T-SQL 'AND' keyword not short-circuiting it seems - tsql

The below stored proc works fine except for the fact that when I uncomment the second part of the date check in the 'where' clause it blows up on a date conversion even if the passed in keyword is null or '111'.
I'm open to any suggestions on how to do this dynamic where clause differently.
I appreciate any help.
ALTER PROCEDURE [SurveyEngine].[GetPageOf_CommentsOverviewRowModel]
#sortColumn varchar(50),
#isASC bit,
#keyword varchar(50)
declare #keywordType varchar(4)
set #keywordType = null
if ISDATE(#keyword) = 1
set #keywordType = 'date'
else if ISNUMERIC(#keyword) = 1
set #keywordType = 'int'
select c.CommentBatch BatchID, c.CreatedDate DateReturned, COUNT(c.CommentID) TotalComments
from SurveyEngine.Comment c
where (#keywordType is null)
or (#keywordType = 'date') --and c.CreatedDate = #keyword)
or (#keywordType = 'int' and (CONVERT(varchar(10), c.CommentBatch) like #keyword+'%'))
group by c.CommentBatch, c.CreatedDate
order by case when #sortColumn = 'BatchID' and #isASC = 0 then c.CommentBatch end desc,
case when #sortColumn = 'BatchID' and #isASC = 1 then c.CommentBatch end,
case when #sortColumn = 'DateReturned' and #isASC = 0 then c.CreatedDate end desc,
case when #sortColumn = 'DateReturned' and #isASC = 1 then c.CreatedDate end,
case when #sortColumn = 'TotalComments' and #isASC = 0 then COUNT(c.CommentID) end desc,
case when #sortColumn = 'TotalComments' and #isASC = 1 then COUNT(c.CommentID) end

EDIT Sorry, brain cloud. Things need to be initialized differently.
Change the setup to:
declare #keywordType varchar(4)
declare #TargetDate as DateTime = NULL
set #keywordType = null
if ISDATE(#keyword) = 1
set #keywordType = 'date'
set #TargetDate = Cast( #keyword as DateTime )
else if ISNUMERIC(#keyword) = 1
set #keywordType = 'int'
Then change:
and c.CreatedDate = #keyword
and c.CreatedDate = Coalesce( #TargetDate, c.CreatedDate )
That will result in a NOP if you are not searching by date.

Based on this guy's blog: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/bartd/archive/2011/03/03/don-t-depend-on-expression-short-circuiting-in-t-sql-not-even-with-case.aspx it looks like you can't guarantee the order of operations in the where clause, even though short circuiting is supported. The execution plan may choose to evaluate the second statement first.
He recommends using a case structure instead (like pst mentioned before) as it is "more" gauranteed. But I don't think I can rewrite your where clause as a case because you're using three different operators (is null, =, and LIKE).


