Disabling automatic message box on ShareKit on IOS - iphone

we trying to disable the automatic message box when we authenticate twitter on an Ios App. We click connect, once it's authenticated, it opens up a message box. We just want to connect, thats it without the box. Anyone came across this?

It is simple, just do not share, only authorize:
SHKTwitter *twSharer = [[SHKTwitter alloc] init];
[twSharer authorize];
[twSharer release];
If you wish to get authorised user info (in the form of dictionary in NSUserDefaults), such as username run
[SHKTwitter getUserInfo];
for more info see ShareKit 2.0 FAQ
Mentioned behaviour is corresponding with pre iOS 5 implementation. If you use iOS 5 everything is handled by native iOS Twitter framework


Default FBSDKLoginBehavior.Native not working on iOS 9

I just upgraded my app to Xcode 7 / Swift 2.0 and I'm struggling with the Facebook Login via AppSwitch. I'm on the latest FBSDK (4.6) and did everything according to the upgrade guide. Still, on iOS9 the Facebook login happens via in-app browser, the appswitch doesn't work anymore. I also tried force setting the loginbehavior but without luck:
let manager = FBSDKLoginManager()
manager.loginBehavior = FBSDKLoginBehavior.Native
manager.logInWithReadPermissions(facebookReadPermissions, fromViewController: nil, handler: { (loginResult, error) -> Void in
Is there anything I can do to make appswitch work again?
Turns out that this is not an issue but the new desired behavior according to these posts from Facebook:
This behavior is by design. In our latest iOS SDKs, the login behavior is now controlled on the server side in order to ensure the best user experience.
Because of introduced changes in iOS 9, This new behavior avoids the user to be asked if they want to go and open the Facebook Application, accept the permissions/share/etc, and then ask once more if they want to switch back to your app.
System authentication doesn't give people control over the information they share with apps. And in iOS 9, fast-app-switching to the Facebook native app results in additional dialogs ("ExampleApp would like to open Facebook") which appear twice - once on the way from ExampleApp to Facebook, and once again on the return journey. We believe the default SDK behavior in v4.6 on iOS 9 offers the best experience to people logging into your app with Facebook.
You can patch FacebookSDK source code to use Fast App Switching.
The interesting part (for tag 4.6) is in file FBSDKCoreKit/Internal/ServerConfiguration/FBSDKServerConfigurationManager.m
+ (FBSDKServerConfiguration *)_defaultServerConfigurationForAppID:(NSString *)appID
BOOL useNativeFlow = ![FBSDKInternalUtility isOSRunTimeVersionAtLeast:iOS9Version];
As you can see, it disables native flow on iOS9+.
Changing the line to something like BOOL useNativeFlow = YES; should work.
P.S. I didn't check this patch myself yet.

iOS 6 - Facebook sharing procedure fails with error "The proxied app is not already installed"

