My footer won't fill the horizontal way of the page on a Iphone or Ipad - iphone

I tried many things, but until now, nothing happend. My footer won't fill the page (horizontal), but get stuck somewhere in the middle of the page. (Only on an Ipad and Iphone.)
a meta tag don't work and instead of min-width:100%, min-width:1024px; neither works for me.
A fixed positioned footer is no option... (the footer has to flow with the content when more text is edit.)
This is my CSS code of the footer:

Set same backGround color for table view and the main view

try setting the viewport to 1.0
further a clear:both might help
Also here are some good explanations on how to use viewport ...
iPad specifics:

Make This:
display: block;
And then add a clear: both right after you close the footer div.


Footer's background image jumps to top of screen, but footer content remains at the bottom

I've made a footer for my client's tattoo portfolio site: - it's contents (copyright and social media links) remain at the bottom where they are supposed to, but the background image sticks to the top of the page (the red bar).
This is my css:
width: 100%;
background:url(../images/footer-bg.jpg) repeat-x;
I've also tried:
min-width: 100%;
max-width: 100%;
background:url(../images/footer-bg.jpg) repeat-x;
Setting the position to fixed worked but I want the footer to scroll, not be sticky. Having a sticky footer would be fine, but when viewed on a mobile device the footer does not stay fixed, instead it just gets cut off when the user pinch-zooms in to read content (it's not a responsive site unfortunately).
Any help is appreciated! Thanks in advance!

How to make TinyMCE Responsive

I am making a Responsive site using the foundation framework and TinyMCE breaks the format when the page is scaled down(it's not responsive). How do I make TinyMCE responsive?
The TinyMCE editor can be made responsive by using css media queries. Simply add css rules that set the width property of table.mceLayout and the tinyMCE textareas. You will need to enforce these css rules using !important because they would otherwise be overwritten.
E.g., I use css similar to this:
/* on mobile browsers, I set a width of 100% */
table.mceLayout, textarea.tinyMCE {
width: 100% !important;
/* on large screens, I use a different layout, so 600px are sufficient */
#media only screen and (min-width: 600px) {
table.mceLayout, textarea.richEditor {
width: 600px !important;
See this jsfiddle:
Note: You may wish to use different media queries or css classes to make use to the "foundation framework"'s responsive grid.
There is a way to get the toolbars to wrap on smaller screens.
/* make the toolbar wrap */
.mceToolbar td {
float: left;
.mceToolbar td:nth-of-type(11){
clear: left;
I made a fork of the fiddle that Johannes posted that includes the above rules:
Making the toolbar responsive for the latest version of TinyMCE:
.tox-toolbar {
flex-wrap: nowrap !important;
overflow-x: auto !important;
.tox-toolbar__group {
flex-wrap: nowrap !important;
This adds a horizontal scrollbar to the toolbar on mobile devices.
TinyMCE 5.1 was released with a new mobile responsive design.
To ensure it functions as intended, you need to add the following code to the head of your pages that are using TinyMCE.
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
More information here:
I'm using version 4 of TinyMCE, there is a plugin named autoresize. It makes the editor responsive.
Here is something I use on a site to make the editor resize and the toolbars moves with the size of the page :
.mceEditor table {
max-width:none; /* Bug in computation of fullscreen */
.mceEditor table.mceLayout {
width:100% !important;
height:auto !important;
table.mceToolbar { float:left; }
body .mceToolbar div {
Using small toolbar, they are properly layed out as the editor width changes.
"theme_advanced_resizing" should be set to "false". Also, more work is needed to make it work with fullscreen.
Remove Width and height from the TINYMCE_DEFAULT_CONFIG.
then apply your styling normally.
i am using this in the CSS:
div.tox.tox-tinymce {
width: 200px !important;
I use !important because tinymce using inline styling for that div, use #media if necessary.
a cropped screenshot from firefox inspector

Responsive website on iPhone - unwanted white space on rotate from landscape to portrait

