Restlet + mongoDB + Freemarker - mongodb

We are making a web based application in Java that should be accessible to any device and so we zeroed in for Restlet for our REST based web service need.
For UI we are thinking of Freemarker together with Twitter bootstrap and database will be mongoDB. And guice for dependency injection.
Since I am new to most these technology stack, do you think this is fair choice for a long run. Also, for database mapper framework we decided to use Jongo it seems lightweight. Kundera is an option but it has lots of dependency. What you expert say ?

"Kundera is an option but it has lots of dependency." Not sure what do you mean by this statement? could you please explain it more?
Please take a look at for performance using Kundera!

It really depends on your needs
REST Framework :
IHMO you should test at least theses 3 JAX-RS Frameworks : RestEasy / Jersey / Restlet and choose the one according to your needs.
JAX-RS Frameworks
UI :
I've worked with Jersey + Freemarker through a framework called Webengine from Nuxeo, it was ok.
Nevertheless, you should consider a rich client approach based on Javascript/CSS/HTML (see Backbone.js, Ember.js)
Pros :
With such approach you could expose JSON REST services using a JAX-RS Framework (instead of freemarker/html services) .
Theses services can be consumed by a web application and/or native mobile apps (ios, android).
Your team must have advanced javascript skills (this blog can help )
Database :
What kind of data do you need to store ?
MongoDB is document-oriented and flexible enough to cover lots of needs
As you said, Jongo is a lightweight API (500 lines of code + 1 dependency) over mongo-java-driver.
It allows you to query MongoDB as if you were in MongoShell (ie. with plain json/bson queries) and map your object using jackson.
This question is a good example: Mongo DB query in java

Relying on Restlet Framework for your RESTful web API/service backend sounds like a good choice for a multi-devices application. FreeMarker is very powerful and flexible so you should be in good company there as well.
I don't know too much about the other pieces of your stack.


What are admin UIs for spring-boot with mongoDB, providing CRUD operation like django-admin?

I am implementing a new spring-boot application with mongoDB, earlier worked with djangoAdmin. Looking for a similar solution which can easily generate management UI for all classes decorated with #document.
Have you seen JHipster?
It uses an Angular frontend with a Spring Boot backend but comes with a ton of admin functionality right out of the box. This includes the turn-key CRUD operations like you mentioned.
There is project. But it currently supports only Spring Data JPA.

Recommendations for a Full-stack Framework for REST?

I am looking for a robust REST framework to eliminate all that boilerplate code with starting up a new REST-only web service (mobile clients). Is there a framework that already has this built-in where I could, for example, simply build the domain models and run with it? I would like to see:
Authentication & User Model
Basic CRUD
Permissions (for model access)
It seems every web service at a minimum needs the above capabilities. Somebody, somewhere must have written a good re-usable framework with the above capabilities. Any ideas? I would prefer Node.js, Java or even hosting with a PaaS service provider that offers these features.
Spring 3 MVC provides a very nice and simple annotation based framework for REST.
See it can be deployed on any java web server like Jetty or Tomcat.
A framework like XAP provides a combined solution of Spring and Jetty plus it's built for dynamic scaling.
Last if you want to easily on board this solution on any cloud CloudifySource provides an open source project which includes XAP capabilities and PaaS.
I use Symfony 1.4 for this. It is an PHP framework. It generates most of what you need for free. The database stuff is also quite easy as the Symfony uses ORM libraries (you can choose but I can recommend Doctrine:
For example the whole backend site(admin) generating is a matter of running one command. They have a great e-book fro free. More info here:
There is also Symfony 2.X (, which have a lot of new features (e.g. new Doctrine 2.0). Especially with the bundle (plugin) is the RESTful service quite easy.

