Deploying Several Instances of an App with Presto - deployment

I have an app that I want to deploy, but I need to deploy several instances of the app on the same server. Each instance needs to have a different unit ID in its app.config file. How can I do that?
I set up the app:
Then I created the variables:
But when I try to add the second instance to the server, I get this message:
How can I add another instance, and have each use unique unit ID variables?

If deployment instances vary by a certain variable, simply create those separate variables:
They'll look like this:
Then, on the servers tab, you can enter as many instances of that app as you'd like, as long as they each have a different override group.
Now, when these are deployed, each app instance will use the unit ID value in the override group specified for that app.
Hope that helps.


How can I look up an existing Internet Gateway in CDK?

I'm using the FromLookup() method on the Vpc construct to get a reference to the default VPC in an account like this:
Vpc.FromLookup(this, "Default VPC", new VpcLookupOptions {IsDefault = true}); (C#)
Is there a way to do something similar for the Internet Gateway (IGW) that's created by default in that VPC? Alternatively, can I list the IGWs for an existing VPC? I need to get a reference to that IGW in order to add routes to it.
I came across this GitHub issue which shows a workaround using a Cfn escape hatch to get a reference to the existing IGW using its ID, but the need to manually look up and provide the ID breaks the automation we're trying to achieve. We need to spin up copies of these stacks in dozens of isolated accounts and having a manual lookup step is a deal breaker.
Also, the PR that addresses that issue only allows getting references for IGWs in new VPCs created as part of the stack, not existing ones.

Assign names to applications without Service Fabric

I have an application in the service fabric and I'm going to upload another one.
I wonder if it's possible to assign different names to each application.
With an application, I access using the address:
You can configure for access to look like this:?
Sure, have a look here. Use the ApplicationName argument to define it.
Every application instance you create must in fact have a unique name.
You can reach your application instance through its url by using a reverse proxy. (either the built-in one, or a custom one like Traefik)
Usually, the application and service name are part of the url, e.g.:
This does require a web based communication listener.
Event more info here.

Rest path for application

I'm fairly new to Spring Boot, but I want to want to build my application in such a way, that can deploy mulitple applications on the same server and i want to distinguish the applications in the rest path.
For example, say i have the applications user-management and animal-management and i have a rest-controller in both of them responding to the path \names.
Both those applications run on localhost:8080 so when sending a GET to localhost:8080/users/names, I want the controller of the user-management to react and the same for animal with a GET to localhost:8080/animals/names.
I can put a #RequestMapping on the controller to acchieve the names part, but if i do the same on the application, it gets ignored.
Basically I want to tell my application "Every controller in this application should be mapped to the rest path specified on the controller, but prefixed with 'x'".
How can I do that.
I was looking for the contextPath, I just didn't know the name.
By putting the server.contextPath=/users attribute in the application.properies it worked like i wanted to.
Thank you #Vaionixx

Staging environment for Azure Mobile Services using Code First Migrations

I seem to have trouble understanding a concept with Azure Mobile Services that are using .NET backend with Code First and migrations enabled.
Currently I have deployed a "productive" instance of AMS, let's say it's called "AMD". It is running at Database structure has been created using Enable-Migrations and Add-Migration. This is all fine now for this productive instance, it is running and is fully functional.
Now I want to create an INT instance to have a separate environment for tests etc. I want to name it differently, say "AMDINT". It should run at and should also have a separate database, to make it impossible to break stuff in production.
Originally I thought I could pull it off like this:
1) Create the new instance under with a new database to go with it
2) Create a web.config transform for a newly created configuration called "INT" (primarily to change the MS_MobileServiceName value to the new name)
3) Download the publishing profile of the new instance, import it, make it use the "INT" configuration and deploy it
The new bits apparently get deployed, but whenever I hit an endpoint that requires DB access, an error will be generated in the logs and it says
Database initialization failed. Could not initialize one or more objects in schema 'amdint'. Please ensure that the database connection string is correct. For more details on the error, please see the inner exception. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: Database initialization failed. Could not initialize one or more objects in schema 'amdint'. Please ensure that the database connection string is correct. For more details on the error, please see the inner exception. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: User does not have permission to perform this action.
So I used Azure User Management Console (AUMC) to see if permissions were missing for the user that is being specified in the connection string in the configuration tab of the new service, but the user was present for that database. I also edited the user's permissions to include every possible right, but this did not change anything.
Then I noticed that the migrations files specify a database schema for the Up() and Down() methods. For a test, I changed these strings from "amd.tablename" to "amdint.tablename" and was pretty confident I had nailed it.
However, this still brought the same error. So I used the database user's credentials from the connection string and opened database editor from the management console in the browser, and saw that with all the added rights it can edit the database schema just fine (created and deleted a table for testing purposes). However, no single table has been created by the Initializer; the database was blank.
But since I was able to edit, I somehow believe that either the error message about insufficient permissions is misleading or that I am looking at the wrong place.
Does anyone know of a way to accomplish what I am trying to do? I don't want to have separate Visual Studio projects for production and INT, obviously.
I think what you're running into is the issue that Mobile Services creates a special schema user that has rights to only tables in that schema. This schema has the same name as your mobile service. So, even if the two databases are on the same DB server, the connection string for a DEV mobile service wouldn't work for PROD, and vice versa.
Here are some suggestions to make your setup easier:
In the Azure Portal, Mobile Services doesn't allow modifying the connection string that it creates for you, which is called MS_TableConnectionString. I recommend that in your case, you create a new connection string with a different key and use that for each of your services, e.g., AMD_TableConnectionString. Make sure that for each service, the database user has access to each schema (more on that in a minute).
To use the new connection string, change your super constructor call in your DbContext class, e.g., base("name=AMD_TableConnectionString").
Use the application setting MS_MobileServiceName in your web.config and/or the Azure Portal to set the schema for your service. This is use by the Mobile Service Entity Framework initializer.
NOTE: If you're already using separate databases for DEV and PROD, you have the option of using the same schema name for both your DEV and PROD instances, which might make testing and setup easier.
Either way, the database user in the connection string must have full permissions to whatever schema name you specify in MS_MobileServiceName.
(You probably have this part working.) Make sure that the Mobile Services SQL Generator is run. It will automatically run if you set an Entity Framework database initializer, but some folks like to have all database changes done through DB migrations. In that case, follow this tutorial here:

Updating a subset of apps in a marathon group

When using the v2/groups API to update a subset of applications in a group, how does one specify the configuration for those apps that are unchanged? Does the update request have to include the full original configuration for the unchanged app, or does one simply have to include its id to indicate it is still part of the group but with configuration unchanged?
You can either
use PUT on the group and include the unchanged configuration as well. Marathon will detect which apps are changed and only redeploy changed applications.
use PUT on the app endpoint to only change one of the apps in isolation.