I am creating a responsive website, and have just noticed a strange behaviour in my content pages when viewed on the iPhone. It scales correctly when loaded in portrait mode, and also when rotated to landscape. However, when rotating back to portrait the page seems to shift left, or not zoom correctly, and there is a strip of white space down the right-hand side. This white space also seems to be present on first loading in portrait as the user can swipe the page left
Rather than complicating the explanation any further, here's a link to a sample page where this behaviour is occurring. Have a look on an iPhone, then have a look at the home page which does not have this issue.
If you need to see anything further, just me know :)
Fixed it! The issue was coming from one particular div - to find it, it was a process of deleting the different elements until the issue went away.
To fix it I needed to add overflow-x: hidden to that div and it sorts it out! Hope this is useful to others with a similar issue.
I had the same problem, I fixed it by setting:
html, body { width:100%; overflow:hidden; }
This problem occurs when width of any division is greater than the width of iPAD's screen.
In my case, some divisions were having size of 1000px, so I just went for width:auto and it works. overflow-x:hidden also does the same thing, but is not a preferred way.
I don't have an iphone to test this on but I have come across something similar with websites I've created in the past. In my case its because there was a bug in safari mobile that messed with the scale when going from port to land.
The following code fixed it for me (can't remember where I got it from at the moment)
if (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i)) {
var viewportmeta = document.querySelectorAll('meta[name="viewport"]')[0];
if (viewportmeta) {
viewportmeta.content = 'width=device-width, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0';
document.body.addEventListener('gesturestart', function() {
viewportmeta.content = 'width=device-width, minimum-scale=0.25, maximum-scale=1.6';
}, false);
Using "overflow-x: hidden" solves part of the problem, but screws the scroll, acting with strange behaviors (as Jason said).
Sometimes, the hardest part is to discover what is causing the problem. In my case, after a few hours, if found that the problem was in Twitter's Bootstrap:
If you're using Twitter's Bootstrap with "control-group" zones for your forms, the problem could be there. In my case i solved the problem with:
.control-group .controls {
overflow-x: hidden
Now the white space on the right was gone :)
I'd like to add to Navneet Kumar's solution because it worked for me. Any div tag styled with width=100% cannot also have left or right padding. The mobile browsers (I noticed the problem on iPhone and Android devices) interpret the div as having a width greater than 100%, thereby creating the extra space on the right side. (I knew this regarding fixed widths, but not percentage widths.) Instead, use width=auto in conjunction with padding.
I know it's a while since this topic was opened but I came across a similar situation and found it was because I had an element with the following properties right: -999999px; position: absolute; hidden off screen.
Changing the above to left: -999999px; position: absolute; solved the same issue the OP had (white screen to the right and ability to swipe right).
I'm using Bootstrap 3.3. I tried all of these solutions, and nothing worked. Then, I changed my <div class="container"> to <div class="container-fluid"> in the section that I was having trouble with. This solved the problem.
I tried all what has been suggested here, nothing works. Then I've relized that it connect with scale of page. So then I added <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> to header.php in my main theme's folder and it 's fixed problem.
Seems as though results are varying for different circumstances but a sitewide
html, body { width:100%; x-overflow:hidden; }
seems to have worked for me!
Had a similar problem. Fixed it by setting the width to a current device width.
body, html {
max-width: 100vw;
margin: 0 auto;
overflow-x: hidden;
Since installing protostar joomla template 3.X and start adding content in the module K2 I noticed that annoying scroll with a blank space on the right side, visible especially in iphones.
A correct partial answer was gave for Eva Marie Rasmussen, adding to the body tag in the file template.css these values:
width: auto;
overflow-x: hidden;
But this solution is only partial.
Search div class or label that is causing this problem and once detected add to that class in the file templete.css the same values:
width: auto;
overflow-x: hidden;
In my case add to the class "span" these two lines to finally look like this:
[Class * = "span"] {
float: left;
min-height: 1px;
margin-left: 20px;
width: auto;
overflow-x: hidden;
And it´s working now¡¡

touchdevices (ipad, iphone) and CSS top layer with 100% width and height?

hey guys,
I have a div.mapFullscreenContainer
#mapFullscreenContainer {
This div is shown when I scroll to the bottom and click on a button. In normal browsers this works just fine. The overlay is 100% wide and 100% high and lies on top of the page.
However on touch devices there is the problem that the overlay is always out of the viewport. Imagine the button that makes the overlay visible is in the footer of a rather long webpage. The overlay is always at the very beginning of the page so it's not immediately visible to the user. The user has to scroll back to the top to see the overlay.
Any idea how I could fix that so it behaves like on a normal browser. bottom:0; instead of top:0 doesn't make a difference.
you can use JS to count and apply total height of your page to this div

Line artifacts in mobile Safari

Safari renders black lines in between divs on my website at some scales. It is particularly bad when it breaks apart an image that is chopped in two different divs for a button or something. I can't put a BG in the parent of the two divs because they are transparent .pngs. Any solution or just deal with it?
capture of the problem,
TravisO also has the same problem, and I changed how the page was laid out, originally it was a simple table with 5 rows, I removed the rows and just went with images and br, still happens. I've tried to remove all padding and margins via CSS but it was pretty obvious the problem isn't the browser rendering, but with the resampling the browser does to convert the page into a size that fits on the screen. You can see my broken page at:
TravisO, you should get rid of the img styling in your css!
If you use only this:
<style type="text/css">
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
background-color: #f00;
text-align: center;
it should render properly on your iPhone!
This issue is a result of a rounding error produced in mobile safari when it rescales background images for display (it's a bug:
The solution is to increase the width of your right-button edge on its left side by 1 or 2px. Then adjust your CSS accordingly so the 1 or 2 pixels you added are not displayed by default.
The following CSS, added to the problematic div with a specified background-image, is what fixed it for me. Anything less than 3px would still show light artifacts at some Safari zoom levels.
margin-top: -3px; /* for Mobile Safari dark line artifact */
padding-top: 3px; /* for Mobile Safari dark line artifact */
I found changing the background colour of the element with the 'grey border' around it worked for me.
Adding an initial-scale value to the viewport metatag resolved this issue for me.
<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0">
I had a similar problem when displaying a .png-image in a div-tag. A thin (1 px I think) black line was rendered on the side of the image. To fix it, I had to add the following CSS style: box-shadow: none;