded.' % (doc_obj.Title().decode('utf-8'))))
If Titles in Plone are already UTF-8 encoded, the string is a unicode string and the underscore function is handled by i18ndude, I do not see a reason why we specifically need to decode utf-8. Usually I forget to add it and remember once I get a UnicodeError.
Any thoughts? Is this the expected behavior of addPortalMessage? Is it i18ndude that is causing the issue?
UTF-8 is a representation of Unicode, not Unicode and not a Python unicode string. In Python, we convert back and forth between Python's unicode strings and representations of unicode via encode/decode.
Decoding a UTF-8 string via utf8string.decode('utf-8') produces a Python unicode string that may be concatenated with other unicode strings.
Python will automatically convert a string to unicode if it needs to by using the ASCII decoder. That will fail if there are non-ASCII characters in the string -- because, for example, it is encoded in UTF-8.

How did SourceForge maim this Unicode character?

A little encoding puzzle for you.
A comment on a SourceForge tracker item contains the character U+2014, EM DASH, which is rendered by the web interface as — like it should.
In the XML export, however, it shows up as:
Decoding the entities, that results in these code points:
U+00E2 U+20AC U+201D
I.e. the characters —. The XML should have been —, the decimal representation of 0x2014, so this is probably a bug in the exporter.
Now I'm looking to reverse the process, but I can't find a way to get the above output from this Unicode character, no matter what erroneous encoding/decoding sequence I try. Any idea what happened here and how to reverse the process?
The the XML output is incorrectly been encoded using CP1252. To revert this, convert — to bytes using CP1252 encoding and then convert those bytes back to string/char using UTF-8 encoding.
Java based evidence:
String s = "—";
System.out.println(new String(s.getBytes("CP1252"), "UTF-8")); // —
Note that this assumes that the stdout console uses by itself UTF-8 to display the character.
In .Net, Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Encoding.GetEncoding(1252).GetBytes("—")) returns —.
SourceForge converted it to UTF8, interpreted the each of the bytes as characters in CP1252, then saved the characters as three separate entities using the actual Unicode codepoints for those characters.

Character '&' in XML Parsing iphone

I am using NSXMLParsing to parse an XML , whose formatting is not in my control
From XML it seems it's using UTF-8 encoding, however i get illegal character encoding error when a character like '&' comes into picture.
Due to this i have to go the dirty way of breaking strings and parsing.
Any way out?
Suggestions ?
It sounds like you have malformed XML. "&" is the start of an entity in XML, e.g. & or <. Having a raw "&" by itself that doesn't match an entity is illegal.

query about xml parsing

i just want to knw,is there any boundations in xml parsing with characters
like can we parse a word containing some characters like
"frühe" containing "ü"
"böser" containing "ö"
while i am parsing my xml,which is few different languages, some characters are like the above.
and wen i saw in console, it get interpted,exaactly wen it reacher "ü"
becoz at console it prints "fr"
so can someone provide me some ideas about this thing
If you are using the standard NSXmlParser class and the XML file has the correct encoding= attribute then you shouldn't have anything to worry about. The console output probably isn't unicode-aware so it is interpreting the multi-byte UTF-8 characters literally. Try showing the parsed text in a UIAlertView or some other UI element and see if you still have problems.