Download location of JDEdwards EnterpriseOne 8.12 Standalone Demo [closed] - jdedwards

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Where from I can download JDEdwards EnterpriseOne 8.12 Standalone Demo. Please do not say just I searched lot in, but could not find 8.12 ?

Start here:
Search on:
Product Pack: JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Platform: Microsoft Windows 32 bit (even if for 64 bit!)
Find the item with description:
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 9.0 Application Update 2 Media Pack
Click on it and see that there are 4 files to download. They are about 5 GB in total, and titled:
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 9.0 Update 2 and 8.98.4 Standalone with English and Language Translation (1/4)
... and so on up to (4/4)
This post walks you through all this:


How to develop for Arduino in VS2017? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Currently I am starting up a project with arduino.
Is there a "plug-in" for VS2017 that makes it possible to develop in VS-2017 instead of the "normal" IDE?
Was searching for a guide that could take me there - developing arduino in vs but without luck.
Yes certainly, there is Arduino IDE for Visual Studio available. You can download and use it by following the link below. It is tested with all Arduino versions from 1.0 to 1.8.x (+ 1.9 beta testing) (also supports all compatible hardware such as ESP8266, Energia IDE). The extension should be purchased after evaluating for up to 90 days. It will continue to function after the evaluation but should be purchased.

port a kernel module from solaris 10 to HP-UX 11.31 [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I want to port a kernel module from solaris 10 to HP-UX 11.31.
There are any relevant guides for me?
Best practice is to find sample code that works for each kernel, and see how it uses the kernel functions. You'll not find many (if any) useful tutorials online for HPUX: a web search shows only books. Both Oracle and HP removed most of the useful information from their websites a few years ago.
Further reading:
So You Wanna Write Solaris Device Drivers?
Adding a kernel module to OpenSolaris
Developing Dynamically Loadable
Kernel Modules
Issue 1.0
(Google cache).

Perl Version 5.16.3 download [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Needed to download Perl 5.16.3 32 bit windows edition but unable to find the same. Can someone please suggest from where i can download this.
Apology if this is not the right forum to ask.
You can get all the Strawberry Perl releases here.
ActivePerl 5.16 is too old, so it's only availabe in the Business and Enterprise edition, details here.
Advanced users can compile Perl from the source code. This page seems to list the version you need.

FREE Jaspersoft iReport 4.5.0 Tutorials [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Hi guys I downloaded Jaspersoft ireport and was wondering if you know of any good FREE tutorials for the latest release. The most I could find was iReportTutorial.pdf, The_Definitive_Guide_to_iReport_-_Apress.pdf, a-tutorial-on-jasperreports-ireport-and-jfreechart.pdf and iReport-Ultimate-Guide-3.pdf. Your assistance will be greatly appreciated.
This book:
is written in a tutorial-like style.
If you go for the kindle edition you can get one chapter free, full book is 19 bucks or so.

How would you integrate ClearCase in our Android App development? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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My friend and I are working simultaneously on Android App Development on Eclipse IDE 3.6 - Win 7 Operating System.
What would be the best ClearCase Tool and please provide details steps to install and integrate to Eclipse?
You can:
install the IBM ClearCase plugin (see this SO answer, and this one): the GUI -- Eclipse with ClearCase -- will look like this:
work both in your respective snapshot view (that way you can work on the same branch, but only merge the updates of your colleague when you are updating your snapshot view).