Database migration syntax

I am unsure how to rewrite this. I understand the issue or at least I think I do. I am unable to use instances of t before it is defined by the follow "AS" statement. How can I resolve this so that so that it works the same way without using the instance of t before definition?
The error that I am getting thrown from the converter is "unable to convert .t"
Converted code
INSERT INTO t$trades_long (portfolio_name, fund, cusip, td_num, desc_instmt, trd_price, trd_trade_dt, t.trd_settle_dt, trd_counterparty, trd_td_par, tran_type, sec_type, trd_type, t.trd_trader)
p.portfolio_name, t.fund, t.cusip, t.td_num, a.desc_instmt, t.trd_price, t.trd_trade_dt, t.trd_settle_dt, t.trd_counterparty, t.trd_td_par, t.tran_type, a.sec_type, 'long' AS trd_type, trd_trader
FROM pfi_pilot.br_transaction AS t, pfi_pilot.br_portfolio_group AS p, pfi_pilot.br_asset AS a
WHERE t.fund = p.fund AND p.portfolio_group = 'ALL_FUNDS' AND t.cusip = a.cusip AND t.tran_type IN ('BUY', 'SELL', 'ISSUE', 'ALLOC') AND t.trd_status <> 'C' AND a.sm_sec_group NOT IN ('CASH', 'FUTURE', 'FX', 'FUND', 'SWAP', 'OPTION') AND a.sec_type != 'MBS_TBA' AND t.trd_counterparty NOT IN ('IFUND', 'GHOST', 'SPO', 'SPOBO', 'CONV', 'ASSGN') AND t.trd_trade_dt >= par_from_dt AND t.trd_trade_dt <= par_to_dt AND t.cusip NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT
FROM pfi_pilot.br_asset
WHERE (COALESCE(risk_country, country) = 'US' AND sm_sec_type IN ('GOVT', 'TBILL'))) AND t.trd_td_par > 0;
Original code
insert into #trades_long(portfolio_name, fund, cusip, td_num, desc_instmt, trd_price, trd_trade_dt, t.trd_settle_dt,
trd_counterparty, trd_td_par, tran_type , sec_type, trd_type, t.trd_trader)
select p.portfolio_name, t.fund, t.cusip, t.td_num, a.desc_instmt, t.trd_price, t.trd_trade_dt, t.trd_settle_dt,
t.trd_counterparty, t.trd_td_par, t.tran_type, a.sec_type,'long' as trd_type, trd_trader
from br_transaction t, br_portfolio_group p, br_asset a
where t.fund = p.fund
and p.portfolio_group = 'ALL_FUNDS'
and t.cusip = a.cusip
and t.tran_type in ('BUY','SELL','ISSUE','ALLOC')
and t.trd_status <> 'C'
and a.sm_sec_group not in ('CASH','FUTURE','FX','FUND','SWAP','OPTION')
and a.sec_type != 'MBS_TBA'
and t.trd_counterparty not in ('IFUND','GHOST','SPO','SPOBO','CONV','ASSGN')
and t.trd_trade_dt >= #from_dt
and t.trd_trade_dt <= #to_dt
and t.cusip not in (select distinct cusip from br_asset where (isnull(risk_country,country) = 'US'
and sm_sec_type in ('GOVT','TBILL')))
and t.trd_td_par > 0

How to fix an expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected, near 'BEGIN'.?

Hey I have this query
IF (select kmkood from or_arved_read where kmkood = '1' or kmkood = '14' or kmkood = '15' or kmkood = '6' )
SET #stat_vat = 21
IF (select kmkood from or_arved_read where kmkood = '2' or kmkood = '7' )
SET #stat_vat = 12
But it returns An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected, near 'BEGIN'.
how can i fix it?
Firstly, your IF doesn't have a boolean expression. The subquery returns a value (or more accurately for this scenario will return many and cause a different error) for the column kmkood, but then you don't do anything with that value. What value does that column need? The format should be something like this:
IF (SELECT SomeColumn FROM dbo.SomeTable WHERE... ) = 'SomeValue'
Also, if you have a BEGIN you need an END afterwards, which you don't have:
IF (SELECT SomeColumn FROM dbo.SomeTable WHERE... ) = 'SomeValue'
{Do several statements}
As, however, you are just doing a SET statement then you don't actually need the BEGIN and END statements.
I suspect what you are really after here, however, in an EXISTS:
IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM dbo.or_arved_read WHERE kmkood IN (1,14,15,6))
SET #stat_vat = 21;
IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM dbo.or_arved_read WHERE kmkood IN (2,7))
SET #stat_vat = 12;
You don't need all those ORs either, an IN works fine, and numbers shouldn't be in single quotes, so that makes things a bit shorter.

