Powershell - Pumping Locally Installed Applications into Listbox - powershell

So I'm trying to get all the locally installed applications and put them into a listbox. However, I'm having some problems. Whenever I use the below code:
$prog = (get-wmiobject win32_product -computer $current_hostname.text -property Name).Name
foreach($program in $prog)
Whats returned in the listbox is the applications plus some other text/string at the beginning of each app. In some cases, where '-property Name' is replaced with ' | select Name', nothing is returned at all.
I'm using the above syntax because the below code works (which gets the AD groups for a machine and puts each group into a listbox):
$processnames_t = (Get-ADComputer -Identity $current_hostname.text -Property MemberOf).MemberOf
foreach ($processname in $processnames_t)
Any ideas as to why it works for the AD groups but not the installed apps? Maybe something to do with the nature of get-wmiobject?

I couldn't really repro the issue you are seeing. But, for the program names, you can replace
$prog = (get-wmiobject win32_product -computer $current_hostname.text -property Name).Name
$prog = get-wmiobject win32_product -computer $current_hostname.text | Select -Exp Name
Select Name alone won't work as it returns the object and not a string. In this case, to use it as a listbox item, you need the string.


Get-WmiObject from AD OU

I have a simple problem that I can't seem to work through. I need to know what servers are still running server 2008/R2.
I know that Win32_OperatingSystem's Name property contains the information that I'm looking for. I would like to be able to run Get-WmiObject against a collection of servers in an OU.
There are two problems that I'm having:
I can't figure out how to redirect the output of Get-ADComputer to something that Get-WmiObject -ComputerName can use. I think Get-ADComputer is outputting objects of type Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADComputer, and Get-WmiObject is looking for type System.Management.ManagementObject. Here's what I came up with but it doesn't appear to work.
Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName (Get-ADComputer -filter * -SearchBase "OU=Member Servers,DC=Company,DC=Com" | select #{L="ComputerName";e={$_."name"}}) -Property name, csname | select csname, name | Format-Table -AutoSize
My temp workaround: I was able to create a CSV that contains the list of server names. I was able to use the CSV to run Get-WmiObject against. However, the OU contains "dead" servers. So when I try to run Get-WmiObject using the CSV-list of servers that came from AD there are connection timeouts and PowerShell waits a period of time to see if the dead server will respond. This really slows down the operation & we are working to clean this up. Until that happens, Is there a way to only pass the server names that pass a Test-Connection to Get-WmiObject?
Get-WmiObject win32_operatingsystem -ComputerName (Get-Content C:\Users\user1\Desktop\Servers.csv) -Property name, csname | select csname, name | Format-Table -AutoSize
Pick the name component first then it will pass it to the next pipeline object (select -object)
Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName ((Get-ADComputer -filter * -SearchBase "OU=Member Servers,DC=Company,DC=Com").Name)
Note: -ComputerName: accepts a string object so you cannot pass a base type object directly to that.

Using Powershell to build a list of computer model numbers in our Domain?

As the title states, I am trying to determine every computer model used in our domain. I am new to the company, and have been placed in charge of producing a new encryption solution for all end point devices. By knowing the computer models in our domain, I will be able to determine which machines have a TPM 1.2 chip, and which ones don't (almost 15k devices). I do not need anything to look pretty, but I'm open for ideas. I more or less want a list (text or csv for sorting purposes) so I can quantify models and research.
Here's what I have so far:
Get-ADComputer -Filter {Name -like 'ML*'} | select -expand name |
ForEach {
If (Test-Connection $_ -count 1 -quiet)
{Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem -ComputerName $_} Select-Object -Property model | Export-Csv "c:\scripts\Models.csv"}
Else { Add-Content -value $_ c:\scripts\not.responding.txt}
I know there are problems with this. Right now I'm having trouble querying AD and passing the computer name variable only. Because of this, the ping test fails, and everything exports to the failed text file. The failed text file indicates that the variable includes a lot more than just the computer name. If I can pull the variable correctly, I'm not sure if the rest would work, but I think it should. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
$ComputerNames = Get-ADComputer -Filter {Name -like 'ML*'} | select -expand name
foreach ($computername in $ComputerNames){
If (Test-Connection $computername -count 1 -quiet){
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem -ComputerName $computername | Select-Object -Property model | Export-Csv "c:\scripts\Models.csv"
Add-Content -value $computername c:\scripts\not.responding.txt
there you go.

