Collecting handles with Windbg - windbg

I'm using Windbg sdk to write my own debugger. The debugger is capable of collecting all handles allocated by debugged apps to avoid handle leaks. Here is my code:
void zAdvancedDebugger::debugProc(){
// Creating interfaces including m_dbgClient, m_dbgControl
printf("Failed to create debugging interfaces\r\n");
std::string strRealCmdLine="\"" + app + "\" " + args;
// Every thing's set up so start the app.
if (( m_dbgClient->CreateProcess(0, (PSTR)strRealCmdLine.c_str(), DEBUG_PROCESS )) != S_OK)
return ;
// event loop
if(m_dbgControl->WaitForEvent(DEBUG_WAIT_DEFAULT,INFINITE)!= S_OK)
HRESULT ret=m_dbgControl->Execute(
".closehandle -a", // Close all handles allocated
The problem is: I can't execute the command ".closehandle -a". Whenever I run the code, I always get "ret 0x80040205 An unexpected exception was raised". Would you please tell me what wrong is with this?


Try-catch problem in Embarcadero C++ 10.1 x64

I have a problem executing 64-bit version of my program:
_XMLDoc = new TBasicXML(_owner);
try {
catch (...) {
delete _XMLDoc;
return "?";
In 32-bit version, when _filePath does not exist, program goes into catch block,
but in 64-bit version it does not.
Actually, it throws EDOMParseError several times and it enters catch block after I press continue for each error dialog.
TBasicXML class constructor is:
__fastcall TBasicXML::TBasicXML(TComponent *Owner, UnicodeString encoding)
_doc = new TXMLDocument(Owner);
_doc->Active = true;
_doc->Encoding = encoding;
_doc->Options = TXMLDocOptions()<<doNodeAutoIndent;
Is there something specifically I need to specify in project options for Win 64 target that defers from 32-bit target, to avoid such behavior?
Edit: I was focused on this part of code (parser), because it's executed at the program start. However, I've added this peace of code in my main form's constructor, before parser call:
int x;
try {
x = StrToInt("not a number");
catch (...) {
MessageDlg("Exception catched!", mtInformation, TMsgDlgButtons() << mbOK, 0);
I've built 64-bit release version and started the program (Run without debugger). It simply aborts without any message. When the same program (release) is started with debugger (Run (F9)) it shows error message dialog (EConverterError) and then after continue is pressed it shows my MessageDlg.
Note: with 32-bit version, there is no problem at all.
Edit2: I've test some other projects, the same situation:
__fastcall TfrmMain::TfrmMain(TComponent* Owner)
: TForm(Owner)
// test
int x;
try {
x = StrToInt("not a number");
catch (...) {
MessageDlg("Exception catched!", mtInformation, TMsgDlgButtons() << mbOK, 0);
//Ie settings
IEGlobalSettings()->AutoFragmentBitmap = false;
IEGlobalSettings()->MsgLanguage = msEnglish;
IEGlobalSettings()->EnableTheming = true;
// initialize spengine
speInit(); // delayed DLL load
FLeftId = 0;
FRightId = 0;
Again, 64-bit release version, when started from IDE, without debugger, silently terminates program, when started with debugger, works normally.
Edit3: Now, here is a mystery?
From the example above, I've excluded DLL library (spEngine.a) from build and commented all code related to DLL entry calls and try-catch block works as usual. When spEngine.a is included, no matter if DLL loading (spEngine.dll) is delayed or not and without any call to DLL entries, try-catch block woks as previously described. Very strange. spEngine.dll calls custom Intel's ipp DLL build with MVSC2017. The similar try-catch behavior I have experienced with another library that calls OpenCV DLLs (wrapper built with MSVC2017). The complete source code is here:
Note: 64-bit host application works well, no problems with functionality, only with strange try-catch block behavior.