SQL Return a Value depending on 3 ranges of dates

I am having issues sorting some dates in 3 different ranges of dates and return a values according to the correct range. I am hoping you can give me a efficent and clean way of doing it.
I have 6 different dates that I get from a SQL Table. Those dates are then stored in variables. All the dates can also be a Null value. My dates are seperated in 3 date ranges. I want to return an indication of what ranges I am in by using the earliest start Date in all of my ranges. The date of the correct range must also be smaller than the current Date. A date Range can also consist of only an End Date. In that case, we considered that the range end at the end date and is active before that. We select the earliest end date that is close to the current Date in that case.
Return 0 if all the date are null
Range #1(Category #1) X Start Date and X end Date Return 1
Range #2(Category #2) Y Start Date and Y end Date Return 2
Range #3(Category #3) Z Start Date and Z end Date Return 3
Ex#1 XStart = December 10 , XEnd = December 15
YStart = December 12 , Yend = December 13
ZStart = December 9 , ZEnd = Null
Expected result would be Z Category
Ex#2 XStart = December 8 , XEnd = December 15
YStart = NULL , Yend = NULL
ZStart = December 9 , ZEnd = Null
Expected result would be X Category
Ex#3XStart = NULL , XEnd = December 15
YStart = NULL , Yend = NULL
ZStart = December 9 , ZEnd = Null
Expected result would be X Category
Ex#4 XStart = December 10 , XEnd = December 15
YStart = NULL , Yend = NULL
ZStart = December 9 , ZEnd = Null
Expected result would be Z Category
Is there a more efficent way than doing a lot of IF statements ? I am having difficulty handling all of those conditions and checks. Here is a snippet of what I have so far.
--Return 0 is not Condition is Applicable
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[HO_GetReason]
Declare #IsHOIDReal INT = (SELECT ID from T_HO where id = #HOID)
Declare #XStartDate Datetime
Declare #XEndDate Datetime
Declare #YStartDate Datetime
Declare #YEndDate Datetime
Declare #ZStartDate Datetime
Declare #ZEndDate Datetime
CREATE TABLE #tmpT_HO_Withhold (
XStartDate Datetime null,
XEndDate Datetime null,
YStartDate Datetime null,
YEndDate Datetime null,
ZStartDate Datetime null,
ZEndDate Datetime null,
INSERT INTO #tmpT_HO_Withhold
XStartDate ,
XEndDate ,
YStartDate ,
YEndDate ,
ZStartDate ,
SET #XStartDate = (Select TOP 1 XStartDate from #tmpT_HO_Withhold)
SET #XEndDate = (Select TOP 1 XEndDate from #tmpT_HO_Withhold)
SET #YStartDate = (Select TOP 1 YStartDate from #tmpT_HO_Withhold)
SET #YEndDate = (Select TOP 1 YEndDate from #tmpT_HO_Withhold)
SET #ZStartDate = (Select TOP 1 ZStartDate from #tmpT_HO_Withhold)
SET #ZEndDate = (Select TOP 1 ZEndDate from #tmpT_HO_Withhold)
IF(#XStartDate IS NULL AND #YStartDate IS NULL AND #ZStartDate IS NULL)
BEGIN print 'NO CONDITION' Select 0 as 'HO_GetReason' END
ELSE IF (#XStartDate IS NOT NULL AND #YStartDate IS NULL AND #ZStartDate IS NULL) BEGIN print '1' Select 1 as 'HO_GetReason'END
ELSE IF (#XStartDate IS NOT NULL AND #YStartDate IS NULL AND #ZStartDate IS NULL) BEGIN print '2' Select 2 as 'HO_GetReason'END
ELSE IF (#XStartDate IS NULL AND #YStartDate IS NULL AND #ZStartDate IS NOT NULL) BEGIN print '3' Select 3 as 'HO_GetReason'END
DROP TABLE #tmpT_HO_Withhold END
Notes regarding efficient and clean:
Complex conditional are not in the inefficient category. It can fall into the hard to read category and maintain, but they are a pretty quick operation.
Example: That second "else if" looks strangely like the first "else if". Code will not be reached.
Creating and destroying the temp table will be the slowest part of your stored procedure.
Temp tables using #tablename are not concurrency safe in stored procedure, you can end up with odd schema altered errors in some cases.
You can get to the same results by swapping most of that with:
#XStartDate = XStartDate ,
#XEndDate = XEndDate ,
#YStartDate = YStartDate ,
#YEndDate = YEndDate ,
#ZStartDate = ZStartDate ,
#ZEndDate = ZEndDate
Id is unique based on the primary key spotted in your create table, so TOP isn't necessary in this format, no rows will leave the values as null.
Personally, once I get that conditional working (absolute final form), I would be tempted to directly adjust it to a CASE statement and set that as a PERSISTENT computed COLUMN in the base table.