Though, there is such a question Facebook Error (7) iOS 6 it's already closed without any answer!
While obtaining an access to user's facebook account I've got an error:
error is: Error Domain=com.apple.accounts Code=7 "The Facebook server could not fulfill this access request: The proxied app is not already installed." UserInfo=0xa260270 {NSLocalizedDescription=The Facebook server could not fulfill this access request: The proxied app is not already installed.}
I'm performing a request like this:
self.statusLabel.text = #"Waiting for authorization...";
if (self.accountStore == nil) {
self.accountStore = [[ACAccountStore alloc] init];
ACAccountType * facebookAccountType = [self.accountStore accountTypeWithAccountTypeIdentifier:ACAccountTypeIdentifierFacebook];
NSDictionary * dict = #{ACFacebookAppIdKey : FB_APP_ID, ACFacebookAudienceKey : ACFacebookAudienceEveryone};
[self.accountStore requestAccessToAccountsWithType:facebookAccountType options:dict completion:^(BOOL granted, NSError *error) {
__block NSString * statusText = nil;
if (granted) {
statusText = #"Logged in";
NSArray * accounts = [self.accountStore accountsWithAccountType:facebookAccountType];
self.facebookAccount = [accounts lastObject];
NSLog(#"account is: %#", self.facebookAccount);
self.statusLabel.text = statusText;
[self postToFeed];
else {
self.statusLabel.text = #"Login failed";
NSLog(#"error is: %#", error);
What does this error means?
I've solved this problem!
It was because I do not pass permissions array!
Though the ACAccountStore class states that this parameter is optional, it is not!
More over the application could launch and ask for basic permissions(as it is implied)!
So, you must always pass a permissions array.
Here's also a description of error codes returned by account store:
typedef enum ACErrorCode {
ACErrorUnknown = 1,
} ACErrorCode;
(I've got ACErrorPermissionDenied here)
We had the same problem and after taking a closer look at the iOS facebook documentation ad
I noticed the following paragraph:
Note, to use iOS 6 native auth, apps need change the way they request permissions from users - apps must separate their requests for read and write permissions.
I must have read over that one several time but it contained the solution:
You have to do multiple request for access if you want to grant write (publish access). So now we first ask for permission 'email' to get read permission and then for 'publish_action' to be able to post to the timeline.
The error message is not clear since "app" could be your iOS app? Facebook.app on the phone? Facebook app? The "proxied app" is the Facebook app, and "not already installed" means, it's not yet been associated with the Facebook user online in terms of permissions.
The first time your Facebook app connects to the users Facebook account, you must specify the basic info value(s) in your ACFacebookPermissionsKey key of the options dictionary. Other Facebook SDK's past and present such as the Javascript or PHP libraries by default supply basic info as the key, so you never had to. It seems the native integration in iOS doesn't do this, thus, if when the user first connects your app to their Facebook account with no permissions supplied, you get this error.
After you are given access, i.e. - after the user is connected to the app in their privacy settings online, ACFacebookPermissionsKey does as Apple document, become optional.
It's all a little confusing when you start to try and use the native Facebook integration...
Using the native Facebook integration you must provide one of the following keys which are basic info keys: email, user_birthday, or user_location.
To quote Facebook (source):
To create this basic connection using the iOS 6 native Auth Dialog,
apps must request access to a user's basic profile information by
asking for one of email, user_birthday, or user_location permissions.
After experiencing this error on one of my devices (after seeing the correct, expected iOS alert view asking for me to approve Facebook access to my app):
'The Facebook server could not fulfill this access request: Invalid application ID.'
I finally found the problem.
Although it initially appears to be a problem with the Facebook app setup on the FB developer site it turned out that my device's iOS Facebook account no longer had a valid password associated with it - this can happy when users restore an iOS backup to a new device. Once I sorted that in my device settings everything worked as expected.
I've not experienced any problems requesting 'publish_stream' in the first FB permissions access request - I actually think the real problem here is that the error messages are so random that they don't help developers to locate the source of the errors we're experiencing thanks to Apple and Facebook's lack of unity!
A few more things that one can try other than the above suggestions is checking your app settings on facebook.com here -
Make sure that the SandBox Mode is set to Off
Under "Select how your app integrates with Facebook"
Select-> Native iOS App
Set your Bundle ID
You can set any temporary integer value for iPhone/iPad App store ID
Set Facebook login to Enabled
Listed Platforms is Native iPhone App &/or Native iPad App
Save changes and try after some time as it might take a few minutes for facebook to sync the changes to all its servers.

How to use the Facebook API, and how can I post a link with status on the users wall via my app?

