How to run tests using buildbot without compiling/buildning the project - buildbot

HI I have 2 questions regarding Buildbot:
I want to run tests I wrote, without compiling the project ( i have a different mechanizm of compiling/building the project) but I don't find any way to configure that. The Buildbot documentation explains how to build and only then run tests. I want to skip the build part. Anyone has tried to do this?
2.How to configure the buildbot to work with local repository. I have a computer which syncs the repository with the main one once a day at night, and I want to run Buildbot on this computer, and buildbot should run tests locally. (Tests are a separate project within the same solution )
My environment is: Win7, Visual Studio, git repository, tests are a separate project within the same solution.
Appreciate your help!

1) buildbot just runs a sequence of steps. They can be whatever you want. If you don't have a build step, then you don't need to run that.
2) The Git step just pass the repourl it is passed to git clone/git fetch, so if the repository is local, you can just pass it the path.


Only build the project that has changed

I have a single .NET solution with multiple class library projects, each one is published as a nuget feed using azure-devops.
Then I have an azure-devops build pipeline, with steps to Restore, Build, Publish, Pack and Push.
The first 4 steps are setup for **/.csproj and the last is a $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/.nupkg with the target feed.
I have everything set up and working, except if you make a change to just one project, it builds ALL projects because of the **/*.csproj.
This is no good for nuget packages, as it increments every project's version number and they all appear as having an update available in the nuget package manager.
My Question: Is there a way to do this so that only the project(s) with changes go through the process?
Is there a way to do this so that only the project(s) with changes go through the process?
The answer is yes.
The solution is use the private agent to build your solution instead of the hosted agent.
That because every time the hosted agent assigned to us is a clean machine, VS/MSbuild will build all the projects for the setting **/* csproj. So, to resolve this issue, we must save the results of the last build to achieve incremental builds.
So, to resolve this issue, we need to set up a private agent to build those projects and do not clean the working directory of your private agent before the build is run:
Set the Clean option to false on the Get sources:
Note: Since you also set the **/*.csproj for the task nuget push, if the project not modified, this command will push the same version to the feed, it will throw the conflict error, you need enable Allow duplicates to be skipped on the nuget push task:
Hope this helps.

Build multiple projects/repositories with one build definition VSTS

I am using VSTS for my OPA5 Tests, so all works for one project. For this I created a Build for these Projects i wanted to test.
But if I want to test all projects, do I need to create a build for all Project or is there a solution to build all projects with one build definition?
The build should do always the same things, saved in a YAML File.
I have seen thats is possible to do builds with difficult branches but not with difficult repositories.
So has anyone a solution for this or is it impossible at the moment?
Yes, it's possible.
You just need to clone another git repositories at the beginning of the build.
So you can add a PowerShell task as the first task and execute git clone command.
And If you are using YAML file, just add the script to execute the PowerShell task.
Besides, you can also refer the post VSTS build from multiple repositories.

How to run Jenkins Groovy scripts directly from Intellij or Eclipse

I have a Groovy repository which contains my Jenkins pipeline's Groovy code.
Currently, I am making changes in an IDE, commiting them to the repository, going to the Jenkins instance, manually triggering a Jenkins job, and checking to see if all of the changes all working. This is taking a lot of time.
Is there a way to do all of this from the IDE itself?
I would suggest to treat your pipeline code like some other code in IT. What are you doing now could be called "manual integration tests" because you are making your code changes and check how that code integrate with other components (like shell commands, jenkins plugins, etc.) on jenkins - this development loop is long and not efficient. So my proposition for you is to write simple unit tests using this framework:
So you can test your pipelines on your machine without any interaction with jenkins.
If you think that it's not proper way for you I would suggest to mix using this plugin for running jobs directly from IntelliJ:
and of course IntelliJ git integration to commit your changes to repository.
For executing from the IDE, an option is to create some automation around using the Jenkins CLI. You should be able to see the CLI commands at http://your-jenkins-url/cli.
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s replay-pipeline JOB [-n (--number) BUILD#] [-s (--script) SCRIPT]
Replay a Pipeline build with edited script taken from standard input
JOB : Name of the job to replay.
-n (--number) BUILD# : Build to replay, if not the last.
-s (--script) SCRIPT : Name of script to edit, such as Script3, if not the main Jenkinsfile.
For example, in IntelliJ you could use a Run Configuration that:
Downloads the CLI JAR
Executes it with the path to the local file with certain parameters
You can also write a script, Gradle build, or something else that wires into the IDE to pull the CLI JAR and execute a job with your local pipeline code.
For testing you may want to use as already brought up, or a Gradle plugin that I maintain at which uses the previously mentioned library for unit testing and the jenkinsci/jenkins-test-harness for integration testing.

Building multiple Gradle projects in Jenkins with AWS CodePipeline

I have a Gradle project that consists of a master project and 2 others that included using includeFlat directive. Each of these 3 projects has its own repo on GitHub. To build it I checkout all 3 projects into a common top folder then cd into the master project and run gradle build. And it works great!
Now I need to deploy the resulting app to AWS EB (Elastic Beanstalk) which is also works great when I produce the artifact locally and then deploy it manually. I want to automate the process so I'm trying to set it up using CodePipelines + Jenkins as described in this document adjusted for Gradle.
The problem is that if I specify 3 Sources in the pipe I end up with my projects extracted on top of each other creating a mess in Jenkins workspace. I need to somehow configure each project to be output to its own directory within Jenkins workspace and I just don't see a way to do it (at least in UI)
Then, of course even if I achieve what I want I need somehow to cd into the master directory to run gradle build and again I'm not sure how to do that
P.S. Great suggestions from #Phil but unfortunately is seems that CodePipeline does not currently support Git submodules or subtrees
I would start common build, when changes happened on any of 3 repos. With say 5 minutes delay, to have single build, even if changes are introduced to more then one repo.
I can't see good way to deal with deployment in other way than using eb deploy... old way... Please install aws tools at your jenkins machine. Create deployment job triggered on successful build. And put bash script doing deployment there. Please put more details about your deployment, that way I can help with deployment script.

How does capistrano "run_locally" work with branches?

I have a capistrano task that uses "run_locally" to compass compile/compress my css files and then upload them to the server.
Is it going to be smart and run that on the git branch that's getting deployed, or will it just run on the branch that I currently have in my working copy?
I'd want it to run on the branch that's getting deployed regardless of what I have checked locally. If it's not smart about this would I instead need to run_locally a git checkout on the branch that's getting deployed before running the compile command?
It runs on you current local code. So it matters what code is checked out there. As you mentioned you can try to ensure that you run the version you are going to deploy.
Better would be to do the compilation work on the server.