How do I use T-SQL's Case/When?

I have a huge query which uses case/when often. Now I have this SQL here, which does not work.
(select case when xyz.something = 1
(select case when xyz.somethingelse = 1)
(select case when xyz.somethingelseagain = 2)
end) [ColumnName],
Whats causing trouble is xyz.somethingelseagain = 2, it says it could not bind that expression. xyz is some alias for a table which is joined further down in the query. Whats wrong here? Removing one of the 2 case/whens corrects that, but I need both of them, probably even more cases.
WHEN xyz.something = 1 THEN 'SOMETEXT'
WHEN xyz.somethingelse = 1 THEN 'SOMEOTHERTEXT'
WHEN xyz.somethingelseagain = 2 THEN 'SOMEOTHERTEXTGOESHERE'
END AS ColumnName;
As soon as a WHEN statement is true the break is implicit.
You will have to concider which WHEN Expression is the most likely to happen. If you put that WHEN at the end of a long list of WHEN statements, your sql is likely to be slower. So put it up front as the first.
More information here: break in case statement in T-SQL
declare #n int = 7,
#m int = 3;
when #n = 1 then
when #m = 1 then
when #m = 2 then
end as col1
-- n=1 => returns SOMETEXT regardless of #m
-- n=2 and m=1 => returns SOMEOTHERTEXT
-- n=2 and m=2 => returns SOMEOTHERTEXTGOESHERE
-- n=2 and m>2 => returns null (no else defined for inner case)
If logical test is against a single column then you could use something like
USE AdventureWorks2012;
SELECT ProductNumber, Category =
CASE ProductLine
WHEN 'R' THEN 'Road'
WHEN 'M' THEN 'Mountain'
WHEN 'T' THEN 'Touring'
WHEN 'S' THEN 'Other sale items'
ELSE 'Not for sale'
FROM Production.Product
ORDER BY ProductNumber;
More information - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/language-elements/case-transact-sql?view=sql-server-2017

How to conditionally filter on a column in a WHERE clause?