Get-WMIObject include computer name

I'm trying out a script to go grab installed software on servers remotely. Problem is I want it to output certain attribs including the computer name but I can't seem to figure out how to get the name inserted.
Here is what I have so far...
$servers = Get-QADComputer -SearchRoot "OU=servers,OU=mydomain:-),DC=COM" | Select Name
...which works fine of course. Then...
$servers | % {Get-WMIObject -Class Win32Reg_AddREmovePrograms} | select Displayname,Version,InstallDate,PSComputerName
... which provides the full list of software installed on all servers in that OU but the PSComputerName becomes MY COMPUTER (the computer I run the query from - not the computername of the system being queried). The goal is to have the servername the software is installed on on each line item of software. I've asked professor Google and don't seem to see anything helpful (or anything that I understand anyway).
Hope this makes sense. semi-amateur PS script writer so hopefully this is easy for you guys. Thanks in advance for your help
Your command:
Get-WMIObject -Class Win32Reg_AddREmovePrograms
Does not specify computer to query, so it just query computer command being executed on. Thus PSComputerName display MY COMPUTER, as MY COMPUTER is computer being queried. You have to specify -ComputerName parameter to Get-WMIObject cmdlet to query specific computer. And -ComputerName parameter accept array of computer names, so you can put array of computer names to it instead of using ForEach-Object cmdlet and query one computer at time.
Since the object returned from the WMI call doesn't contain the computer you made the request on, you need to include it yourself from include your ForEach-Object (%) block. You could use Add-Member to add it yourself, then do your Select-Object outside like you're doing now:
$servers | % {
Get-WMIObject -Class Win32Reg_AddREmovePrograms -ComputerName $_ |
Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ComputerName -Value $_ -PassThru
} | select Displayname,Version,InstallDate,ComputerName
Another way is to move the Select-Object to inside the block and do it within there, by creating a new property on the fly with a hashtable:
$servers | % {
Get-WMIObject -Class Win32Reg_AddREmovePrograms -computername $_ |
Select-Object Displayname,Version,InstallDate,#{Name='ComputerName';Expression={$_}}

Any idea why I can't seem to execute two Get-WMIObject commands in the same Scriptblock?

I'm having a hell of a time with what seems like an utterly bizarre issue. I'm basically trying to inventory a bunch of workstations via WinRM and the Invoke-Command PowerShell cmdlet, but I'm running into grief when I try to execute more than one Get-WMIObject call at a time.
In this case, I'm specifically trying to get the model and serial number of the workstations and pipe them out to a CSV, making it important that the two commands are executed in the same Scriptblock, giving me something very similar to the below, basically.
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem | Select Model ; Get-WmiObject win32_SystemEnclosure | Select serialnumber } -ComputerName (Get-ADComputer -Server [domain I care about] -filter 'name -Like "[types of computers I care about]"' | Select-Object -expand Name)
Even when run locally, Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem | Select Model ; Get-WmiObject win32_SystemEnclosure | Select serialnumber only returns the first command. I've tried swapping them around and the first command executes, while the second does not. Some of my colleagues report that it works just fine for them, others see the same result as me, and it doesn't seem to be a version issue, as one of the people for whom this works is running the same version of PowerShell as I am. (5.0.10240.16384)
Screenshot below of a few different command combinations. Anyone have any idea what's going on here?
If you change the list in the select-object cmdlets so both include the properties output by each, you will get the result you want (I think).
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem | Select Model,SerialNumber ; Get-WmiObject win32_SystemEnclosure | Select model,serialnumber } -ComputerName localhost
That will get you output to the screen which should include all of the info. If you just want objects you can just capture the output and see that all of the properties are there.
$objects=Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem | Select Model ; Get-WmiObject win32_SystemEnclosure | Select serialnumber } -ComputerName (Get-ADComputer -Server [domain I care about] -filter 'name -Like "[types of computers I care about]"' | Select-Object -expand Name)
If you execute $objects | format-list * you will see that you have two objects, one with a Model and one with a SerialNumber.
Outputting different objects to a single CSV is another issue altogether. You get columns in the CSV based on the properties in the first object, so you will lose the SerialNumber property in the CSV.

powershell exchange 2003 : wmi-object does not pull all mailbox stores?

I have the following code pulling from my exchange server 2003.
connect-qadservice -service 'localhost'
foreach ($server in $exchangeservers)
$AllUsers += get-wmiobject -class Exchange_Mailbox -namespace Root\MicrosoftExchangeV2 -computername $server| select servername,storagegroupname, storename,mailboxdisplayname,totalitems,size, DeletedMessageSizeExtended, legacyDN, datediscoveredabsentInDS
$exchngver = "2003"
foreach ($user in $AllUsers)
$obj = new-object psObject
$office = get-qaduser -Identity $user.legacyDN | select office, description
and it doesn't grab all the mailbox stores on the server. Any idea why or what might be causing this?
thanks in advance
NOTE: IT seems to grab all the mailbox stores except for 1 in the 2nd storage group. I have no idea why this is... The funny thing is my vbscript grabs all the mailbox stores using the same namespace and class just fine.
So to start simple, does it come back correct before you unroll & start using the quest stuff?
Do you get the right number from:
(get-wmiobject -class Exchange_Mailbox -namespace Root\MicrosoftExchangeV2 -computername srv02).count
Have you checked permissions on the Stores/SGs?
Couple of things (not sure they are the cause (#1)):
you are looping over $exchangeservers but don't use $server in -computerName (there's a fixed "srv02" server name).
I would move the connect-qadservice -service 'localhost' out of the foreach servers loop (You call it for each server in exchangeservers).
You are calling get-qaduser twice ($tmp and $office) to get the user office and description, you can do it in one call ($tmo is redundant):