Play sounds synchronously using snd_pcm_writei

I need to play sounds upon certain events, and want to minimize
processor load, because some image processing is being done too, and
processor performance is limited.
For the present, I play only one sound at a time, and I do it as
At program startup, sounds are read from .wav files
and the raw pcm data are loaded into memory
a sound device is opened (snd_pcm_open() in mode SND_PCM_NONBLOCK)
a worker thread is started which continously calls snd_pcm_writei()
as long as it is fed with data (data->remaining > 0).
Somewhat resumed, the worker thread function is
static void *Thread_Func (void *arg)
thrdata_t *data = (thrdata_t *)arg;
snd_pcm_sframes_t res;
while (1)
{ pthread_mutex_lock (&lock);
if (data->shall_stop)
{ data->shall_stop = false;
snd_pcm_drop (data->pcm_device);
snd_pcm_prepare (data->pcm_device);
data->remaining = 0;
if (data->remaining > 0)
{ res = snd_pcm_writei (data->pcm_device, data->bufptr, data->remaining);
if (res == -EAGAIN) continue;
if (res < 0) // error
{ fprintf (stderr, "snd_pcm_writeX() error: %s\n", snd_strerror(result));
snd_pcm_recover (data->sub_device, res);
else // another chunk has been handed over to sound hw
{ data->bufptr += res * bytes_per_frame;
data->remaining -= res;
if (data->remaining == 0) snd_pcm_prepare (data->pcm_device);
pthread_mutex_unlock (&lock);
usleep (sleep_us); // processor relief
} // Thread_Func
Ok, so this works well for one sound at a time. How do I play various?
I found dmix, but it seems a tool on user level, to mix streams coming
from separate programs.
Furthermore, I found the Simple Mixer Interface in the ALSA Project C
Library Interface, without any hint or example or tutorial about how
to use all these function described by one line of text each.
As a last resort I could calculate the mean value of all the buffers
to be played synchronously. So long I've been avoiding that, hoping
that an ALSA solution might use sound hardware resources, thus
relieving the main processor.
I'd be thankful for any hint about how to continue.

Data is getting discarded in TCP/IP with boost::asio::read_some?

I have implemented a TCP server using boost::asio. This server uses basic_stream_socket::read_some function to read data. I know that read_some does not guarantee that supplied buffer will be full before it returns.
In my project I am sending strings separated by a delimiter(if that matters). At client side I am using WinSock::send() function to send data. Now my problem is on server side I am not able to get all the strings which were sent from client side. My suspect is that read_some is receiving some data and discarding leftover data for some reason. Than again in next call its receiving another string.
Is it really possible in TCP/IP ?
I tried to use async_receive but that is eating up all my CPU, also since buffer has to be cleaned up by callback function its causing serious memory leak in my program. (I am using IoService::poll() to call handler. That handler is getting called at a very slow rate compared to calling rate of async_read()).
Again I tried to use free function read but that will not solve my purpose as it blocks for too much time with the buffer size I am supplying.
My previous implementation of the server was with WinSock API where I was able to receive all data using WinSock::recv().
Please give me some leads so that I can receive complete data using boost::asio.
here is my server side thread loop
if (!_asyncModeEnabled)
std::string recvString;
if ( !_tcpSocket->receiveData( _maxBufferSize, recvString ) )
LOG_ERROR("Error Occurred while receiving data on socket.");
_parseAndPopulateQueue ( recvString );
if ( !_tcpSocket->receiveDataAsync( _maxBufferSize ) )
LOG_ERROR("Error Occurred while receiving data on socket.");
receiveData() in TCPSocket
TCPSocket::receiveData( unsigned int bufferSize, std::string& dataString )
boost::system::error_code error;
char *buf = new char[bufferSize + 1];
size_t len = _tcpSocket->read_some( boost::asio::buffer((void*)buf, bufferSize), error);
LOG_ERROR("Error in receiving data.");
LOG_ERROR( error.message() );
delete [] buf;
return false;
buf[len] ='\0';
dataString.insert( 0, buf );
delete [] buf;
return true;
receiveDataAsync in TCP Socket
TCPSocket::receiveDataAsync( unsigned int bufferSize )
char *buf = new char[bufferSize + 1];
_tcpSocket->async_read_some( boost::asio::buffer( (void*)buf, bufferSize ),
boost::asio::placeholders::bytes_transferred) );
//! Asks io_service to execute callback
catch (std::exception& e)
LOG_ERROR("Error Receiving Data Asynchronously");
LOG_ERROR( e.what() );
delete [] buf;
return false;
//we dont delete buf here as it will be deleted by callback _handleAsyncReceive
return true;
Asynch Receive handler
TCPSocket::_handleAsyncReceive(char *buf, const boost::system::error_code& ec, size_t size)
LOG_ERROR ("Error occurred while sending data Asynchronously.");
LOG_ERROR ( ec.message() );
else if ( size > 0 )
buf[size] = '\0';
emit _asyncDataReceivedSignal( QString::fromLocal8Bit( buf ) );
delete [] buf;
Client Side sendData function.
sendData(std::string data)
const char *pBuffer = data.c_str();
int bytes = data.length() + 1;
int i = 0,j;
while (i < bytes)
j = send(_connectSocket, pBuffer+i, bytes-i, 0);
_connected = false;
emit networkErrorSignal(j);
LOG_ERROR( "Unable to send Network Packet" );
i += j;
Boost.Asio's TCP capabilities are pretty well used, so I would be hesitant to suspect it is the source of the problem. In most cases of data loss, the problem is the result of application code.
In this case, there is a problem in the receiver code. The sender is delimiting strings with \0. However, the receiver fails to proper handle the delimiter in cases where multiple strings are read in a single read operation, as string::insert() will cause truncation of the char* when it reaches the first delimiter.
For example, the sender writes two strings "Test string\0" and "Another test string\0". In TCPSocket::receiveData(), the receiver reads "Test string\0Another test string\0" into buf. dataString is then populated with dataString.insert(0, buf). This particular overload will copy up to the delimiter, so dataString will contain "Test string". To resolve this, consider using the string::insert() overload that takes the number of characters to insert: dataString.insert(0, buf, len).
I have not used the poll function before. What I did is create a worker thread that is dedicated to processing ASIO handlers with the run function, which blocks. The Boost documentation says that each thread that is to be made available to process async event handlers must first call the io_service:run or io_service:poll method. I'm not sure what else you are doing with the thread that calls poll.
So, I would suggest dedicating at least one worker thread for the async ASIO event handlers and use run instead of poll. If you want that worker thread to continue to process all async messages without returning and exiting, then add a work object to the io_service object. See this link for an example.