REST using JAX RS or Spring MVC

I'm trying to build a REST web service (server side) that will allow a partner system to connect/POST order information in JSON format. Should I use JAX RS (for example from JBOSS RESTEasy) or Spring MVC to build such a service? They both seem capable enough to accomplish the same thing as far as building a REST service is concerned.
Thank you!
Depends if you want to learn something new or go with what you already know.
If you already have experience with Spring MVC and want to get the work done quickly, then I'd suggest staying with Spring MVC. There are some neat enhancements to the REST features in Spring 3.1, including the ability to generate "end point documentation".
If, on the other hand, you are looking to expand your CV and/or enjoy learning new technologies, then give JAX RS a go. I haven't used it but it is a dedicated WS framework that would likely have any feature you'd require.
Of course, if you have experience with JAX RS but not Spring MVC, then the opposite applies :-)
If you are developing an EE 5 project then I would recommend using JAX-RS with Spring. The RI for JAX-RS, Jersey, has a Spring JAX-RS dispatcher servlet. This makes it much easier to manage dependency injection with JAX-RS and gives you all of the Spring MVC features like form binding and validation, but you are also able to use the Java standard approach for REST - and in my opinion, a better and easier to manage approach than Spring REST.
If it is an EE 6 app, then you may want to think about ditching Spring as JAX-RS is part of the EE 6 specs and you can use EE CDI within your JAX-RS classes.
Notice that Jersey has a bug that affects its integration with Spring:
In summary if you need Spring AOP in your JAX-RS resources it will not work. Dependency injection works well.
REST is more of an architecture style of developing web services which are very easy to understand without even documentation for a developer. Normal tech savy people can easily understand the URL patterns also the response types of JSON and XML support makes it easy for integrating with new javascript modularization standards such as backbone or angular.js.
On the other hand SpringMVC is more concentrating on model-view-controller architecture style of developing applications.

Recommendation required RESTful web services on Linux

Looking for a recommendation of which framework/web server to go with on Linux. The idea is to build database backed RESTful web services.
I know Java, c++, c# (irrelevant I guess on linux) and C. Okay with developing in any of those.
Here is a table of frameworks that have varying degrees of support for REST and the languages they use.
You might want to check out RESTx. It is multi lingual: You can write code in Java, Python (server-side JavaScript coming soon). RESTx is specifically a platform for the creation of RESTful resources and web services. It is NOT a traditional application framework. DB backed web services are actually a specialty of RESTx: You identify the reusable components you want (in this case a JDBC capable DB access component), and then just configure it through the RESTful API or by filling out a small form in a browser. As a result, you get a new RESTful web service, which encapsulates the query you specified when creating the new resource.
I'm the lead developer on RESTx, so if you have any questions, please contact me or visit our forums.
If I were you I would go with Ruby 1.9.2 + Rails 3
they're fun and you get to learn something new
ubuntu specific install guide:
official RoR intro:

GWT Acegi alternative

I'm starting new project. The client interface is based on GWT (and GXT) I have no say it's predetermined. However I can pick and choose as far as server side so I can have some fun and hopefully learn something new in the process. Some requirements are :
Exchange with server will be through use of JSON, most if not all of UI will be generated by GWT (JS) on the client, so the client/serve exchange will be limited to data exchange as much as possible
No Hibernate (it's not really supported on the proprietary db I will be connecting to). In the past projects people would use JDBC or iBATIS
Some sort of IoC (I'm thinking Guice just to stick with Google)
Some sort of Security framework based on LDAP. In the past we would use Spring security (Acegi) but it wasn't ideal and we had to customize it a lot
So basically should I stick with tried-and-true Spring/Acegi or try something based on Guice? And what that "something" would be and how mature is it?
Have a look at Apache Shiro. It seems to be gaining ground, with no reference to Spring.
If you'd like to do IOC on client and server, go with Guice. You can use Guice on the server, and its brother GIN on the client.
Since nether of the above answers gave me any practical ideas (or almost any) here's formula I ended up with:
Maven + GXT + GWT and Guice + iBaGuice