I'm trying to post a link + status through my app, using this "popup" facebook window where the user is asked to log in, then asked to allow my app to his profile. Then I want him to be able to write a status, with a link I specify attached. This facebook popup would be triggered by a button, not at start of my app (in the documentation I found that they want me to implement it in the appDidFinish launching method...) But I don't want that, I want it like the popup facebook window is only triggered per button tap.
I'm trying to figure this out for a few days now, but finding that all tutorials are out-dated and the Facebook Developer documentation is very weak- atleast for for me. I already downloaded the Facebook-iOS-SDK with the API and JSON included from GitHub. I already did a few attempts, but the furthest I got is that the user was asked to log in, but not through my app, instead Safari opened and the log in field were there, not in my app.
Could someone please post some code, a basic tutorial I might find helpful, or point me to a good online tutorial? I already tried to post to iPhone Dev SDK forums, where other people also asked for this, but never got any help. So could someone out here please put together something that would help out all the newbies?
I want my login screen look like this, and the rest should be in a popup too:
Thanks a lot in advance!
There is already a sample code in facebook-ios sdk you can see that there are already the code available for some things. Here is a code snippet from the older facebook API but this should work with the newer graph api too
- (void)setStatus:(id)target {
NSString *statusString = #"Testing iPhone Connect SDK";
NSDictionary *params = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
statusString, #"status",
#"true", #"status_includes_verb",
[[FBRequest requestWithDelegate:self] call:#"facebook.users.setStatus" params:params];
WHat you can do is create a controller to handle all the facebook requests like a singleton class and on tap of button do something like this
- (IBAction)showFBLoginDialog:(id)sender {
if(LoggedInFacebook == NO) {
FBLoginDialog *dlg = [[[FBLoginDialog alloc] initWithSession:faceBookController._session] autorelease];
[dlg show];
else {
[faceBookController logoutUser];
If you need further help search on google and stackoverflow you will find a bunch of.

FBLoginDialog auto ask for Basic Permission before didLogin

I am using the old facebook iphone sdk to develop a iphone app: https://github.com/megastep/facebook-iphone-sdk
I am currently encountering a problem: The FBLoginDialog auto ask for Basic Permission before the didLogin callback.
I want to skip this part as I want to ask Exteneded permission.
And idea why facebook is asking the basic permission before the callback didLogin?
FBLoginDialog* dialog = [[[FBLoginDialog alloc] initWithSession:session] autorelease];
// dialog.delegate = self;
[dialog show];
You need to move to the new SDK. The SDK you are using is known to be buggy in several ways, it leaks memory and has problems on the 4.2 OS when the user is editing text and the keyboard is on screen.
Note also that the new SDK makes it extremely easy to ask for whatever permissions you need, you can just do it in the authorize:delegate method (see the sample project included in the sdk for an example).
Facebook asks for basic auth before didLogin because the user has to at least authorize your application.

Facebook Connect on iPhone question

When you use facebook connect on the iPhone do you have to use the supplied login button and login screen built into the framework? The reason I ask is because I'm also using twitter and I would like to have the same user experience when they log in to user as they have when they log in to facebook. So I can either replicate the login screen facebook connect uses for twitter or just not use the facebook connect login screen all together.
Login button: no. Login screen: yes. I added FB Connect integration to my FriendFeed app for iPhone, Stir, and skipped the login button. Instead, a user can choose a "Share on Facebook" button on a UIActionSheet and the app either displays a login screen or automatically posts a link depending on whether the user is authenticated.
Here's a code snippet for you. If the session is successfully resumed, then a method on your FBSession object's delegate will be called.
if (![fbSession resume]) {
FBLoginDialog* dialog = [[[FBLoginDialog alloc] initWithSession:fbSession] autorelease];
[dialog show];
- (void)session:(FBSession*)session didLogin:(FBUID)uid {
NSLog(#"Hooray, I'm logged in to Facebook!");
Apologies for being a little vague in my example above. To be honest, I find FBConnect to be a bit of a mystery and tried my best to implement it and get away from it as quickly as possible in my app. Let me know if you need more information and I'll put together a more-concrete answer.
Per the request below:
You can get an FBSession object with FBSession's +sessionForApplication:secret:delegate class method. You call -resume on the session object. If it returns YES, it'll immediately call your delegate's -session:didLogin: method, which is where you should put your FB-dependent actions. If it does not successfully -resume, then you need to create an FBLoginDialog, as seen in the code snippet above. Make sense? Let me know if you need more info