Why would alSourceUnqueueBuffers fail with INVALID_OPERATION

Here's the code:
ALint cProcessedBuffers = 0;
ALenum alError = AL_NO_ERROR;
alGetSourcei(m_OpenALSourceId, AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED, &cProcessedBuffers);
if((alError = alGetError()) != AL_NO_ERROR)
throw "AudioClip::ProcessPlayedBuffers - error returned from alGetSroucei()";
alError = AL_NO_ERROR;
if (cProcessedBuffers > 0)
alSourceUnqueueBuffers(m_OpenALSourceId, cProcessedBuffers, arrBuffers);
if((alError = alGetError()) != AL_NO_ERROR)
throw "AudioClip::ProcessPlayedBuffers - error returned from alSourceUnqueueBuffers()";
The call to alGetSourcei returns with cProcessedBuffers > 0, but the following call to alSourceUnqueueBuffers fails with an INVALID_OPERATION. This in an erratic error that does not always occur. The program containing this sample code is a single-threaded app running in a tight loop (typically would be sync'ed with a display loop, but in this case I'm not using a timed callback of any sort).
Try alSourceStop(m_OpenALSourceId) first.
Then alUnqueueBuffers(), and after that, Restart playing by alSourcePlay(m_OpenALSourceId).
I solved the same problem by this way. But I don't know why have to do so in
Mentioned in this SO thread,
If you have AL_LOOPING enabled on a streaming source the unqueue operation will fail.
The looping flag has some sort of lock on the buffers when enabled. The answer by #MyMiracle hints at this as well, stopping the sound releases that hold, but it's not necessary..
AL_LOOPING is not meant to be set on a streaming source, as you manage the source data in the queue. Keep queuing, it will keep playing. Queue from the beginning of the data, it will loop.

How to run ant from an Eclipse plugin, send output to an Eclipse console, and capture the build result (success/failure)?