OK, the umpteenth conditional column question:
I'm writing a stored proc that takes an input parameter that's mapped to one of several flag columns. What's the best way to filter on the requested column? I'm currently on SQL2000, but about to move to SQL2008, so I'll take a contemporary solution if one's available.
The table queried in the sproc looks like
ID ... fooFlag barFlag bazFlag quuxFlag
-- ------- ------- ------- --------
01 1 0 0 1
02 0 1 0 0
03 0 0 1 1
04 1 0 0 0
and I want to do something like
select ID, name, description, ...
from myTable
where (colname like #flag + 'Flag') = 1
so if I call the sproc like exec uspMyProc #flag = 'foo' I'd get back rows 1 and 4.
I know I can't do the part in parens directly in SQL. In order to do dynamic SQL, I'll have to stuff the entire query into a string, concatenate the #flag param in the WHERE clause and then exec the string. Aside from the dirty feeling I get when doing dynamic SQL, my query is fairly large (I'm selecting a couple dozen fields, joining 5 tables, calling a couple of functions), so it's a big giant string all because of a single line in a 3-line WHERE filter.
Alternately, I could have 4 copies of the query and select among them in a CASE statement. This leaves the SQL code directly executable (and subject to syntax hilighting, etc.) but at the cost of repeating big chunks of code, since I can't use the CASE on just the WHERE clause.
Are there any other options? Any tricky joins or logical operations that can be applied? Or should I just get over it and exec the dynamic SQL?
There are a few ways to do this:
You can do this with a case statement.
select ID, name, description, ...
from myTable
where CASE
WHEN #flag = 'foo' then fooFlag
WHEN #flag = 'bar' then barFlag
END = 1
You can use IF.
IF (#flag = 'foo') BEGIN
select ID, name, description, ...
from myTable
where fooFlag = 1
END ELSE IF (#flag = 'bar') BEGIN
select ID, name, description, ...
from myTable
where barFlag = 1
You can have a complicated where clause with a lot of parentheses.
select ID, name, description, ...
from myTable
where (#flag = 'foo' and fooFlag = 1)
OR (#flag = 'bar' and barFlag = 1) OR ...
You can do this with dynamic sql:
DECLARE #SQL nvarchar(4000)
SELECT #SQL = N'select ID, name, description, ...
from myTable
where (colname like ''' + #flag + 'Flag'') = 1'
EXECUTE sp_ExecuteSQL #SQL, N''
There are more, but I think one of these will get you going.
"Alternately, I could have 4 copies of the query and select among them in a CASE statement."
You don't need to copy your entire query 4 times, just add all the possibilities into the where clauses in your single copy of the query:
select ID, name, description, ...
from myTable
where (#flag = 'foo' and fooFlag = 1) OR (#flag = 'bar' and barFlag = 1) OR ...
What I would do is CASE some variables at the beginning. Example:
#fooFlag int,
#barFlag int,
#bazFlag int,
#quuxFlag int
SET #fooFlag = CASE WHEN #flag = 'foo' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END
SET #barFlag = CASE WHEN #flag = 'bar' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END
SET #bazFlag = CASE WHEN #flag = 'baz' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END
SET #quuxFlag = CASE WHEN #flag = 'quux' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END
SELECT ID, name, description, ...
FROM myTable
WHERE (fooFlag >= ISNULL(#fooFlag, 0) AND fooFlag <= ISNULL(#fooFlag, 1))
AND (barFlag >= ISNULL(#barFlag, 0) AND barFlag <= ISNULL(#barFlag, 1))
AND (bazFlag >= ISNULL(#bazFlag, 0) AND bazFlag <= ISNULL(#bazFlag, 1))
AND (quuxFlag >= ISNULL(#quuxFlag, 0) AND quuxFlag <= ISNULL(#quuxFlag, 1))
The good thing about this query is that, because the possible values for "flags" are bounded, you can calculate all your conditionals as prerequisites instead of wrapping columns in them. This guarantees a high-performance index seek on whichever columns are indexed, and doesn't require writing any dynamic SQL. And it's better than writing 4 separate queries for obvious reasons.
You could have a parameter for each possible flag column, then check if the parameter is null or the value in the column is equal to the parameter. Then you pass in a 1 for the flags that you want to check and leave the others null.
select id, name, description, ...
from myTable
where (#fooFlag is null or fooFlag = #fooFlag) AND
(#barFlag is null or barFlag = #barFlag) AND
Honestly, though, this seems like an ideal candidate for building a dynamic LINQ query and skipping the SPROC once you get to SQL2008.
int should be accepted as varchar value
declare #CompanyID as varchar(10) = '' -- or anyother value
select * from EmployeeChatTbl chat
where chat.ConversationDetails like '%'+#searchKey+'%'
(0 = CASE WHEN (#CompanyID = '' ) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END)
(chat.CompanyID = #CompanyID)
when the companyID is present , then filtration based on it is done, other wise , filtration is skipped.
case when #value<>0 then Field else 1 end
case when #value<>0 then #value else 1 end