From within an Eclipse plugin, I'd like to run an Ant build script. I also want to display the Ant output to the user, by displaying it in an Eclipse console. Finally, I also want to wait for the Ant build to be finished, and capture the result: did the build succeed or fail?
I found three ways to run an Ant script from eclipse:
Instantiate an org.eclipse.ant.core.AntRunner, call some setters and call run() or run(IProgressMonitor). The result is either normal termination (indicating success), or a CoreException with an IStatus containing a BuildException (indicating failure), or else something else went wrong. However, I don't see the Ant output anywhere.
Instantiate an org.eclipse.ant.core.AntRunner and call run(Object), passing a String[] containing the command line arguments. The result is either normal termination (indication success), or an InvocationTargetException (indicating failure), or else something else went wrong. The Ant output is sent to Eclipse's stdout, it seems; it is not visible in Eclipse itself.
Call DebugPlugin.getDefault().getLaunchManager(), then on that call getLaunchConfigurationType(IAntLaunchConfigurationConstants.ID_ANT_BUILDER_LAUNCH_CONFIGURATION_TYPE), then on that set attribute "org.eclipse.ui.externaltools.ATTR_LOCATION" to the build file name (and attribute DebugPlugin.ATTR_CAPTURE_OUTPUT to true) and finally call launch(). The Ant output is shown in an Eclipse console, but I have no idea how to capture the build result (success/failure) in my code. Or how to wait for termination of the launch, even.
Is there any way to have both console output and capture the result?
Edit 05/16/2016 #Lii alerted me to the fact that any output between the ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy#launch call and when the IStreamListener is appended will be lost. He made a contribution to this answer here.
Original Answer
I realize this is an old post, but I was able to do exactly what you want in one of my plugins. If it doesn't help you at this point, maybe it will help someone else. I originally did this in 3.2, but it has been updated for 3.6 API changes...
// show the console
final IWorkbenchPage activePage = PlatformUI.getWorkbench()
// let launch manager handle ant script so output is directed to Console view
final ILaunchManager manager = DebugPlugin.getDefault().getLaunchManager();
ILaunchConfigurationType type = manager.getLaunchConfigurationType(IAntLaunchConstants.ID_ANT_LAUNCH_CONFIGURATION_TYPE);
final ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy workingCopy = type.newInstance(null, [*** GIVE YOUR LAUNCHER A NAME ***]);
workingCopy.setAttribute(ILaunchManager.ATTR_PRIVATE, true);
workingCopy.setAttribute(IExternalToolConstants.ATTR_LOCATION, [*** PATH TO ANT SCRIPT HERE ***]);
final ILaunch launch = workingCopy.launch(ILaunchManager.RUN_MODE, null);
// make sure the build doesnt fail
final boolean[] buildSucceeded = new boolean[] { true };
((AntProcess) launch.getProcesses()[0]).getStreamsProxy()
.addListener(new IStreamListener() {
public void streamAppended(String text, IStreamMonitor monitor) {
if (text.indexOf("BUILD FAILED") > -1) {
buildSucceeded[0] = false;
// wait for the launch (ant build) to complete
manager.addLaunchListener(new ILaunchesListener2() {
public void launchesTerminated(ILaunch[] launches) {
boolean patchSuccess = false;
try {
if (!buildSucceeded[0]) {
throw new Exception("Build FAILED!");
for (int i = 0; i < launches.length; i++) {
if (launches[i].equals(launch)
&& buildSucceeded[0]
&& !((IProgressMonitor) launches[i].getProcesses()[0]).isCanceled()) {
[*** DO YOUR THING... ***]
} catch (Exception e) {
[*** DO YOUR THING... ***]
} finally {
// get rid of this listener
[*** DO YOUR THING... ***]
public void launchesAdded(ILaunch[] launches) {
public void launchesChanged(ILaunch[] launches) {
public void launchesRemoved(ILaunch[] launches) {
I'd like to add one thing to happytime harry's answer.
Sometimes the first writes to the stream happens before the stream listener is added. Then streamAppended on the listener is never called for those writes so output is lost.
See for example this bug. I think happytime harry's solution might have this problem. I myself registered my stream listener in ILaunchListener.launchChanged and this happened 4/5 times.
If one wants to be sure to get all the output from a stream then the IStreamMonitor.getContents method can be used to fetch the output that happened before the listener got added.
The following is an attempt on a utility method that handles this. It is based on the code in ProcessConsole.
* Adds listener to monitor, and calls listener with any content monitor already has.
* NOTE: This methods synchronises on monitor while listener is called. Listener may
* not wait on any thread that waits for monitors monitor, what would result in dead-lock.
public static void addAndNotifyStreamListener(IStreamMonitor monitor, IStreamListener listener) {
// Synchronise on monitor to prevent writes to stream while we are adding listener.
// It's weird to synchronise on monitor because that's a shared object, but that's
// what ProcessConsole does.
synchronized (monitor) {
String contents = monitor.getContents();
if (!contents.isEmpty()) {
// Call to unknown code while synchronising on monitor. This is dead-lock prone!
// Listener must not wait for other threads that are waiting in line to
// synchronise on monitor.
listener.streamAppended(contents, monitor);
PS: There is some weird stuff going on in Why is the content buffering switched of from the ProcessConsole.StreamListener constructor?! If the ProcessConsole.StreamListener runs before this one maybe this solution doesn't work.